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Wingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 5
F.0I�L110 v� IE CO�UD, Prices Put The Go Into Our Quick Trade. It leads direct to HOMUTH & SON'S, It's the business w©neer of the tomo and Suri ink;° country, it does no need persistent tak ing to convince customers that we sell ` * Quc BOOTS AND SHOES, ORDERED CLOTHING, AND X1jTLX..4x:Ei lower than all ether house, what else rakes us leaders. Buyers are not caught in the corner of misleading prices a second. time. Aternal vigilance is the price of success, there are eyes here watching your needs'. hay while the sun i§hi,ne's aD d rash for �� ��Y ; a �,.. .� fir; v v c �'•� r'r # �� :aka ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. -- _W �__ - _ rs�-.IICTQD6414NiSR� •fL CL'IRSlyl7r'9.R1ACf6ZR7iXCli'�f10� Rather Behtud the Age. for her on Thursday, vas Tibotit IZo• y „ -� Books anct Notions, issued at Toron• rooko on Friday soliciting money Y �� I _f I. �. E t16L) Uents on to, makes this rpference to a paper wherewith to purchase a ticket for ' published not a hundred miles from Sarnia. Those who conversed with 1 Clinton :—"ln a certain local weekly her are inclined to the opinion that i6, Western Ontario ntav lie seen an her mind is unhinge -d. } matt he convinced that � � have just ��� ���5.�� �� advertises, eat of a pbotoi;raphin0 firm, • ljr John T Dickson has rpoeived tT which was dissolved some five or six I from his farm to Tuckerslnith sonic years neo, but tbp, advertisement still samples from a four -acre lot of red _ ,� I f�C1 remains likes an Egyptian obelish as a Clawson wheat he is growing, The �I �° l r�� l i `^�-' �✓ tnatnento of thH past. ruly the editor t present crap is the product of s small �' L�� ���} must not react his own paper. Editors r—Ql who would allow such a state of affairs sample lot he brew last year, ani jud ilig by the heads now he will in thair paper cannot realize the cluty IRS �1'FINE n , MOMS llilor a al6}�nitlprtnL yield Of very Ftap+ 13 tbp 1717eSt �1'tt i 11t7T51! linQwi}, 100 PA LADIES , F INE E they owe to their readers and their erior grain. VVYYYLL�99���NUN y'tl CNi'9�1 advertisers to always have, all tht•ir " G advertisement, fresh and llrtsp." In the saute paper mity be found it num her of advertisements that are techni- cally known as "dead" their term having expired some tinip,— Veiv Era. Huron Items. Tile Government dredge is at work at Goderich harbor. Geo H Bissett,Exetpr, has a tomato plant with four narepn tomatoes on it. Bluevale factory sold its May cheeses for 92c. per pound: 1 011. Anderson, of lblorriri, on the 17th J June had wheat growin; on his farm measuring 4 fent 61 inches long. Mr Rogerson, Harlock, has 1 4 bi; cow which broke the record of the season, tipping the haam at 1,820 pound,-. Mr A Halliday, of Morris, has frill Wheat, stalks of which measure 5 fent 2 inches, and Mr C !McCrae has rye which will line out 7 feet 8 inches. A young man named McLean, of Guelph, aged 23 years went to Spa- ` forth the other day to work at his + trade. He took suddenly ill of cholera 1Vlorbus and died the night lie arrived. $19,000 worth of G.)derich town debentures have been dispospil of at 1051. This it: considered a good sale, and is it feather in the cap of the fin- anoe comtuitwo. - On 'l hureday night of last week the residence of James Mann, 16th eons cossion of Grpy, was struck by lightt'l• ing. Nothing was save:i, the inmates havingYtr blo—ply tittle to escape with the' livog. JVOn Friday afternoon, 10th ult., a meeting of the creditors of McIntosh k 1ilerl'aggart, of llruilsels, was held and Alnong other business transacted Was the declaring of a 25 per cent. dividend to those interested, Dr. li eTaggart was presfnt, (deo A Oooper, of the filth eon, Gucl• (,rich, line a field of lye that wor1ld bo hard. to heat. It has been headed out shiers the 28th of Nilly, and some of it stands severe feet high, tine the aver- age it would hide a tegitbent of soldiers fand the one acre of it will yieldmove than three las' year. The rvomsrf Visher, who ;stray, away ftora bet home At lionmiilero,; n "Iltym, the 0sh!" d ow School vacations are now at banes and some people will lie found who will question the wisdc}m.of their Ion; duration. Six or eight weei,s spent in idleness, or Moving at large without the rentrain.ts of the school room, way be regardad as so much lost time by those who do not know 'much aboutO children. A learupd w}irNr in the North Americau Review recently con- tended that the lon- holideys were actually harutful,as when they returned to'their studies they wel•e alin Tst un- controilable. A; a matter of fact, the animal spirits thus displayed are the heat results of vacations. The dan ,pr nowadays is of forcing tele voting ahead too fast, and trying to make their weal: cotistitutions hear the burdens that would lie sutTieient for older persons. It must not he for gotten that in the early years of life the body must be developed as well as the mind.—;\?ail• Mrs. McCanspittnd, it well-to-do resi- dent of Sarnia township, is ander ar- rest for extpnsivp shoplifting. The Mp'thodist l'rotestand Church has stricken the word '-obey" from the marraoe serves. Nearly every wife iu the land did the same thing long ago. Louis Olman, a Northern pacific brakelnan, has been Billed while coup. M ling gars near Brandon. ff0 a SEMEN ! Thee Great roadster Stallion, GA LI L , —180261— Will be at I AT THE ABOVE PRICE. These are ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought from • a hrm which was overstocked. No old U fashioned, shop-worn trash, but shoes fresh from: the maker's hands. 6 is the best in the world I A. CLrN2 & 009 N•1'02NE BLOCK, wirt;thatn, Sole Agents for above Money to :.,onn on Notes. Notes .Discounted i AT REASONABLE RATES[ tlotley adraue, d on Mor"es at G per cent wi th 3rivilego of paying at the end of any year. Notea and accounts collected. ROBT. XCIND00. )rk}os, Ilcmw 810 AC,W, It n.a) 1'. DEEP COOL. Now that the warm Weather is Coll, ill g con would io 'veli to keep in udud that I ant peel+seed to supplr +ou wlth ice during tho summer montim at lots• !ates. Also, wood delle cred to ally part of thu town. JOHN GRAY. 9hutet st., Whigham. I H d ai oal, fes PEopteltCOAL 40% "", C Such an opportunity may never come to you again. secure your shoes early, as the purchase was made at such a SACRIFICE :C RIM and for net cash, we must clear out every pair ofthis lot inside 30 days. .. The goods have arrived a4d are now being passed, into stock. Prices tell' wonderfhi things of cheapness, and merit wins every time. NL X Ladies La Pere Kid Boot (button or lace,) usual price, $2.25, all at $1.40. LADIES-DONGO LA OXFORD,usualprice,$1..40, now 97 cents. Ladies« Waterproof Grain Boot (lace or button,) usual price, $2.00, our price, $1..45. A number of lines of Men's, 'Youth's, Boys' and Childrens' Shoes are included in this lot. B.emem ber we • guarantee every pair of shoes just as represented. This is an unusual offer. 'Fake advantage of it and save money. WOM BTITTEF, EGCI,S, Ete., all taken as, cAsh6 T. A. M TILLS, I(O� PENN -A. miNE 01NNPAtr lmiNE 01NNE�l,1i: �lil . WOWS, H TTing EL j cumv WYxGl4AVAi � � NULSTEIN Bllll.S FOR SALE. FOS R.A. .��,E Coat frit ftr lots sold timet 01. �...W. Lot No - 3, and the E. tliof Lot 170. 7 WEDNESDAY NIGHT t tiliA'1ih11i� ' � 'rhe nndergii;ncd 114.4 for INit, on Lot to Con, 4. 11th Con., llhitnberry- -N Aeres; M idea YY.CJD�.�i SDAY .4�f�IVf'H�.L � Tornherry,fourthorouxhbredifolawtt B�ils.rRntt• cleyYred; well tonged, fraino house atil n7 ironi P lV'fy fiLtrirlIIetlitatto p1ro8>�o + u to iR nionthxoid. Iht Abnva cntittiantd atlTer buildings; good orchard; cheap,tin ntdnTAla gra 41l well nTTThk d and r09lAtertd lit the of 9stch Week Wrfto for Pirlt m t'Ctin%dlan rite' lean'. 'rht"y w911 he Bald ehtop And time. Apply to 1'oh tAsytonnetoettltpnreha"m M. C. CAMEROX, t pO01l1 XfSf611tiollil di t1(n to �M 1 a Or Gocletiels,. durivatthosefteott, PA-Mashavin,g�MArea T aKaltr:lttor, �'AiC.l+�o�'�OX tcl1�' laid trot lat�o'it iJ'�1url iNiitkllllitl�i '>qtf � l#attl,�l'rtel i4t11miu}ale, _� _ _ lets, r tf+ E. i3.;.a