HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-22, Page 3Llle, Z[nanicidoww, 40•10.•
Wil' dear, he said, as 110 threw. ;snida
the paper, I sea that the biggest store
in i+owsiradvertlee a k>;oe$c•down Sale
is beta.
Yes, Edeterd, ehe &aid, looking over
the edgeof',ber coffee cup.
1 will go want you and . pick out 1}
nice bot, You hare been wanting .one
for along tifne. I will show you hew
it :is possible to get something elegant
tat it low figure. ; This extravagance
,among wives mtili4 be stoplietd.
,Now then, he whispered, as they
.enteredthe store, ` my mother never
:paid more. than
2.2G fo
they do ley that inr a hat and
the be dressed woman her day elle Was
Abell take patters, after bet'. 1
TakeAt away,, take 'it away he gasp,
ed .as the clerk sliiiwer1 a atylieh thing
do blue •marked $a7: Do you think I.
Alav ► iota' escaped fret»' seine asylum
Tong tittta' tit 'wait'! , h v04tur004 to
Well; I'd have to wait if you couldn't
hurry,. Z suppose, ehe said in and idle
manner, waving herr parasol to and
Young Nonian,you are from Chicago,
said the justice;
Why, how do you know 1 she asked.
1 !messed it.,
Well,you needn't guess again.
The justice explainedthat if she
wanted a divorce on suchshort notice
she would hove to go to the Windy
Oity to get It; that ie'.neunlly took at
least fifteen minutes to get a "'divorce
bere. Then the young "Qam* : said
that she had married a Detroit matt
in Ohicago,,
When wereyou married? he asked.
Last .week.
Why do you want a diversel
e nn.
RM gftgr ane bf tho knack o I don't li•ke i
k h
h . a- il>� ltll} t lliFe Itiin ween yon Worried
Into I
How squid'you change en short
notwe 1.
Oh, that's a• woman's 'prerogative,
she returned airily.
The justiee expect the interview ab,
repay, and Mat,eyiiing the Fair visitor
departgd'ter file Windy pity with the
titatenapnt that 4bd yrgnitlAt a divorce
'in the morning,--.•DetroiiFree Press.
ata, am, such as I read about in,tha
Ah I the retiiarked; that is inure like
it air. tour dollars ! Too deer, teo
dear; still 1 like to be liberal °peas.
ionalty !
Ite made a .N at, face and she laid it
asideewith a sigh.
Welt,welit he ejaculated iE here isn't
a hat that 1 like better. Six dollars,
eh t Well, ttisl1 is so becoming, Still,
I would. pot like to buy it, tie 1 am
afraid my mother would turn over in
her grave. -
Here, milliner, he went on, as he
caught Lis: wife peeping iuthe glass,
.tke on her head a hat marked. $12; here,
just wrap up that little thing in blue
and send it home. The longer` we stay
the more perplexed we became, There
s nothing like protuptitude, even in
the world of fasnioni. Good bye, m}
love; 1 in off for the office.
.Did that thing come, eh 1 be said,
sweetly, that evciniing, as he sank into
an easy chair after dinner.
,[t did, Edward; it is just lovely; let
me 'show you.
She stood before the glass a long
time; he was regarding her with beam-
ing face; it was a sweet h.rne picture.
Always wear a hat like that,he said,
it is so beeorning,: my dear. And I
suppose the bill came too, eh ?
Yes, Edward, dearie.. It is only
Ronne Without a Mother.
The room's in disorder,
• •e cat's on the table,
The flower -Stand upset, and the mischief
to pay;
And Johnny is screaming
As loud as he's able,
Por nothing goes right when mamma's
What a sense. of discomfort, and con.
fusion home would be if mamma .did
not return. if your wife is1slowly
breaking down, from a eombinatwn of
domestic: cares and female disorders,
.wake it your first business to restore
her health. Dr.Pierte's Favorite Pre.
acription.is without a peer as a remedy
for feeble. and debilitated women, and
is the only medicine for the dogs of
maladies known as female diseases
which is sold under a positive guarantee
Ifrom the manufacturers that it will,
give setisfactityn, or the money will be.
refunded. It is a positive cure for the•
most complicated. CUPS of womb
She Knew What She Wanted.
r. Justice Phelan yesterday was visited
in lila office by a fair young woman,,
with a garden of roses on her expan=
Sive bat, a lie'witehing. Smile ' on her
face and a .liglit summer parasol in her
hand, whieb alio styling'idly and lin..
periously as she confronted.,tile bench.
1 want a divorce, alto said in a cep'
tivating torte, without waiting for+ tho
justice to look tip.
Sao Indeed.?
Yes ; t Wait !1; i right r+l,lit off.
You are in a great hurry ?
1 should say Se.
.Y5 You would give me time to make
out the papers, wouldn't. you ? said
the judge. with surcaern that escaped
the fair visitor,
Yea; it you gra net too. long. '
The justice nearly fall from his
obair in a nagotnent,
'1 *appear; five. iiiii •V$4* . would ire w+
Don't Lose the baby,; -Ever,,
mother !mews bow critical a time the
summer is, and how many ;little ones
die during that period from Snailrier
Complaint, Dysentery, Diarrhoea and
Cholera illorbtrs ; and how anxiously
she watches day by day, ;fest the dread
disease ana'tclt away the laved ones I
There is no disease that conies so sud-
denly, or is frequently so quickly fatal.
ae these Bowel Complaints, and in a
large majority of cases doctors and
medicines seem to ,be of no avail,
There is, however, one remedy, which.
in forty years of trial has never been
!mown to fail when taken according to
the printed directions, and this is
Paolo, DAvay' PAIN MILER It is so
safe and sure that no mother is justifi-
ed in being without it. A bottle in
the !louse ready for Sudden sickness
will often save a life. You uan get
the new )gig Bottle ,for 25e.
Not Rapid Transit.
Gotllamjte.---Du the trains on yaw
railroad run en time 1
Suburlmilite,—.Nell, yes but it
comes pretty near to eternity, some
ttf Jane,
She was a bright-feeed,putk,oheeked
little girl of four orthereabout, stand-
ing on the street corner with a dol
stuck Bead foremost under ope area
and a big red apple in: her hand, Sh
wee touch a winsome, sight that the big
man stopped to speak to her,
Bello, little girl, be said cheerily,
Aliso June, she repl ed,initocent
Oh, he laughed, you are Miss Jane
are yon ? • .•
lea Sir,and her IA; bice eye,l showed
only earnestrt. •
. Mia Jape who, may I enquire ? he
said, with a muck 'dignity.
?dila Jape Higgins; •
&h t anri•who is ,Mils Jena Higgins.
, Mr Higgins' little girl.•
Re's my pop.
lie has a• nice little girl, hasn't he
said the big- man patting her cheek
That's: what 'Ire tells me :when I'm
good. , • •
Where aro you going now, Mies.
Jane ? -,
I'm not going ; I've done gone, said
the child.
Where y _ , •
To the'nana roan to burse this apple,
and she held it out to bhp..
Where did you get all the ,money t'
buy the apple 1
It never cost :much, she answered,
only a cent.
And where did you get the cent
1 stoled it, she said with innocent
Where didyou stoled it t inquired
the big man, looking severe.
Out of pop's pocket, and thee liur-
rdly, as if she had not done right. but
mamma got ali the rest. 1 saw her.
T. guess she wouldn't have left the cent
only it was down in the corner, My
Sunday school teacher says the Lord
takes care of little children, and 1
gnosis he does or I wouldn't have this
apple, would I1 The big man bent
down and kissed the little child and
went on his way thinking of some.
thing or ether very inteutiv.-_Detroit
In the world of fashion every old
hen has her set. And they manage to I
batch out a good deal of mischief.
4 Blessing,,.'to Every klous,ehold,
cle retnedlea kava mood the teat of Atte pots experience, and aro pronounced the best Medicines fore
t'arily ilia btood,tcorrect ail disorders of theLIVER, $ O
ievouobla In an complaints incidental to tamale, 04 11 ailSes;A2vD 710N'
Is the only reliable rotned OX 1\4,M. . -A,
THROATS,stoar bad legs, sores, oleate, and old wounds. FOR rt p
'tITCOUGHS COLDS, GOUT. ltllEattAriabl, OffluLAlt swELLiNcs ANu1AL SfiN
and sold.h IT HAS .l0 ROM Manufactured nalyat 18, New oxford. Late Am, Orford Street, Landon.
Vail ail. Modicing "Vendors thronghont the Nei ld, .ALL SHIN
"Purlttt8Qr0 tdiould look to tag Label ou the e
not $ill Oxford Street. Louden, they ate s I#otcei► and pots. if the addrePtt
• • 0 REGULATE THE • a.
Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache► Constipation,Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver
Troubles, Dizziness, Bad
Cbiriplexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all
- di'sorders of the Stomach
Liver and Bowels.
Ripens Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu-
tion. Pleasant to take, safer. effectual, .Oise imlhediate relief. Sold by
• druggists. A. trial bottle sent by mail OD receipt of rs d cents.
A areas
to Spruce Street, -: New York City..
Steaniers sail ter Wad( freer
POOL via Londonderry,
Cabin,. 040 awl upwards. Second Cabin, 525.
Steerage at lot,, rates. .leo Cattle Carried.
and be convinced that
The Read Surgeon. I
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at n.
Toronto, Canada, and may be consul
either in person or by letter on all ch ronin 1
u s■ ss � rs
diseases peculiar to than. Men, young,old,
or tuiddle.aged, who fled thetnselve nerv-
ous, weak and ekhausted. who are broken
stealers and m rasa, dove from excess or overwork, resulting in
MI who have the care of children should depression,of eprematur symptoms d ge,oss of vital. I
know that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild it lose of memory, bad dreams dimness i
Strawberry may be confidently depended of sight, palpitation of the heart emissio s
on to euro alt summer oumplaint d' 1
y, summer co c11o1e ts,di E •,y, pain in the kidneys, head is • A. CLINZ illi, CO,
morbus, Danker. ate P i the face or body, itching
' ' l
Is the finest 4Vit i Finish known, STATE) sEltvici oP
, via Londonderry, every. Portr,i;;ht. Cabin, 510 and
upwards, Second Cahin, 525. • Steerage at low rates.
I Apply td H. \ic A. ALLtN, Montreal, HENRY DAVIS. Wuto11Am.
is the beat in the world.
dysocter cramps,s, tarn )war lack of euer� 'r o
cholera colic, an um, ache, pimples of i
or adults. + to children or peculiar sensation about the �srrotutu STONE 13Lp0I%
wasting of the organs, diskirress, specks 'be,;;'
fare. the eyes, twitching, of the'trivaclefi,eye
lidsr I•
and elsewhere bashfulness, as) if u!
ness, deposits
She—What would you do if You 'of the urine, loss of will power, tenderness
Y of the scalp and spine.weak and flabby t
were rich ? muscles, desire to Sleep,faflure to be rested •
He—Ask volt to. be my wife.` • by sleep, constipaAioe, dullness of hearing
She• ---And: I should ray yes. It is leas m ercau keti eyes re for Qatar onudeddbwit�)
tt of teen XV „MA " �.�OU CAN GMT
e er' he look than L>r u � eto A .l
always failed to receive any material bene. Send yonceur
ads s• p ook on l diseases
$t until a. friend recommended Anbi•ban� fiend. to
foro s se t all diseled.
druff, which I' used with perfect success. peculiar disease, Watt• hooka bent ,t,m i Ii are
It not only removgd the Dandruff with fain elts,purplee gym, to f;5; .w. ick are
throe applioations, bet stepped the aorto taint spells, lips, tle:O re's' capita,.
iug itching of the scalp and rendered the tionskinbeau, :pat @in th xirilart with
hair• soft and pliable without leaving an to its heart,or pain t th a ke
g balite strong. , t gill and irregular, tfirsthe
appearance of a dressing :being .used. It. seoondlieartbciatgiilekerthi►nthe fi"st,paiu
now occupies a permaueut position in my about the breast bone, etc, can positively
grip. It is pleasant to use, and 'with be cured. No cure, no pay. Seed for
pleasure I recommend it. ^ book. Address M. Y,Lt T3oN, 2'4 Unction.
Ttepreseuting H. b' O' ROlesa, ell Ave, Toronto, Cie dtti
a Corby, wholesale liquors,
ULritrz flru Drv. Coeur, Co. Beam
Caaftrtss:ox n la H. C. T., Exc.
Sole Agents for above BANK `i t{ {fix
A V tyA Z,�'c� N'
Capital, $1,200,000.. Rest, $600,000,
President -Jona Sicurr.
Viee•President-A. {,l. ,HAMBAT.
tt toborny n rich.
the Commen:dai, titan's Drip.
d I.N inCLE, oily looking .plan
all symptoms of nervous debility~ hat lead AT
to insanity and dersth unless c r d. The
spring or ,,)tat, force haying 1ost�i� tension
I have long Iooked for a preparation that every function wanes )u censer/nonce:. HAMILTON
ould'keep my head trlear of Dandruffbrit , .i'hose who,through abuse 'committed iia a La 8
The runlet Dation.
Where do you stop when you are in
hew York?
Generally at tile• end of a live-lrun•
dreg•dollar bill.,,
seven Years' Buftoriag, ,
LI�'Y"LLATLN,�t have suffered very
inflammatory Which through Wro•
ugly running sores•Gir my halide and feet.
With this I guttered for seven years,daring
whit))) tiara I had 'neither ohne nor stook,
lug on. I commenced using B.e
aIeo,satld T eau uov say thatithe Sorethe s are
and have been for Notthe
)yI believe the hitters were the lxse us
of Saving my life,
Mats A,r.rfia Thum,
Orowsart's Corners, ri~etorr P, Zi., Dat.
The man wbketeps Itis mouth. Ithaa
never has to; eat any trove Tsar
STORE, it fonts i'Rooron, CMS, GURNEY, 0E0 ROAcet, A. T
t . WOOD, A. B. Lay (Toronto)
Yv INGH A' M. Cashier --J. TUIt iBULG
Savinga Bahk--Route, io to 3 ; Sattttdays, to
1. Deposit •
a of.$1 and upwards receh'ed 85,1 'merest
f rates of interest
rugs special Deposits also rceeived at current
Arafat on
bought and sold
w+:vr"aitr snit the
t7nitcil Smites
and Chemicals fETBII DTCIITxst1N LSON' oa`r:
... So)icitora.
Tilk KU TO HEALTH* Toilet Articles
tt'iilooks alt the clogged avenues• of the
w'cls, Kidneys and Litter, carrying
bit gradtaiilly without Weakening the ays.
tenspall the iinpuritiee and tout humors
of the secretions; at the same time Cor •
recting Acidity or the Stomaelt,
euririg . Billous'ness, Dyspepsia,.
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipaticn, Dryness of rile Skin,
Dropsy, Altnriess of Visiotl, ,Jaliii�
dice. Salt Rheum,si elas, Sere.
rills. 1'luttorin ofe eart, Hera-
vousness, and General DabilityyrY • ell
these and many Other similar'eom plstinta
sista to tho hippy infuencoot BURDOCK
bLoOIo sits.
roosts 44.1)ratei.
Perfumery, &c
Prescriptions carefully corn -
pounded at all hours,
Our stock of medicines is tom-
plete, warranted genuine and o
the hest quality.
blotter to Loan on Notes.
Lumber of all kinds,
P rst-class Shingles,
Notes Discounted
Motley idvalteed as .8fOrtgigei M 6 per rant with
rivtiege of pitying at the end of Arty yes. Hetes
sand ito01114s tiolf.ote .
*Mt i►a x1r ►'ne.
to , fartrhawry, oat
and Cedar Posts,
• Car Load. Or dors..: Specialty
a WOQD tli•livered to any
ingheiil« y pert Ot
isr'tlyd,lrA' hy•tnaa promptly, weskit to.