HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-08, Page 5a {#4 C TIDE 41rices or Isis "ut' "he Go Into aur It leads ,direct to HOMUTH & SON'S. It's the business wonder Mg Mg -country,, it does not need. persistent talking,to convince customers f the town that we we sell, 1, sur��o� . e s BOOTS AND SHOES ORDERED RELY CLOTHING W " _ � '.ANT) lower than all other house, what °else makes us leaders. Buyers are not caught in the corner of misleading prices a seconds time. Eternal vigilance is the price of success, there are eyes here watchingyour needs. Mem, while the sun shines arld rush for �' - your AD ALWAYS THE. CHEAPEST. y Seafortn• A fire broke out shortly after 2 Mrs. J. Whitehead, of Clinton, is the proud possessor of a faschia that o'clock Tuesday horning in Joshua Warde's harness ;hop and extended stands al,out ten feet high, with a spread of about three feet high, and three stores south. Warde's harness shop, Jones & llcQuade's butcher literally covered with Bowers ; can any one beat this. shop, Stewart's restaurant and the office occupied by Lawyer Best are S. Y. Taylor, principal of the' Paris completely gutted. This is the second public school, an old Huron bov, has been forced to give up his world until fire that has broken out in this block of frame buildings. Incendiarism is the close of the term owing to a severe supposed to be the cease. attack of whooping cough. Ji r. Tay - we Shiloh's Plaster. sS for is a son in !aw to George Crooks G rey. 2ilAClt Sunday. Last Sunday was•a veritable +'black Mr. Hanhofer Henforzor lead a boy hplpin, him to make brick named ISanday Cttnday" to many Hood people in Ernest Fisher, of Stratford. Last Unelph, and, the churches missed slum- while Mrs Henfo►zor wits in hers of old familiar faces. One Chong the garden the boy took the purse and I ve, a Chinese laundryman, left the contents ($17,) from a drawer and city on Saturday moruinF;, and up to skipped. Tuesday evening; had not returned. The consequence was disastrous, for A stranger was in Clinton the other none of his customers could get'tlie day: He put in the night in one hotel, and in the mottling tookwalls about, necessaries for Sunday wear out of his laundry, and many of them made a ,a town. rte returned to breakfast, but virtue of necessity and took so alarm- instead of going to file hotel in which slept, by mistake, took breakfast in ingly ill that they were compelled to another, Nein; really lost. remain in bed all day. It is reported .� i— 1 by envious wretches that all the news: Richard Anierson, of Constance, paper men in the city, with one excep- while assisting at it barn raising the tion, were in this fix, and the excep- other day, was seriously injured by a tion only escaped because he was able, large beam falling on him. At another to borrow it shirt from it visiting barn raisin;; in McKiliip last week, friend. There are many anxious ill: 1'1► A. Dundas, slipped and fell con• quiries about Mr Chinaman. siderable. distance, injuring his arm _ and knocking out several teeth. Huron Items. Ahout 'noon on Friday. George Mon- Mr. Durst, of Colborne, picked a taitb, aged about 25 years, son of Rol,ert Monteith, of the Thames road, strawberry the other day which Usborrie, Huron county, was shaving girthed five and one half inches. hilhself to go to a picnic. When about The Presbyterian congregation in halt done he dropped off his chair and 'Ashfield have called Rev JohnRose, died imrnediatedly. Heart trouble of Whycocomall, Cape Breton. was the cause of death. The sum of $12,000 has been up- I Nlr William Lournn,of the Parr Line, Stanley, near hills Green, plucked propriated by tale Government towards l frorn a field of fall wheat on his farm improvements for - Goderich harbor, one day last week several stalks which at,d $8,000 for fort Albert. . measured five feet five incllgs In length. The old building tit Nile in West We hope the heads will be proportion- Wawallosb, which had. been vacant ately long acid well filled with plump, for some time was burned down the rich grain when reaping time cn►ltei1. other night. The fire was of ineend- lary oris;in. PROF. SCOTT, .Cion. John Robson, premier of MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH British Columbia, and formers a regi - j' gives Prlvnto Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Stag df;nt of $ayfielrl, in this county, flied suddenly in Londw), Dug., on ed- Wed- « And Tons lc•al•Fa Notation. Open forauearentente for Cmtooro or Church meetings. Terme moderato. Apply nesda hast, y at flits. it. 310Rttow•C, 24 9huter St, W highant Afro. Pentland, Dungannon, oc cupied the pulpit of the Holmesville wingham Saw and Planing•. IIIc. Methodist church oft Sunday last. She is ,;aid to be one of tris • most —" The underaigned have Hou• on hand n la>'fo stook or Popular and eluent 1a4y speakers of DRY PINE, •HEIMLOOX. the day. TANIARACIt, and Mr W .l' Patterson, Mathematical � HARDWOOD LU16J13EU Master In the Clinton Collegiate Jr.ati. Dressed or undressed xxx and xx, tete, lia5 been re-otlgaged for anotherI NORTH SHOAR' SHINGLES, year at s salary of 89W, being a slight ' N(), 1 SLAVE'S SI3>iN(1LE8, STAVE'S increase over last year, HE'Ab NGtiS, Mr Thomas Nixon, miller, `of title- JaARRELSi Vale,who resents misde an aisi nMent y �' for the l9811efit of his creditors, gives tries Ib, Sio., at prices that defy colnpetttioh. Parties fntenitintt to build wilt find It to their lnberost togivo its A oxll YIP a11' evurto vaileed at 47, 00, *hill�e P .,.- -- --. _ - Moro riaotng their otdetit, Ail War Are datrenul•trtrtl not to bel umdereOtd. Cnstcut work attionded tib BARK WANTED11 1500 Cords . fluilock Bark vVanted at the Wiughsun Tannery $5.00 PE.111 CO Ply) Will be paid on delivery Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid. WINCHAM TANNING CO. Wingbam, April 5th, 1892. KEEP COOL. Now that the warm weather is emnfgg you would do well to keep In mind that I am propared to supple ,you with ice daring, the sunt;ner usatths, at low rates. Also, wood delivered to any part of the town. JOIN GRAY, Shute, st., Win;ham. 1 L 0 1' C®NSU11PTICN �60 Cents on the' $ We have j u$t completed an MME1�IL�U, iGILIASE —O — 1000 PAIR ' 'U"Y LADIES' FINE SHOES AT THE ABOVE PRICE. These are ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought Prom a firm which was overstocked. No old Fashioned, shop-worn trash, but shoes fresh from the maker's hands. Such an opportunity may never come to you igain. Secure your shoes early, as the purchase was made at such a SACRIFICE PRICE and for get cash, we must clear out every pair of this lot .nside 30 days. The goods have arrived and are now being passed into stock. Prices tell wonderful things of cheapness, and merit wins every time. 3 NOAI 1E..,fO4c>K, Ladies La Pere Kid Boot lbutton or lace,/ usual price, $2.25, all at $1.40. . The success of this Great CotCure is I without a parallel in the history ofo medicine. LADIES-DONGOLA OXFORD,usual price,$1.40, All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no oth r cure can suc. now 9 712 cents. eessfally stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enor tops expense, are placing a Sample Bottle a into every home Ladies Waterproof Grain Boot jaee or button,) in the United States and Canada. If you have usual price, $2.00, our price, $1.45.. a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief A number of lines of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and is sure. If you dread that insidious itsease Conxnupption, on,, it. Ask your Druggist for s Childrens Shoes are included in this lot. SHILOH'S CURE, Price to cts., go cts. and $t.00. If your Lunggs are sore or Back lame, Porous Price cts. Remember we guarantee ever air of shoes y p we Shiloh's Plaster. sS just as represented. This is an unusual offer. Take advantage of it -save money. oaand WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS, Etc., all 1' taken as cash, Y E t•EOPL 'N .. COAD I T. A. L LLS, lOr PENN'k MINI 80E0.1... Wingham. CHIDIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, OIYT i .� i— 1 HOLSTEIN BULLS FOR Sabi FOR t AYrE , Coal in Carotwl o1d1�1treCtt .: Lot No. J, and the E. 1� of Lot No. 7 C0 1yMl5it"Ni No inte>rimediste pi -6944 The underslgncif haq for trA16 on Let 10. Con. 4. Tornberr,', four tborou',thbrurt olstem hulls, tans;• hu., Owl n to is uroliths old. 1 he 11th Con, Turnberry-16 acres; 90 acres cleared; well 'fenced; framo )louse alid WrIttl idlr' *4006 abovententloned ahtutals are All wall married 'dud regtxttlrld in the CAu141411 siert stook. They MH bo nald eltoap and other buildings; good orchard; oheap, telt tttt5o. Apply pp y to 1 Sytd�1i�WA Atteldttlo* i4tivat to Iw r ah 4"y tonna t0 snit purrhaaers. , M. C. CAMA1: OX, Orf 'lYlly� ilNlRi " �� iii'olt' 143•eYtlww`�..�.��'ttlro. �ric'6 lVi M't1P