HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-08, Page 71 I , o i Enemies of the Church. Not to be Bhiif'ed, ARRANGED IN ALKIABF.TICA1, FORM, nX A young Caleswot.nlln in a dry goods AEE. DR. NACKAY, store who had ,just sold a quantity of ------ goods to a lady, Asked; ' At the recent Presbyterian General Will you have the goods sent, or Assembly in Montreal Itev. Dr. Mac- taW thein with you 2 kay in the report of the committee on Do you expaot that I am f;cing to the state of religion have the folloty ng,earry a bundle lilie that? Raid the.; novel summary of Clio Causes which I shopper indignantly, operate against spiritual progress and Oh, no, madam ! answered the sales - the development of Christian chair. woman, mistress of herself. 1 sup. atter, posed your carriage was at the door, A. Ambition to be on an equal foot and that you might prefer to take the ing with others in style of living and purchase with you. dress, and if possible outstrip them. And she scored one on the victorious Adventism, side. B. Blaming the church for coldness Abt•IaE To MpT111;RN,—Aro you Qteturbed at night and apathy after giving strength to and broken of your rest by sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? II so send at organizations outside the church: once and get a brittle of " Mrs.WInslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is inc-11.10 C. Covetousness. Card playing, able. It hill relieve the poor little sulforar . intmetllately. Depend upon it, mothers; there !s no Craze after novelties in the pulpit and mistake about. it. It cures Dysentery andDiardq!a, regulator the Stomach and Dowels, curesWfndColia, church services, softens tho Gums, reduces Inflammation, and Nivea tone and energy to tho whole system. Mrs. w!n- D. Debt' Divisions amongChris• slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of tians. Dancing parties, Dyspepsia the oldest and best omale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists of spirit, so that Neither the milk nor throughout the world. Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Be sura and ask for "AIRS. WtxsLow's the meat of the word cau be +asslmilat- SooTiume 6rsrp, and take no other kind ed. Saving Clause. Gone forever ! Le E. Erroneons views of God's Word. sighed, laying down his last coin, a Ego or self, in its weakness and $10 gold piece. There goes my only,. strength not known, eagle, wings and all I Yes, said the F. Frivolity. Formality.' False business -like man who had called, as doctrine. he.handed over a receipted document, G. Gambling. 'Gossip. Gaiety and but you can keep the bill, you know. frivolity among women. Torrington school iva'am was trying g H, Haste to be rich. Homes scarce. to impress the small boy with the Horse racing. word better. To illustrate, she I. Intemperance. Immorality. In- aske3, now, if you wera •sick .and a difference. Inconsistencies of profesE- doctor came and gave you some medi- ing,Christians. cine, what would you be 2 Dead, was J. Jealousy among Christian work- the unexpected answer. ars. -- Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. K. Knee drill, neglected. ,Tho."Sunlight"&Soap do., Torohto, offer .the fol low3dg prfzea every month tiff further notice, to L. Light literature. Lumber camp boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Suit. life. Lotteries. Love of gain, Low light" wrappers : Tst, slo ; , 2nd, $6 ; 3rd, $3 ; 4th, $1 • 6th to 14th, a Handsome Book • and a pretty moral tone In politics. picture to those who sendnotlesst}ian 12 wrappers. Send vrrappurs to '8unlight" Soap Office, 43 SJcott M, Mammonism Mistaking means St., Toronto, not later than 29th of each month, and marked "Compotition" ; also give full name, ad• of grace for grace. dress, age, -arid number of. wrappers. winners' names will be published in Cho Toronto Mail on first A�. Neglect of family religion• Saturday in Club month. O Ordinances irregularly attended. Mrs. Keene=xbese are the times P. Pleasure -seeking. Political core when I wish I were a man. Mr. ruption. Party strife. Poverty. Keene -For instance ? Mrs, Keene— Dlymovthism. When I pass it milliner's window and Q. Quack evangelists. thiol: holy happy I could make my Wife by giving her a new bonnet. R. Rivalry between denominations. S. Sabbath desecration. Subordina• rive square miles near the village of Dauphin. a sitl)urb of Chicago, are tion of God's word to so called relig- buried beneath a flood. ious books, Scepticism among adlier- ents. Slander. Shebeens. Summer vonlPlafnt and Diarrhoea. T. The trinity of evil—the world I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract Y + of Wild Strawberry for summer complaint tate devil, and the flesh. 'Theatre go- and diarrhoea, as I have used it in my in as the worship of this trinit family, both for children and adults, with g P y' the best results. U. Uncharitableness. Universal- F. E . Dux;,, Clear Creek, Ont. ism. Judge' What sort of ;t man, now, V. Vanity in individuals and cot,- was it you saw commit the assault 4 gregations, Constable—Sure, your honor, he W. Worldliness, Want of good Was a small, insignificant cratur about women. your own size, your 110110r. X. Extravagance. ISo much motley Tire ratepayers of Brantford will Spent on self that 110 money is loft for vote on a proposed bonus of $70,000 good objects. Exodous of many fam- to the T+ H & B Railroad on Jluly 21, dies. 1Qurulrc, Nov. 9th, 1891. Y. Young and old dominated by the Drt. L. A. SniTu & Co.: GnvTnEur:V,—Your Auti-Daudruffshould principle, enjoy yourself and don't get be used by all who are troubled with Dan - hurt. druff and falling of the hair. I have used it only a few times and It has wrought a Z. Zeal for the glory of God and wonderful change. I am fully convinced the salvation of souls.—wanting, that Anti-Dandruffproniiotesgrowthofthe hair. Aliolussr, HmstcHny, CONSUMPTION CUItED. Henchey's Hotel, Quebec. Ali old physician, retired from practice, fuming Oh dear ! exclaimed Mr. G., where Had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegotablo remedy for the in the world dirt I put that re -1 of speedy and permanent care of Consumption, Bron- ehitis,Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung si1113 I was very car' I when I put it Affections, also a posit!.. and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after away tohave it fixed In my mind Ravin, tested its wonderful curative powers !,t thousands of chsos, he has felt it his duty to make It where I placed it. known to lits suffering follows. Actuated by this mativo'and a desire to relieve human suffering, I Had it fixed in your mind did you 2 Will send free of charge, to all who desim it, this recipe, iu German, French eel English, with full replied Fogg i but nevertheless you direotlous tot' preparing and using. Sent by mail by Addroseingwith stantp, training this paper. w. A. now seem to be mixed in your mind. Noyes 820 Pvveis Block Rochester, N, Y. A Liberal TrIAmph. Little James had been impareing � GORBS of men and women who have to, the minister the important and S always suffered. their prejudices to cheerful information that- his father blind them to the merits of Burdock .Blood Bitters now use and praise thla wonderful had a now set of false teeth,. tolsic purifier as the best remedy known Indeed, James! replied the minister, for dyspepsia, constipation and all blood indulgently ; and what will he do with diseases. the oid set ? She (after the wedding) : Let's ex - Oh, I s'pose, replied little James, tend our wedding tour to Utah, so we they'll etlt 'em down, nn' snake mo i can see Salt Lake City, He, good weal' 'em. [idea 1 Leta take the bridesmaids Nathinik en t#eott. i along. , Pltm S11is,—i have Used • Dr. Powler'A i ,Never mind tile, mid Mrs. Jones, -extract of Wild Strawberry in my family • before she was harried and that is for t, number of years, .and find nothing so + ' good for dlaxrhosa, Atra sick Stlomach as it I oxactly Wn has roved itself to be. j hone uloou l see, ltd.. Aw l�rs,ma, Rlplrog P. 011 On 6.1 y An Agreeable Surprise, Ilia other day a Harlelcl Ivan tllouhht Ile would surprise his wife by Cutting off his beard, So delighted with the idea,lie came home thatuight clean shaven. Vis wife herself opened the door and at once threw leer arras about his Beck and began to kiss and hub him violently, You like the change, do you, my dear? he gasped as soon as he could catch his breath. Oil, heavens, George ! is that you 11 —New York Herald. Would f1t the Buffaloes. Are you fellers going to play base• ball again next season 2 asked one small boy - Yes, replied the other.. I've but a name for yor club. What i Anarchists. What for i Cos yer such bum throwers. It is perfectly safe to compliment I woman upon her chiselled ftraturtts,bul she would hardly like to lie told thal her head was turned. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Beet Cough Syrylp. Tastes Good: Use In It.. Sotd by druggists. HALSTED. &.S00TT BANKERS_ Josephine Street - Wisiaham, Ont, J. A. IIAtsreD, I J. W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business . Men, On long or short time, on endorsed uotes or collateral security. Sale noted bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all harts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special. Attention Given to Col- lecting .Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada --The Morchagts' Bank of, Canada Office hours—From.9 a. m. to 6 p. nt. A. E. SMITH, Agent. ��VWLER-" p CURE: i C a 7y -. I D hC t ANDALL at ��� t 4-D�1lll�i oroF (.��.� 5 rice . C3L°6�RE OF !l f! rioN a "Backache ineans the kid- neye are in ffe trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills tylue t prompt relief, 76 per cent. 0 o disease is ,/lest caused by ya disordered kid - t avy,% "Might as well try to have a ,+ healthy city A without tewee. age, as good health when the kidneys etre ologged,,they are at her, husbalid did siter one eldbyalldeateree a.f prim So emits, per box or alit ]1r. I A Smith & C was over. book oalW Itfduay T Wingltattx, Urltobar 131;1 XBUI. the scavengers i ofthesysterl. 4 Delay is t dangerous, Neg- , looted kidney 4 trouble$ result i Blood, it) Bad , Dyspepsia, Liver 4 Cor plaint, and t the most dan14 - goeous of all, r frights Disease, 1 Diabetes and Drop9y.'� , The above 1 diseases cannot exist where I Dodd's Kidney I Pills are user[' I Paentby maifree ton receipt � orantrl .. Vl'rttaiwr TRADE �'ry-�I �T+� �7C.I. ,_...,.__-.. . •4 RA,i+ E SALE ! . C'. r . I 711 1 7 r 1 11 ,,HT IS 111"110 and depart as follows 6 a, a. nl. ....For Torouto ..,I; 2:00 p, In " J'00 p. tt2, .... •, For 'Ioeswatol.......: To Gcnctai Merchants and Boot Anel Shoe Stores. 14.65 p, au i n carnation tvltlt Iny Leathor Business I keep a •---�- ul(l stock of (� G A N T14+-azT= .l SHOEDRESS NG A, h 6kets to all points Rosi t mere 4: i i ' Through ticCots to all ,viain shortest 1 5t'est, I'aciftq Const, oto., via the shortest popular routes, Ba[I'•,age Checked thr+ Iiatbaw•ay, Wbitntore's, 7,anoni, French Dressing, l destination. Low•estfrolght rates to all poi, Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect 1Sid, etc, in lo,, 15 and 250 + —TIME TABLE.— sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jacquot's French DlacIdUg and .Gray's climax waterproof, I I NAV r, wlxaUAll. ARAIVZ AT 1 0:30 a.m.Toronto, Guelph,Palnerston, &c. ; 11:10 a . " u , I 3:40 p.m, +" + Clinton, 1.7 35 ++ ...... Palmerston, Mxed,..... 11 L A C 340a'n London,Sic.......... 1 2 + �� 1110 ........ Kincardino, &o .. i J40pm + ...,. in Leather, llorsohide, English fill), Porpoise, &e, Cotton and ltific, in aiUengths. Button fasteners and setts, cork moles, &c. SHOE �lE ILTHER, Sinton Alma, bal and ill and Mezzonia Kip and Calf also native kip and upper, Spadislt still 61a11ghte1 sole. HARNESS ,LEATHER., 10.10 i' 9 Best brands on hand In oak and hemlock.. Specia r /��� i stock for traces in oak. For informatidthAnd fres MUNN & CO. WI Brie Patronage solicite(L Prices guaranteed. A postal Oldeit bureau lzor aecur card wall secure, quotations ora call from my travel- Every tent token out ler, the puhitc by a notice Gil W. J. CHAPMAN,'�zex Lit �test circulation of v Tanner and Leather Metchant word. Bplendidlfr nluh r man ehouid be without :VII,CIIAI+I. ear; $1.60 six months. �toHLIsasne. 3618roadi Agency, FOR THE, BEST, VALUE ORDERED -IN CLOTHING, GO TO wEssTER°s HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, • CUFFS1 Cheap for KASH., • —AT— W. T—W. FJ I3Srr.l�ItIS Stoves, Stoves, Stoves n All intending purchasers of stoves for' this,.' , winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of + i HEAT11Ve r AND COOK rim 0 - *-V, - 7M to choose from. Every stove guaranteed, against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. 1). S W 1 H.F: 11LA.1.\ D.