HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 2�. ..n--
--- — - - - gathered ronud, and she in the midst they all went out into file thing rocni,,
eittra.. one to s are for A little girl, and )tor Anybody. Md i of with buried oil y p ' y :a�beth in a chair me.. �±
pof ilium, arid .he all Spa kindly,aucl and prat 1`Irtr D'!tz
ON 1 0 K1141110� turne i into, A +,port bright, showy aft the table, a. s Vice �
istLeet,. tvhete stood tt great hotel. 4 his arms. He was A well-dressed the young ratan •with the bad face that A marble table, and aeltacl liar what.
•-- -- d i Boston knawst and A'young itaau, with brown,. curling !lett; might have been so beautiful, stood she »<atttsd for liar supper.
Everybody n . `�
P_';^�,IT�A,�', ,IDLY' l,t, I!`92+ great many pt:ople Ituc.ty, that, hotel, 'Mary Eljzabetll e•oudere;l why !!e up, still clinging to her, and. eaid Mary I+:lfzaliotlr said flak a little'
In fact, they know it so well that I looked so misetable and why he sat alQnd :-� dr act and a clip oia mil'It would do
tl. y Y
-- will not mention the name of jb,. be- I alone. She thought, perhaps, if be She's: shatxted me before you. All,and iitapl
MARY EI,IZABE I'H. cause it was against the rules of the i weren't so happy as the other gvatle• she's shamed me to myself ! I'll learn So ally ilio gentlemen laughed ; and
house for beggars to be admitted, and lien, be would be more sorm.wful for ..a lesson from this beggar, so help we she woudbred tvh,. �
13.e &L=klii><•ri1 STV RT rillti?s•: She hesitated God I And, the young mart with t;lie brown.
perhaps the propiietur would trot, like I cold and 1)tlu;;ry girls, ,
11 Elizabeth tuns a !ltttti girl it if I told how this one especial little t and theft flopped along tend directly up : So then lie took, the child upon his curls laughed-, too; and began to too S
Mary, C nor, she be knee and the gentleman came up to quite happy,. I3ur tae ordered chicken
with a long came. Silo wasp beggar got into his well•cotiduc ted to huh. ,
tva3 sjclt she was ra17ged,slie wan dirty, House, Indeed, precisgly how she gut
One or two gentletu n laid clown listen, and the young man asked what and orauberry snuoe, and mashed
Sick, ► she was in, nobody kiiiswa. Vliether the door their papers tind watch�d this ; the was liar name. potatoes,, and' celery, and rolls and: 4
alta was cold, she was hungry, Mary th, air, butter,.and•toinatoes;.and all, ice create A
other. The
frightened keeper was away, or ti tsyl era �vaitPr child d d notoseeet thed to m to wiry. Names used to mean things in the and•a cup:of tea,. and nuts-and'rajsina,
She had no home, s{irt had no careless, or whether to ! I And calle and custardi, and, apples.
motlt:r";'tiles had x'11 father, she had no at the dil►ing•room doo Was so tall 1 She went up and put ;her hand on the Bible when I w s as little as your pP
read the Bible then. Does Mary anti grapes. And Mar • Blivaboth sat
sister, slip had 11 arttndmother, alio that lie coulan't see so;,short a t,eggar, young mail's arm• ` r
had )10 kitten, i She find no sapper, or however it was, 14�ary Elizabeth I I•le started. The b own, curly Bead Elizabeth mean Auger of Rebulte ry in liar pink" dress and red ahatvll and
site had .110 diu t,r, she hal no break- diel get ill,—by the dogor keeper, past ! lifted itself from the "shelter o£ his Sir . ;, ate the tvllole and why (t didn't kill, ;
fast. She Itad `I; slices, she had no the head tvajter, nudeothe shadow of I arms ; a voung face looked sharply at Where do you live 4i her uobody'knows,.hut itt•didn}t4
itijtteusa, site ;ltttd no flannels. She the clerk, over the stiiootb, slippa:ry the beggar girl,—a beautiful young Nowhere, sir. i1 The young: man with the face that
Whero .slo you alae 9 mj ht have been beautiful --.flint might,
bad no place to go to, and nobody to hoot. The child crept ,on. She came' face it might have brei. It was hag y pt' g q. '
cares what}te r sl{{e went or not In fact, to the office door, and §toocl still. She I gard now, and dreadf' t to look at, In Mrs. O'Ft'lynn's bled, air. it's yet be;.onowuuld have thought who,
Mary Elizabetl,'fhad not much of ally= lootted around her wj h wide eyes. i bloated aiitl badly in rked with the. too gold for the cow. he's so kind had seen him, then—stood watghjtig
thing; but a shctit, pink curico dress, a ShH
had never seen a �lacp litre that. unmistakable marks a"f a tvicltetl wGelt'� sites rests us stay. the little girl:
Nkhom do you stay ith 2 Sh. es preachecl'me a, better-aermon,,
little. red cotton and -wool shawl, and Gentleman sat in it si olttiig and read. debauch, FIe rottalil .said,— Nobody, only Jo. he said;,below his'breathi better•thant
+ ,
her lon naw . Besides tlriQ, she ing. They were all 4arto. Not one What do you want Is Jo gift brother ,all the mtmsters•1 eget heard in all
had a pagir of ole ruhhprs, too Inr^e for of them Looked as if + they had no I m hungry, said LVI try Elizabeth. y
had The fro Ile.ed ,ia the payment dinner and no breakfa t and no sup- T can't help that, { Ga away. No, sir. Jo is a girl. I haven't churches: May Gbd,bless•her!:Iiwish-
Y I I can't
h au thin' to eat for a got only 3o. there was-a•thousandf like herin'this-
as r be waal.ed. ,l per. any
was tsalkisuppers, thought whole day,—a w
�hg up Washiton Street i How many extra hlong o"Je clay l' re- What does do do for to living 7 selfish �vortd !'
in Boston. It as late ill the after- the little girl, it must .y have taken to. peated the child. She --gets its air. And; wlien. D heardalt; Il wished,so;.
Loon. o£' a bitter January day. Already i feed 'ern all! She Aron unced iii,e ;try. Her lips quivered ' but she spoke And what do you dot itoo.
And-this;is the end- of'Mary .Ptlixa--
the lamp-ti;litarr were corning with I How many extry sit.- pars 1 'l guess distinctly. Her voic sounded through I beg. It's better than to
it, bath's true temperance etor St
tliNir loin.poles e{and gas -lights began ( maybe there'll be one for me in here. the room. Une gentleman after sir, I think. Nicholas. • p story
to flush upon t e grayitess'—neither There was a little noise, a very another had laid do Ilia itis pipe or.his Where's your mob er?'
day nor niol►t, through which .the little one, strange to t e warm, bright, paper. Several the + watching this Dead. t $t no time -is man, secure from,
child watched t �e people moving dim- well ordered rootu. i ryas not the I little scene, What did $Ire dive of attacks of'sueh painful andldaugorous-
ly with a wonder{ in her !)Hart., This ratting of the Bosto I Advertiser, or I Go away ! repeat the gating man, Drink, sir;• said i4lt r- Elizabeth, in Choolera, brba stomach as Caholere,
, liar distinct and ertl t�rne. ]4lbrbtts; Giampay. IDlairhoae,
wonder was sea as confused as rue the '!'rstnserjpt, or tl Post ; it was irritably. Dont 1„yt"er me. I haven't g and Dysentery ,: but these complaints..
half-li�11t in wh h the crowd hurried I not the slight rapping f a cigar�stutnp, I bad anything to eat Y or three days ! A(1,—well!.. And i ur faller f are particularly common daring the
by, as the ashes fell from ome ones white I His face went da n into his arms TIe is tread. He di .d! in prison, heated term,.tvhen it is doubly danger- I'
God tuade so any people, thought I" hated ; nobody cough , nobody spoke, a rain. ( ljrhut sent hint to -p legal 4 ons to neglect them.. P tznx+ T�itvss:
Mary Elizabeth He nwust have made i nobody sworH. Tt as a different Nlary Elizabeth a, od staring at the Drink, sir: PAIx I�1Lr it• is a remedy that has `
Y they I end. It ruse the gond of au old I brown curliury Bair. �3lle stood ! �1't
never failed wheirttied,and the sever --
so many supper Seems as if so , e ®h est attacks lliive been eured bylt.. It it
ought to 6e "onef"!extra girl. 1 rubber, mueb too la' o, flopping on perfectly still for some moments. She I lied a brother oce, continnod leaves no ewiT) effects;.and invariably
reuUr: the marble floor. Sera! gentlemen 'evident! was greatly ucae3ed:. She Mary Eliz"abetb, tying .raw quite elo• brings relief J;to the sufferer. Every
But she thou ht this in it g 1 g Y g y p
iieri.a with solar a vara," audience, but reputable druggist in the country sells. !'
way, .cry gent! far a girl who had no glanced tit thole. ow well -shod and walked away a tittles distance titan q P
h died too. PicRuy DAvis' PAiy I r a: Large•
shoes, no flant'pis no hood no home well.bru-il)etl feet, cbmn up and n,round stopped, aha thought it over. &; size new%bottle;.priee 25e:
' ' , Wl.at did he die o l
no mother, no niter, no bed, no sup- i the room. And uoty paper after paps+, pipe Drieik .sir said th child cheerfully.
per, She was. very gentle little girl. ! !Mary Elizabeth stood in the middle ( after pipe, iwent d 'avn. Every gentle- ' One of ti,e be • jokes ever practised,
t I do want my supper,.elae added, after
All girls who adn't anything were of it, in her pink calico dress, unto tlP man in the room }a .gen to lock on, occurred in an h Hl yestHraay, says•
not like Diary . izabetb. SLe roomed I red plaid shawl tiedover liar head amd a pause,. npealt'(ng an whisper, as if
The young mran •ith the beautiful file British Win. " oft Kingston. A•
pt?� brown curls, told ssi ated dis to do or to herself • tf ll Jo 11 be won -
with a hill out towtttds Charlestown, !about her neck with a ragged ti t. p gnAcett� ' � seedy looping man, with all. umbrella.
who was differ lit, That girl's -name �Sbe looped ver funs and round lie- daring for me. � entered the (ace and wall-' re.
y y and hidden fate, t its not stiller than � p .1no up to.
Walt then,•said the t young man :
was Jo. The., slept ill n box that an hind, like the wooden woman in the rest.. Tho° line figure in the pink " tt the bar tender said he wanted a drink,
Irish woman t them have in an old Noah's arts. She began to slluf lY6 J'` I'll see it I can't beg y u enough to „ ,
€, calico and the rad shawl .and big ]:"ub- � lied no money but would prat up.' -the•
shed, lite sh d toss too cold fur her about the ro0ro,ho1 mg out ono purple t get your supper.
p p hers snood still fora moment si+lent umbrella: Seeing t{)at the umbrella r ,
thought there must 1. e an entry`
cow, and she ouldt!'t use it, so slip little hand. among them ally The waiter came to t was really,quite ii tw,aud well worth a
a i4 1si•v Elizabeth that they I One or two of t; entlemen I,11U01` one atnoiig so many folii,�- !cried Mary
told Jo and _ t g raise' her out bun, the ;;entletr,Nt1 ntot;on i dozen drinks, the divine cleric jumped
in'rghG have its well as not. Mary ed ; " sotx:e fr:rwne l ; more did nothing, ed him away. Elizabeth :: for note all thought she at the offer and ha dad .his lordship,,,
notice, or did not i turned her five -cent would het. back her five ents. a glass of the be,
Scotch. After-
Eliz%beth .LI i light tier very hind. at all ; most did of Mary Elizabeth t
There was th difference between Jo I seem to notice 01 child. One said, --;piece ever and osier in her hand. tier Sure eno�igb; flies y nig roan put drinking the beverage` and Smacking• a
and 'Ma y Ef zabeth ; alien Jo was What's the in s, ter here ? hand shook. Th tell -a carne, The the five cents into his t at, to begin his lips the wan '°pu`t up" bis` uin-
liugry, slit s le ; when !nary Eliza- Mary L+'ilial+e t flopped Un. She••z smelt of the. diniti roam {;raw savory with, Tlieti he took ou• lilts purse,and I]rella, shut it down tga►n .,rad walled'
beth was hu r ,she Ire,r ed: i iud otrong 2'h eh11d pat the piece put it, Something that n av less noise out. Thh har tendo was too dum-
y r,g went front one t another less timidly; i� , founded to run after hiui or pall the
One night of which I speak, silt- a hind of desuPra ion 1, tad tnf;en pos- `,mf t)toney ill tier -ps as if she c0a`ld than the Ne -cent piece `. and some- police.
begged bard.: It is eery wrnug to Leg,. Have eaten it, th i turned, and witty- thin; m0re,•>ind more a d more. Thea - f'
session of her. ' pita odors of the ' great room
we all 1,110 It is wrong to give dining -room ca lit, of strong hot ;out further besit iota, went back. 6be lie passed around th b , Ax TIlsis glr
0 beggars, we all kn.-w, too ; we roast nte:tta. blur :touched rile youn arae)—on the brightht wanting still tuistead ly ; and the 431��. p STINe� AT T �a'
t5n # coffee and w'ran Y '
have been tri d so a great many times. Elizabeth thong 't a>f Jo. It Seemed auris; this time •ith her trembling gelitlemata who gave rhes five cents BIIIAGtHOy,A �� �i
Still, if I ha leen as hungry as i4l.ary a' 44little hand. and all the other gantleltteri put some- S-& popg &.TND OF ECONQ1YF r '
to )iter silo "was, tinugry that, if she N
ElizaLetli I presume I should have i could not supper, she should The room was so still{ now that thing into, the youn miani's hat.
,„ et
begged too. Whetber I should have , . what she said rat , ouW to the corridor„ So. wbpm he at heart to the table
go- l lutnp tip and i4 and rosh about arae!.; t
given her an 'thing if I had been on 1' x where the waiter stood with the cicalt he emptied file hat aI counted the
( snatch some-thl, , alta steal like o. ,
WaYbin ton s Street that January ! She field opt " er ytai7d, brat only �bohind looking 0.+her Else desk to §ee: money: and, truly, was $40.
g t
If Fort dollars !
night, how r, l T tell Z At. any rate, aa;'td,— I'na sorry you., are so hungry,- y ,
nobody, did, yon Haven't hat1R attwything for three !Mary Tlizabeth looked frightened,-
irm bttngrv. f
Sotne tsild. 'r to go the orphants' I clays, you must be hitnerter than lye. She did not underatalid.
home, Seme said, aslt the police.' A garntlpnriin cal+heel her., He .wasr•1il,ve got five cents. A gentleman gave It's yours, said tote ;young man. �li J
the gentloinaa ho -had asked, what ia-j;. i' \',,. I
Some people a ook their heads, and j it to lire. I wish. you would take it. Now come to supper But see ! thisSome die noir ung at
fill. One lady ti,e matter iter. C, He dulled her in be- 1,ve only gone, one day. You can, get gentleman who gavdi you the five -cent
fold her t0 go o the St, Priscilla and 1 Bind itis New York Times, which :some supper with it, arid--maybes'—I piece skall tape dart!• of the money for
i enough o hid threo like Mary It it
a ar�wiffibuying.uila Socht Find Mary E•izalsptli vas b to g --can gvt nom somewheres I 1 wish you. ion can tru�t' him. lie's gotplotsof >,ikilaishy
Aquila Yt Elizabeth ; an when he earn that , soap for little;rtacsney.
said, Thank yd , ma'am+politely, She - - .;you d please Izalco. it 1 a wtfti too.. But till Il Dome to supper
rind never hear � of Aquila and Priscil-, n04r0dy was' loe1;1ug, lie gave lett n Mary Elizabeth stood quits, still, now. ji Po chili a. and the"r Are �ste° throuby
flue -cent 'eee itis a, hurry, as if he had`lioldiup girl hers live -cent pjece. 'She S'es, yes, said. tla;a " entleinan comfn which tfrne and labor are wasted. and by
la. ",he tlioug t they must be police- I p' i g g I which the: clothes and haiida are ruined.
ffian Anathei + ady told her to go to , done a sin, hnci troickly said,-- 111 slid not undhttist rad the stir. that, went up. She knows a1J1 s.bout every orphan
an cffize grad bH registered, and Mary! There, there, hrtd l o, now, go -1' all over th:e• bre it raom. She did not in tbis city I believe, ' She'll know
Elizabeth said, a'am R
Then he beg "n n to read the lt.+rnes i see that strrne• of alae• gentlemen coughed wheat ought to bdi done with you.
So Clow, nils tiv i shuffifng up NVaslt I quite hard anti f at, and to logit scutate, and tvipesl the' 1 spectacles. `,'stip slid' but Jo will' wonder, said liQsary
g f3 not ltnosit why tic. brown cttnls before E6izabeth, loya�ly. I can't [ctntte Jo,
ington Street.—l�ktnay say flapping: up � as one aloes who, ever gives any -thin } 1
�'aslijnptori Stre t--fti the aid rabber>f to beggars, as a atter of principal, her cat • ut fr w th such a attrt, nor And I must goal aaek and thank Mrs.
p. t , ; • y ve anything: also to why tue youn ' man's wasted face f.I Plynn for the4,1 tied, cll;osstiai tho Avenueai
.and the
pink r_lre gild the old Shawl,; Bat nobody g of''wasteand ttlti,
not linowing exa ly what to do next,! Mar Ejlitabefh,4 Silo shttified from I flusheit red an i°hot with 1101de Stigma, Oh, yes, yes : we'll fix Ali t.liati said 0 And by its lasting pro-�
ee ing into people's faces, timidly one to anotherk, hopelessly. Every Elie ilial not in the feast understand the gentlemen, fid Jo, too. A little APparties, iia wonderful 1
p aw from tiletri, hessjtatiiy�;, f gentleman rhook,i,his head One call I y g p g p ' cleansing powers and
looking Y , + T telt he fakug; re five.eent Twee on the girl with 40 n" dit stege i a woopd per£e0t purity, it sSaveso'pime dr, iGabor,
heart-sick—for a very Iittle girt can be { ed for a waiter t, put her out. This l tAbley, and, , an �tehing her ail his arms, Shed. l3a alta you want our sit
f d site stood still and brings Gomrort & s5atioraotlon to
heart sick --colder, she thoutght, every I tightened her, 1 held her $ast,ygatid bid his face tri her per I sill who ude it,
miunte And btingrjer each hoar than i Overby the ikvitldow, iii ft" lonely plait! atiawi::kM sobbed, Nur did she Why, yjes, s 'd Mary Elizabeth, I r
i iM 'Y ry
the was the hoar before. Foot' platy ''Corner of the great room, t% young roan kMotir what Could be the reason that do,
a=i Train MYin C60NO
Elizabeth• l was sitting apart from the others, nobody seethed amttst+cl to see this qo the you man toots her by the ! ,roausa viii j
,moire. Crary Elizabstil left Washing I Mary Elizabetbi had been :thti young gent.lemsbil ''y, but that the gentleman iterate tend the entletuau whose wife " t► � e � � � e
ti0tix Stroot at I'syttj wiiete. everyl,ody i man whirl] shet' iRrot aaaste in, but he g` that ua"onoy' asma up', knew fill abo what to de with the *10M ". SUNLIGHT LEVtft MiibAy'ithtlYltCi
wls,o had eci her
,, s lm►ns tar ]gar the Ian atad Him taste 114111 it
,.,,.. • :si �t�iro>vt""g a � imitt �dift + .. H� . Misr � � �' tis 9 l "*M
� a