HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 8R.
�� eeai, ell circular were, re, puzzled to under-
�CIEDQO, Mand hew tl nares and addresses
were obtait e 1 by the New Yorli
crooks. '1'h Ot that copies of the
law, st refrret ce hocks issued by Brad
filet Years Spring sale of Dress street s sited G Duutt .� Cars ixtercall
was a decided. success, this year tilA agencies were found in the, room.
,To thus tare gained largely upon will clear u tile mystery.--I.acknoty
acnes Of 1891andhave again clearly .Sentinel,
• the great strength of our Dress.
department-strongth in size of
In the enormous variety in range
f ualities and lire-ominently in low
TO any who are yet unfamiliar
-the merits of our goods, we beg to
It is lit once a display of every
idea,weave and color in Dress Goods,
ding the most beatiful and Osten
French novelties, and all grades
to the lowest prices. Upon nearly
hese lines special prices have been
e for this month and many extream
Sins, are offered all along ,the line of
Goods, we recommend this occassion
In excellent one upon which to tins -
se: the season's supply of Dry Goods,
d and foot, our fine shoes and 910VOS,
'ask you to examine this speciality.
r established, reputation will guarantee
soot) qualities and reasonable prices,
at feast for boys in in our ready made
thing this month. We ask you to in-
ot, admire, and buy, at
M. H. McIN000' 'S.
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1892.
New UAdertalcing and Furaituro Estab
MR RrLPii HoDGsox has Opened his
Furniture and Undertaking establish-
ment in the old furniture store, nearly
opposite the Queen's hotel, Wingham,
and has a full stock of Furniture,
Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on
hand. Call and inspect goods and get
prices. Picture Framing done promptly
and well, Special attention given to
jobbing -and repairing, and guarantee all
work done. Having had long experience
in the furniture and undertaking busi-
ness, I ala sure I call give satisfaction.
A splendid new heaPnLra HODGSON
This epitaph s said to be a faithful
gory from
a t; bstone in thwcemetery
if Llwadlwfw Such a name as this
a„uld come ft 1 nowhere but Wales,
tad tl)e wood r is how the people who
Fere obliged oily to pronounce such
.lames eve)• f rod time to do anything
"Here lie , in a horizontal Plihitien,
the outaide
use of George RutlAigh,
wetchnlaket wLose abilities in that
line were
honor to his profession.
Integrity «
tile main spring and
he regulator of all the
actions of
is life. Humane, hou6st
and indus
ious,his bands never stopp-
ing Until h
l:ad relieved distresses. He
had the a1
of disposing of his time in
suet a wa
that lie ,over went wrong,
except wh n set going by persons who
did not ki
w his key, and even then
was easily
set right again. He de -
f5nd the bri test boy o* practical„
11 4 1x11
4VTN0,13 WilnuMaAAx July 14, 18021A NESS ND GO LLAR O
Oerrected 15 P Deans, produce. Dealer,2C, to ? 25�
i'ali Flour Porl� Ills, el' 770 to 0 to 25 IIaYlU14 ilou ht out the Ambler Harness Business and started in "'sold stand' I.
Sprang 27 to 28 am prepared to furnish the public Witt, ovcrytbing usually kopt in a harness shop,
O,tts • 300 to 60 such as
Batley '
PLL 13 to is HI+lAFVY, LIGHT and •I'IiACz� HARNESS;
putter, Eoil lu to lit NE TS, DUSTERS,
do Molls,
1 •cs per Ib, 1 ao to 1 75 WHIPS, CURRY COII ES, '
M oodpereord> 7 0o to 7 roBRUSHES, $WEAT CQLI+ARS,
[lay per ton,20
potatoes, 1, to TRUNI S, VALISES and
-- - TRAVELLING BAGS, iia., d,o,
AT I matte all lny own Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
HAM � ��®�'� Give mo a trial and I will use you right. '
A. L.-_
and Chemicals,
Fancy and
,Toilet Articles,
Perfumery, &c.
Prescriptions carefully com-
pounded at all hours,
our stock of medicines is com-
plete, warranted genuine and.of
the best quality. _
E3AN anted -Salary and expenses paid.
SAl' Ow,;nos Co., Nurserynton, Toronto, Ont.
on sale f Grist Mall, Older n1111, Nety Black,
--- parted till life Decem el sunth�bhop a Toolcs, Village Lots and Frame
' Dwelling Hous tith coPlnr, woodshed, lard and soft go at Clearing Prices.
Death of H n. John Robson. wound up in the hope of being: ' taken {rater, Stable Driving shed, also Waggon Trot- All iulxst t
`a9 -Hon. in hand b bis Nlslter throlt•h1 clean• tin,
ttini: Bnxgs..itoad cart, cutter, �y �(+
VICTORIA., B. ., June 3 sleighs, Robes ad other articles, at B3uevale ou Deans, Mork, StF7 cts•S
lin Robson, Premier of British ed, regula ed and repaired, p�aftd Set n,dicondttgons a/easeelatclit 2 c'posto soand apply,to S -y_mo_
alumbia, died London at 6 p m an-oln g in he world to come;'. Jour BUQeEt39 . d Jbus FA ".0w,
Assigueev, Blue -
vale. or to lflavx DtminaoN•, Vendors, Solicitors,
day. The dea prdmier was in poor ' whcghaut,
alth .+leen he le t Victoria for Lou. i .& ear's t:lutohes.
u oil business c unected with the Harry S fp' anion, a son of «T II IT®R$a FURNITURE I EL]C EKED FRES.'
Ofte)° CUIOniZati ll 9phenle. He Stephensot,o Norwood, hasamampolr NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NotmnlycanYou7niyParlorand'BodromnSuiSett,Sidihoards Loun ev�Dlatourshoinesailea),anywhere
)ought the tl'I t Uuln be beneficial, escape fr0tl el'41•• Che'Wed Ups t,f a in i.8te matter d Inglis Ss Cot,, of the ToNvm cheap• brbt deco wfigkit in gnantities'Ehey will be drolfa•orod a-nd+set ulr 3
p , p • n within la>t�iles of ryin;ham.
t it Iroved o ierwise. He Was bear which w s chained up in tIN&O P ofWingham, in the COUDIV of Huron, PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS. 111 in London a couple of days i It yards at veMck, one day last W,aollen Manufacturers.
o, and Itis weakn s, a��gratated,by week, rL'h Ler niade.a ran at ,file, Notiacisheraby'giaen that the aliorce-named in I
cr . •isigns • 124 and n under
theliond- I"menti ave(an1 iizc) in Air•Ertush, India Ink and Water Col'urs Soforc giving your order to anyonaPor such
,Slight accident to a flncrer hastened hoy, who b k d Dwny instantly, but p aov nts-h of RaVe id 04,1&47, chat tetto tme, under the I havo'asade arrfingonents with ons, of the best artists fn tho Dominion, 90. doing Portrat n trge•
¢3solution. Genem relyret is felt not befGre t e _ ear lead, grabbed him i„ g Actrlfor the bene:It of all their creditors. �� call at lily sure, see sautples and'get prices for the copy best.
A meetings of the Creditors of the said h,snlvonts
re at -1-Ir Robsons untimely death by the leg a d ulled him down with will be 1•>,ld at my office, in the said Town of wing- PICTURE, FRAMING. -
d his loss itt the pr ent time will his huge tee h. He- mad 47 cute in ham, on Monday, the VA daY of July, nt1o'clock in PICTURE, V sb
the afternoon, for tho a*)pointment of Inst,ebton and
severely felt, sever 1 matters l,eing the boy's le- a d took out six pieces' the glvis3;- of directions for trio disposal of the i All styles and sizes of Pfc'�tre and Wreat+b.Frarnasl,nad:o to
Orde�r(,Lots o4 biovldings to 01100S '0
ncerned in his press visit to Eng- of flesh. It w sone;+ by the prose oe :C9All cresNDtors are , equi%d to file their c:l+ims with �N��i R LA J N� f
1Y G'. Tile body will e tiroupht to of inind of a i her young lad, W'DO :n,c(as diiioctedbythe statnte) before the•lstdaVOf i
;August, 1:02. After tvh:eh said last mentioned day
ictoria and pru,Lably ptil•lie funeral took a sttcli t 'Ood mt1t1 beat the bear' Lsi-all distribute the sai&estate, having regard only Notwithstandincr all the op3osation fn thislne,.Latu,stillanere in Wfngham plspared to do as I. hays,
7r'E'n. i\11' lt!ibEotl wit.- a lltltir•e of over the, Ilea , hat. ham• got away. .11+'.r• ;to such clams as I shall have. notice of, uud I shall I bec;aedoing fovtitLpast ten year* -
not be ,esansible for twit assets of said estate or ty - ��-��1
-er.tl), Ont) where he was bon, in }efl'S, of Hay 1 ck, pt.,4117 S,litChfis int, anr`partth�eveo" to any person orpersocmt+'hose t7 �1
24, lIt$ parents h4lvtf emigranted the boy's le ,r s,1 d lie is a0incr well s,S claun or clro.�sns shall not Hove hemi filed. ili,dertakermtd Furniture Dealer:.
y o J. A.• MOJLTUN, May'13,1802'
Canada ill 1820 from ''cotlaud. b.Ir yet, though uffering, cousideraWb �sAnghan P. G,:,Ont, _ — ---- - ---- - -�
Obson'went to lo'ritinh COIUmhla In palll- Dated25MJuue, 1802. I ��
859, wIlL he estal,lesl 1 alld edited -- VVI N "� � MARBLE ■ " � � �'■
he British Culumblat . Iie was
A newepa •r is alwwys printed In s,,
ected Mayor of New W stminster in 'rush,
says tl New •ci r;p 81ei1. Thera
66 and was Governmen pay master .
is always sot letlAng it, itis :bet shouldh,
i G. P,,,Wells has notiu:for sale any gpan-
They cta,n'be
" the Canadian 'Pacific ilway ear-
be left, Out ; soinethin� left out that
•tity of Ripe Strawborvies.
,'had on Centre staeet, +
ys from 1875 to 1879, wileal the
sition'was abolished. H sat in the
aliouh3 leave een pert it, it, some-
times too cin k to act, 1,u.6 with all its-1.Wingham,,.or
at h&5- residences-
at his garden in Lower
egislative Council of Brit sit Colum-
faults [iud s Orteontings tigers, is nxlrer
1s, from 1866 to 1870, and or Nanai-
education in a bright Ioawsy Paper,
:i Garden,.pic-nie or otktor parties Wkele
o from 1871 to 1875. At t e general
than, th:e'>+e ii in any novel. You will
large quantities are roquireilwill be smp-
lection in 1882 Ile was elec ed at the
f5nd the bri test boy o* practical„
liplied at a mduced prices.
gad of:tTis poll for the No West- .
senisibb-.,. eve day questions is thel^�,
Red, blaelti at d wh:tascurrants, cultdva-
iiLstei• district, p,utl ill Janu. ry„1833,
hoy tvho• sell the newspflpers. It, tela;
+„ted raspbOaries incl other fruit and vc�e '
ecttinr Provincial Secreta y and
, llouseh&lid. \ here . no ii�ewapaper )r;;!;tables winbe for sale eallen in season.
mister of Min( ill t1tA St. 1t11fa; ad,
taken, you. .11 find poverty of sires} � Do not lc,>ay importeu- stuff. when you
iastratiou, being re-elected by ILc-
tired, poverty of the mir+d. can fret it.grown at lime and delivered
lamation. He was reelect I at tare
, at your hoaase.
eneral election of 1886. U the
cmiamero ai DWil'b Grip- �' All ord.ars left at illy residence willlbc
eath of Premier Smithe and he• for'
Davie tiotiL,.ju7.
, 1kave lona; looked for a preparation that I Iiromptly. attended toe. °
keep brad clear of Dswdruff, buv
. ation of the adminisin
would my. Gro. P. WELL&
fsvi)ed an, tiuiwterial bensal
arch, 1887, 11r Robison acce ted his,
tilw,;,Vs to receive
fit until a friend recommended Auti-Dan-I -
ld position, which he coati led t0
the death Of the
dnaaff, winieh I used with. perfect success.
ol;t to the time of
It not cinly removed Ufa, Dandruff with,,;
Ion iIr Davie, in 1889, w m 11Ir
1 three applications, but stopped the annoys I vv(sh taintiniate to the, people of Zetland and
Robson was called upon to fere) a
11,9 was pre fen up
ink i.tching of tile, scalp and vondered surroundiag country thrOr l have connitencsd, the
air soft and pliable wilthaut leaving an „lanufactmoof all hindEl of
1 Mair
Cabtnet, of which
to the time of his death. . the
of n• dressing; beiug used. It
,mew ocoapies a permanaut, position in ngry, WOODEN PUMMI.
general election of 1890 he was re-
gr,p. It is pleasant to, Use, and wuth
els, oted far New Westminster, ilad was
pleu8ure I recommend i;t. and can supply them onthe shortest notice.
€l�, ROBLIN,
also elected for Cariboo, Whic latter
D. Will tdsobe in apositibn tosupply iron and:Foreo
itepreseuting H. Cort}yt, _wholesale liquors, pumps.o order.
'district 110 represented at tilltinge of
Belleville, 4nt., gepeniYing attendati kg,. ]'rices reasonabSs,.
iasis de3ath. $e married, in 185 , Susan,
.� -- JOHN rrtor".
Mlle fourth daughter Of iia t John��
ZbtlAi,d, May 5th, lbJh.
Longworth, Of Goderich, On .-God-
DEvFn-In NVgram, on duly tlth,,the
rich Sf!jitttl.
I) 'to of 114r E H aper; a son.
11 —g—In V4' nmham, on July 0.4h the
i wife of Mr Goo
e rae�n Goods Xen Capt eeil.
AoAn -In Tu
Onr of the several 'griran lyoods,, Iwifeof'MrRe
ill Now York which ba 'bean I
the wife a
;,*iiign till' section of the ountry I
daug ter.. '
w� t1l, oirca ars afFeting co nterfeit
taitiney for sale leas just been brogan I
YD -In mit
wife of Mr 7
n1I. by the Few York police, wl o' made !
feetioner; a sf1n.
i raid m► their head quarters several
HoDEs �-Ltu
k• revaninag aga, ,inti found thou ands of
I the 6th of Jul
Ak uhtrd "and itistroetionll to ` agents"'
Fraser, of Harnil
rl irh p1AreSGRt;Y red broadcast !trough
I Miss Mary Lamc
es S�tnites and Uanada. A r .tnoratl-
nr1 Levo,, aisstivered sho ed' rttt tin
e1P'ltgr- firm bad made pr fits
Ale ander Nitel
� , 4itasoly--'in
daring April for ite pop
lampoon, aged 7
ll l tg� of Ltiralfowr i1'a
.on; adaughtw.� LADIES
spy, on July *,h,, the
a son. SEND iTOR
"�i, wanosh■ on.,Tuly
Mr dames Shield; a r ,
Illustrated Catalogue a�-Cadles
n, on July 6th, the
Boyd, baker Sur! cou` Specialties.
Hamilton# on ADDRESS
the hev Mungo 1
v, both of Winglialli
.of '3•1noardine 1tPa^e bought theilarblo Business, of -Mr T T Watson, formerlji carried on by W Smyth.
Panties requiriugcct•ori; in their lino will do well i Olir Avorkii)ansh p on triorn or is wtsurpasedone of ahewoir oteill use ngents one
nirchasing. You ,tuft find our prlccs�are atvav do ,
r waatean,, dto haste`aen runninl by g t1w-b, suare ines fo ptl,o pae. tyear, will rctal hosent.us oare of the il the1roadronagm• lir T
CaWani see ouir stock and prices.
p s
Wishes to intimate to the ladies of Winallam and and surrounding country that her'
stock of SPY30 AND SUMMER MILLINERY has been received and opened up,
consisting of
Pattern pats and Bonnets, Feathers,, Flowers,
Laces, Ribbons, CWffon Laces, Gauzes, &c.
The stoe t is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles,, for this year.
A large stock on hand, composed, Of
The Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of
PLUSI;ES, VELVETS, Sic., to choose froin,
MANTLE MAILING A: SPECIALTY. Perfftt Fit, Latest Styles.
Stamping Done to Order.-
19 QttELiw sr. ]AST,
ham, on duly 10th, An jag+peotiou invited. •
ed 75 years, TORONT01 Wrf,', Remember the plaea virs`t Noor north of 7, It. Minkshaw's jewelry store.
�h onJ'ulyarid, Eliza . �0�Z).
]cu, 2 molaths and ;
�' 1kI42lawot2 tiffs ow1ro, IWinghka, April '1.,1842,