HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 64 t: E `( It is comparatively few wlio have she bas; would you mind, sir,stepping ` l in the mess on the desk, but l ain 'al- n 4 ►4 � + �� 411 sufiioirntamQuut of Manure to dress all into a gallery ort the way to In6b, and Did VOth anfl he ,lees a gUarrelly. I4 "��►► their land each year, The best way giving her a fiew sitting ? I m$eif in 8.50 and two securities in for roost farmers is to concentrate most The old Joan was touched., A Blew i liRIDA.k. JULY 1. 189.101, of the lnnnuro they use on the crops oa,ne into his pallid face, To that . lag'H to you'? from acting where to case of a that require most labor, and which itre instant 110 Remnled t0 Jena w itis yn11t11,. Too or threes Bmall pastuiresfrre bet.I hliviction, a fine or part thereof goes usually the,.onea. that will pay best. for Business, yes, indeed•, how it carried , 1lXIpOh tarn Ilegislation, tt. hint away. Hp brushed his bands committed sun What was your reply, daur htert Did tlualifi0Htiou of councillors in _ over his eyes and said ; waysr nged hare fresh grass is changed err weep or two. The pasture will last is reslatced to $400 freehold or Breeding for Beef. James, one of the clerics, is sick to. I° Go Rhe Cliad, iii eon, "hold in township$. to $200 "o The readiness with, which purebred d4yo. Run up and ask mother if she .sir, . or—, a or $400 leasehold, Lease. 'animals good enough for show -yard would not like to Coote and work with b wile ftnee may be built cheaply, iliotiahle fi3tice used, and cllatiged tore for a term of not less than hive purposes sell even in this period of we this aftPrnoon,gettiug out monthly sir, and introduce yon to your family,! are to, be deemed owners fur the depression ouglit to serve to demon• ststeineDts to 14,000 customers.—Nem think herd �Innke newer with litmself, .ose of the 1liu6icipal Franchise Berate to those mike aro des disposed to P I�Ut`]t fiecalcl, � se( ,,persons assessed .at q�'+„200 or more wins less titan 3,000 %nl,abitauts. falter that. there is money in the hush. hetd is Not Such a Fool as he Looked. 130 By now entitled to vote. The former Hess. at all times if the made good enough. in the face of the fact A tall, Blinn fellow, with a vacant an 'rniulha was X1300. 'rite day for that nothing hot individual tllerit will stare, walked into the police station of P ge ning is limited to the nomination' command bids in the sale ring, there a western city, stepped tip. t0 the oth to and the day following. A voter are still many who fa -41 to bend at Ger on duty, and said in a ,tallow ac select for himself any one of the their energiesitt that direction. The voice: coo 9crilted iorins of oath. Certified public cares little for the way in which Sir, I leave an important cominunt d ie.9, of doculuents ill the custody of Idle breeder secures the desired nl0rlt cation to make. I am dead, i was CC Clark slay be filed in court instead so long as it is attained. Bates, murdered, and L entreat you to .it lie, originals. Auditors are requir. Criuckshanl;s, Eric, Blackbird,wiiton, find file murderer and have nAe buried. e 1i to tnake a report upon the condition Anxiety, etc, are no longer names The official involuntalrily started value of the securities given the which will sell any beef -bred animal back ; it was evident lie had a lunatic ,to asurer,the cash balance in his hands g to which they may be applied reward • before him. lie rang a bell, and the p Bother immediate or. available. Tito less of the sort of beast bgarin, the captain of the division, the police astlrer's hank account shall also be the pedigree. The public is in quest surgeon and all the constablas obeyed 10 witted to the auditors. The valu, is genuine merit acid knows that no the suntntons. In a moment the roots h on for equalization may be extended one entrain or family possesses amen- was packed with a crowd of persons, p the county council for a further opl•, of it.. The market calls for the all anxiously looking towards the sur- to riod of five years. Werks are to re- cattle first and paper afterward. As geon, who, iu such cases, has the first ve a reasonable remuneration for we have already pointed out this fact `word, it services under the Ditches and O ,las ilSherPd in all era where IEolSimate Just so, the latter said, addressing � ater Clourses. Act, and for copies of 1, d• g Af l count u ion its the stranger; I could tell at the first res ma ono s e y i mmeuts furnished. by thein. In just re%ard•, The best breeder to -day :lance that you iverP dead. Do you ill" ou moue b laws .a worse can happen to remember your name I y y' is not necessarily he who pays the Certainly, the maniac replied, my to in each• ward in which he had it most money for his breeding stock,but Le. The power of granting of a he who bleeds the best individual au- natne is Lerlihoid Schwartk, imus for promoting any Ilhanufactal- irnals. Almd your address 4 . is withdrawn. Amore definite Tho grave. The time is ripe for the: breaking Vylto is your murderer', •ecedure in relation to motions to d f 11 't• d d s th the method and results when My, of Figs is taken; it is plea$ant d refreshing to the taste, and acts qtly yet romptly on the Kidneys, ver andTowels, cleanses the sys- m effectually, dispels colds, head - hes and fevers and cures habitual nstipation. Syrup of Figs is the Sly remedy of its hind ever pro- Tdced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ptable to the stomach, prompt in s action and truly beneficial in its fleets, 'prepared only from the most oalthy and agreeable substances, its any escollent qualities cowmen dit all and have made it the most o'pular remerly known. Syrup of Figs i:1 for sale in 75c otiles by all leading druggists. ny reliable druggist who may not ave it on hand will procure it xomptly for any one who wishes try it. 11!Lant>factured only by the F12 of alup Cat SAiTisl:7Cii^00, CAE,. • JUST OUT! HAVE YOU SEEN IT? THE BIG BOTTLE 1PAI ash by-laws is enacted and the Own o a antics, les an F—J- 1Ce as between the holders of rival strains Columbus. l in the mess on the desk, but l ain 'al- rty applying is nolo required to give of brood. The great breeder of the The some who discovatA Auhe-ica t Did VOth anfl he ,lees a gUarrelly. I4 CUrlty fOt' elle COSI t0 the extent Of rotors In11St lnaife b1S 'St1CCl?S9 lust as 5 6S. the hen roQtseland about tfuls the leu Ouse, Eveiy Crack and crevice m$eif in 8.50 and two securities in the great breeders of the past and Then allow me to congratulAte you. of a very delicate character. It is, indeed, eh. t said the father, I 0 each. A tilagistrate is not dis- talified l+asent have done, by the free exercise We have capture) tLe smart chap. . lag'H to you'? from acting where to case of a Of a. SOtllld diSCCP•tt(!n lli the lnatilt�, Conte, acid 1 will show you' to liis Too or threes Bmall pastuiresfrre bet.I hliviction, a fine or part thereof goes of the Animals. He must have free cell. u aen , such a busu y � father � a rhe municipality of which he is it rein ns respectsAo blood, color and Directly, said the madrnam, in reply committed sun What was your reply, daur htert Did ptepayer. Cities of towns Joey pass evorythiug else. lois tltnSt, within the to the surgeon's diplomatic little waysr nged hare fresh grass is changed err weep or two. The pasture will last •laws enitbliug , inspector of c Lief P � ` limits of what are regarded A5 well- speech, and began fumbling a his from he I° Go Rhe Cliad, iii eon, „onstables where a person is Clercs([ bred stock of;tho particular breed, be Pocket, whichquickly produc- .sir, . or—, 'rith being, iiruimk, without being disc tausted to explore the whole field for ed a thick packet of neatly bound al -I b wile ftnee may be built cheaply, iliotiahle fi3tice used, and cllatiged irderly,,iil tl,e case of it first or second the materials Wherewith dePired im. tnanacs. sir, and introduce yon to your family,! !ffen,ce, to discharge the offender with' provement is to be carried on. Any Gelld"men, wbt;n I was alive 1 used think herd �Innke newer with litmself, rete bringhl;r hien b,,t'ore a magistrate. r, a thing short o. this is a species of to sell those alinanacs ; they am the � se( Awl -en of swatches, plated aware or slavery fatal, to all progress. There best sold in this country, and only cost ver warp stye 6) take out it Peddler'S .is hope for the future Whenever the + threepeilee apieeP. You wiltadmit • 'C'lr$P,. - burriers of prejudice cal. be broken that these h.oudsomelittle volumes pointed o T ought not to be left to moulder in the([cane Faris. Notes. is It pr grave, and, as we appear to be on such ' Far thing will bear hiore abuse;, en. Made nis Wife a Fair Offer. friendly terms, perhaps fire gentlemen plural of ore wore slackness, stand lip tinder Father, said the boy, as lie came twill not abject to buy the lot. orp laziness laid outlast more neglect into the office, I callers on a delicate minutes later the madman had Ten mil Ani wast, any other kilt([ of business. mission. sold out and taken his departure.— father sa• ' ° tle`who call put a question fairly Sit down, said the old man, going Taplic Poundsckuu. tial squarely to nature, and wait er. P ahead with his writing. A Desperate Young Man. aps a lifetiute fol' Lite answer, is snore It's. It delicate mission, father, and I ' Tell nit-, lay daughter, said Mr.Ilan one ulan picked out of ten thous• trust you will give it the consideration Jlunti withseine anxiety in his man - 4; but upon such Wren the progress it demands. ner as he led this only child to a seat our auric uttule dt peudo. When Th,:: is my busy flay, my boy, said iii the parlor, wasn't young Mr. Gas - the old ilnitit, bowing his head deeper you elllpty the coal Ashes sifter 3' leaniug out the Stove or furnace, take l in the mess on the desk, but l ain 'al- `j�bit here last night ll Yea, paps. Why do you ask 7 e snit,,, th•rwt�l alatlll and use IG t0 ways interested in my famil3, n Thank you, father; it is indeed a Did VOth anfl he ,lees a gUarrelly. I4 of hot d ry ushts ploosure to ane. I was about to say, But aoteucd �me apHnst the hen roQtseland about tfuls the leu Ouse, Eveiy Crack and crevice sir, that my, business hero to -day was tell an th n 1>Auarrel y i; pp to `l of the Ruse will t e filled with tit)P durst• to of a very delicate character. It is, indeed, eh. t said the father, I hilt) Did lie or did he not propose mar - mar - ha dNsrruution of all „]sect life. Du is week, dipping his pen in the Ink mud setmtch. . lag'H to you'? vlictt or twice ever '' ing awfmy for dear life. James, T ant Yes. he did, papa, replies the girl, 1 Too or threes Bmall pastuiresfrre bet.I to gladAstgt al ayman Hour thoroughly alarnsed. Do'tell me ter than one large one. 'like ethttie u aen , such a busu y � father � if anything has happened to him. Has' he xcay bo turned out a ,week ealliter, and s hell one field it well eaten dowii,they- 1 T ghee 1 tale as little Alf your time as committed sun What was your reply, daur htert Did be turned into another. They can possible. The fact is, father, rho bush• • loess of importance upon which !called' i you accept him ll y p , 1\'0, pgpa. Hai3 his body been dill - waysr nged hare fresh grass is changed err weep or two. The pasture will last . very impst'indeed., indeed.. >: v— ihov Did Did yore :give him any etmurage- hl lgar ar,d the cattle be ,fetter for fro, I° Go Rhe Cliad, iii eon, nleut whit, 7 Nn, liid °lie toot ltiinself, 4*ent changing, Too' many fences aro To_ TO_ , .sir, . or—, root .d in bin, but & foul' br five strand 1't Is the way of the world, Jt.ntes. I You resected lllni, ii y and irre� b wile ftnee may be built cheaply, iliotiahle fi3tice used, and cllatiged yes, air; to take you home to•nigllt, t vocably, %lid you p he said � , go silt, apdeallprat;,"but heli uwtwtel. sir, and introduce yon to your family,! doh$oi>iMbitljpa, i didn't addressing; v father, think herd �Innke newer with litmself, Old Popular 25c, Pricer. .-Is I'UBL1slIED—. ii �'],wy ri mi)AY MAltNUX0 - -•—AT Tali= rIME.S OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ST REEr NVING"rHAN., ONTAItIO, SvbseriptionPrioe, $i poo year, in itdvanne� —_ ADVERTISING RATES. space l 1 yr. 1 6 me. I s me. 11 loo. Ono Column -Soo 00 $90 00 i $20 00 $0 00, 11RIf " I 86 00 I 20 00 12 00 I 6 00, Quarter 1' 2000 1200 7 00 I 4 00 pre Inch 6. 00 800 200 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, So. par line for first Insertion, and so. perline foreaeh subsequent insertion. Local notices 10c, par line for first insertion, and 5o.porline for each subsequent fnsorticr,. No local, nottco will be charged less than 260- Advertisements ofLost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 limb nonpareil, $1 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linos, $1 for Rist month, 50o. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or rot lcngor porlods. Advertisements And local notices without specific directions, will l,o inserted till forbid and eharfiad accordingly., Transitory advertisements ,oust be, paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, to order to appea; that weak R. ELLIOTT PROPRITWOR AND PUBLIanxa D �It. MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, 1Ftxo1IAn1, � QNTARIO W. B. TOWLER. 61,D.C.M., Member Collego Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Tlp•stairs, next to IIIr Morton's office, wing, ban), Ont. Or> IaN Iloens,-0 to 12 A. m., ]. to 0 p, m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A WELDRUM, LJ honor Graduate of Toronto University, an blonlbar Of the College of Physicians and Surgeoms of, Ontario. Oaiceamd Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr, Bethune. WINGRAM ONT IJ. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private:.nd Company horde to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission char red. Alortg, as, tole n 'Ind !arm properti bouLht and sold. OFFICE—BeaverBlook WINGIIAM, ONT SJmril,g thrr ttAttstefi tvheil eggs are Wllat's that I anbrtod-the old trials, t O`"Ypa�iti ll"t Stu woad l triise tell Chao ty and 1400 ltnftxllr �•Mnit pack looking all suddenly. i E t Yom ,had. rejeoted. lege *47 P, rl Wad lIRItViS Art, ssmAll mild down, in a box wall Bueinesil is tlo.proseing these dais ; who he had done to tiay. ct"'Wrl rod whir cni;<rw7 salt,nuVardllrtwlnv mother site down for days end cis s D, 1t A, do' you till I fila,, be aY• Rang b Y ly 1` BEANS v'X1rt , etrlg's vo toltaslt each, other. Hare together and tooks at your photograph; ted for it n' ,. tt no, Yod brad," ale vd: in tete, 6,0twnli to iho, wonders I*-* you look now; it is mD' deAr`ial�.f� 4 phr7+.Ip Wlt!thoes to seer l Duras �hh i'mf, nturrw. I oats trot it a' fl-aar-rum +pinta ; it +P A& to"R+orr " k • • It�r;g >t�afr a� `7ittr� ' ,.. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c , Winghan) - Ontario 1q EYER & DICKTNsON, H. W. C. MEYER- Q. C: 1 E. L. DICKINSON. B, A BARRISTLRS AND SOLICITORS, Ei•c., Etc., So lieftors for Banir of Hamilton, Commissioners for taldng affidavits for Blnnitoba. I Arm, Town and, Village property bought and sold. Money (private` funds)leaned on mortgage security at 6f par cent. Money invested for priyato persons, upon the best. mortgago securities withont any expense to the ' lender. Lands for sale in ManlbAp And the North- ' west. Ofnce—Bent's Bloch, It Ingham. 7 MITISTRY--J S. JEitO3IE, WtNGl1AM, $jJv, _• n• Ia manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vutcamlte plates of the bestnraterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted, Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. Sty or Vegatable Vapor. rAan Norms.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: h1 the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Rouse.* Wm. Ii. Macdonald, L. D: S,, DENTIST: OFFICE, - - 'MASON'S BLOCK! Opposite the Queen's dotal, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie Ist and 3rd Mondays,,, of each month. PIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AOENT WINGnAM, ONTAA10 DEANS; lk,. WING11AA1, Licym D AUCTiONEER FOR THh COUNTY.. OF 11UIto N. Sales attended In any Part -of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WrIldnAW, 'ONT.,. LICLNeI•;U' AUCTIOxLE11 kon THA COUNT% or nunox. All otdeis left at the Thine 01000 pramptlp attend, ad to. Terme reasonable. AMPS HENDEnSON, � LiciNs4D AtICTIbrUIL 1101t CavNlt pr )ivlrplr AHD' BRUCR All sales attended toprontptly , d',*n the she ems Natire. Charges Modoiato rind Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary afrnnf3emetita can be made at the TntW Miloe. . WIfiGnAAI ONT A Ih: t s13avET61111 AND CIVIL ENGINItes. LISTOW11% AND WINGHAM, k codas felt at the Dolce of the Tiiraa will rr• ¢ I,relnpt attalitforl . 't;1 ' i'A'TETtSON, DAILlrk OF Elanm brrialor. CovnT, IsAvatt fit" M* hlA6w T,rcaSat:rr. wth'TxrrAN 0NT. THE M18838 IWA_�_Sbk­ t - pil",Pr t 0 . ■ Love 1 SAF"E` Sarvil Acrisy THE GREAT Is I B1 O O D Tt oos P bt 1.11ER ' God h ii vane of t 1 If you early aw B�tIS"T�►1.�� . We lil better th CURE$ iILL " No Pel r Taints of thpp U166 iC, those wit IZZA G E E T A 505! . SJmril,g thrr ttAttstefi tvheil eggs are Wllat's that I anbrtod-the old trials, t O`"Ypa�iti ll"t Stu woad l triise tell Chao ty and 1400 ltnftxllr �•Mnit pack looking all suddenly. i E t Yom ,had. rejeoted. lege *47 P, rl Wad lIRItViS Art, ssmAll mild down, in a box wall Bueinesil is tlo.proseing these dais ; who he had done to tiay. ct"'Wrl rod whir cni;<rw7 salt,nuVardllrtwlnv mother site down for days end cis s D, 1t A, do' you till I fila,, be aY• Rang b Y ly 1` BEANS v'X1rt , etrlg's vo toltaslt each, other. Hare together and tooks at your photograph; ted for it n' ,. tt no, Yod brad," ale vd: in tete, 6,0twnli to iho, wonders I*-* you look now; it is mD' deAr`ial�.f� 4 phr7+.Ip Wlt!thoes to seer l Duras �hh i'mf, nturrw. I oats trot it a' fl-aar-rum +pinta ; it +P A& to"R+orr " k • • It�r;g >t�afr a� `7ittr� ' ,.. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c , Winghan) - Ontario 1q EYER & DICKTNsON, H. W. C. MEYER- Q. C: 1 E. L. DICKINSON. B, A BARRISTLRS AND SOLICITORS, Ei•c., Etc., So lieftors for Banir of Hamilton, Commissioners for taldng affidavits for Blnnitoba. I Arm, Town and, Village property bought and sold. Money (private` funds)leaned on mortgage security at 6f par cent. Money invested for priyato persons, upon the best. mortgago securities withont any expense to the ' lender. Lands for sale in ManlbAp And the North- ' west. Ofnce—Bent's Bloch, It Ingham. 7 MITISTRY--J S. JEitO3IE, WtNGl1AM, $jJv, _• n• Ia manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vutcamlte plates of the bestnraterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted, Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. Sty or Vegatable Vapor. rAan Norms.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE: h1 the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Rouse.* Wm. Ii. Macdonald, L. D: S,, DENTIST: OFFICE, - - 'MASON'S BLOCK! Opposite the Queen's dotal, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie Ist and 3rd Mondays,,, of each month. PIN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AOENT WINGnAM, ONTAA10 DEANS; lk,. WING11AA1, Licym D AUCTiONEER FOR THh COUNTY.. OF 11UIto N. Sales attended In any Part -of the Co. Charges Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WrIldnAW, 'ONT.,. LICLNeI•;U' AUCTIOxLE11 kon THA COUNT% or nunox. All otdeis left at the Thine 01000 pramptlp attend, ad to. Terme reasonable. AMPS HENDEnSON, � LiciNs4D AtICTIbrUIL 1101t CavNlt pr )ivlrplr AHD' BRUCR All sales attended toprontptly , d',*n the she ems Natire. Charges Modoiato rind Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary afrnnf3emetita can be made at the TntW Miloe. . WIfiGnAAI ONT A Ih: t s13avET61111 AND CIVIL ENGINItes. LISTOW11% AND WINGHAM, k codas felt at the Dolce of the Tiiraa will rr• ¢ I,relnpt attalitforl . 't;1 ' i'A'TETtSON, DAILlrk OF Elanm brrialor. CovnT, IsAvatt fit" M* hlA6w T,rcaSat:rr. wth'TxrrAN 0NT. THE M18838 IWA_�_Sbk­ t - pil",Pr t 0 . ■ Love 1 peace ani ,not dare Sarvil Acrisy t Is I Tt oos 014n it c God h ii vane of t If you early aw We lil better th No Pel r those wit It is tl gives us I wants. �L if we l should ti addressing; v of others Norge 8201 t Not he � se( +I "t tt: flow nolle wrote thi have, is i Ten men J l The gI pointed o T her great is It pr constant after all " Ploasa' plural of the voyal somewha so .pleasa Well, l the helm; father sa• 4 That , not be do 'glected t( quently 1i MAIL MOSt 1 fault—a there is r w, ness, wh peace ani ,not dare £sins, -I cannot be fit I reser ileadache four years est succes and good houltl wll cine. curse anc An old ph had placed i ii thq formula speedy and 1 chitis, Cato Affections, Nervous Del haring testi thousands of known to M motiveand I will send fro recipe, in t directions fc addressing; v Norge 8201 � se( A four wrote thi Ten men J l pointed o T the roma is It pr after all plural of The be somewha Well, l father sa• 4 creature, £sins, -I cannot be fit I reser ileadache four years est succes and good houltl wll cine.