HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-08, Page 4i
ber of our pleasure -seekers took in the
Fulford, took place on Tuesday last.
Deceased was away to Wroxeter and
Presbyteriau Sabbath school, which
ro:tlrned home by the late train. She
was accompanied down town by her
She said that she faft Well
present, and everyone enjoyed thf m-
but she began to give out as she reach-
selves. At night there was a concert
given in the Foresters hall, ,a very
ed Mr, Kirkland,hill, as her lantern
and umbrella were found on the road,
TT'p- Tr GIST.
DRU Gt7 IS ,
she reached the door she fell
down, her groans arousing the people
ton, rendered the, lbank and broes of
bolnie doors," beautifully; Prof Scott's
in the !louse, She wits dead when
songs were well appreciated as were
assistance arrived, -Soule unnecessary
.%Jr Grecey's ieadingf. The Cline
discussion is going, on through the
columns of the Tuw s regarding the
14 .
foojball match played ill 4Vnghaly a
1Brunswick House,
few weeks ago. It is useless for
Wiilgbam to.contend that no goal was
scored by Teeswater. "Justice" did
tngbtdm, _ .. out.
not deny having; Outside players on
its just as well- plensed as it were hit
the team. -We have it on the authority
-•_ ., __ _. ____.-_ _. .. _ ._--
of some of the players themselves that
wife, of Wingham, were visiting tit iglu
they played with Willgham senior
Hartley's this weep.-- Mi and Mrs
pfoceeds atnomited-to 639.87. -Mr. J.
Harry Davis awl Afro McXibbon, of
team. Wst fail sec where this is u
by "Justice."
Wiu ltam, were visiting here „this
bleat. We wish him every success ---
week,. Miss haggle Btitg'ess, of Brus-
.or excuse as stt ated
eels, is visiting at Asir John Burgess'.
We shall not refer to it any more, but
one thin- w) know that 'Teeswater
visiting at Mr Frank Scott's... It has
juniors can ,do them up" every time
FRIi)AY, JULYS, :892.
-come and try it. -John Vallentiue,
had to undergo a surgical operation,
- - _ -
while performing the duties of cook
for the 321ld Battalion in London.
he following general directions to
Yet those whiskers froln. insult to protect,
sot officers have be?n issued by the
Some frail memorial still erected high
With uncoutte phiz and shapeless sculp-
ucation Department of Ontario :--
tura decked,
lch officer shall endeavor to procure
Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.
b attendance at school of all children
The Picnic in ?Jr IJarrisor,'s ;rove
ander the auspices of R C church, was
the district assigned to him between
well patronized. Amusements of all
lid 14 years visiting them at their
softs kept the lovers of spo.t busy.
mes or places of employment, or
Daucirg was indulged in all afternoon.
oicing t,fter in the streets for. this
The public school ,junior football team
prpose, and shall, by persuasion and
played in Milmay on Saturday the
hatch resulting; in favor of Teeswater
,gument, both with the children and
Iry a score of 1 to 0. 1'he return
tear guardians, and by other means
thatch was played on Monday at the
,an by le. -al compulsion, strive to
picnic Teeswater being, again victorious
;cure such „ttendance. The officer
by a score of 1 to 0. Teeswater scored
a ere ti,is Out was disallowed by
tall not be employed to enquire into
i goal
the referee ou account of the ball
,P occasional nbseucc of pupils.
hittill" a mall who stood oil the gronud
('bell the truant officers shall be un-
before passing throng h the goal posts,
ole, in a district assigned to • hill], to
althou0i the ball was played twice be-
'ocure the attendaLee at school of
1 fore being kicked through.
ly child who is a habitual truant, or
l Listowel.
helawto attend school, it shall be
e duty of such officer. as required by
fthe acr, to procure a warrant and ar-
:rest such child, who should' be brought
before a magistrate having jurisdiction
iii the case.
A PETITION bag been filed araihst
the return of W F Maclean, Al P, for
East York, on the usual charges of
bribery and corruption.
TEE Attwood Bee has the following
to say with reference to the protest
ii entered against James Grieve, M P,
for North Perth :
North Perth is again protested. A
petition was filed on Monday, June 27,
with J S Cartwright, , registrar of the.
Queen's Bench Division, against the
return of James Grieve as member for
f North Perth. ,'The petitioner is John
A Gardiner. We judge from the
above that the fools in North Perth
are not all dead yet: The people of
this riding have already got their fill
9 of election protests without another
"course," Some people, like hogs,
prefer returning to tile. wallow from
whence they were pulled ont.
W. T. Hamilton left for his home.
near Embro, Oxford county, where he
intends spending bis vacation. -Cora
Ferguson is visitine friends ip Brus-
sels. -Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong left
for the Old Country on Saturday last.
-Mr, Gray, Mathematical master,
j London Collegiate ,Institute, was ill
the village a few days this week. -41r.
1 Alex McLean, lawyer, Toronto, eon
of J. X. McLean, was in town this
week. -A few of the boys intend
spending a short titin at the London
Military School. -Mr. V. Waldo ar.
rived home from the London efAmp,
feeling well,, but very much sunifurut,
-Tile public school junior football
club went to Mildmay 'on Saturday
last to play the juniors of that place.
The game resulted 1 to 0 .in favor of
Topswater. The game wits not a
spirited one, both teams playing; it "go
as you please" gokmo. --Quite a number
have I'dit town for their holidays. -
There is talk of r dentist locating ill
tower. Teeswater pitesents a good
ooppening for t,tt L. H. 6, but no 11.
D'si. are wantf-d here. as two is quire
r ttFual it,.-lFLrs, John Button,y itc vlsit-
iL.".,. Its: bb bat tsi OOR6,_ .U, r4&ott, ill
Mr Geo Ford left last week for
Tweed, Comity of Hastings, where he
is en -n -ed in fixing up a mill —The
Salvation Army of this placeintend
holding a dinner on the 12th of July.
—A large number frog-, here attended
the; Forestors Remonstration in Wing-
ham, on the 1s; of July. The blind
was also iii attendance• -Mr A B
V"antress who taught ill the High
School here a few %earapo is speud-
inn a ftiw days in town, renewing old,
.tequaintali ces.-Bev D McXe„zie, of
Tara, occupied the pulpit ofKnox
church, oil Sun,iay last. -Miss Luella
Hutchison, of this town, is at present
visiting friends in LowltianviN, To-
ronto, Guelph and other places. -
The garden party on the grounds of
Mr W G Hay, last Monday eveuiug,
was a grand success. -Police Magis-
trate Terhune has rendered his decis-
ion in the dog case, Watson va. Poole,
the latter being failed $5 and costs for
shooting Mr D Watson's dog ; also to
pay Watson $15 as a remuncration for
the loss of his dog, which was a well
bred cocker -spaniel. 'The costs amount
to $21,60 ; so that Poole has to pay
$41.50 in all for shooting bis neigh-
hor's dug -rather an expensive piece
of business. -Seventy three candidates
wrote at the entrance examination
held here lest week. -Messrs Gillies &'
Martin, the new proprietors of tile''
foundry, have the foundry in running
order and are ready fnr - business. -
The arrangements for the 12th of July
celebration are completed and it is ex-
pected that there will be a large crowd
in attendance. These gentleman Tire
announced to speak : Jas L Huuhes,
of 'Toronto, Thos Mag;wuod, At P P, B
Rothwell, Geo Hess, Revds F E Nug.
ent, J 1V Cameron, E W Hughes and
local ministers. A programme of
;;amps, fur which good prizes tire
offered, will aleu take place during the
The annual union S S picnic will
take place on Friday, the 8.h inst, ill
Mr Andrew Sloan's bush. All are
looking forward to a pleasant time.
Tile Young People's Society of Ep-
worth League held It very successfal
lawn social, oil Wednesday evening,
on the grounds of Me Henry. Swings,
croquet, etc, were, the order of the
evening and the Blyth band enlivened
tho proceedings by some choice music.
A lecture was given Ili St. Andrew's
church by a young Persian student,
but on account of the lawn social, the
attendance was not as large aft was
hoped' for. -,.-.A cab load of young peo-
ple front here drove to Wingham oil
Tuestdsy eveal tit tib otleud the llkwu
surrouridiil J towns that had there heon i barn last week, and Mr Joseph Wel-
a fire, not enough men could have been j doudicile 4ldiegconsiderably itto his
found to ,xtin uish it, were it ever soshape
small. ---I' v, Mr. Gamphell's brother I woodshed. -The Patron picnic was not
from Lindsay will preach in the' very woll represented frown this quar-
bletllodist church next Sunday even,: ter. --Our ball players would like to
inn Mr. Plummer, teacher, is attend- tot a chance to show themselves.
in the Provincial T€lacbers' Associa- I Farmers are complaining on account
tion in bloiltreal,-114 r. Frank blot- of the very wet weather. -Potatoes
calf has again been appointed delegate high light land are
I unless oil Very + b
to the Right Worthy Grand Lod- of damaged. -Fall wheat where It is any
Good `Cemplars, wboso next meeting I ways heavy is laying flat on the ground,
will be in Des Moines. This is the Fruit is not -oing to be the crop that
second tithe Mr. Metcalf has had this i was expected, spring graitl looks well
honor conferred on kith. Mr. W. W. where the land is naturally dry or well
Sloan lige been spending a few days drained, and the hay crop if properly
visiting his old friends here. --1\1r, saved ,will be enormous but the
Robt. Foray, of Wroxeter, spent Still- weather is so wet that farmers are
day at home this week,- Mrs. John I afraid to bogin staying. -Since school
Meildejolitl, of Harristou, is at prosent closed the average small boy has con -
visiting friends here.-AIr John Sloan sidergble time at his disposeal, but
was vision friends in Clinton last betn0een herding the Colorado Beetle,
week. -Albert McDowall, who has fishing and picking strawberries, he
just finished his apprenticeship as bar- manages to pull through. -U-8 notice
ber, left on Tuesday morning to take in some of tine papers accounts of
a situation in Woodstock -111r Herhie , wheat 4 feet 9 iuches and 5 feet 2
Young was visiting* in ' Senforth this I inches in height, Mr Andy Aver can
week. -Miss Jean Forsyt!,, spent the I beet that for on the 17th June lie
1st ill Cliuton.-Miss Edna Curtis, pleasured some 5 feet 10 inches and lie
who has been visiting at Mrs. S, has lots of it now six feet. Who can
Gracey's, Wiugham, returned home op beat it ?
Monday evening. -Mr. Jas. Moffatt
was visiting friends near Sunshine last
week.—Misses McFarlane spent Sun-
day in Clinton.—firs. W. Etnigh
r.oturned on Monday from highani
where sh9 had been spending a few
days -Air. D. Metcalf, of Toronto.
spent Sunday at Mr. El. McQuarrie's.
.The following is the report of S S
No 1, for the month of June : Sr IV,
S Taylor 33, H Burns 32; W Ferguson
32. Jr IV, F Rush 34, W Finlay 33,
M Cathers 28. Ill, L Cathers 36, R
Finlay 29, W 'Tremble 27. Sr II, W
Lan -iter 15, B Dennis 14. G Pameroy
7. Jr II, T Ferguson 35, 111 Cilthers
28, E hush 16. Pt 11tid, M Finlay
22, A Langster 22, G Dennis 22
Pt Int, U L'ingster 19, J 11a!liday 11,
Al Pomeroy 10.
The union pita.►tic held in Mr Thos
Inglis' bust, oiluly 1st, between S S
No 15 and S S No 1 was a ;;rand suc-
cess. The picnic began At 1 o'cloeic p
ni, and in a short• time these was a
very large crowd in the bush, consist-
ing, of people froth both sections, and
visitors from Harriston, 'Walkerton,
Clifford. Gorrie, Wroxeter, Wingham,
Bel.nore, Mildmay and Lakelet. The
principal amusement of the day was
dancing, and the large platforms erect-
ed by the young men of the sections
were full of dancers during the whole
afternoon. The excellent music of
Mr D Fryfogle, of Belmore, assisted by
Messrs Ashton,Ritchie and Saudersnn,
added greatly to the pleasure of the
dancers. Tile Swings were kept very
busy the whole afternoon especially by
the school children. tlr D N Mc-
Donald, of BNlmore, added areatly to
the enjoyment of the picnieers by hav-
in, a stand on the grounds and fur-
nishing all kinds of refreshments.
The Indies of 'the sections deserve
great credit for the manner ill which
they supplied eatables for the occasion.
The picnic has been such a decided
success that the young people have
already decided how tLey will celebrate
Domikion Day next year..
The corner-stbue of the new Aletho.
dist church of this place was laid on
Friday last, undrw very pleasing cir-
cumstances. • From 2 o'clock to 4 the
ceremony continued. The Gorrie
brass band was on the grounds and
gave some excellent music. The first
stone wits laid by fibs. M. C. Carson
of this village in memory of her late
husband ; the second by Mrs. D. S.
'Cook, of Fordwich in behalf of the
Orange order ; the third by Mr. Jas.
Leech, of G,irrie, and the fourth Mr.
Daniel Harris, of Orange Hill. About
1000 people witnessed the ceremony.
The beautiful weather drew immense
crowds out. From 4 to 6 o'clock
supper was served, after which all ad
Jpurned to the town hall, and were en-
tertained for a few hours by several
good speakers and music by the Gorrie
choir. The receipts of the day were
about $560.
Haying is one of the most prominent
industries. It is a very heavy crop
and as a result tho mowers are fre-
quently to the hospital.--Thechief phy-
sical feature of the P of I pie-nic was
the large crowd, and the most enter-
taining part was the bar pipes. The
strongest part of the boys proceedings
was the tug-of-war between the ;encs
of Kinloss and Culross. The Culross
lads are now famous for their weak-
ness. -Mrs McLean and Crowston, of
Wingham, spent a few days at Kilven
Grove -Farm. -Mr J A Crowston htls
returne3 from Landon after spending;
a•fortnight their: -Miss C L Crowston
is home on her vacation: -The Misses
Bloomer, of Toronto, are spending a
few weeks with Mrs J Crowston.
East WAwanosh.
Mr Jackson Wightman is having it
large new dwelling house erected this
summer.—Mr J B Nicol• attended the
funeral of his aunt„ Mrs J Robinson,
in Hamilton, on Monday,—Alr Jas
Budge returned to his house ill Mount
Forest, on Saturday, after a visit to
friends in this loeality.-Quite a num-
ber of our pleasure -seekers took in the
the picnic in connection with the
Demonstration in Wingham, oil July
Presbyteriau Sabbath school, which
1st.—NMr W Scott had a lar. -ft straw
was held on. 'Tuesday, was a decided
success, there being quite a slumber
house raised on •Thursday, of last
week ; while the work was ;going on
present, and everyone enjoyed thf m-
kir John Campbell had pitofoot• badly
selves. At night there was a concert
given in the Foresters hall, ,a very
"-rushed by a falling pike pole. --Mr
John Naylor and his neice, Miss :Mary
pleasant evetling was spent, Alr G W
Anderson, were visiting friends in
Preston last week.
Cline.and :!Miss Minnie Cline,of Ha►nll
ton, rendered the, lbank and broes of
bolnie doors," beautifully; Prof Scott's
l Londesboroagh.
songs were well appreciated as were
lir, Geo. A. Newton, of Wingham,
.%Jr Grecey's ieadingf. The Cline
was in the village this week.--Mr.and
family made a very favorable impress-
Mrs. A Woodman, were visiting their
iou.-Alnry, Ruby and 'Alice Duff
daughter in Ripley, last week. --The
were visiting relations in Seafortlt,last
strawberry festival in connection with
week, ---iglu and Mrs R ass haves adopt-
the Presbyterian cllurell all July lst,
ed a baby girl two weeks old. Hugh
was a grand success. After all bad
its just as well- plensed as it were hit
partaken of the good things provided,
own.-- The Rev bar McQuarris slid
they repared to the church where a
wife, of Wingham, were visiting tit iglu
good programme was presented. The
Hartley's this weep.-- Mi and Mrs
pfoceeds atnomited-to 639.87. -Mr. J.
Harry Davis awl Afro McXibbon, of
Tkl O'Brien has his restaurant in full
Wiu ltam, were visiting here „this
bleat. We wish him every success ---
week,. Miss haggle Btitg'ess, of Brus-
jR4V. Mr- Hamilton has started a ser•
eels, is visiting at Asir John Burgess'.
vice at 7 o'clock, ill addition to the one
-Mass Lilht lsbistee, of Morriq, is,'
lit the afternoon .-Rev. Mr. Tuck and
visiting at Mr Frank Scott's... It has
favoily have arrived in the village., ---
not rained, herd for 42.4 Miural. -It is
I Mr. Leech prr+ached in the Methodist
to be hoped that when the Turnberiy
church on Sunday.
,louncil !tent! thisir next Ineeting;, that
tlivy will }give shine money towards a
Mr Charles Wilson, of Hensall P' O,
:eery sidewalk In 131deVa:id.
advertises that Ilia wife Clara, having
-- -
left Ilia becl,.board and house without
t uitrottta
any Rood and sufficient reason or just
One day last witch, Mr John h oRae
I cause of provocation, and without his
ggfit ratty badly lrretlsttd UP. l':1tr wan
.`jq YD'ighdamt
cotanent,lle will not bat',by re-
jtrportlbl flee ant+lbtf sh" way (lots.
Gordon & MoIntyro are ofForing very
nice lines this weelt in light Bedford
Cords, Victoria Lawns and blain cheek
and spot Muslius. Latest things In sum-
mer Sillw and choice seasonable Dress
A very large assortment of Gloves,Ties,
Parasols and Circulars, which wo guar
In fine Shoes and Slippers we carry the
largest stock, from the best matters in
In Gents Furnishings and ordered
Suits, fully warranted, we offer special
inducements at the present time.
Our special brands of Teas -at reason-
able prices -are securing to us many now
customers. '.Cry it sample package. In
Sugars we are giving great bargains
Now is the time to receive them.
We will pay tlie'highest price either in
cash or trade, for any quantity of wool
The Bio Brown Anchor,
Win. -ham, J'nue 9th, 1892.
There are from two t 1 half a dozen
strains of nearly every breed of fowls,
and there is a vast difference between
them in some instances we have ex-
perirueuted with two different strains
of the same breed, both lots of fowls
being treated in precisely the same
Manuel, and have found one strain ex•
cellent layers, and the other decidedly
iuteror, because they had not been
carefully bred for anumber of years,
especially for egg production ns the
other lot of birds had. It should be
remembered as an almost invariable
rule that -,like produces like" with
thorough -bred stock, and your fowls
will pr, duce just what they have been
bred to produce; if with your strain
of fowls everything has been sacrificed
to f+t»cy points you wi 1 dotibticss get
exhibition birds,but c,on't expect them
to be phenotueual Ihyers, The folly
of sacrificing; everything to fancy points
is well illustrated in the case of the
White Faced Black Spanish, for many
years fanciers have been selecting, for
breeders the chicks that developed the
best white faces, discarding many
chicks that in every point but the face
were infinitely superior to the bird
selected ; this practise cotitinnod year
after ,year has had the effect of fixing
the white face most un►ni. hkably, and
h,%s also ruined the breed physically,
rendering then) tender and delicate
qnd undecidely it fancy fowl instead of
►he vigorous race of prolific Layers they
originally were. ..ow lmd the W F .
13 Spanish been bred for their laying
qualities, vignur, and size, paying no
attention whatever to :lie white face,
which by the way is ail utterly useless
feature, they would be bred to -day by
thousands, where dozens are'not now
to be found, , Just so with any other
breed of fowls or straits of that breed,
if you constantly breed for one object,
you will certainly attain it in time,and
itis easier to develope the useful
qualities of a breed of fowls than the
useless and absured ones. Plymouth
R,)cks could in the course of ,years be
bred to become a white faced breed ;
standard birds of this variety have no
white in the face, not even as touch as
a pin's point, but occasionally a chick
is hatched that developer it white ear
lobe, now by selecting these chicks,
and brelediug; them together rejecting
tea breeders, all birds without the
white ear lobe, you would fins! in time
thewhite car lobe would become a
white face; as evidonce of this it need
0ly-.be mentioned that with- some
strains of Black Hamburgte, lvltieh
should have a whito eiar lobe, bat not
A white face, it is a common occuranae
for two year old birds with large lobes
to develope into a white face.
To attempt to breed a white facie on
Plymouth Rocks would ruin the -breed
utterly, and much more quickly than
it .ruined the Spanish, because they
naturally had a white face, but not
such till extensive only as we are ac.
cuntomad to see. It being; an admitted
(Act that fowls will produce nothing
4nor6 ar lealthat► what they have been
bred for, oil will be consenting your
Inters . y a"low0ting the bread that
4yrod*m fres the gretow ovhodu oh*t