HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-15, Page 1This month we take stock, and in, 'der to make it as clean as possible are going through every department a whenever we find an end or remnant, anything that has not taken we ha marked it down to actual cost, Come a look them over. If they please you right, if not no harm done. At any ra we will have lead the satisfaction of seei you and that is at all times a pleasure us and we will do our utmost to ma the visit it profitable one to you, Just now you housekeepers are bbgi ping to glut up your fruit. It is alma needless to tell you that our stook fruit jars is all -here and Sugar, as, y know, is cheap, We are giving a ni dry, clean quality; 28 lbs, for the doll Something you never dreamed 'the cheaper, the sugar the more. fruit y will put up and of con Be will roqui more bars. Our grocery stook is full a fresh, dried meats and lard pure a 'fresh. Shop early. Secure prompt deliver This store Closes at seven. wry 'x. AT, --Haying is or 1. program mo. ow Lite names and teaidP.11oa —BeJ111n, —:Baby carriages just to eland, 1,04por cent off for spot cash, at S GRACRY' s. of yours, —The Ray L W ghes, of tiles lace place, w .d o to Muushaty for Silverware and g presents, preaohed a sermon n the members of the Orange lodge. at Tie -Tho stn, a tvark of the now St. PauI's. rave on Sunday last --Watches, clacks repaired and huroli has eu commenced. warra ed by "--The foo ball; match that ryas to have nunailaw, numb from town attended t taken place at collie Off u Saturday evening last, did Brussels Orange Orange Dean ustratfon held in Listowe u ampbellanl laugh. not coming over. T adety Is at, —Cash for good butter and eggs at It A Graliam's, Market Grocer 0 '-The A on Ince Prean baa eelebrata its 18th bir way and ,its onergatic editor H F More, eeps it up to high water mar, in addition a the other multifarious dubs be attends o, Acton people should no only be pro d of the 1Skee Preso but shoull give it thej hearty support. S. S. Picnic. Borrie say Sunday 8e11001 picnics are day; of hard wo k, but though they clay be oil The,, Mi as Rua+h are leaving their ywhen all tr to not one Uii rue uy last tete Wiughsm football but make o Mars enjoy,y enjoy themselves ce' remises on osepbiue street greatlyim- club drove ver to Dungannon to la thelnselveston, it fa a 'proved by he, Ing new sills put under it, play a different ind of tiredness, and wait It with the teal of't11at place, which resulted 60 repeat. o it teas ouraxperjence at aha ou -:Ver d,.F rgie has been improviug,h in a draw, r ropg tq; the UXch0ge boiel b . Congregati cal picuic. From the time of Y —We are p aged to see by the; Clinton starting till we were all landed wife and n havirl at of Paint applied to %t, News Record of last week that Mr A X Todd, sound at th. church door at eight o'olook an —B . ys u r 18 ears of g Y nge are vow editor, is able o be on duty again after all not a Ching tnar the harmony of the day, y, prohibitocf ire buying, using or having ill f three mo the. Certainly o were added to the enjoy- tobk'gin b e r possession, and those tulle —The men ere of the L O L No 794, i+lent, one sal ski iv o tlleil are liable tobeau y carrying us as if we were g y iugham, at nded divine service in St eggs, and t atjnet suited those who e• penalties. Paul's church n Sunday last. The lodge tarred the a t side pr of an luoh board get pre - de NIGHT BAnOArN COQNTF is a large o e there being nearly 1U0 and come th t had no fear of horse flesh hose wli name to see us last Satur a 1 - " lght understand what our idea of sell members in th could take t e fiying steed, for they did procession, WHOL13' NO. 10 I the attention of 11 fond of appen-air li y "The Domiaio Educational Ahsociati i COnvention't and Yaohtiug on Lake U s tario," are two well-written .cud rich t illustrated artiol , the scope of Which well indicated by lie titles; the write 'matters Of their jects and fully rev the ground, A of r lite" poem by Meas M Macleod, and short .instalment i "SCraps and Snx A " frGin kfr Croi"toC ' pen, closes the unto r, the size of tvbi we regret is trot jars The illustrations;, profuse this mouth, view of Lake St Joe meat is an excellec Sir Alex Campbell Governor. The ,Sal Montreal and Torori and at the low rrlo the man,aG.iue abol Support from tbaC Per e unusually good al: The frontispiece is h, while the suppi. Portrait of the lel Ontario's late Lieu ton Litho & Pub C, are the nubliphAn have a very Tari; an public. ins cheap means. Don't miens Saturday night Air ; Al. H. MOINDoo's. —Miss Ann appointment Chapman, who is under nearly do so Swings and RACes .for young and ole. oquet Miss Emma Cam of the bell, who has charge. The 4Jiug am lacrosse club drove labor in Missi the Christian Union to work amongst the }Tench and out in palls were kept boin" he sun I Beard of base ball junior dap ,meat of. Thedford' public school, is h me for her summer ver to Teesw ter on Fridaylast to la play At Hull Queb , ,will conduct both services , between the uu men and women g ,kept vacation, ,.Mrs D A ampbellanl laugh. A. friendly gam with the club of that place in the Baptis church - next Sunday the up in fine sty ,the girls getting; the Best tens Mattie and E a,also grana-daugh` and came aiI ictnrious by a score of 3 17th, wish served vice and plenty left over. The main feat a of the day was the culti- of it for pity, o they will to ha t ter Maggie His. Paintings;. alao,a few Beautiful Artotypeti, which he is selling ; gory cheap. I have a OHIf & AISCOCKS, Direct Importers. to 0: —Rev W Ma Gre" „or, W J Chapinatu slid Ye a re urn ►itatc:h• 1t'H vete favored by ]saving Ilr oc left on Monday for a visit to `t'oront Guelph and other The BEAn, June 30th, 1892, ministe diafn„ with an editor slid A. Ireland left for Detroit on Thursday Meldrum and is lady with us, but ho lead only to enter places.. Miss Norm Dinsleylefton Mon - naley) f observing the ant table, asked a blessing as follows: '• ord, make us thankful for morales, as del gates to the Inleruatronal Convention of H Young }?eeple's• Union ato the fun with ua as we ' had need of flim professionally. Babies day for Toronto wh re pend,ler vacation.. D `ills left on Saturday LOCAL NEWS what we are lib Otto receive and strengthen to of Canada sad the United States, Ile were .3rnwm' t, lid little oyes were in wadiug till the sun Ab, rued signs , for a visit to 7,oron ,. Misses Roaeh,for- —Dr Sinclair, popular specialist, will be the Hotel, journey otneward after we have ie ce ce' ori it." sessions o pen gThureday evening and Close on Sunda night. of sinking to rest, The refreshu lits were all that one could merly of East Waw nosh, now oPDetFoi ,' are spending thef holidays in totl'q,., ,at Queen's Wingham, ou Mon• day, August 22nd. Consultation Free. —lhe juni football club of this town rove to Bey on —W 1' Lpockeushire has a lot of Oil wish served vice and plenty left over. The main feat a of the day was the culti- ' Miss. Lila Agnew oft on Monday foto. Evanston, Ill, -The Presbvtga - ; aitland Met in th Preabyterii>ul7utc11 ztii Tuesday last. Friday last to ploy a game with th junior team of that place Paintings;. alao,a few Beautiful Artotypeti, which he is selling ; gory cheap. I have a vatiou of the ooial side of our natures, and it certaini do 1 ' whey she intends taking; a college course.. M s Nellie, Bell Ie ft oil .. re v(11Zse iVttt tl k wetk. a q G w c!. are using slin h sot o i 0 t x' ad w net stop 1 v op o Ihe will 136pxot}J il,accordia- to law. -The hdo§.6 ulojr . Torts from all ave the Province` "1 eouragiug, Despite the Heavy rails..g average okops ar .promised. .—For first.olass tailorjug and chew ;gents' furnishings, try ,Webster .Bc Cc Remember: the place, only two doors port .of the old stand and between Ross' book :store and Halsted & Scott's bank. --Bev W li Wats 1 will reach in How r •ick Congregatioua church on Sabbath ,morning, ,July 17 , arid at Tor plfpr , 01inrCh 7n tli0 tVa .—A German erl' or has been 3ouEeifoed :to three moutWo ' prisonulent for having a ,stated that Er eror William 91106 ,t vo ,S,taiss in tue,Clos season. On. Tuesday est the town was about deserted as near everyone spelit the 12th in Kincardine. be. Orangemen of town,. accompaligd by he bana,were there, a —xWe D Ruth has moved his restuarant to ,the . vacadt store in Gregbry's block, where. he will serve lunch at sill hours. He will also Loop in stock a large supply of omugesi lemous , kaliauuas, candies, etc.' . _When the morohants t eke constant and reg;ultyr ,ciiaul;ea of t sir sdvts, our xeaders xgaa,1bs announce lits with in- terest. - n -,crest.. Dont 10 tete moss raw on your Advert isearlcut with old age. Change con- stantly. t Sullsoribers ill arrears t THE Tniss will save us A lot of ,$rouble b remitting the %mouu:t at ouoe without gaiting to have accounts scut out, Som have .I - ready had two notifications. r thanks M- are duo to those .who have settl l the last _few weeps, --G T It trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 1,30 n, m and '1x.10 a m A vja VV G & B Division, and st 6.45 a iii and 3.45 p m, via Cliutou and Guelph. Good connecteoue.bv all trains. ''7 C2i>x 00me Of getti g, ina, fat, e,'Weather. Beep a calm d,peespire as freel as you is " alt sun no doubt is uucorn- ft it is doing an ,e1 rmous atnouut o`f good. It fa that. greater money maker in the world, 'Itis, ripen g. the crops that will feed us alb; •• 1x0 real r bIOw 'ave toff, after next,` hsivest. L t ))or ---On Saturday morning last atter long and painful illness, Mr Alexander 111 tclletl' Massed to his -reward. Deceased wn, in his. 76th year, slid was the father of lrs A Mahal, of dais .place, The s funeral took Place on Monday atteruoon from .11 late, . residence to tilt Nvinglrain cemeter tot' bilarraridnt. T'hobereavetl wifsand am, ily hays tela symp 0y lit the whole m. pcluriity, They were c feated by a score of 2 to 0, urge atoo lc of A4ouldrng on hand, and I am es not tinder the re- Saturday for Toro to ' kers she lull, o' 1: o ski l us s' m n Pict side are a ba g Frames to order. 'Pito- helps it. bIay we try to spend her Summer v cation„ 1VlrandMrs We under,, 'nd that the Blyth team tography in all its branches from—minis. show the brigh ide more and more as our Geo McKenzie spen the ljrstpart of'the g Was about tai the size of tha Wins=ham tures to life size. Cali and -see what I have right, boys, which a ounts for the way the game when in tewn, W I+ Bnot"Nanrni., week in London..T a Misses Ross, of .went. Beaver Block, Wingham s wile HAD A HArpY 1tAY. CIiiford, are spendin their vacation at r (.,—,T, he pro"mena concert and sale of E. H• DEVER, Dr MoDOnald'S.. Mi s E Gordon, vFho iYll•: Brow wfo exhibit hix nary Can4- held in tl Tem erauce Hall on Undertaker and Enlbaini.er,uas o cued out has been visiting fria ds in Listowel, re- dian T?iron ra } for a.fettL,€latysAuillro0a... p p a enshire's •' all ry, 3 to G P. ; m. dei:Thursday even•i- undee* the"auspices of a first class ;ubdertaldmg parlor,. opposite returned.,home on day lost. .MiSS +' Saturday to 1 Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham, and is Roe has gone on an ex entledtrfp to Erie, y p. m. Ladies will thus the. Ladies' Gull , f Sb Paula church, was prepared to take charge of anything in that p enabled to be r the beautiful seleetious as a grib'd succes s atteudanee was large line that may be entrusted to him, having U S..Mr W J Chap n and son i,Juietly and onveuiently as if sittingilt ,:. t, Y n were in h their own pa urs: No electricity iu tills.. Refreshments .,, ;:served in good style. put its a stock equal to anything outside of Toronto last week, o business, , Mr Will fnstru•nmut, emember.. Selections 5, eta;. The band was n tendauce tvllich added the city, both to taste and quality. 1'riees Mallagh, who has ben working in that ' each,;w • 6hde ed for one or a dozen-persous greatly to the plea re of the evenin tenverdanca,erata• first class hearse to at- law office of lVZr Ii anatoue, left. ou at irnIa- . waiting necessary. g Ia. H. Dnvza. METHOD19T 0HUDOH,wiAOHA1r. 'Rev S Sel- Tuesday for Lindsay, where be has se- --66 Tu day morning last about -.2 ler', x 6 Ulei of soar,,,. cured a situation in large dry goods - y B D, Pastor. Sftrviots, wery Sabbath store. We wish bill ccess in his yens o'clock Lite o izens of the town were aiioua at 11 a m and 7 p m. beebbath, Sch,)ol and The Toronto JI< 'I, of Wednesday, Pune ed from the i slumbers by the Round of the Bible Class at 2.30 22nd. has the full vine : y' ttase..Miss M ,Harbu returned home p'm. General Prayer „ A happy ayent .this week from a visit friends in Hill- rP bell, tv an it was Found tlea the old matting every Wednesday evening at 7 took place last ui;, l at 31 Avenue road, on -pottery. Buil 'ng was it1 flames.- elft fire- o'clock. Youugl People's Prayer Meeting the occassion of th martian bort.,Mrs J R Nluns aw is at present ,e of 112x: VV s Davis, her husband 1 tow!sitin Win man `sere so u oil baud attd d .tete fire ovary Thursday "eveuiug.xt 7 o'clock Soma,",uille, xgsut o tIta Canadian Express under coutro , but not until the building Sunday Jul'j, 1,7th. Morning subject and Great Nortel stern 'Teleg;rapb corn= Davis, of Goderich, as viaftmg his was k4ndere useless by the names, We "Providence" (CO n .IiaJ, Evanin; sub pante,,, eafortle, to iss klva M. Purkiss, parents in town this oek..Xiss .Lila understand at it ruses one of the Oldest jecb. ,Businessaatf Gy atYd religious zeal.'' daughter of Mr. ,slab NurltiRa. Tits Anderson is visiting fri ads in Listawol butldiirgs in wn, —We clip the folio fun from the Gorier- bridesmaid waa 11i a, Lottie Phillips, of this week Dr MaCCivna l,1Vi P, returned + i'izts U rain o,l rox,tr, U1lvixolx, ich Siar of last week faome parties walk. . Bradford, cougiu of he bride, while, the home from Ottawa on Saturday last. , WINGlilutf. -j II. Watson, Pastor: Ser- ilio along the docks u. Tuesday eveHing, groom was supports by fete. W, O,licliay, Miss Delia Ilalliday, o Detroit, is at Viols each'Sn clay at 11 a. m. R,nd 7 p, m,, attracted by bellow* h on the island, made barrister, of this cit The ceremony was present -visiting friends 1 town. -Mr J B Sabbath So h 1 and Bible class at 2.30. bats as io whether o not it cow had got performed by .[rev, J. Laxwell, of the Elliott, of Altoona; Wi , is home on a Prayer Meeting Query Wednesday over there. .Bloats re secured and row Cen't'ral Methodist C:i rob, tbaimmediate visit to his parents and rionds in towill Ap'... ..lis Bernhardt Sherrer who has been at 8 P. iii. Seats free. Strangers wel- ins over, the source f the noise was tr toad° relatives Duly being ,resent, Among the y gifts employed at the Korman house for the came, Sunday, my 1ltIt. llov. James to a monster bull reg, which on being man beautiful ftla o the bride ware ,a Fit2jiatriclr, B, late of Nova Scotia, killed was found measure .15 incites handsome banquet la p from the opera. last few years, left on S urday: last for from toes,of hind le to ti of nose, itis tiug department of th Great North -Wes- Now York, where he int ds making' his will preach rigor a; and evening . in Fhb p tern: Telegraph future home.. Miss Ann , Loutit left on Congregational Irurch at file usual diameter ltefng in f i proportion.Comp ty, and a valuable ,hours, ,. , marble clock with br ze statues frorn the Friday last for aL' e ended visit to —The `l brthwast Transportation Coy's. choir , 1ut,fczLi Comm tee and trustees of, friends in Battle Crook Mich.-Kincar tine steamers, "Monarcb" and ''United ' —The list of agistratea' cases ill this Empire" are n.ow running regularly be. the Central Methodis Church, bearing to dine Revibw of last the says: Robert county for the uarter ending June 14th, ttveen Sarnia and Sault Ste Marie, Fort sixitable ivacription. r, anal Mrs, Somer. Allen and George Tera of Wingham, 911OV's a total of 1 cases, 17 of which are Artlrur, Forb William and Duluth, making villa left for their bot 'in the west by the were hors last week. ey are the ad - from Godericll, from Seaforth, 15 from Close conne tion for all Dints in ivTauitoba, midnight train." 'ih Tz`t>rs extends IS Vance guard of the hos that will conte . Clinton, slid th remainder from various States, tclumh a 1Steac Coast, Western heartiost con i from Wingham and vie nit 2 elates, etc• These Steamers are the high- g'stulsti ns to the happy yon the 12th, other points, O ,110 total 12 canes were estclagsecl, most powerful and most com. couple. The above h s reference to Mr. Brussels Post: Miss ally Bic ker was for rufractions o liquor license laws, 18 fortably equipped oil the, lakes. Passau- Wm. Somerville, who orked at the G. T. visitinginin Wingham is week..Mount for assault, 3 fo larcen 2 for insanit , dare leaving tiNingllatn by 3.15 G• T. R, 1i„ station in this tote with Mr, Small• p' entativei Mr erred Brown, y' y afternoon train eoniteot with boat leaving Forest Ire lea and the remain dr for vaoraucy and. Sarbla same everting. For Stateroom horn. of Wingham, spent D inion .nay with minor offences. re total of fines, im- reservation, lowest rates, sailing dates and —'- old companions in this wn,, .Miss Addio posed was $422. veuteen of file cases all information, call on f'x. T. R. Agent. Tao Dohlbiton 31111 ratod Monthly for. Anderson is at rose visitin friends were di r July, 002. Visiting smissel or • id net coma up for in Wroxeter.:Palmor; g' heparter: Air trial. Dr.ife Tralt:e,•-•Last today we had oc• T1ta July number n 'this popular muga- ,rorrifF, of Wingham, eturned home last casiou to drive acro s alto township of zhte opotia with a 't illhtgly interesting `"A novel Adaptio of the Greek gown Morris and a short di tines into file town- story by Jossia A Fr eland, called -'Tho Saturday' after visiti g hip Caister, Mrd L or robe is as becorni in affect AS it is ship of Grey, returnln by the boundary of Renunciatioa of G hams Corysteen," Batty..Mr Thos tut ' deft on classic in outline. ' to back is, it demi- Morris and Turuberry which afforded us dealing with a tragic nd most uncommon Monday for Cannin pj '' '' $ has Princessbud in adml ably suited for the au excellent opporta jty ofvSo?ing the phate of ()anadiau lit 111r Frank itigh's secured it situation. ner. applicatioig of Greek de rations. ludo of country and judging a this sem,'s mag excellent paper on °' Century of Legis- man isat present on t nisi. Bengaline, poplins - oft wool goods in r ificeut crops, About Leven o'clock it, Ill. latioiY," is concluded, lid forms in all a in Paisley..Xisses Bb11b to white, violet or nom thar delicate tintr we draw up at the hop 'table home of our valuable addition to r logl:tlative history; Stewart, of Detre , tiro visiting their and trimmed with situ r gold or silk braid friend Mr. Win. Mines where the remain• the srticle is well iii trated. The most hunt, Airs W M J lnaton, fit towli (it in a key pattain or tvi s alo0hs woven in ad` f'olr gomo hours looks g over several fine amusing article in tet number is a story, ]?resent, crtk+rs to ,present the nS0 artistic design, 60404' of grains -pard larly one of fall ".Pooling and Fishing bout t4Ceganttc;" by pia rasa, the Greek gown will b e; general tavorjte V li at, avhit,, glivas pro list of from 35 to D W !Sandys; It is v y appropriate at the with tasteful women." Zxtrttet from tate 40 bushels per core. etre leased tc 1 Itis veryfmpoetaut in,;'tlifs ago of vast p p i present season. We nett with pleasure "Remarks on Currant Fashions," is the' believe frorn :several car, ul examinrltiona l the reappearance of lie familiar hand of malarial pre grist that tY tt emedy be plat,,,- July Mitigator, This agazine is a higher ,,lade,, that rust is not iug to effect falling to the taste 'Pastor I'elis;' leis • ,ices, "old Acadian itud to the eye, easily takeuf acceptable to the"`,ttovnseh and elate jeurnal of Fashiott Culture and Fine Wheat in this section. S 'that if the pres. t School Bays," is Writ' a in Iris happiest Artasthe subscription of hielt is $1 a + ing t lay in its lit eA, and bf.' s. Possess. the Y ant favorable r'veather c ,lanes tut ratty , vtiin. 1lfiss lliaut3 Cg'i y, Of ll4"nubreal,tvho ilia these quttilitien, Syrup of 1t'i ::i tete Single copy, l5 cent,,. lid orders dire boptfully look forward to a harvesting of ,leas Tooently come to t a front with stvtral ; to 2%4,1 OUN0dtor Publish om tau of one of tits finest drops ev ons perfect htxative itud post gtutto t3 ' 1 y, p produced in t popular works of #lo uu, contributes S` aiuretio known. Toronto, (I,td), 33 Tuelim d i3treat West, this vicinity. D. X. G. charming, little skttoh-4 nttthid, „A ,I'o`n. . , 'Partlnta. Wingham, ;lily 14th,189 %111th Carrlpiug P'at'ty," 1*#V well words Ripen 'ab t t fnr ixoltr. atttlinarh. N N ,w . „