HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 7Her 7,,E42X of Conadenoe.Was I noise,, ctc'd he so[uething of the A. aleck of cards Rata be dealt out in �� � The utter !nolo of .confidence haat Bind• lIN !ilii a Bill, perllups 80,081,600,00 00,000,- .+dip t ,, j' '. t 't'II1z]7tA wonlau htia in man waa lilustriated ill He,had,sir.Ot)t),Otit7,Qt70;00p 9t)fa ways,a Penn Avellue clible car tileotherdny. Then, madam, rgjoint�dr tll,l tram , ' ayeanddeprtlij,n eP New Yorlt oil,Tt#rialSxgrA lady boarded thfx stir at Sixth sl rest. 11ls eves moist olid Itis Ghiri trerrablin ,Let 9,`999,1¢6 gallons of Water, the largest To f cneral31evehil4teand Boot and shoo stores,. Nin.•••..•.•.•Vorshe saiditq flat Twenty•eltrlitl, please, %vttlisyl7PiitllX,l:e itfarfrom IIaH toI Amount ever used in a single day iin .ulstockiJO1 with my Leather Business Rp,1�ar1 litae conductor, add to the [lasolfttion acrd miser of au ABT-"*? `�' y ithat city,l?rombixtil to Twelftlistreetsite already devastated ltoilseLold ! 1 Bill} y. `��tt `��� G`� //"^•11 �,. o, sTacA7efrnaal, st ,�- RESSI�T\.7l' Throughtleketetoalli Poiniyas engaged in hetkingseated and pay• tarry nay request fir ii light aollt><tiott i ppCONSUMPTIOSCUAMD, r wont mottle coast, a c., a31ag her fare. tO soclae Blatt fortull}ate Bei libprhoodhalpl,icetli ah3ian,rretired front practice, having Rathaaway tvititmorvs, 7nnoni, Frenvh Arossiu* nOpunr routes' Bagt,•ixti t s ha is by an Gast India nusstouary p o, B�xhy's, l erfect Kid, etc, in 10, x5 nna l5c destination.r,•itt r Don't forget to let roe off at Twenty And lie drow Iris slain coataleove the 10"113194 of a slmPty vegetable rmucdv for the nixes by tt,v arose or dgzen. dao, Hat's. French . � -'�t�� T¢CLK• y speedy and perutationt euro, of Constunpoon, lit -on. Blaelsin>e and Or4r's climax waterproof. b,AVE wtxoueal• enAi etgiith, %rill you? She said, as the con• across hin dies, ftwallowed >?ytu athe- chitin, Catarrh, Asthma and all altroitt and bung O:tOa.tu.xerontv,Gttcl hPalnierstou, P Affections,, alsoy a positive and radical entre for 11;10 „ .1 lir' dtittor took iser nickel, and hu said lie tic sett, backed down oft" the porch, ha�ingtGDtedtits n opdeKiiulocurative pots, After n - `- 3.4Gp,n,. „ •'"Clinton thousands of cases, 11° has felt it his dutyEa r ke iG 0.45 " London, Clinton. iyouldn t clambered over the ilrtA Felice on the(�`+ 0:45 a,ln.. ,.. known to his def ito F follows, Actuated by this 1:10 p,ril, ,a , &a At Twentieth street alis collected left, and. disappent'P.d,---[1lltCfl'�rt �.'rl �n,vtfvvartria desire Go roiteve hutuau snfferinrl I 11:10a.ui,,..,.,.T.ainvnrdlnc,.Np e %Ill! nand free of charge, to ail ,,who desire it, this in Lennie,•, Ilot•schlde, l:nkllsh K1p, porpoise, ae. 10.)o k°n der parcels and stared at the cotaductor tulle. ,,colpo, in Gfermtan, French or, Pagi}sh, with full Cotton nd ltitiv.inallJengths. h �_� f dh'ectious for preparing and using. Sont by Matt by Button fasteners amt setts, cork autos, &c. - Scientific to remind Mixt of Lis promise, uddresaing with stamp, nauiln, this Per, W, A. At Twent•y•£rst she dropped a peak. There's a p°tient medicine which is I Nitus s20 b?vyers.Riook Rochester, Vit, Y, o � f'io not f6 patient miclitine--pgrddaxfeal ---- f SHOE LEATHER, Ag8n1 age, %vliic13 another passenger a topped its that natty sopud, .Cats a discayery I I T4- tongue of a fool is the trey v ,on, ill@ll npclo,ized, the golden diseovery of inedical scieticel his counsel whidli Ili i • Situolt Ahna, ba) and fit and Nrezzoiiia Ki ; a, w 4P m fl 1, also nativt Itis dildo tippet. Spanish andP sirmu,iiGar At Twenty,setond she looked out of It's the medicine for you—tired, run- wisdom !lath keeping. "r,�l@, j :the Window,to see if the conductor had dawn, exhausted, nerve wasted then --�- find women , fur yotl sufferers fr41?d l Thr' pre6clit ld br( lit A eclr he r called the ii;13t number. site„. l diseases of skin or scalp, liver oil limp of the I * 4tire fll�d L������ � ElyeStl thh dallCtiLss R* t , TADS `CtTwents'•thlyd site moved to asaat —its chance Is With everyone its sea- the twilight of the pilot. "yl r �i ti l,e;ni°ria hpeCt(t mop rt3j�i .nearer the door. , p . $est brauris on hand fut!„a an , son 4l%vat's, becahse it aims topurifysteel. for traces In oak. ” r There tif+tlda !loot ttfiti 0iod Rik !11 a &° inrormaC . 813$fROAD r Y.N: From Twenty-third to Twenty.Gfth the fountain of life—tile blood—upon Patronagesol�cited. i'r(cesgnaranra4, 1 2destly r o : 8131 BROADWAY. s which all such diseases dN hard w;lt secure tiuotntigjrs or A jibslht. Oldest pburden ?or ecourinq patents 'she was engaged 2u mentally Criticizing pend. `rhe Company, theil itil are %Vise so rtlpid is der. gcall frond pytravels+' aper AiiGent ken out by 8eeoiQ the spring suit of ills lad o -site med cinfi la Dr, 1eeeree's Golden Aledi. the contagion. l; • y pp cal Discovery, lrlje makers of it have ' �` ~sY ! �i .her. On ugh contldence in it to sell it rn There is nothing on earth be ludic- W■• O%iA(��(AN ��t'1'wenty,sixth she 1]odded to, the Bial, That is—you call get it from runs as tiie affected caution of a fool Tanner and heather Merchant, oLaxest of au she �oula wtEliortL a atwte i� conductor.. your druggist,aud if it doesn't do what after losing. htrtnbu,ged, l' i.04UWor s s l4 beenaim Btu■Evkatea, ti yy it's olattlied t0 do, you Catl et o tVlz�GUAA[, ea ,Sri 5o six months ddresaAli At TsvPnty-seventh she got up and y g you tf[rii,:ts�s•.sea13�oadarap,®p,y,tt got ready to leave the car. , money back, every cent of it. trr---rrr .,..,,..,..� That's what its nialfel's Call tCllii92r� tits Best�Tnsniestt to Use, and Cheapest for Catarrh Istlit"M FOR THE BEST V As it. stopped at-rrav'enty.elglith t•islc of their Wards. .y ,�.j ,j, �/ AL'�`�"�ft street she stepped from the platform, Tiny, little, sun,Dr-coated gra nulea, Said ttYdtugniets or sent bYrnatl, and, with tr. Sigh of ,,chef, esclnirned : are what Dr. Pierce's I>Ipasant Pellets ' �''a' gazoltfn �Wnrren, pa. 4 -IN— These horrid conduetnrs can't be trust Bre, The haat Liver Pills ever invent. �1>!►� �i '�'"� ed to„sinew:oar anything.—PittsLlalq ed; Active, yai tilild in operatloii,” JT1�ST ® SCOTT .�.J.i.d C.T.l1C��'HE . post, cora sick and blliona headaches One 6 A tono and energy to the tirhole system, "airs. �ytn� r 'father, with eolnuiendable curiosity. slow's soothing Syrup" for children teething Ss u �qq g�aa lie's • our champion football kicker; pleasant to tiro taste and is tiro pr oseription of one of the oldest and best e,nale Physigrans and nurses Situ And that one lie's tftlkiug to leads in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists thrcuehout the world. Price twentv^flvo cents a i baseball, bottle. Tic sire and ask nfnorcoc"a:t,,iIncsm, d %ytxsuow's JT3i; or Oh! and who's the tali chs with S00T-uu8Srhnr,Pit nlcp vtle lantern jaws '%lose who are honestas the best .P. Ipolrey.iire half -way tvbefrg rogues. - . '�> ITe's our - chhmpion tennis player. He is great who is what Ile is from �`rt ANVIBE `@r %Tobody in 1130 state ca'Ii swing a nature, and dello never,, reminds us of .` 1� CUR r- 0 racquet in the same atmosphere lie others. i , does. The prisoner works like a charm, ""� ti� p � X� Proud of hini i' ventured tiro father, Flow's that? �� 6 ��""`�� e� `i�l you bet you are, and so we are of ,r'"M,�^� i qu tt:o ,fid of n cliaiu, t*.il A%.J�.��:.� the darlt haired fellow down there by . '� the pate.' He's our crack oarsman e: Child saved. 11��� y M n/ .• and hest all around gymnast. Rare 1Z2y little boy was taken vory baa avittl �- diarrlioaa, ho was very delicate nodgot so a combination, but 'lie's a corker, is low we had no hope of his life, but a lady r,NDALL CNPLAINTIS „ Jlintliis, and the son threw, a kiss to friend recommended Dr, bowler's ExtractN of Wild 5trawbarry,and although he could 4 k od��®��-*�O� Jimmie. only bear a few drops at a time he got well. It saved my child. tt,411D5 4 iS By the way, enquired the fatlier,who NIRs. Wif, STZwxrtr, UampbeIlviile, Out, J:yric ' t is valedictorian of Life -liras t( ` ? &IMITATIONS i16 year The son looked at his father clues. pardon m Tho Commorcita Mali's Grip, a dose, - —. _ _. -n-r-t:� c+ -A-. r -v -�yl -t i �7 - 1111derstaud terench,- `l.'Ommyl Oil, yeS',I I Iiave long looked for a preparation'that would keep my Head clear of Dandruff, but Our greatest glory is not in clever fitllin;, but %in jpge hlpB SfiE61 p �d"lafldill, OCIt, __(VOTO, at tea, I know I'm to have a powder. always failed to receive any material bene- fit until a friend recommended Auti-Dan- druff, which I riFinR a every t!f]lr; we fall, j J. A. Ifnussr:n> ! J.W.ScoTr, Jlount Forest, Listowel. "w'ST1 • came from the son'neXt•, and the hath"er used with perfect success, It Dot only removed the Dandruff with 1UPan, Thbille : for torpid liver. Went right down to file first train out ;` YYY���...dA�� three uppiicatious, but stepped the annoy. , ill$ ltebing of the soalp and rendered the Moderation is generally firm ; and Deposits Receive ` and ;interest ettt,#a.i,r611aor, 111.18band---Blain a short cape, t bair soft and pliable without leaving all appearance of a dressing being I tirmess is n oenetally suecessfttl, l;nghsh 4110 d. Money �.�.ris, AC'S, i ;bound but little relief until I tried your Burdock Mood 13itters, which made a per- used. t now Occupies a permanent position in my Spavin Linhuont removes all hard soft or calloused Lurnus and Blowishos from, horses, Blood Advanded to Farmers and Business Men, ( $� 5, r ,� .+, .r., � � � ..r gr;p. It is pleasant to use, and with pleasure I recommend it. D, Ci. Spavin, ra„lint•,Itfng Done, Sweoucy,Sti9es,Sprnlns, use of }onewbottl Th Varranted rtlioe etc, ioat woncAio t ] orucollateral nutted dhnotes P aLLARS, Cm�F 3, Sehd wrappers to."Sirnlight" soap- orNeo, •13 Scott S't.,T'oronto,notlater that) 20th of each tuont�t,And ' o dl".Sease ►s' Dyspe eta, liver %st' Itoari\, Representing H. Corby, wholesale liquors,, lent!sitCoret•�er�mowt. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. security dale ot p11t at it fair valuation. Money remitted to all ' 13s •d 1 Bellevillo, Out. 1 't The 10+•e Of Ilatllle is to idle duality parts of Canada at reasonable charges, p.Cheap �orth RASH, i A Long Latin Sort of Word 's rich In results. Special Attention Given to Col- � 'the father had eOtne to tale corn- The lnal,e uf? of the soul is as touch looting Accounts and Notes, , �T " i tlneDcemPt]t exercises; gild the son was seed in leisure its in neatness Auvrck uoyuz:xs,.-aro You cesturued _. _ in Canada—'kite -�, B _, �' 1 6110av the slj;13tR.` n, and r, at night broker, of,vent' %'Cat by a sick child suiferingard aunts 1derchivatw Bank of, Canada a crying See that heav%y•st t fellow over there once with pain o[ Cutting Teeth ? IP so send at and get,t bottle of "hlrs.winslow's i;oothin -- - { ` Syrup" by the pump? Said Lite boy, a6 thHy able. niltnediambou throug{t otic CaialpGs, for ChildrenToothonn, Its value is Incalcull- IE n•ISI reltero the i poor !lotto smlisno item it, there fa no i]CPIt otlice Yours --From) 0 a, m. to 5 P. m. S1L. A. �'-�'• N112ITA, Is Stu*�passed tov, a meetniothers; ItomneaLysen; dDiarColic, Agent, a `fl ➢softenst reoulaes yes,' %r 131,'8 fie l responded ills softens 6ho84o oho ins, red and Bowels; cures tyiud Coliv, cline the Guu,s, reduces- In9ammatton And { p 3 f s V V 6 A tono and energy to the tirhole system, "airs. �ytn� r 'father, with eolnuiendable curiosity. slow's soothing Syrup" for children teething Ss u �qq g�aa lie's • our champion football kicker; pleasant to tiro taste and is tiro pr oseription of one of the oldest and best e,nale Physigrans and nurses Situ And that one lie's tftlkiug to leads in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists thrcuehout the world. Price twentv^flvo cents a i baseball, bottle. Tic sire and ask nfnorcoc"a:t,,iIncsm, d %ytxsuow's JT3i; or Oh! and who's the tali chs with S00T-uu8Srhnr,Pit nlcp vtle lantern jaws '%lose who are honestas the best .P. Ipolrey.iire half -way tvbefrg rogues. - . '�> ITe's our - chhmpion tennis player. He is great who is what Ile is from �`rt ANVIBE `@r %Tobody in 1130 state ca'Ii swing a nature, and dello never,, reminds us of .` 1� CUR r- 0 racquet in the same atmosphere lie others. i , does. The prisoner works like a charm, ""� ti� p � X� Proud of hini i' ventured tiro father, Flow's that? �� 6 ��""`�� e� `i�l you bet you are, and so we are of ,r'"M,�^� i qu tt:o ,fid of n cliaiu, t*.il A%.J�.��:.� the darlt haired fellow down there by . '� the pate.' He's our crack oarsman e: Child saved. 11��� y M n/ .• and hest all around gymnast. Rare 1Z2y little boy was taken vory baa avittl �- diarrlioaa, ho was very delicate nodgot so a combination, but 'lie's a corker, is low we had no hope of his life, but a lady r,NDALL CNPLAINTIS „ Jlintliis, and the son threw, a kiss to friend recommended Dr, bowler's ExtractN of Wild 5trawbarry,and although he could 4 k od��®��-*�O� Jimmie. only bear a few drops at a time he got well. It saved my child. tt,411D5 4 iS By the way, enquired the fatlier,who NIRs. Wif, STZwxrtr, UampbeIlviile, Out, J:yric ' t is valedictorian of Life -liras t( ` ? &IMITATIONS i16 year The son looked at his father clues. pardon m BEWA M ° You don't mean to say that you 1.11 intending purchasers of stoves for "t. ` tionably, 1111derstaud terench,- `l.'Ommyl Oil, yeS',I 'V'aledictorian f lie asked. do- When ina and pa speak Prench 8 HAVE YOU winter will save money by buying from Yes; valedictorian, repeated the at tea, I know I'm to have a powder. 1 "father. + + And what s that, I'd like to know ? There is nothinn more necessary g l _ than to know how to bear tile- D SUTHERLAND. • came from the son'neXt•, and the hath"er most 0 i t ! tedious moments of life, • Went right down to file first train out and got on board. -'•Detroit tree Press, "O—HOW Call I make It cake► John? We are short Of douv and Sugar, ' $aViy g bought a Very large variety of ettt,#a.i,r611aor, 111.18band---Blain a short cape, t Iwit f lyase ] httci for years been e, an . h'ed with elyspepsia and sick headache, and lYTotttlily ]Prizes for a3ogs acid G#rls. "B a e k a c h e• the HEATING R i�"T'i'•1 �yOy''�'�•�►' AND COOK i.L9, i ;bound but little relief until I tried your Burdock Mood 13itters, which made a per- scavenrgers 010 "Sunlixht" soar Co., Toronto, offer the fol InOd is the /fide of the systeln. (owing Prizes every mouth till further notice to n e ys are !n "Delay • feet=cure, xt is the bestlfriedi-ilio 1 ever �had,in.m , ,Y life And'I will iaevor boa without hots grid ,,iris un. 10', residine in the Province of is trouN a Dodd's dangeemi. Neg- OnEarto, who Bond the aroateat number of "Sun• light"wrappers; 'Cat„ ?tot 2itd,s0 t 3rd, t3' 4th j Kidney P1lis give looted hid`net3n ' r ,� .+, .r., � � � ..r xt, F1'r2lx DtviB, Clinton, nt. + ;t] r Cth to a 1landsetle Book • and a , , pretty I`61N trelie , troubles; lean t y p f ret lfc to those relio send not lose than a2 wrappers, +' S pee dehf, In Bad, Bloody t7 0 Sehd wrappers to."Sirnlight" soap- orNeo, •13 Scott S't.,T'oronto,notlater that) 20th of each tuont�t,And ' o dl".Sease ►s' Dyspe eta, liver %st' i�'`l aii.`bi' 'ode lillgY tnrltad "Competition"; Also Jllvo hill narue, ad- caused by Comp aint, and dread, age, and number of wrapper's, Winners, diserdood hid- the to choose f�'C;ItTJt 13s •d 1 nloet dan. nafnt!a wlll be plibtished in Cho Toronto hfall on firat ne . 45 , ft tit, Stat t fe tramp SatttrdIcy lneachmonth. y ' gel ous tib *I/, r J'Mitdht as %ugly , Brightl Meuse, on tl]e.baclt;.porch, iromoa'!ng lits h tr r try to` hated' d Di'd a y ), a11;< Zver��19toV'e guaranteed 'against breakage a but-wvas.not lthat.mari,wbo has just left III& ttotiblia afire the subatatice Of it ealth t� b�i`i`rgl • Dropsti, GGrr your door Mlle ,-coljectop for the ice life, and good saying the ornament of without sewsr., 'IT/?# above g good ,diseasss cannot tC>R` give C+ 1rY1 �;te satisfaction: n.' ' TlOtL ala illi,,. ex,'st where 110 asr'sitI •3roplioddholadyOfthe The- searah, after the great It slagged thiy, rd Dodds Kidnety;hldne,gs a •lite Pills are nand' �ry�y�;t�yy� A�•,� 1 liSU 'e, 'wdtYde>riti, l�, t it°bktii t]Q �Clltltp #1161 find lxloit�r lS8#IGtas Sold.by irltdrraCeraoA#aifrtbyrttetilrtinr4cmipb D. S W �„L]..P.1i1J.X,�3.l�t . J ,.Ii�uwitl,i9t'�t t.#i� ,41�ta , lAi�:t�l»at l�:r•1#br �t ot�lafixtiOn of t11•anroodw ikltr89L