HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-22, Page 2U �
K431MIX. IX. jULy 2% 1802,
t 7cr[]t MI$Eli.
The human heart I have surveyed,
The deli; the poor in every shade,
1 think the smallest God has made,
Is the low grovelling miser-
He owe a soul—it souIt sizennot larger thanlaipelt;
()'lose as the Bark upon the tree
Is the Hasan nut of the miser.
No fellow-foelin reitches him,
Philanthropy, hp calls a vihi+n,
Real charity, an,,`IIice-bound stream
In the hearC of that old miser.
Oh, wretched mian,with heart that would
.. Deny the body roper food,
Living on husltb, if but be could ser
grounds shot PA!uKve ntated,no wrovg
.at being ehargeti against the young
lady 1►erorlf,
Perliiips. you (10 nal' look ul?on thesethings oxartly ,es 1 do, said yemng
Goldwin, Our family, honor has beer -
guarded with the utmost care for
three hundred years, while you, per-
haps have no reason to take much
interest in tale History of your ances-
, None of my relatives have thus far
been sent to prison or Congless, was
Henry's're"ply, fallowed by the remark
that lie did not think himself justified
ill disregarding an engagement with a
worthy, young lady because of any sot
dour by another person, however pear-
ly related.
! Store up w�9alth—hungerec mi
a spot,
The Collversatloyi;, however, would
imperfect view
on earth he il1'&sorves
on gathers b 1 . - scatters not,
his brain is hot,
hive the reader a vej y
of the underlying in regard to
His heart is Cold,
Gold fever: strikes the miser•
this case.
Crouched u li;is dingy room he site,
Fingering eac�i piece and cent he gets, I
Iiioliard Goldwin
the father the
1t he could lei}rn the bills to split,
young pian who lis
thus discarded n
Would pleas° the greedy miser. I
worthy lady lead be
n for several years
At times elated, then distressed,
can find no rest,
intimately assoe;iate
iu, busniess with
His penurious soul
Pressing his treasures to his breast—
Mr. ' Albert ;alb
rson, the accused
The chief idol of the miser. thought I
party and fattier of N5usie. They litid
Is- how much riclies can be got,
been engaged in ;to speculations on
For mines of gold his fancy flout--
a large scale, but t l.v operations
Go dig it up you miser. i
been unfortunate,
rid some heavy
pn troubled waves of conscience
at i
losses hadbeensuet
ned,rnore particu-
He must have gold
peaceandsoul be lost,
Though world) p
lady by Mr. Halbor'on,
Give me gold, calls the miser.
The forgery .refer, d to consit36ed, as
Wealth is a blessing—nothing
shares out his purse;
was alleged, lit ha�ingto at`�uarantlee
it roan with man
But it is an everlasting curse
-grabbing miser.
name of Mr. Goldwi!t5, 6
�� certain certifi-
To that gold
His wealth -bound cul is dead and cold
butills and gold
for the redemption a
tate that had been e�141d to a custotuer,
To everything
His•rullog,paesl°n'grasp and hold—
The sum of twensy thousand
A vice -band has the miser.
had been paid for certificate, prop
No praise of inen,1 o world's baight ray
piece of clay;
video, however, -plat the purchaser
Shines on that worthless
His purpose here' is but to lay
should Bold a guare,f`nteed option
within twelve
Up treasureslike the miser,
of God no fear•—
turn. it at any ti`tne
months, and leceiv i back his money,
.No love of man �'q
Mammon•s gold,'' -God he worships here
sounds in his ear,
less ten per cent.
Until God's voi,8e
Prepare to -die you miser.
'This certificate, r. Haliaoraon, that
` dim• his feet feel cold—
you sold me ten mi liths hg°, said the
His eyes.grow
Before him lies his piles of gold;
he Strives to hold
purchaser, calling 4on the ,gent►emen,
p + -day,
With his death -grasp
The treasures of a miser.
I have tendered tof'b1r.Goldwin to
Ile holds them with a death -stamped face
• proposing to sure nder it, according to
He bolds them unto death's embrace;
the terms of the
'They will not purchase him a place
I heaven—There dwels no miser.
tiVell, sir, said Mr. ILaiborson ; and
' 3 t
.Friends wrench it from his death -closed
And burst theiiie-bound hoard, t
Use his wealth as God's law demands; i
But donot he a miser.
He gained no good from all his store— I8
It could not orlon heaven's door;
All he owns n� ► is six by four — a
The best place for a miser.
r� WTI. TELFORD, ,Smith_
of the Family.
By ' DwARD wI'IsON.
You say , oll have broken off your
enbagenteut y' with Susie Halborson ?
said Henry Ifoid, with Some surprise,
in re 1 to a, announcement made by
ibis friend B nnett Goldwin
I% my, dear fellow, said the 3uulig
Will. The Donor of my family is too
sacred to pelpl ed in jeopardy by an
alliance ivi It a girl whose father has
been conv.0 ed of forgery. .1 ani sorry
for poor Susie, but there's no help for
11 her its, this else. She is quite broken-
I hear',
But, sajd;,Lis friend, the case has not
yet reached; a final decision, A new
tria, has begn 'ranted, and there may
be a very different verdict.
Scarcely Ossible, said 13ennett; and
;gran if lie should escape through some
)triek of the.la;w, the 413orace remains,
and it can , never be wiped out. i
,talked the -natter ever very fully with
:my father had mother before I an,
aaou•nced ,flay determinati9n to Susie;
Itliougli I liad already resolved whal
to do: Lather would, I suppose, dis•
to d lne.for ver if I could be so bas(
slid disltoucrahle as to make the
.young.wgman.inly wife, inview of th
disgrrice that Alas fallen 'upon he
riathec. ']'here; rvo been thus far n
.rotten branofieetiu .cur genealogist
,tree# stkld,l-.lvou h ,plot like to pilo tb
„first to.piaco oti � hors.
,I. do ..n9t.nui t 1t.ualerstand, sa al,ll
t frikltri,...ho.it*, tl x ,a Apan of honor, y�
otyn. ae>r,aside an 0090 ;etnent that vl'1
.fe�arsd ,.a yealE".f,ga,.eaud eepeoially
yiervr a ,the flick thst your wedding dt
�r •,i'''V'P9Jl` 0" "lo -imply Ou fel
hits lie refused to accept I .
He repudiates6, the guarantee, said
lie purchaser—sit, s be never author -
zed it, and that he signature is no
And has he I}ferred you to lee
sked Mr' HalbOLOn.
Yes, sir. And, expect you to mak
t right with as 1 tle delay as possible
vas the pointed J'ply.
There is so ming very siugula
tbout this matte iVlr. Ilalborson re
narked in a trou ed tone.
So it would Be 1, said the holder o
;he certificate. I lave parted with m
money supposing I was Healing wit
men who were not, ng in goof) faitb-
Let the matter rest for a day or tw
said MI.Halborsorl. The•iindorsemet
with the name also .as you, see it her
was written joy me, and by Mr. Gold
win's order. k
• Settle that betvr pen you, then, as
the customer ; , but let; Itie have
money from one or the other of y
very Scott.
Goldvvin, said 11lr. alborsoti, ca
in" at that gentleman°sl1oilfce imined
tely, can it be possibi. that you ha
resolved to repudiate I(that sigliatu
wbioh ,you know very ell, was pia
there by your written' o•rderI I t
you that I had last t note yen s
me, directing me to It the stuck
these terms, and to arautee it o
+your name.
I know nothillg of a sort, air, a
iVlr. Goldwin, with la eyes rrstiiia
the floor. If yott 11 my written
s der to that effect, ou must prod
e But, sir, urged Mr. Halborsu
a paid the twenty til sand dollars
.l to yet% iminediatel
e Have you my re pt for it 2 a
the tither.
is Perhaps not. have a memo
u duns of that -a fiat of cash psi
is you at that time,
d And a good de more also,prob
13r. o.wdtehavingatgr traneactiofl
ie • iat Waist t�nae�•
But, said Mr. Hallitirson, Will noel request is. aranteo, Xsµ are released )kir lfotd' Yr►+l 'kn9lvil ueie fro
ours 1 sad diel not I. freta your atvgagel;A"wv, Then PIOUS' Iras 4hildhood ,, and if a true record'`o
the certificate. y
sell it by your order, and ox your ac, jug thyself for
a rttotMentr hal been
Fent to lP pd eliolrr�r, i;thwouldettave rewoal• '
collltl, and place that guarantee on the my xoom slid aatheredt w11t t11e engagtit p
1 k of •t b our written direetliion I ment 1llaedenta he hadl gil'en°mer in'' ed tll� go nett �� sire Y on
e t wh4n thought
"'e t �' y and retudned tlledt to of her J
Nothing of the Sort, so far at 1 re, oludnFl Nie rRCig,
member, utas the reply. You wrust him, wit* then Nemark tuna they would' would,"file day^ , was
to lova and
call his -own. I� Kis too soon, then,.
take core of that aNrtlficate ; T Asti) I be of no fwrther use to me. ° rpppb her with an
1 And lutist did' lie then say r, asked Ilowever',•Ob app y f
not, ' such, sentiimenta ;. and in later dears
Mr. rl'atborson now for the fiotat Mr. lialborazill',
time distinclly realized that lie was He seemed dleappuinted ; had-prob+ the young pecan lead realized, as be,
dealing wi,th,a torten who was dishunestg ably been liopiS' fpr an opport'unitytb 'sugV0setd,,tliat it v0oald be Sheard for
itseR to pie 'very core of his heart., tell me how very sorry lie was for MY' Tim to cherfeifY'ally serious hopes in
He walkedt �.,Sjuietly away. won-- c$isappatntmunt•, After receiving the regard to Susie. Hallioxson. She was
derin p whv--heAina} not understood the presents, lie sass for am as if twhilesliehwasreaue'pturat �elyof it ipcn and
g what to do ; but
character, of Blatt man before. One not lcno�vin extiotl
operation after another passed in rapid 11 eoon relieved hits of his emba,f � wo wisely
be to thinaeoft}fetr onlyasas one
review before l+ m•, and lie began to meet by saying :--well, r
realize more clearly than ever why his object of your visittis accomplished, it of his early, friendsr
ce, of some favor.
stock speeula.tions in connection with is probably not onecessary lie to
the able hanps ib -his r YOu1tc` But in nfb � ne, l a would
Mr. Goldwin ha4} been so disastrous. remain any ponce now hays no reasa�s4b hesitate on that
But. the end' hada now conte. Gold win hint and withdrew. score while the troublde into which
had evidently resolved to throw that And now, dear father, said Susie,., , 'i
certificate onto 'his, liit+ids, and oblige even if, it is late, do please tell mea her father had falletr;:whetot make
phis own fault or not,"dud not make her
him to`redeem it;, as the' only way to little more in regard to this trc+uble ,hi less worth of'hjs•love.
escape from a,ollrge• ollforgery• with Mir. Goldwin, (Ili •what ground y y
{{ asspd, when Mr. lir Elford was leased at the.
A few days only p does he accuse you of forgery 4 'Ilse 1 pleased,
same time somewhatt surprised to End
Halborson was•timestcd•or, that charge. subjecvhas been so painful to me that it3i b Halborson so cheevfud and Happy,
The issue was a pare aild•direct. The I have -read nothing ab j t it in the e'
l and apparently unooneeious of ap
testimony on bogs, side4 was clear and papers, pp° pvoaching•:tiouble, when, as every one
positive.. Mr. G;�Q Idwin,,for the prose- 111 r. Kal4orson verywiJjliugly acceded knew, her -father was. soon to be tried
cation, swore poItedly that th0 signa- to his daughter's regti tt t, and went
-sues again on: -a charge which).i,f true, would
tare was not his c w,n,.and+that he had over the whole story, a', ready €, send hinvito prison forsotere years.
not authorized it ` o he pineed there by dwellit,g especially upon the fact that it happened somehow' that Mr EI -
the defendent, w „on tihe other hand, lie Ilad received the lett 41 authorizing forst very soon fell ,into4 flee habit of
ed.. No colas• tach Mr. Gold) in's name to hor-
swore to the fact s stat him to at calling at the residence, of Mr Hal
crap testimony busing directly upon the guaraibiee written the back of son quite fregttentiy, and' continued to
the case was'addii�0-itll.,racli
ed, on+either sides. the certifioate- When had finished, do Be.
That the two m1, had been largely Susie was Blip. t for a tyw moments, ;,three days more,the, trial would
engaged in stock seculations,and that pier tholhhts. 'apparent 'busy withcome,.ou, when Mr Elford+,. addressing
their transactions oilier t►act sone haft"remembered est. Then she Miss T3alborson, briefly;, rettotnted his �'
in rally cases, be loose: and unbusi- said :— feelings and sentiments- in regard to
nese+ like, was bro gilt, olbarly to the please excuse lie for a few minutes, tier, reminding her that,•they were by
notice of the court; father, and after a short.,absence she no means of recent, origin;, but* were
The friends of Mr. 39blborson—in returugd,.and- holding orate a paper, the renewal of hopes deeply- and fond -
fact, the public--�il
I* di lila state. asked, Is flair the lost 1ptber that Ur iv chirished in other dayv.•;;and finally
meat ; but the lea 1 presumption was Goidwin setas you 4 11 came to the direct questii3�ii, which in-
)ur. Hal -
against him. Thee testiimuny of the' With
a; single glance xt, volved the of er of leis heat and hand.
two meq, being dig ctly opposite vir- borsun ejporlbated : Btahtmy dear Mr Elfdrdy°,,said Susie,
tually, went for not ing while the fact Wily, 166, my child I Where have would,°it not damage, thetlreputation
ven l this al
remained, admitte uy the defendent you found- iftfl ' Thank of your family to become- al�jed to the
hiinself, that he had written the name will settle the case, an save me from dauoter of a man whose• atrial for
of the prosecuting witness, and was any furtbzr trouble. iiather, said forgery is still pending.?? Would it
unable to show any authority for hav• Do you not remem not be better to delay ouw+-agement
ing done so. Susie, m�rexit+g me d nW town one until after the result off that trial is
The trial was brieft wed ended in morning„ about ten in 'rtlaws ago R You known;?'
conviction for for ry and yet the were just preparing -- al;e the city, Na,,my dear, said the y�o, lig man.
t belief, in leis ittl,oce •e was strong,and to be absent three or fo days—over- In the first place, I do- no. believe
lLalf a dozen
an application for n v trial was read- whelmed with business, our father is guilty off Ilia crime ;
? ily granted. In tl t fmrm they was men.arousid you, all to i0g to yeu— but oven if he were, my Dave for you
standing when the conversation oc- Yes, yes, interrupted i Halborson. is not, affected by any consideration of
Make curred which brings those -young gentle. I seem to have it diw r: aJlection °f that sort, r
> men to the notice of the. reader. an incident of that sort.: 1& -,may seem to the reailtwthat Susie
You look sorrowful t o,ni. ht, my Well, at the moment Ora were part µas+•acting somewhat ler I Rately in
r dear, said Mr. Halbotsoi addre?;sing ing frotu,me, you said : �ere,Susie, is accepting an offer of ma niaoe from d
his daughter, a few days after the' a little package of paps teat I should lover within less than, Wo months
verdict referred to. It was late in the have ,put in, my safe Take them after•she had been dirded by a
f evening and lie was - !UODe in his lib- home, and keep them l+ely till l ask, forwe' r one. But she• ha&, her own
Y racy, looking over his papers when his for there. # i
h daughter entered and ag+proaelied him. The umcident come • back clearly, r {
A glance at her face showed that some- said Mv' Halborson, I ave searched x,�,
O thins; serious had o . red. Laying every nook and corne J my memory, *
it side his paper, he to d to her, and trying to think what auld have been t„6�--
a Pp
301 �Mll
e, continued: Well, m dear, I have my 'done ;with that letter. And it was in `
own cares and troubl --a great many the package of paper 9
of tllerrr but p1da , tell me what Yee; 1 have the mere, you see. '
id tron4bl'es-you to -night Mothpli said somethi to me about a
my Veli, fat�iear, , sal Susie, Bennett' lost.11etter, but I did of for a moment j At?llJi•T�
Gold in called in t &1 y par of the susp*ct it wa's in the -package you had ���. i ; �y+
evening. lie has b Wire. 01- intr:asted to me. 1 1 i�
11- dom lately, and Illi a felt that eifib well, Susie, said her fattier, Bay),,
la trouble was anproa ng ; but I was notaing about this fbetunate discovery,,] 1" R y
ve hardly prepared a • the startling an- emvept to your MotherI from whom, of; •
re, nouncemrnt hem Instead cf ap- ciomrae we conoeall n hing, 1 shalt
ced preaching and emtw inp meas he had s,'row tie letter tore Swyer at ones,•,
to o since we were but he will not be• I' ely to make shay Y L I
old been accustomed, Be
engaged, althoutph in a constrained, ase of it until the. Sr' comes on. ,
on manner, bowed, sieb y, then resuming;)
ver his seat, said,:: this alborsOn, I hav,� I am pleased to* a you 16 mg so _SOA
. come to mak& an i portant annuoua, ' well Dlias Hlal rson, said Renry
aid cervenL- to," yo o permit the ft& Elford, addressi the young lady, It will uve you much, trouble
on eellatiolr Oe. whom he chaaac to meet on a, street- It Will $ring you Co)e1t : and catty
or, And how, diel yet �swer him, eked car, about tlu weeks after tlbp inei- It will save your clotn lian'is,
lice her fathou. dent just 11 ted. it does, not require wg powdoft
It seamed a liar troke fatter, You I ani tit , Mr Elford, and am pleas. It witt, wash in eithnd or a4t
n, I kn(+w. aThr wedding ay vrgs appointed, ed tom you, was the young lady's water,
E• it cannot injure thst• detkatt
over 'incl W16 would lift been mittried in reply ; nd when silo stepped from akin or fabric six weeks, Penn stated his reasons the c' a few blocks further on it, + Tts purity and excellBove;%nvetqf h ie evidertly regard• very aturally. occurred to the yto.ung it~thelargestsale inthrill
sited Itoweven, for w
ea us a special f r. gentleman that he would lose only a
ran- Which wits gralited, I hope, without very short ride by leaving also at the ozw�ats or !
d to heritatinu, said Mr. Halborson, gains points, and a000tiapanyfug .her irat'rxTtat+a
4 hini to reason, father, to home ; Whieli lie aitl, and during their cNEal to ONLY.
ably suppose 1 desired his sympathy or conversation each felt the touch o>`
I gave.
a to. it plus looking him firmly to the that true living tlympathy Wi ioh 00i
Pity; i K ` wons, tixy Itoe,, xr Z" ,>~
sass, I v dd ; Well, Mr. G-oldwfe, your i stftuteu thw lotugtxi p of the ffr"E.