Wingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 5FOLLO�rv''V h coo 2�rices Put •S. Into Quick Trade, It leads direct to HONUTH & SON'S. It's the bu§iness wonder of the tow'n and ing country, it does not meed persistent talking to. convince customers that we sell, BOOTS* AND SHOES, ORDERED CLOTHING, lower than all other house, what else makes us leaders. Buyers are not caught in the corner of misleading prices a second time. Eternal vigilance is the price of success, there are eyes here watching your needs. hay while the sun shines aD d rush for Mali ALWAYS ■ E CHEAPEST. Huron Items. tuner of Hamilton, has presented A y P corms et BARK WANTED Ba field ondenb says that house and lot each to two of his old st 6® encs ®� the $9 the corporation is entirely free from em Ploves and $400 to the wife of debt. another. Over 83,060 worth of butter µas About noon oil Wednesdav a tramp 1500 Cords Hemlock Bark' We have just completed an shipped•to Moutreal on Nlotiday front attempted to ltow,d a frieght. train on Brussels, the purchase of one buyer, the G T R three miles west of Iroquois. from merchants of that town. He missed his footiu;; and fell under Wanted at the ��'iu�han, Tannery. IM M EN SE ' P U R G I -IAV E the ' cars, sustainill., 'injuries, from Mr W Graham, of Stanley, who which lie died soon after. _01, went to the old country with his cattle, • $5.00 returned on Saturday evening ; h@ W M. Shuebotton for many •y@ars a P P CORD r nrocer at Ailaa Craig, liars sold'out:,his Claims to have made a satisfactory stock of groeeriors to Hatellinson, 0 000 PAIRS ®E LADIES FINE SHOES trip. Will be paid on delivery. Chapman. his stock of Loots and shoes to Mr A little two year old child of �7r Chapman. It is understood kir $hoe• l AT THE ABOVE PRICE. John Hurd, of Bayfield, while running bottott will remove to Llichaow, where parties peeling 15 cords or over, can o across the floor with a large kuifPmer and balance in iu 11e will establish a canning and fruit deliver half in sumI its Lana, fell, the knife striking its 'evaporatinir fttct•ot;y. winter, if desired, and same price will be These are ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought month, piercing d@spiv into the roof, paid. I from a firm which was overstocked. No old Tile crt,ditors of the insolvent, estate eausiug an ugly Wash. of Weir St Weir, flax dealers;, St fashioned, shop-worn trash, but shoes fresh from Bowman Bres, Morris, -sold ten head Nlarys, held a meeting the other day WINCHAM TANNIPIG G�• the maker's hands. of 4 year old steers last • week tri D and acceepted it compromise of 40 Wingliam, April 5th, 1892. Stewart,of Wingh,rm. They trvers;;ed cents on •the dollar. `Clic liabilities l 1,300pounds and were it fine lot. Such an opportunity may never come to you. , p arein the vicinity of 54,000 and the t •�" 1�h 3T 3T Four and three quarter cents was the assets somethnno like 816,000. KE COOL. again. Secure your -shoes early, as the purchase price received. A serious accident happened at Inn- xen that tn© Saar weather is coii,in� ,'on would was made at such a SACRIFICE PRICE and for ,jQr J j2ollrt, Of '1'uckeratttlth, while PI'liln On �l(l[ldfi alUlttl Yoe, a las you with too Jinn idthat Iamprepnredtosuppiy net cash, we must clear out every pair of this lot y you with ice dnrim the aunuuor months, at low driving through Clinton the other" day of sixteen, way driving it mower and rates. Also, wood iiyerndtoanypart of the town. inside 30 days. was thrown from it bun i, the hotse �6y y got ut1' 6ofix it, when thtt horses started JoiiN cltw, $hater st., tPinghunt. , 6hylnl; at somP.thllt., on the side of the nearly servermg young Yoe's leg above street: He was somewhat injured the at,klP. Tl,� lad was it. lou;; 'way � The goods have arrived and are now being while; Miss Robb escaped. from home, lint lit• pl'udlcily. unhitchedS H I L OW � passed into stock. Prices tell wonderful things one of the bursts,, cnnuntttit and rode Miss Bessie •McDonald, sister of � of cheapness, and mer:.t wins every time. . Mrs Robert Scott, of Harpurhey, home with tho injured limb dauglinT Tr K passed peacefully away on Monday as he rode. C O NS U M PTI O N ` 1\7 ® AI ®O 9 afternoon,at the residence of Mr Scott. A, gentleman in Watfurd who drives Seaforth. Nlls3 McDonald had been a haulky horse occasioiiltlly, hays adopt- l i usual confined to lire house with dropsy for ed a novel tuethod for persuading the CURES Ladies La Pere Rid Boot (button or lace,, four or five mt.uths• stubborn animal to contilkno hisjprice, $2.25, all at $1.40. -- ,journey when required. Tho apparatus l News Items. consists of an electric' battery con The success of this Great Cough Cure ie LADIES-DONGOLA OXFORD,usualpriee,$1.40, Hon Wilfrid LauriLr will, it is said, nested by wire to the hit and crupper. without a parallel iii the history of medicine. I now 971 cents. All druggists are authorized °to sell it on a POs - as the h•>rae Itaadeeided to give itive uarantee,atest that noother cure can suc• ' shortly move into Moutreal from himself P. prolonged rest' the curreut Arthabaskaville. P !, the Pro stand. That it may become known, • is turned oil and. Iii+ ie obliges to move the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are Ladies Waterproof Grain Boot (lace or button, placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home The rcoyal" Oonimission on Pro- ulouir at a lively gait. The air of aur- `p iz omtueitcr to take evi- rise. and disgust it. - Tiled , b the m tits United States and Canada. If youhhve usual price, $2.00, our price, $1.45. X. hibiti0n will C p ' a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for Bence in the lower provinces about animal operated ou is amusing to it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, for end of the present month. witness. The wxperinient was tested, or Whooping Coug ead t it rashly, and relief A number of lines of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and and Worked like a eF►artn, is ante. If you dread that insidious hsease Childrens Shoes are included in this lot. A young man named W Glenn, of COnsnm tion, nab it Ask your Drug+;ist for Morningtoti township, wa4 killed ell` PROF. SCOTT SH Lo S cUR Ptv.e to its„ � els• na I Remember we guarantee ever air of shoes 3r.00. If your Lungs are sore az ck lame, y p Thursday last by a hent falling on l+iui t t,� t'hiloh's Parous Plaster. Fricc z5 cts just as represented. while assisting at it barn raising. MUSICAL LEADER PRESWERIAN CHURCH ' 'Che closing exPrcises of, . she oil- l,lres priv�to Lesgonsin YocalTrahtin�, hath In staff This is an unusual offer. Take advantage of it tario Agricultural Colleg0 took ;Ver. for concerts gs, Terms for wisderato.I �i and save money.. on Thurlsday:last. Lieutenant -Cover- Apply at ittts.lt. aloltuows, nor Kirkpatrick was present. 24.4huterSt, whigham ' FOOL, B�'r'�ER, EGGS, Etc., all The Customs returns at the port of -- Toronto for tilts year ending June 30, wingham Saw and Planing Mills. � taken as cash. 1Sfl2, chow an increase of $274,258 $4 'rho undersigned have now on hand a larrre stock over those of the year Ending. Just• of THE r� E� gip+ t T: A. M 1 DIY PIN t ' �iso(;K, (Of PENN'A. MINE_OWNEfit,1 W'inghara,. The hy•law authorizing the issue of TAM11tAOX,and r dobentures amounting to $160,000 for HAUDWOOD LtTl14BElt i _._. �- �'• -- 4 ._ the extenlon of the Toronto ludas � C111111AN OF1'1C�' IIAIKILTON, 6111:, � FOR SALE, bres!ed of undrosaed xx� end xx. 1 tri � i�xhibitiolt was Caned by 'a ;301tTH . I aHi� 8l1IHINGL � �esRA 1� car HOLSTEIN �11���� ���� ������ Lot Ian. �, and tho V. is' of Lot No.' 7' 1 ter of `+early 1,400, 130.1 UEDAIt l3H1�i(ILLf, lots sold dispatch ' y#LADINGt cleated., well fen ed• fraino h u bores STAVhS, S A, 14ew Wei$ttutnater, D 0, p tc0)y1lllM>Ole>rlt. Tl1e nndetslittierl has tnz sato nh 1.nt ib, Con. �. , 1l>iudu , '. Tnruberr�, lonrthbronghhrcd liolstotn little, ran¢•. t , ' dies tine Jolmrlit�, tile t Wo so 1110 rllrttltdiiltd ple6fibt lint `ran 0 to tai nmatlhs old. The s,bov4'n,enttbnHt c that buildingtigood orobard,, 'Ch et on says ChN WOOD, deli., >.niatstsnrenllwoll ntttrkol had retttvW61 In filo to & &111113 to hoed to bo hango' 61, lirtte 1IiMr 1l"r `fib. ai. C, oA1kCl4ito , Ttttha`ns sptttp atprtcurthat dwty easnlotitloll. 1`161 tr tntonddti Sit eil yis turd honk. Therwbiit,b Beta' chcMp#na J illy 16, !lava bast (11131"t dalttfl pal alts to Gita wt 1 tine v to thole intotoet to glt'a risA Will y tilt t tst trettria tb tui` pnrcttanaYb'. obi COtlt'nttlt�d ti'6lifh itnl,piiillltlwat I. bettrttrpitoln thtllr ender.. Ma wb rt Bite mated Nl.�>�t/lllltio*divott� ' a , n Its! � to iHa. # t � yw� iia ,u n Id. titin to bvtibanded to t] 1.