HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 3Russian J'u,stim, i .A,Iriad He Wouldn't Pass, Only a 1 orseshoe Nail. ,A, Blessing to Every Household, a • III many countries, when lawyors,are He was a plann well along in middle Silo was a beautiful girl,upon whose involted to argue in troubles about a0 and was willing to be insured. lustrious earls twenty summers had ,property, tho ineli of law come in for Tile agent Las prepared his "applica. laid their roses in ehowers of color and. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, a good share of the property ill dispute, tion,' rind turned hint over to the fragrance, and upon whose fair shoal- T ' In Russitp a0iiirs of this kind are some- searching sorutiny,of the accomplished ders the decree of fashion had placed it These remedies have stood the test of fifty gears experlenco, and aro prow.unced the gnat M, divire, u,n 14i.mes more adroitly manal;ed, without medical examiner, pair of suspenders. Validly use. ,the aid of the lawyers, but to the I !,light as well tell you, doctor, to If any whu read these lines have not ' - H 1=11T_L4Z,, mortification,of all the litigants, The begin with, that ours has been family yet got themselves upon th;s fad, they Purify the "b►god,l.eot e t albdisord lrs of tn?�,t�luEReat Ilton#CII, l0MNT.15 A:Nu 1l I F i y t for fle f, d d, following is a•case in point. . A farmer of fatalities and suddeta deaths, said should at, once look up the latest ' brought a,cowslcita to marl{et, whicha the applieant, fashion plates. T1�M C)xwr_Ua.11.11�3�rT alloornaker bought for two and a half The examiner looked ,seriously as. She, was radiatlt in her loveliness, TlIi; he only Celiable ro±! 1[ ASly 4tGb it egg, Pon-S. t'1iATcer, GLADd %voti ds. FOR 1;4PAN111118. S1 flNv roubles. Having however, no motley lie replied ; and the voutig mall who sat by her llISl:ASt':d IT HAS NO I:t.UAL. Naaufaetured oily at 78, .New Oxford. Late 53;3, Oxford Street, London. Having - and sold by all Modiclue Vendois tbrou aiout the g'ui'ld, with' hiin, th,e latter went borne to Why, you seem to be • in excellent side when the shadows of the evening t,�Purllasers should, look to the 'L.nbel off the Boxes and Pots. if the address procure it. Ili tine meantilue another physical condition, What (lid your fell was as happy as she was neauti• not 5' buyer Oxford Street, London, they are spurious, buyer appeared and bid three roubles father die of ? ful.'—'—"`" " for the skin. Tile farmer, after wait- Ideart disease. It was an iridescent combination. ing a while in vain for the shoomalier's That's bad. How old was .lie ? He had proposed rind been accepted return, gave tale skin to the second Ninety-two, and lie had just concluded a wild, im• buyer. Uulupkily at this moment the Ural 1 A lid your mother I pulsive embrace that now was tapering e�Al original buyer returned and demanded Shsa's gone, Loo. Filled at it cross- off gradually ill a tender alae-trrluecl leis purchase. A quarrel insued,which ing. hug as lingering as it ease of the grip 5���,�t► ended in tine matter beingbrought be- And liter age 4 in a hard a+Enter. fore a,justice. The hitter listened to illother wits a little over seventy, George, she uiurinured, will you do � the evidence, and then addressitig the Do you know the ape and cause of me a favor 2 REGULATE THE Shoemaker said ; yout grgpdfattlers' deaths 2 continued A million 1 Lie exclaimed, with a I STOMACH, LIVER No BOWELS SSOB b0al ht t11PSlan first h°; eXanih@Ptrolioiil lUXtllianCe ; a million tiiirs deg, Yes; indeed. F'ather's fattier died 'a million darling, - AND For how mueh 7 just a week after his ninetieth birth One is enough decry, she said, with PURIFY "IFI BLOOD. Two and a half roubles. day. They said he used too much a soft little smile of jnyous content- ice! A�t BLOOD. Yes° tobacco itilother's father was only meat. I A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Put it on the table. eighty -Fight Falling down stairs What is it, darling ? lie whispered, Turning to the second .buyer the finished him. drawing her closer to bim, Lndigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, I>i And ur grandmothers l Will yon lend me a horseshoe nail I Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad justice inquired : y4 , Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all Did you buy the skin afterward ? One of em hail consumption at she lisped l,lnshutbly. `� a have busted disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. yes, eighty -xis, and died of it in no time- my gaUos. And paid for it Ripans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu- Phe other was tripped with sunstrolce And George's great heart )-earned tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by Yes• at eight -four. Oh, they all went tiled broke then, for he had coins to the i druggists. A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of x5 cents. Address Now much did yon pay I quick• trysting place without a horseshoe I THE RIPANS-CHEMICAL CO., Three roubles. The examiner did not seem so grave nail, ' io Spruce Street, New York City. You have the skin ? as he asked : Have you any brothers Yes. or sisters? ily father bought nye a gold fish fur Put it under the table. One sister and two brothers, was I a dollar, hoitsted 'Pommy. Ho! some- "1 t 13 Tile man threw his purelfase under the answor, John went out into the> ed Willie, I don't believe he's solid— i TRY �• �'� + ALL �•'� not for a dollar l a ROYAL. MAIL BTt;,tl,smrs. the table, and [Wady rooru for the far. mining country when he was seventy- REDUCTION IN RATES. mer, whom the justice'next addressed. two, got into trouble there, called a Well, Johnnie, do you manage to I and be convinced that I • You agreed to sell for two and a•half drunken man a liar and 'was shot. hold your place to your class at schoolq steamerssan re,,,l+dlt fres„ LIVER - roubles, and the buyer not returning Henry was drowned at sixty-nine Yeth, thin. I've been foot of 'em all, PORTLAND neo HALIFAXoder To LIVER- -b r POOL ti'hi honduudert;e. promptly with the money, I under- trying to heIR two young fellows that all thirth year. . �, , A Q iA�_ �� �c�1 (1 ,n (�j Deane Tny, ,r,xt'ra uoxt�ns. stand you sold to another for three couldn't swim. Sister's alive. She's The devil can sometimes be +eery tGl 1�7) lv'eS � c Cabin, $40 ar,d upwards. Seeo„ d Cobh,, $25, roubles? awfully careless ; ate a lot of green a ell behaved when he is working for a l Steeraee at low rates. No Cattle Carried. Yes—exactly• stuff; the day of her golden wedding, [.nig' price. I ! STATE) SERVICE,OF Have you the three roubles I then danced in the .evening with all I? my snggests that the reason why Is the finest Was ; Is'in slf know+,' t ALLAN L i N E yes, then old felloNs out on tile• lawn, even LINE*) STEAMSIIIr3, fish is brain food is because fish go in afte • it was raining ; took her two schools. I NEW YORK & GLASGOW Put them opt the table. k -- This was done, and then the judge s daya to get over it. She'll go in a I via Londonderry, every b'n,•tniuht, Cabin, 5vo and burr like all the rest, some of these The Head Surgeon. upwards. Second Cabin, S?5, Steera3;e at low rates, delivered his decision. y N Apply to FI, & A. ALLAN,Montreal, or The shoemaker is to b'aine for bar times. Of the Lubon 112, an Company is now at U D B I R .P A I Toronto, Citins,du, and may be consulted D HENRY DAVIS, W1NGUAI.t. gainipg without ufone�-, thereby eu Well, said the inedical gentlymttn' either in pbrsou or by letter ou all chronic a dangering the peace of the town. Tile sooting, I think I'll ehauee you, and diseltses peculiar to mar. bleu, youug,old, i or middle-aged, who flud the.msetve nerve second buyer for outbidding another,' don't believe your application will be ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken Toscrn COWAN, and the seller for dealing or attempting, turned down - at the home office. down from excees or overwork, resulting in � is the b-st in the world. many of the following symptoms; Mental.I to dial with people without money, Only you must look out for youself• I deprossiou, premature old age,loss of vital. l CM-mit IJTn DIV. COURT, Co. Hund,`,•, Now till three of you get out ! Quick Be careful about catching hard colds( ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness AUCTIONI;LR I of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions march ! And stir disputants were after you are SO years clrl.—Chicaao l lack of ener;;y, pain in the kidneys+. head- d • i�• CLjl� CO! ISSUER OF MARRIAGE � LICENSES leaving the money and Post. I ache:, pimples, oil the face or, body, itchia�g turned out, or peculiar sensation about the suroturn,; 1STUNE BLOCK, Goalacissroxr:n IN H. C, ,7., Lxc. skin as the perquisite of justice. wasting of the organs, dizziness. specks be, I _ Seven Years' suffering. fore the eyes, twitching of the musclea,eye l WitdxF,TTR, rwT IIOLLOWAY's PILLS, -0 ood Spirits—LNTLi;MEN,-1 have suffered very lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits �Viugham, Everyone has frequently experienuvd G much from .infleidmatgry rbeums. l of the urine, loss of will power, teuderuess sudden rrsondl cban<rra fecal ;;dirty tism, which through wroug treatment left of the scalp aud spine, weak aud flabby. Sole Agents for abnve BANK Off{' A 771y 1A{ STT m �T a p ' changes n•gly running sores ou my haudst :aud feet. muscles, desire to aleep,failure to be rested _ A4� YEA �1 A t�►� to gloom. The wind Itfid weather With this I suffered for seven years,during by sleep, eOrrsti,pation, dullness of hwtring' W I N G H A M . oftentitnes receive the blame when a which time I had neither shoe nor stock- loss of voice, desire for solitude,excftability rr,,^ faulty digestion is alone the cause of ing ell. I commenced using B, `13. D. ex• of temper. � sunkeu eyes surrounded with C P4 Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000, the deprrssfcin. Holloway's Pills can ternally and internally, using, the pills .LtvAuia\I11OL•,."oily. looking..ikkin, etc, are If' henrstl recom,uNuded for t eOulaL� also, and I can now say that the sores are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead 0 Y entirely cured, and havti been for som© to insanity and death uniess cured. 'Phe 0 O President -Jour :TG. R ing a disordered stomach alio improv- time. I believe the bitters were the means every Or vital force having lost its tension Vice•Preefdent—A. G. I{AsasAT. ever function wanes fu consequence.. DIRECTOIis ing digestion. They entirely remove of saving my hie. Those who through abuse committed in ca 11'IttB Avxns ]#lair, tofu PaocToa, CUA$. GDaxfre, Guo 11OAou, A. T the sense of fulness and oppiossion ignorance may be 'permanently cured. Vj Crewson s Corners, on P. U., Gat. i J' p Y � woos n B. rxr (Toronto). after eating., They clean the -furred Send your address for book oil %11 dr�eases tongue, and act as a wholesome stirnu- peculiar to man. Books dent free sealed Cagh,cr-x, TUavBULL. lent to the liver, and as a gentle Ott Saturday evening a titan whose heart disease, the symptoms of winch are �•-� Savings Bank d upward. srdo to eived and to faint spells, purple lips, numbness,pulpita-Coe 1. Deposits of land upwardsreoeivedaodinteroak aperient to the bowels. • They heath' dialect at once indic ted his nation- tion, skin beats, hot fluslios, rush of blood a Spacial Loposits also received 3t current fully rouse both body and mind. nlity, asked Chief Wheatley for ae• to the beau, dull pain ill the heart with a � w • .N rates oY interest. bents strong. rapid sari Erte!ala:, the •r -t A Y?rnftn s lireatBritain aud the Untied States Holloway's Pilis are the beat known corittnodatton in tl:o lookup over night, bought antidotes for want of appetite; naiusea, p seooudhezrtbeatqufckerthanthefl"sf,pain v, ' 11ra Whpatle obligingly 1 took • him' to about the breast bone, etc, call- positively ce £latuleney,heartburn, Iaugour, depless• 3r g R y be cured.. No cure, ,no pay. Sewl for B. WILLSON, Acl>rNr, ion; and, that apathy so characteristic one of the "bedrooms" iii the building book. AddrEsis X. V LL713ON, 21 JI;ierloU• f �' IILTt'Eit &DICKINSON, of chronic derangement of the diges- and gaire hi -In extra bedding, tint the all Ave. Toronto, Cauadli. I r t A h td Solicitors. tion. _ fellow looked around the room En W O ------ - - - - Sneezes are like misforttules—they disgust dfid sa►d "Is this the hest v�,u .� I ZETLAND SAWMILL, �► CA U H seldom come singlv.• Bostun Trans- can 'do?" Ott being informed that it r ® C was he replied "Weel yeAc011 a Scotch- r cries. F -i man canna carne dower to this ; I D The idle call id a heavy tax when Rc)tuletes the Stomach, bA GEORGE i'HOMSONV Pro;lrihtot� Ono is le call as gold.. gang awa," find gathering up his Liver and Bowels, unlocks t 1 Vice soiuetitiiess, virtue often, uidke roots lir tstitrted out rn''seareh of ac. 'LheSear+etions,Puriflesthe-__-- commodatiou that would suit him Blood and removes all lrn� , ed its seem ridiculowl, purlttes .ram a ViMPle -to Luniber Of all kinds, ' better,- Clinton Veru Ara. louit Sore, ' A uensidian ravorim, While perforating all ophration on The season of green fruits an&liummer � " k � First Shix��les�. theworst� crq tlrihka is the time when the worst forms w two•yeat•old colt, belonging to Mr, �► W of cholera, moybuii, diu.rrhma" .+aud bowel Min Dickson. of Roxboro, there. wa4 � u end Cedar Posts.- complaintA prevail. As A safegt5arcl Dr. el fill i'cwltir's Bxtract ,of `'Vild, Strawberry found among rile iutostfntis of the CURF—" S < i . _— iabottld be kept in the bourse. Vor 84 ybare animal a bony growth Which, ''when iSYSPEPS IAS BILIOUSNESS Money to Loan 011 1�OWI, Car 'load Orders a Specialty if has been the most relifible remedy. �.. abstracted ivas fowid to be almost the tCN5TIPATICIN: HEAI]ACN Uhf, SCROrULA. Ncnsente-�Senaa that bappelIA to shape of a horse's tooth, a{fd nfeasur, N. SOUR 5TQMAC � SAL.`1" AHE UM, from our own, P HEART 1gUl Discounted WOOD da�livered to sty pflrt 01 - differ fully an innh arid. rt hililf in length DI2�INE55. DROPSY N0�8S �i1�Cb Style prevades tho . o{►jNbt, mannet' and an melt in airuumforboon. A RE UMA'tl ISM, SKIN gI AS A� nby %,�A t) 1 R�pigyffi is !�l'' 1 iViiyglirtui,. at7titl7 4117 slid ttulftlOFr. ,iiritn6ed on Mort 9*0 W. Orutrk A1G,ptortflrtly attotRlettr ltl� growth of drat utittur" Is f< very lflkto iissNWfefttr of ylnr nit the nn 61 tint Ott ti env m dtnd a000u4t boila+aisxt. 't'/lleCsl'is",�I.'Eltli1�71r Miff, u a End tolri of wtta�ry kin $ o'tldUarrOAilt` i+ hd Mr. 'Griove Was idets = � it► Ibafew�c B Wtnitl+aw, �!'l i ..i ...r w S _. .._ + • ti�catlek ,r' .,. 'Y:dc,.v"Li...i4R _ - -