HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 4f
Relgrave, i
.. _ _ - .. ... l4ir Eel Vightinau Itas returned
Doi c ,
baud and his ablations was only ;n- —ran E Hows+itn alga daughter, ^^
® t skrurnetital its bring ltitn a little to his Fran:is, are the p;nPsts of Dlr J 11 from hits trip. to Manitoba,-- -hir Jas i \ "
■ ■ • y i tt rume atate of wind, He regretted Gttutber•.--Mr Albert Nicholl, 13 Nichol returned from ion visit to 1 i Q „Aio
I ver much being rescued ere drowning, is home from Toronto fora f,3w ltai friends in Hamilton, Oil Friday last,
$ :tltpnn to Walkerton Jail on drays.— Mr Sattruply TG crylayndb f i{a of Rev Mr Ross, (I Brussels, preached heel , nice olines rdon ctl ts Ivoeltejnrlighterliedforl
,Ile was t on,_ to the 1 r eabyterian church ctrl Sou 1 y,
Monday. Tho bereved wife and zamily Cleveland, Okttn, is as
have the eympalhy of the village: --A Alr Wm Rigden satteudedltitlle CRUIP the pastor, Mr Law, preaelling in Cords, Victoria Lawns And plain check
—AND— lacrosse match was played. on Friday her frost } last rnYPter,---r1ri imYnence crowd front anclspot Musl}ns, Latest things }nBUM
last between Vingltam and reesWater m etin Jn 51oAustin,olt Berlin baa here `attended the orange 7Jetnanskra- mer S}lks and choice seasonable Dress
- i at +at..e resulted tion in Riocardino, last Tuesday.— Goods.
y, r 1 . teams on the pant. Thep, The Rev 1L V Hughes, of Winobam,
in favor of Wingham Ody „a3ntptoantl tltettpitsttlwetf , tt ds
ubleil during
renoFrd a aeru]onr to the Oran,gemsit i A very largo assortment of Gloves,Ties,.
V;ngban, played a g of West Toronto, has been P
exh;betP.d QO(1 team play, lhp hrmP strop 1 in Tsiuit church, on Sunday last.— Parasols and Circulars, which rvo guar-
U . ' ►' Uaey during the past week,—blr Tltos Male, Partners art. hstbpy over t,llo fine antes. ,
* p team tants more practice before they renewing. old acquaiutanaes ;n town y
!: r 0.' H. i1, TELECHAR undertake anotllet Itlatpit they weather since kite ootnnmettcement of I
flus se«+sort as yet. has a cucumber grown in the open air the haying season, In fine Shoes and Slippers we carry the,
had no team play Rev J Dyke, of Vildots, Alan, was }arrest stock, from the host tnalters in
Opp., Brunswick ftlsle, This defeat will snake them got down whi lis measures 14 ruches in length y Rev J H D I,e
to work. The ;Arne was hotly can stria e h inches aroul]d rhe cer trP,= - visiting his brotbol', Y Ctntada,
tested and passed o(i' without any `rine 1llain street bridge has been re. o^ BBlgrays.—tiitrs G T, Wray, 0.
inghalu _ - - !Ont, „ anited.—Mrs John, Burton, Mrs Alcott spent Sunday in this village,-- In Gouts Furnishings and ordered
rougb play or loci, language bra gl The service in tile Methodist church r Su Special
- — - -- — ing indutaed in. Mr Brink acted as Jacob Largo and Alrs.• S. llcIioo' its, fully warranted, we offer a e
lost Sabbath evading was tilten i,Y inducements tit rho present time,
••. referee w;th universal satisfap ion.— winere ill New York Citv last week, I r
,• The Grey correapnn lent to the Itrus- to attend the Christian Endeavor Cc11.1 RNv J Dylte, of Virdon, Alan. IS'ub-
j' J ( .t
Jt j dols roost must have beet► looking ventioir wlniah was in session there,— ect for next S:tl]l,ath evert;ng, "Give Our special brands of Teas—at reason- ,
True us this day our ' daily bread. As able prices—are securing to us many new
through a nits, glass trhett he Listowelputon holiday attire on rues' man as 200 left here lest Tuesday
- — - - - ' wrote the folly+viug to that paper on day to reset the Orangemen, Y customers. Try a sample pnekage. Tit
11_ 1~RIDA1, JULi' 15, 1592 fire 8th: ''Salinue1 Aekilis knife and 131itpl]ane tit and EaYoung it011a f Northand forl incardine, Belrral;e lodge and Sugars ivo are giving great bargains
— sgn, of T'eesw(tter, were renewing old So it P arts of three other lodges, 1lelpin„ Now is the time to receive them.
_ to swell the crowd ort to the city by x
r----- - --= — acquaintances in this locality this
tkliell 4 number
1l the outsides t
` THE I31,ITIS11 ELECTIONS. week " Mr A is not the happy pos , Y the,, lalte,—Alaster Garden E Wi]linms, WOOL! WOOL ! WOOL!
f•, of. '4Vingham, was the guest of Miss
- The larpsG returns show fife election sensor of a son (or cl(iuohter either)ancl I lodges had Arrived and it vas tong
the Grey scribe better apologize for hid that there were 27 stands of colors, rveok. We will pay, the highest price either in.
arson this
534 members of the new House inaccuracy or he may get himself into After lunch the procession formed in I -= and cash or trade, for sillysillyquantity of cvonl
' Comuloas, dig feed as follows : trouble. the park ill tile Contra of the town Culross
• h33 paraded the principal streets to the Tttp diroctors of the Culross Mutual GORDON & McINTYRE
'onservatives ................ Morris•_ park,whert loyal and patrotic speeches
hpral-Llniouiats ...••• •,•••• 35 were delivered by the mayor of Listo- Fire Insurance Company Met in the
,t 268 lite Court of Revision met in town town hall Tt eswaier on July 2nd. The Big Brown Anchor,
n ur_ , wel, Mr Bruce, Char, Cezoas, Rev Mr , leurbersgall present. PresicienG In Wingham, J'nne 9th, 1892.
il.eralt, ....... . 21 r hall, Morris, on June ..7th 1892, p Rev 51r i •
' Nugent, Rev Mr Lk-ingston, the chair.' The minutes o£. previous
i1:ti.P(trnHllittsa 42 sualit to adjournment, Members all Cameron, Thomas Alagwood, Al: P P,
r:Yrtnritjtps•........ .... . ...... 7 present, Geo Jackson was entered a Bron Georges llIN and others, meetia+g were read and adopted. A9c-
266 owner S X lot 17, con 8 ; Jot n Ma- 11(aguo—Little—That till applicattnus Langside.
Aster wad entered tenant N 1 lot 12-,. after which the crowd dispe"Sed and for insurance be laid on the table for pass no remarks about the weather.
Total Members elected ............... 534 r sou;;lat the various places and forms ins ectiou.—Carried. Reid, r'lcKa up Ever t«od went to I(incardine, on
4D. be elected ......... ............... 136 con 6 ; John Lnrrlo entered occupant of amus( -meat to be found. Tho even' Il? ° — y Y
The Liberals on rl?Pdnesdsty gained S lot 2r , con 5. On motion of Proc' g trains carried away pnnrn]ons that having examined 36 apphc(n- the 1,2th—A pornl sabst,uitisl trnme
I tor, seconded by Kirkby, the Cuurt of i cations and found thein satisfactory, barb has beeu'ets orad nn the pret]tices
English and 3 Sooteb county ueats Revision was titan closed and the as. crowds, stud the proceedings of the day the resident and secretary shall pre- of Mr Simeon Humphrev.—Mrs
perfect quiet and 1 president
ud list tbn Ellolish eoanty seat, milk- sessme,tt roll as now revised was es- terminated with p q pa,•e atxl issue poljcies for sante—Car- Crnwstou ,Sn►itl► and Mr' George
p; a n1 t aiu of 11 oil the day. `Their tablishpd as the asspssn]ent roll of this order. : rivd, Severs -1 parties having put in S,ni,tt►, aro visitiu r friends in Chat-
;reseut fret gain is therefore 49. As township for the current year. Council sic ttriCl claims for dnnurgt:s sustained by ham.--4lts Btoltnell, has rrtu;ned to
A•Zoved ` 1i htniup, the airpetorta after inquiry,, her home, Drtllnville; after spending a i
ji ;:4 of a gain wiped out the (ioveru• business was then taken up' I»tendedfor tusttsa!1,«.1 and said Artier having made affidavit few weeps at her old hump.
by 0 A Rowe, seconded by George On July the Patrons of Industry, i p t
;leiit tpatj,ority the Liberals now have Kirkby, that Clrsatles Maguire, statute r ; as to the corrections of their claims.•
uatijilrtty of 30 in t}►e new House.* la;•or bi commuted for the year ill lieu of the tor,,nship of Howiuk•, held their, Messrs Kirkland and Armstrong r stealing Horses.
of :i job donN fly him opposite Iota l7 annual picnic on the far famed picnic moved that the treasurer pay the The Parsley ddvoraty says: one Jay '
N ED1TORIAL N01'LS, ,and 18, con 1 --Carried. Alr Robert ,rounds, u Lake et. At an .pally following accounts : Air. McGregor, last week a stranger drova up to Mr.
ParLia nnsxT prorogued 6n Sittur• liughra appeared in reference to'a i our farmers might seen connng from '
for threes lambs killed, $8 ;John Ross, E. Carter's shop with a boy horse, a
A, the various eectiolrs of Eiowiol: arra . for damage done to barn, $8 ; Robt fine-looking top huggy, new set of liar• r
ay last sifter a session of four montha proposed drain from S , lot 16, con 7, the uei«+hborin• townships to take pant , p , ❑ens, knee cover, the., and before long
ltd a Half.. and stated that the parties having fail- h , b Marshall, for one sheep killed 4
ed to agree he required the engineer: a demonstration which the comrnittpe ,Air tlunnell, for drtlnage clone to dwell hes had traded the buggy to Mr. Carter
` The writ for 11 new election in to be brougllt•on under the provision of management strove with United; ing house, X56,67, all such damages for a new road cart getting $7.50 to.
Iitr uettp, A[ati., has been . issued. of the ditches and watercourses act. allergy to make it seconed to none, ! said to have beef, caused by lightning• hoot, Next hp went down town nod,
;;atuinattatts oil the 15th and polling
Moved by Jae Proctor, sHcandpd by S
All ranks :tad condjtjons of human;ty t —Carried. McKague—hrmstrone traded the- road cart to Dir. Abe, Hunt e
2«Jud 0itibick, that the clerk be instructed came to ear o e of eh mosloed different
i That this boa a Gloo tHrtvtow s hall on Adjourn to for enotlrer cart, and oil leaving )lore:
of the / to notify the er,atuepr as soon as thy P +gleet a„ + id said to have- galla Off in a northerly
SCOTLAND with L06,000 voters has proper requisition , is filed—Carried social problem. Various amusements ! Saturday of July at 2 o'clouk p tit direction. The next henr(1 of him was
r and gatues were 'provided such as when he appeared at John Kftley's,,
ievel,ty-two members ; Ireland with Moved by 0 A Howe; seconded by S Carried PP
„ Ctildbick, that Geo Kirltl,y be iustrue- swingln'z, boating, baseball, and foot• t ALM. ADnarsoN; Secretary. Leva:, lou instead of his btty horse he
45,000' has 103 in ; England brill, diel very seldom has more acieu- had an old white stager, and was in
tad; IVa es r+'rtU 5,000,000 voters have tpd.to expend 12 ill {;ravelling un St i
boundary—Carried Moved by Gro titre playing beau shown even by pro-: Gonne. gniriug fits tv(ty to the Black Horse.
19v members. Kirkby, seconded by if A Howe, that fesajonals. The match result
in a' A larce number of Orangrimeu and It is said al'o that lie was seen in
draw and both teams, viz, Diidmtty and Bruce about 11 o'clock :that night at
co;;Ti;uroaaiti 'remarks : ''A S Calbick be 'instructed to expend $15 Lakelet intend in rite near future to citizens of this place attended' the.
t' oti sideline near liluevstlo station— 6elebratiou of the Battle of the lioyrte the farm of Mr. Jug Brown apparently,
;,easou of rust -provoking• would do Carried. On (notion of Kirkoy, decide which is the better. A spirited in Arthur, oil `i'uesday iast,—Mr Jas trying to .witch one of Air, Brown's;
lrtere t0 iri]pOVetlsh` C&nada than a .seconded F,y Howe, the following hit•-elaall lilatc.lr was played batwPen A Noting, butchmr, of London,is spend horses. The next kilaw.n of him was;
;lez'riu A1cI iuley bills." We fancy' accounts wore orde.rpd to be paid : Lultelet and IledgCar'H whjclt was wort 1110 his vacation 1litlt his F.nrpttta. in wllPn Mr. Wm. Harvie, of ink 12, coni
Al ,evpu aicliirrle hiuiseli. would Eitlinerson Littlefair,cedarfor, culverts by Redgrave Atultle provision. was
town.—Air Alex Putifthd tend wife, of 18,'Greenock, got up early on Satur•.
llY a day nrort.iuo and found ao old white. '
' and no engirt those who partook of the Dungannon, err vision•► frieudd i❑
sci(f,it the correetness of this state- I $10.20 ; John Elston, building cul- n,ndH for the wants of the took It all,
horse in his field while a white one of
l? vert $4 ' bleLeal] 8c Sol,, cedar for and
spread will think of the -good to"'tl•—air and IVIis Alex Douglas Ar and
meat,— Huron Expositor. ' p there dau later Miss Flora, of Arthur his own, but st .much better beast, was
culverts oil
(vest gravel road, i23.6 , g
'riff: rumor is revived that the C. P. Joseph Golley, building culvert on ladies of Lakelet. About 2 o'clock township, paid friends -ill this, neigh. gone. Later on in the morning Mr,
llas about i.ouipleted Arrangements west gravel road, 6 ; Vnt tS'tretton,
the township PrPsident called the borhood a visit 'h+st week,—We 'are Barrie saw his own horse come spank.,
Woodstock to gravel, 9 ; S H o:;gard, daivage draw- crowd of about three tboudattd.to order, sorry to learn tiiat Mr W ,1i •Clegg, along the road attached to a road cart
I extend its Tule fruni \1o0 . and in a Hria1 planner not only ill• p surd went out to •he+id them off, He
fug gravel, $1 ; E Boaman, gravel, I an din a gl►j al ant also the speakers hardware mprcha 't, of this i,v lids
uspeneiou. Bridge, where direct con- *41 64 Mrs Thyne', do, $4.05 ; ll hepn com;pellod to matte all ItsA1 1110ellt, demanded of the driver to know where
nectior, with New York City will be H2errn+•ton du X1.135 ; tris Gray, do, of the hour. 'L'he following gPtttleuell . We Pope, however, he play be nhle to 11H gut the horse and the chap said
new bridge over Niagara G.35 Robert Sough, du, , 1.05 ; Jaa there spoke in order ; —J amps :1i►t(h drift over his prPSPi]t djtlicttlty.—Rev that lie had bought it in Galt the day
;rtbte,ittrtl A . o v ,
ill lie begun tit once. Proct or, do, !x+6.70 ; Goo Goodfellow, Esq, Gorrie ; John Pt t(,11111s County
r S PHtland and his aiatpr C lja, of b,•fonN. When U r. Barrie told mp,
n part payment oil lielgrave pitch, $10; Organizer, ftedt, Dungannon, paid friends in town it that he had stolen it the fellow jump-.
Teesrvater: Jaules Jackson, 'Wilding brirlt P and Vice•Prestdpttt. Glen 112orra ; C A 1 visit last week.—.firs El B' Wiles, Of ed out of the cart and inside off,leaving
«► after- It roatah and repairing sideline be. Mallory, Grand President, Narkaorth; Chiaad0 li visiting ' friends ill rand Mr Barrip in possession of the rig -(slit.
Jew l+arr( lett uo '1'uestl y PP anger of Glad• ,
'ituuu far 13auliiton. North' Dakota, tween lots 5 and G, con 9, $48 ; P1 able and interPatim, addresses were around town,—\Ir,r Sp. , Nothius, definite is known of hiiA
1 deljverea i atl. Our grand officers [ win, Mich has beer, visiting friends in since.
wi,pre 1►e tut-ndS pr4eti utg fire pro- Catrt„len, gr«tvFlniig at .ot 14, 'coq 6, P objec
town during the past weep. '
i cession ---that of A D We wish h(in ;X13 ,' «Jas (iribsnn, repairing culvert
t explained
D+i t`U 6h0 satisfactiontsbf f 'all.. , stlaiarth Church DrlHourtY•
success ill his +iew sphere. Dlr biuiuly i hPtwt.t.0 lots 5 and 6. •nit 9, ultpr+ The int+ettga was bt~ought to a closo by Londesboroug h• For some time there has {,Fran rP.hel,
;is a goiltleman in every sense, of the t F Wright, „rttoPl, n3.75 J s C10 2 three chPera fur tiro Queen and th"00 d dire. Wm. Brarldou, who lion in the Sealorth 11P•thodist Church
'tern, sr!n1 +Ntl!.Ito doubt itturjn aanviceaa i puttitiq to drain at lot 11, c n , b , Dir. an
rViu Liam Adeance, u1,lishing auditors for the grand offiders. hn•H ltP ii visltin +,:fr}pries in town re- "ainst the action of the stationing
-.„,, eft oil rVecl.nesday g P ' «noutlnittee of the Guelph .ConferenceK
Ir V 1'Valdv
Iuorii;ngtol' the Military School,whPre t abstract tw;1 years; 610 ; W 14 Kerr, who is working with tit appointing Rev Wet Smyth (at one
willVit tit nl It term of two u,wher , i printing pamphlets, 518; C ► Howe, R•mtjdy fof Potato Rot: 'turned OtiI iso”' home in P;ekford,lli;ah• `
he. P eod 'iotends moving his! pipe arain, u; John Watson,4poiliz It id predict -ad that on iraeoant of! Mut Maine had the misfortune to dis• time of Stratford) as r,he pastor of glia
--Alex blcL ' church. Rev Mr Liin.ka had been
•ho 1uio Wr Pow »torp, ittg union Scitonl sPetiond, X5,40; John the recent very wet .weatlteota an od r I locate his drip on Saturclaq Inst,—Mr: asked for b Moth SPaforth and Ower;
r:tlall,pt b p I
' - , :Occu ied t. Sit Iii -ler, jee eller. CloakPy, gravel. ri.85 ; 1Viiharti Al c- May natter front alpP .tie. reloodv.i Thos Quigley is away s11, ou R a few Y
let ly p Y Sound + Jud, as lira was ,lent to Owet;
j ,}Px will. have r1 tit'st cllsa alrop thNn. Call, building culvert and repairing Should this prom( tett holidays.—N,ir. Geo. Snell, our black -
A Sound; the Committee ill its wisdom
t 's a usher and his • tglial s illilalr + road at lot 17, loon 9, p10 ; Wait M -o. ss rPComiueslded by the ' rrt}dfi lloar(1 smilb, is kept very busy just now.-- C
Alex x v, r, at i Aster, repairing culvert, 75 ce ltd; H of Agriculture, is Nortl►y pf trjal. It The contest In the I. O. G: T. iodKe put down Rev itis SiYiyrlr instead 'for
(curl cllarntiitg. adttri e, pea makes ni, iy + p . e In , oil Hast. eor siists in the' applicat;on of the row SPaforth: 11101 Seuforth people le ro,
4 a fair cheek blush with pleasure, Dr 4 Alrtotlpy, to pale fur gray I s. a in%xtttrp of dulrllote of rVws F►rottt;int to n filoso ntr Friday last. P P
iut'•nds rpinovin into k;rrrwpt road, 1:25; Jnhu Coolies, tu;, crops of .-the Orangeman and a num!+er of tested ao vigorousl, and with sue11
3rordnn, L D S, g lar and low. Nr for drairist at 8,1— copper and little dissolved ill water.. « evident determination to carr the
Alex's old stood.--yomg evil dispoerd i gr i Froin observatlou ,fill the redord of citizens frompinrH eele bratod tlnr 12t11 'r(ir«alt to uure.asOnsihle 11.11011 ; that s.
Person or pt+rsons-pelted rgga' at the; ;;Tarso, $2a , ;1lrssPs 1;xfnrd, charity, ni Ii;intsardm ;,; _, _,;d ..,. , 11111911,109 of ,t concniittee of the Con:
' boot" Opposite irrt.. Colvin`s ahrun! $14 Thos laoallnau,.ajtch on ry 6t ;nndltaprairlRHNlxemmtfjdg the fprpnur+ wast held it( Stratford on Dung
85 , Geo lCirki,y,wrant ill Prance, R $luerrale
swtote and. made it, look like as it had t; avpl road, $ he spent nn If}ti dam,'it i;Y fnttnd tliai 25 pounds , inion Day try cousidor the situation.
the atnalf•pox or rather bit; -pox.. !its hen of ettltute l our to l I aver of't o
per with 1` }pbandw \Ir J J Messer, son of 'Mr Win tov John Scotto ill A. Of St Marys,
drBOW, 140zitrd, through, tho influence I r di Con lute,. y..U. Un ruction nt of pulp i a.l e 1 100 allotYs of \teaser, of this torten fa visiting tind.ot pr01dident cot the t ottfe+rrineH, pi sided,
Of dritilt (tag 'become deraiiged in hill! Proctor, se(intidp(f by Nowt', thin . the of Inrne, dts o g
a - « adjourn to 1uPHt w+ Iiu water InaieP tli,► :proper Iltrpns;tli of rue, parental roof At l+resent.•- Quits s atnd aoniH M;;;ht OtilPr 'elerstytnNri were
•putrid and' ►nada things rather int 1 cotnirll do tl low ata J [lip sold fou. The first drxsstlrl; . •ia. number went to Xinoardino Tut sday err «+nt, It rvtzd dec;cled finsilly that
i It big hrsbde. He has been drink• vii the pith ear of August rsr+ttt. G
• ► i V, (;r.Artit, Clwrk, u}Ven bMC Vr+sn tl'ie l. rli and ::5k1.i etfi to atteiia tile t elµt:raki in afthe Iiattla the iuteirests ,yt' Elte, thatch would Sts
fade; ratl1filr liwttvtly of letw. Not beteg June, th+r tliaaacsd tttitf,tlly ttittitt its its of: the I3csyu►j—Nit aurlrrsw St:ntr, of pr«nnntptt l,y rntzkiti ► it ahringa in tine
' ,
atr(e tn secuw+s airy jb turrrn hes lead it ; y,islitiwel• ilppr,arancu til the first rart t> lht in 'Seuforth, was .iiiitilist herr. laid wook. trrraii puleUtr which . was clnttti by
lwrrowpht to Irian ftoYYt ..otiteida. Sattir• _ y ti 't July. '!"fico a -Colli! dreaanntt is appfi- —Nir Rout :hedger fell from tlirr lisp, pheing I1t+V J Galloway, of tho Ott,
ti ai night end Sunda lie beoynn01 coin l T«le l.ev D Stbaclrat'y. Of S«irni i, 1 y t r ate interval of wrght r n Or of t► barn on : iortd+iy, rind was serious
tario-vt church, Ctint(sn, sit Spaforth,
Iftely uutitollog+etthle and o» aunday preuchecl in 1Cnnz illlttrcli on SiindY ter r t6 tiw xr and l'itrrllar drosaiitit if ;ly isrjtitPd«• riNsarr lynti` tC btowart andgiving Mr 8tuyth e Galloway's
wa rota hratt. - `phH •Maud of i 34 town 1111"0' t y y t AttrrtYill"s' ,
2. p' wi►« lla ltraka a y f" a nNrsrin tit, the dtsHasp p►trtrltntst. els to flip 'rluutit• stattod 1Vpdn+'s«i>iy, a aliurClr. '1•'hPiiH changes it weir Itopet
i. yia@ ,• who hr!lrl' watch over hint tirid lidopted a inati'ant. iii kiln' « w s .oi+t ,tit tit on, it 0116 ltaly r Aries ir(1itY britlgr. Visa t7a>µmHlly, of Clnntt+rioh, would 4911y tilt~ exit+thtg trossitlee.
the ptrl4 and pluug«d Into rFrof►'fuilctth Ds►riter, thol EI I it 5 11n1r,►: i . t , t+t,mistiirtienJed I .y wtlur ritritilr t hPrll 1,I t w►P+sk.- Dlrtl 1V .. ,, ..
lie wive al+]st ly lfet -•'dile ik►•rt«ltt r+ ieartirrsl hrtld i I w rginPr ai l Dnp 1 .q. nil rl Na"tson went:, to lstawo l ' wirrsafa r, Bias CTwwy l l+•rr, l !
1f els its all and ttresa- the ring ort lliatttr:lttJ ,rrrenlan tr( 1
01 ri
i#bi.d+ifiiflYtsiflil,ttf tslli rs iP - TS'si,`-;'fttilil' r.,:.,.... eau, M.
w' ..1ttirl roti , d;.;rinrtml:,' t ri fricrl
ws ureal wrrs+It -