HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 7k . .. M The 1nall who is suddenly thrnwn T 117�iAD� �-.AL� ! �4. P. R. TIME; �iBLlltl. upon the world finds it hard work to -I Trains arrive and depart as follows support himself, This is especially, so LRArINp Of the 5:34 a to ........For Toronto ..........p, leronat who falls out of his 12:00 P In balloon, 001' II ......... For Neawater........ To Goneral Aferehunts and Boot and Shoe stores, 10,'!r5 P• ,n " 1 In c011neetkon whit my Leather Business I keep a --,-•-,- - full stock of Q �v A N T1� jJ Nom: Piso's Rernedy for Catarrh is the A, C. ST1tATIID1;lt, AAENT, tY'tRetlAt Best Easiest to Use, and Cheapeat. KO� A ,� cl i�T/ ( Through tickets to all points In America. 1Jl,l.� off West, Pacillc Coast, etc., via the shorted; Popular routes,t3uggnge checked thio Sold by druggists or sent ii mull, Hathaway, whitmore•s, 2anorli French Dressing, J destination, Lowest freight rates to all ithro ROc. E. T. Iinzeltine, y >;clipse. Bixby's, Perfect Kid, etc, in 10, Mi and 25o 1 -.- Warren, Pa, sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jaequot's French TIME TABLE. -T-- Blacldng and Gray's eliufaX roof, water 4EAVl1 w'INOnAhI. ARRIk,F AT W P �llcioa;m.xoronto,Guelph,Pahnerston, ALLAN LINB 1{ •—* :it45 Pip'• " Clinton, '� i'05 . Palnwrston Tffxed. IlOYA4 ,MAIL STRAManlra, LI A C S _ 6:45am ...,London' &c,•........1i .EDUC•TION IN RATES. S 20 P m7 13:40am ........ 6igcardine &c it Steamers sail, regularly frmn h, Leather, IIorsobide, English Kip, Porpoise, &c, i•40 p m 1l 10•)0 Cotton and Rifle.. in all lengths. PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER- Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &C. POOL via Londonderry. -- Sclentiffe AIM' DPR1,40 TIM WINTER MONT110. SHOE LEAINH +.R Agency f Cabin No and upwards, Second Cabin Steerage at low rates. No Cottle Crlrried. Simon Alma, bat and 01 and hfezzopia hip and Calf STATE SPFtVECi sole, also native kip and upper. Splints)' and slaughter LINE.) ALLAN LINE —. �� , j • - � ' 1iTEAius1llPs. HARNESS LEATHER, CAWWA'I NEW YORK & GLASGOW T.110H T Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Specla ' � . DEs1OM PATI sin Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin; ;40 and stock for traces Ili yak. COPYRICHTS upwards.. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. 'Por intorMationand free Vsndbook*tit, Apply Patronage solicited. Prices MUNN h,CO 361 BROADWAY. Naw 1 PP y to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or, g guaranteed. A postal OldeaV bureau foe peourlrig patents 11r A card *'It secure quotations or a call from wry travel- Weir patent taken out by us is brought HENRY DAVIS, WINGUA11.1 ler. the public by a notice givenfree ofcbsrgl _. W. J. CHAPMANf o1Cz6IxXxJCActentiffe»rxx Largest elreulation of snp,ipe7 , world OSEPII COWAN, 'Fanner and heather Merel,ant, splendtdl Illustrated. N4 tntr J man should be w�thout it. weekli� a5 AVINC,RA3f- Year• EI.60 six months. address MIA CLYdti{ 9Tn Div. COURT, Co. HURON, LIS3HEn9.W1.BToadwp. New York. ISSUERRIAGAUCTIONEER. POR THE BEST VALUEVALUEISSUOF MARRIAGELICENCES . Coxuzsalo 1101 IN H. C..7., ETC. -IN p WROYETER. UST. ORDERED C•LOTHI. HALOTER & :SCOTT BANKERS_ GO TO losephineNtreet - - Wh1rham, Ont. WEBS J. A. IlAoun I J. W. SCOTT, TER hi itount Forcer. Listowel. Deposits Received .and Interest allowed. HATS, CAPS, SHIR. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, • COLLARS, C On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. .)lousy remitted to all Cheap for K parts of Canada at reasonable charges. V 11 i� Special Attention Given to Col- I AT— lecting Accounts and Notes. W F I3 s i' Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank — _ __..___. �._ of, Canada Office hours -From 0 a, m. to F P. m. Stovesst A. E. SMITH, Agent. Lr D EXI Ia -- R� !iTRAWBOL R �_ C t.1 L?A Cy4L�RA M ,�A qA /� - Arg Y � ANDALL PLAIT Gems of Tlrougllt..I i. o, thank you, rejoined the ttier,nly Lave is novtr idle, doctor forbids. Servility is to devotion what hypo- Be sorry, murmured the goat in crisy is to virtue. secret glee. I fear you will have only It costs'more tq revenge injuries an unsatisfactory meal, ' than it does. to bear them. Olt, i shall do very well, protested the tiger.. «ihoreat lie . tell upon and God has never ceased to be the ser- devoured the goat himself, vant of the human race. Alas l exclaimed the latter with Ilia If you would succeed in life, raise dying breath, I was too funny, early and be an economist of time. This table teaches.tilat it is perfectly I We like those to who we do good proper to take all insult from some better than those who do us Good, people without resenting it. It is all No persons are more empty than it matter of judnmimt.• -Detroit Tri - those who are full of themselves. bund. It is thinking of self too much that HOLLOWAR'S PILLS. ---This cooling' gives us little time to think of another's Medicine l'as the happiest effect when i wants. ' the blood is overheated and a tendency If we had no faults ourselves, we to inflammatory action is set up in the l should take pleasure in observing those system ; one Pill taken shortly before dinner does away with the indigestion,. of others, fulness, flatulency—indicatious of it Not how much talent have I but weak 'stomach or.disordered liver. A how much will to use the talent I few "Pills taken at bedtime act as alteratives and aperients; they not have, is the main question, only relieve the howls but regulate The greatost friend of truth is time, every organ connected with them, her great enemy is prejudice, and her overcome all acrid humours, tape en. constant companion is humility, COUra�e a free` supply of all the seere. tions essential to our well-being. . Pleasant weather therts may be in Ilollowav'R Pills thoroughly cleanse the voyage of life, but never weather and perfectly regulate the circulation,. so pleasant that the hand may leave and beget s feeliu;; of comfort in hot , the helm, or the eye the compass. climates and high temperature, which is, the most desirable for preservation That which is good to lie `done can of health. not be done too soon, and if it is ne. 0 sleeted to bb done early it will fre- Fashion Noted. quently happen That it will not be done Red is to be extensively used in at all. millinery, not only the deeper tints, but a brilliant scarlet; gilt wire ribbons Most people call fretting a minor are embellished with fieldn les and p pp • fault—a foible and not a vice. But trails of trumpet creeper and loops of there is no vice, except it be 4runken- red ribbon. - ness, which can utterly, destroy the peace and happiness of a hpme. Ido White lilac is the present favorite in riot dare fret, said Wesley, than I dare perfumes, but no liquid preparation curse and swear. can equal the subtle fragrance of each. .^. —.— et powders. Little scented bags can 1 CONSUMPTION CURED. he sewed into the lacings of dresses, An old physician, retired from practice: hating had placed in his hands by an East India missionary and also in the hems of silk skirts. the formula of a chnple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron- thand all throat and Lund ohitis, Catarrh, Asma also white dresses APP. made up y Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Con'plaints, after Over yellow sill{ girdles. Spanish el- 3' papy having roared Its wonderful ourattvo powera "' thousands of cases, be hay felt it his duty to pinks it low ribbons of either silk or velvet are known to lits suffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hmnan sufferin,r, I free to who desire It, this used as a garniture for cream white will send of charge, all recipe, in German, French or' English, with full wool 'owns or those of soft silk. n directions for preparing and using. Sent by tuail by addressing with staugr, naniingthis paper, IV. A. All kinds of fancy Melts are worn Norss 820 Fevers Block Rochester, N, Y. with shirt, waists. Enamelled' leather ' He Got a Tip from his Fathar. ones.in blue, red and blacl{, are found A fourteen year-old boy at school lace, down the front. ''hey are wide wrote this sentence in an exercise : or narrow to suit the tastes of the pur- Ten men and -four woman. His teacher chaser. pointed out to him the sentence with +' 'j the remark : ma- Parasols are made of the samema- is it possible that you do not know, terial as the gowns in many instances after all these years at school, that the two yards extra material being re> plural of woman is women I quired. The boy scratched his head in a Belts are so numerous and of such somewhat disconcerted way. variety that it is a hopeless task to at. Well, he said, I've often heard my tempt to describe thein.' The prettiest t' father say that woman is a singular 1 he knows I new ones are of gray lizard or snake skin, the fine dote forming beautiful creature, and guess ,. tones of color. The square bucl{les ddtl Gives Good Appetite. are coveredwith the sante. . SIRs,—I think your valuable medicine cannot be surpassed,accordiug to the bene- The strings of the period should tie fit I received from it. After suffering from }ieadache and loss of appetite for nearly in a small bow or two loopsunder the four years, I tried B. B. B. with the great- chin, and the ends hang anywhere est success, finding it gave me great relief I now enjoy from the waist line to the knees. and good appetite. good hes.4 which I owe to your valuable Medi- Moire rib all the Cine. MISS MI'- .. M The 1nall who is suddenly thrnwn T 117�iAD� �-.AL� ! �4. P. R. TIME; �iBLlltl. upon the world finds it hard work to -I Trains arrive and depart as follows support himself, This is especially, so LRArINp Of the 5:34 a to ........For Toronto ..........p, leronat who falls out of his 12:00 P In balloon, 001' II ......... For Neawater........ To Goneral Aferehunts and Boot and Shoe stores, 10,'!r5 P• ,n " 1 In c011neetkon whit my Leather Business I keep a --,-•-,- - full stock of Q �v A N T1� jJ Nom: Piso's Rernedy for Catarrh is the A, C. ST1tATIID1;lt, AAENT, tY'tRetlAt Best Easiest to Use, and Cheapeat. KO� A ,� cl i�T/ ( Through tickets to all points In America. 1Jl,l.� off West, Pacillc Coast, etc., via the shorted; Popular routes,t3uggnge checked thio Sold by druggists or sent ii mull, Hathaway, whitmore•s, 2anorli French Dressing, J destination, Lowest freight rates to all ithro ROc. E. T. Iinzeltine, y >;clipse. Bixby's, Perfect Kid, etc, in 10, Mi and 25o 1 -.- Warren, Pa, sizes, by the gross or dozen. Jaequot's French TIME TABLE. -T-- Blacldng and Gray's eliufaX roof, water 4EAVl1 w'INOnAhI. ARRIk,F AT W P �llcioa;m.xoronto,Guelph,Pahnerston, ALLAN LINB 1{ •—* :it45 Pip'• " Clinton, '� i'05 . Palnwrston Tffxed. IlOYA4 ,MAIL STRAManlra, LI A C S _ 6:45am ...,London' &c,•........1i .EDUC•TION IN RATES. S 20 P m7 13:40am ........ 6igcardine &c it Steamers sail, regularly frmn h, Leather, IIorsobide, English Kip, Porpoise, &c, i•40 p m 1l 10•)0 Cotton and Rifle.. in all lengths. PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER- Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, &C. POOL via Londonderry. -- Sclentiffe AIM' DPR1,40 TIM WINTER MONT110. SHOE LEAINH +.R Agency f Cabin No and upwards, Second Cabin Steerage at low rates. No Cottle Crlrried. Simon Alma, bat and 01 and hfezzopia hip and Calf STATE SPFtVECi sole, also native kip and upper. Splints)' and slaughter LINE.) ALLAN LINE —. �� , j • - � ' 1iTEAius1llPs. HARNESS LEATHER, CAWWA'I NEW YORK & GLASGOW T.110H T Best brands on hand in oak and hemlock. Specla ' � . DEs1OM PATI sin Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin; ;40 and stock for traces Ili yak. COPYRICHTS upwards.. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. 'Por intorMationand free Vsndbook*tit, Apply Patronage solicited. Prices MUNN h,CO 361 BROADWAY. Naw 1 PP y to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or, g guaranteed. A postal OldeaV bureau foe peourlrig patents 11r A card *'It secure quotations or a call from wry travel- Weir patent taken out by us is brought HENRY DAVIS, WINGUA11.1 ler. the public by a notice givenfree ofcbsrgl _. W. J. CHAPMANf o1Cz6IxXxJCActentiffe»rxx Largest elreulation of snp,ipe7 , world OSEPII COWAN, 'Fanner and heather Merel,ant, splendtdl Illustrated. N4 tntr J man should be w�thout it. weekli� a5 AVINC,RA3f- Year• EI.60 six months. address MIA CLYdti{ 9Tn Div. COURT, Co. HURON, LIS3HEn9.W1.BToadwp. New York. ISSUERRIAGAUCTIONEER. POR THE BEST VALUEVALUEISSUOF MARRIAGELICENCES . Coxuzsalo 1101 IN H. C..7., ETC. -IN p WROYETER. UST. ORDERED C•LOTHI. HALOTER & :SCOTT BANKERS_ GO TO losephineNtreet - - Wh1rham, Ont. WEBS J. A. IlAoun I J. W. SCOTT, TER hi itount Forcer. Listowel. Deposits Received .and Interest allowed. HATS, CAPS, SHIR. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, • COLLARS, C On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. .)lousy remitted to all Cheap for K parts of Canada at reasonable charges. V 11 i� Special Attention Given to Col- I AT— lecting Accounts and Notes. W F I3 s i' Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank — _ __..___. �._ of, Canada Office hours -From 0 a, m. to F P. m. Stovesst A. E. SMITH, Agent. Lr D EXI Ia -- R� !iTRAWBOL R �_ C t.1 L?A Cy4L�RA M ,�A qA /� - Arg Y � ANDALL PLAIT