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Wingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 4
flans $,G6,40; ` L Jobb,SWingham, eight GO DUt� & Moi TYRE. l au the iailll and tilt+ Nleviltor ready Jahn Ander• sag that there is trouble in Haat organ, g sin, besides a lane quantity of for new road scrapers, ` , b r ds gravel, per a E.W1, LIA M The Rater convulsions have not been sltipinelit. The fire wets tile wont of son, or. con 6, ,aQ Y b' p KEEP COOL. ' 2,9G ' Hugh. accompanied by the barking sound an incendinry, the, mill being fired lis W Scutt pacoil 1Q, r, , faun different placeis Tile insurances Atalillruey, con 1Q, 47 yw2.3 Jsve lolls GordonMcintyre are offering very and. t:e snflppin ata marked at first Jas 1Jow pathmaster, ' T ,Young ^^ la as always been a very are to follows; l rile ti. Economical building, 42 yds. grav@l, nice lines t1ils week in light 13edford, faith• SVaterlo 111u#nal 2:000: rth Gillespie, Whitechurch, Isteady and well•behaved bay, on mill machinery, Perth per Georbe dot 9Gsparolds ewiro fence Cords, Victoria Lawns and plain cheek p>00 > b aonoiniOak $1,500 ; Wm llecroft, 4 and spot Mullins- Latest thingsiu sum. -AND- fully attending to his duties in the Mutual $3,000. i p 000; (ween sideline 30 and 31, con 12, $8,37; Wm mar Siltts and choice seasonable Dress DRUG. e<s. Jttnplvuy S Carpenter Wnll-Paper Alliance of England,• , Goods. Vl �rT•Li71 �1,OOQ. The elevator building is in- Robertson, 25 rads }vire fence let 31 Works, It is nu,v ltnawn that as for coil,3 75 • John Bennett,shovelling soon us his work was , finished the sured in. the Canadian Al for $s )00, snow eastern boundary, 81;. Jas A very large assortment of Gloves,Tles, _ $2,000 and the maclZinery a Parasols and Circulars, which we guar- cigarette wits never absent from bis The insurances oil the stack in fire McGill, building bridge let 39 digging W TELEGRAPH CO ie mill are Millors' and Manufacturers', and 5, $24 ; Aditm Claus try, ea i, notes. �- - mouth. *Dr. Barber said that if iia $11,20;Adam � ■ $9,000 ; Pha:nix of Elartford, x;2,000; ditch lot 4 reach 4 and 5, unfa>voriblt, syluptons sec in While t1 In fine Shoes and Slippers we carry the boy's By is weakened from the Mercantile of 1i'aterloo for X2,000. Olausius, gravelling on sideline 89 and op„ Brunswick House,3$ ; David MoCallopla, largest stock, from the best ntakore in terrible ordeal throu;:h which lie has `ll of Ili 1) s',ble the en fuel bo lei and tu0rnpiking at lot 40, cons 2 and 3, Canada, pumps were but slightly damaged, °$18.75 ; Wm Mason, cleaning out Ont. passed, lee may yet recover. He does P gravel pit, con 0, also lock and key for not regard the paralysis of the vocal 3•he estimated loss oil the mill build- „ John Cale, cedar and 7n Gents Furnishings and ordered pecans likely to be permanent• fug and Mae is 620,000 ; irisnr gate, X1.80 ; g Suits fully warranted, we offer special loss: on stock, $1:8,000; filling approach- to bridge sugar Bel- inducements at the present time, (>)(��� Q There its n0 Greed to pular the moral ante x;12,000 ; 000, gray., cons 8 and 9, �i4 70 ; George '�%' I of this sad story. insurance $16, Dalgarno, drain and the opppsite lot Y � lYm Pates Our special brands of Teas-at reason- ____ *doyvlag. 35, sons 1U and 11, X2.50 ; I met in e 11lliinit's hotel, ton, gravelling And bolding culvert able prices-are securi 3luevale Council ng to us many new kage. In ` A picnic is to be held on Tuesday, pursuant sideline 8onand gravelling on sidelin o86 Sugarstewe are givin- great o bargains l?ItI1J AY, JULY 1, :893, p , Newbridge, June 15th, 18J2, p ' Jttly 6th, at 11r John D meat s bush, to adjournment, Members all present, Win `undue the auspices of the Eluevale Reeve in tae chair. •llillutes of last and 37, con 13, 813.66; David Robert- Now isyVOOL! WOOL! WOOL DI1Ulti©L. NOTES. Presbyteriati Sabbath school.-TIle meeting read and approved. Moved son, jr, gravelling on siclaliur 33 and :i GtNLR.aL election for the Province rygetI odists Intend holding n picnic on by Mr. Jacques,seeonded by Mr John- 34, eon 12,' X16 ; D Anderson, jr, Manitoba will be held on July 23td• 0th of July.-Mr and Mrs Wallwin stop that the clerk notify Messrs. ,lu.; Scolvering ckho use,130 roils ad wire fence lot We will pay the highest price either in r decided ;ave a farewell social on Monday even. W Spence,Adam Spence and EliltvCc County Council has de41 1 t fete Inst; owing to the 'net Spence of619,50 • Walter AlcGowan, cash or trade, for any quantity of wont, L . he electors de tile , re .vas" not. et a large Spence to remove all timber out of t.tle 130, gong 5, tale e: vote of t the weather tl a river furtltwitli, or they will be held,digfiiug drain and the lot 3S, cons 2 CORDON & McINTYI2E. at the next muni• endance as there would have been responsible for nil daruages.-Carried, i and 3, sqe EC Lac il,`thenlndj orned I •g o vn Anchor, )qr house gnnstaoll nit Tile Big 13r gal elections. Moved by Mr, Ferguson' econdetl b and pasted. Council otherwise.-On Saturday while ruling resp � g sang s. y � JI ,1� on his bicycle, Mr Willson fell and M.r, Grallatu, that $25 be granted to to meet again on `Tuesday, 9th August i Winghani. June 9th, 1892. SIR Jpn t TnOMP�o, announced the j11lured his hard; he was ilpw ck and lllinto boundary, north of next. P POnTPRriULI), Clerk. hEr day that lie pxppcted the Du- far n few ill'iments, but is all right the 9th concession, on conditions that 1 _ I _ P again.-- Some of the towuspeoplea - Minto gie•e . an equiralent.-Carried, Belgxave• 1y11nnsOT, pitrliamt#lit would be prorogued � � Exeter. a,1. tended the social at �V J J0liustoln's, The following accounts were ordered l bout tilt: end of next week, tin Friday evening last. repairing The brick work of lir «`atson'S 1 About nocnt on friday of last week, t27Tsin British Parliament hats been to be paid: James Barns= I culvert at lots li and Burns, concession !rouse is begun by Tum Scattdrett, our i - young man named George Monteith, b' ,•eispr:tt elections Blyth leis- ri- airio ata• local bricklayer, and a good hand he aged about 25 years,• sou of Robert ctissphcpd and thea 1 c , _3.50 ; John Grew, P g I •1 lace during the next couple The Rev A McLean occupied a pioacb to bridge on coic�ssiol lU, let! is -1Tr J .H a4c1r R of ine. d,pnA: was shaving the Thames road, lJsbor picnic. :hull take p I was shaving himself to ;o to n picnic, weeps. 1'lle general opinion ap-,Spltforth pulpit Inst Sunday slid his John �ytlllacp cul,ert and n short visit to 11r R Erskine.-Dr lYlton about half shaved he dropped �?f ia4e perp was taken by ;lir Jas «tit. '10+ 1 h' , tJobu «'iltiatns= of Belgrave, is au accum- i ditch, co aessiou 6, lot 2c, " tracers to be Haat the Liberals will bel pittoo b , wood for Urs. McDermott, plisllpd accoucheur.-Stop flint 1 Stop off hie chair nntl died immediately. ! sou, a student of Knox College. lIr R aliace, were the cries 111 cart trouble was the cause of death. ittaCeSSful 111 elle pdnllllo contest• Nvilso:s rave two excellent sermons X2.2 J ,Janes El alCman, culyPrt on him ! Stop t.11e man . ; re- SIR RICII.1nil (,'�1TIYRYGIITIs arraign- , a , henl'd 111 l3plgrave on the 23rd 1rire- -_--- g aI I we hope to llavci the pleasure of sideline 25 and Z6, concession 6, a- y Journalistic fakirs. icier of the Dominion Government, in hearinst bine again before long.-Oppu Alex, St. 1'larys, wart: on I3ow a: nuc! The cause of the I was the fast r Spei1ki11; of the at penny adver- kir service was held on Stader even- Carrick bouudiry, �w21.25; T. Nash, treaAin't form of a wnu who had stolen , ,4110 House of Commons, Ion i,zg 1, some of thePiyulouth Brethren tisenientr, tilat appear in some of the 1 uuausxverable, Su o y y• _ alt ou Pio int refunded. Mo ed tb I Ind was doi doing !lis best ilio ligetlls vay leading city papers, "offering prizes ,last, was. situ} y from rite sl;t.roundiu0 country, A Henry, doe y'i ` which lie did.--iUr and Mrs 'for answers tc questions just difficult c,Jahtl Tllats)lson's reply ill personal ltlwn social under the auspices of the lir. Jacques, seconded by 11r Graham, i with it, 'enough not to be beyond the reach of abuse of Su Rich Cartwright, clic! Young People's S=)ciet * of tile English . i Cartwright, :a p J that this council do now ndjoel'n to 1ru on for a`fe •who lldays,bare exp cted1ail hod who ossesses an otnce and sept elevitte bran in the et, of church was held it lir Jas Potter's,an meet in Lamonby's hotel in 13ellnore, I" the Dundas Banner i\'edllesdAy evening of this ween, pro- school, a half of brains, g undo the third Wednesday in July- sclera. picnic tw)as held,on Frida itblastlin Mr anybody P the people• coeds to go to replenishing the S y Wm D ,y 'remailts : ,With til@ answers to these School Libra_ -_._ _ _ I Geo Parke's bush. The Sunshine school = fake ttestious the sender must enclose 4 Tar, llocuiuiou Government sub- Library.- �i union picnic is choir snug very nicely ; Sarall `and i a dollar-as subscription to some tau�a- nlit'ted their railway' resolutions to expected to be hFld in the upas future• East WWWanosh' a tri Wesley Curry sang, "the Sear old y y -.11 iss Ealla C.tirtis,of Whaby Ladies' holy bible, >n good style ; l3r Bark Zion. or ladies' ,journal. 1�lie thing has t I'a- lament on Tuesday night: They college is spending i r holidays at • Mr R L Leishman has to P been carried on so far that it is im- propos@ granting X5,122,000 in sub her borne byre.^lIr Htlrbert Yoino, to A1golza.-- lir Jas )lath, jr, is hay holder, the SnperintpndFnt, was in this : possible to pick up a city paper with- sidies,tp ruilwttye in different parts of �z:Fso Inas been visiting ng 'Toronto, re fug a fine Lousy peceteel on his faun chair; allresseswere given by Messrs ut finding a handsgsne prizo for this, tIte country. The Goderich and Joseph Clegg, J F Hunter anti .the that or the other thing, if you send a turned home on '1'upsdnv evening.- au the701caucession.-11Iesiab A pastor. An enjoyable time was spent. , ! t 'inghitm Railway, 31 miles, is down b1i.s Annie Htimilton, who has been I-lullida and Jas Ctoal sy,of Sltushiue= dollar along with your answer. atteutliurr school in 'Toronto for the Snndaved on the 6th line,-Miss Sarah Readers should know that publishers for .$'„100,000. past six uzunths, returned to her home 1t'ilsou, of Tavistock, who Iles been W. C. T. U. Convention. do not give away gold watches, silver u ,here f•n• the holidays.--:1 large nuts- visiting friends in this locality, return- tea services or hard cash for nothing.. THr, thirty-ninth annr,al tile ting t.t k.-Quite a number The fifth annual covpntian of the The whole thin penny the {strand LuAge of Cauadaof the In her of our citizens attended the racer ed home Inst week.-Q relate Union was held hu Ottawa, st beta@, resorted to ill order to get,, e,dent Urdeg (if mood Templars is in \Viurinlm` oil Tuesday -int' s this ll of sion to Port sure sHuronton the 22ud, Dominion lion @tdele atesUhristwere. pres- subscribers who would neverdreamof dept was in i1 snghnm on business lasing weld in Guelph this week. The `VeE1 l. -itis Jahn llofi'at gas lis God- and several attended the Wingllnm NnE week. The report of the tiotnnlirtee an subscribing to these puUicatsous in od Grand ;jeprPtary reports it Membership erich on business, Inst Saturday.--1lr races on TU esaay,-liouoy to loan ; and P prepared b ordinaryway. 8 r ".y creast over Hist rd \Ira Cambers and hiss Maggie apply to the phcusc committee.-Mr rssdtLncas,waslreadlbyMrs Wil-'stAiiiina,do not requirertolsresort oto of 10,050, n slight 1A lg a this. !V Prementor atilt his ging h. • sehpmes of this kind in order to get � year. The x' ceipts for the year were Moan ,vete visiting iu Iiun us liams of I r Ed 27 and the expenditure S4,- ,vepk -A5 the 1st is not to bn ail@ lor'scqa the new bousp.l{ Mr John Coultas, j , report Of the the e�Vo,patl's ers eCnmmittep, subscribers." 4,987'..t' p orated here the vilingp will be nearly --• ! 067.16, leaving a balance of cash On 'deserted so n) :c,y intend taking in the i.; busily erigagetli� nor cgs, fou opposite Aid Association and be Committee on zhinu it over. ' hand of 4,870:11, There are 70 jisvenito sp„rts ill «in<glranl, Ciodprieh and !tats 10,tnd 41, 6 sittin of the Court Unfermented Wine. ili►ss 'Tilley, Says young Inas), there is one thing 1. temples, with, a membership of 3,111, gather towns cess arnuna.-Seven oti the The adjournedze you ,� ublic school pupils left on londay f,,r of Revision washeldIn due pursuant unci secretarial erepoxty� A tt -resolution in life unless ayes, work can't mB ttercruen qIn increase of 445 Burin„ the y..tir P k of the Found Gunton and «lnolranl, to try then- room, on June math, 13J P g H than you have tried it and failed. `YOU FRov the year boo trance examination.-Ill S Gracev to adiourn.ueup• 111en,bcrs all present, regarding rite fragop fur women can't loaf around street corners and ` r is Christian Assoeiariaug it s ( , life a franchssn saloons, smoke cigars and tell fool anti \Its Rt:v) \Ic�lnarrie of Vin passed.pa Jonatharin BrnlleJr�acon 2a the efforts n e;alrs.ars iaPackers' through learned that there are 4,661 associa- th Ilan, were visiting friends in townsuperintendent, and lira• 1lcDonii stories drink whiskeyand scion a on see in the Utlted this week.'--11gss Reid, teacher, leaves «'nI Vanca>vp'Ciatollfai each ado latent: superint@nclent of confprpnceos aCLioe� •same ane else tivithout� mailing a tions,of which 1,340 for her home on Thursday for the boli- con 8, on app! ,States,S3 ss'anada,937 in the lJlgic,id r `failure in life. You must ',earn a trade days _Ur ,John Moffat• was In Rpt• off. The following iunlanr in the petitiondlpresented toad tP then' 'or get into sohie honest business, If Kingdom, 898 in Germany, 0#1 in grave and ;t Augustine, on, business 1 added to the R you don't you will be a chronic loafer, d 8ti in k'r=Ltnce, 112 in Lspu� this week.-lira Curtis entertained a I lot 34, con 7, lI F+F S i edsPatll; Vanelllot proceitded torayn -The work has pro., i despised by all, producing nothing•••=• / I Holland, , s ark 181 in Norway, 67 in S,veaen, slumber of her frieurls on friday even- lot 41, Coll �j,F11I' , Nm J Braudtln, grassed steadhly and all hereports CI' Iaimplq Making yourself a burden on n ng Inst.-.i11r Jos Nesbit, who has been 40, con ' 43 in Italv find '381 in Swltzerlaucl, orlcing in'1'oronto for some tinie past, Be grave, ial F ; Dante} Leech, lot 42, the year are vert encouraging „ and your parents or on the state.. here 'Crit+ 1ltrnilaership of tllii assaciutions in a is no place to the world to-day for loaf- The fit present home on a visit. con 9, U F ; Abram IiTtchabo of 36, ready fort is the lii,ighest alive good, ers. 'LIIe ripe fruit is, at the top of the United States is 325,000, and they 42, eon 9, til F ; John Young- Noticeable is the aeepeiiing interest the tree. You must elirsb for it, (11yIs, free of debt, $i3,OQ0,Q00 worth Wel• eon 12, !til F; Robt Conway' lot 33, If you wait for it you will never get it, Three car load tat cheese woreshipped coil 7, to be struck o$', having left tilt,38' iu the juvenile and fle Moneyhe wlssion de• of property, Smlirtrtr tnell will juulp up and pluck it. from here_ an 1llomday of last week by township, Johil S t Scott W leer d Charities was lYarRpr tl apv r before, Help yourself and othpr.•t will help you. HPUZ is a little bit of coritemporary Nlessrs T Ballantyne & Sort and A Scott, and \Vm Seo $5, coil 5+v P There is no royal path to success, x cli pts from the eolumus of a Aitchesou -Mr A W Featherstone Joint owners of E lot t 33 ceu 11, 11, t!raturA hdisttribu ted a p In n til@ ,foil, grit, endurance,- these are tile, histo y PP ' 'ted States daily paper, wilii li wn met with s stlruci%vilat painful accident Hairy Wh \IreA deracti, seconded by Northwest there lir@ three unlaas,1Q6i1 requisites; wake np and see what .you Cant would like to brine under the notice of ou Tuesday of last Weeny tvhxle drlvini, l ovi•d by n It& have sn Blnia township, as he get frons the bar ,Sh ell, that the asses3nieiit raassea, 15 n�enzbers and itrgiina 08 members, tau da. all boys and young Men who ha bug„ t, enter lir il I3yer 3 }gate Ilia now revised and itsrreoted be p fir are trying _ to learn cigarette ^by • blit ► Smmniarised, Ontario 111ts 179 unions 'Tired of 1.116. '• nlnd started oti, land the Court closet# fol the gree p riled y :horse tun Ir CP Q rrsttlne x alt at thti ear-•f,arrit-a. Applibittibn of Rout and 3,y0i nleuiber$ ; QuebHc, t 4NMT amdltin};: tllr6wing : g severely. t tarshail,ltlt 4.1, con J. to have a aitct: urians and 1,628;m ee and 1;611a mem aged 1S,opinpl yede as n sert�suE blas j+;inler 3I c the utnptc�rn yTea#r-old call fenee,ontttng fila forehead se Coluntbiri 5 unions and Whyte's hotel, oornluitted suicide to. r - of New Street, ge also sprained outs relit -1ir4 r- on roafl nll.owtince opera@i1 up ttake r �a {, unld ' k, soil ref ,games I , f Galt, Bre away water tle=xled oil to ilia 'Pro' e y ' ht last attach- ton Hamilton and child, o re reetiived when arrang@meats wet@ 300 illembers; Manitoba,Northwest, 26 iv stoi3 wh1 111 ad be t, place 1f insect a shelf in a who was an Tuosday nig the guests of lilt D Hamilton, at p , ell with Ctlnvnh9ltirs t, at first uelievt•d sett.- , Sacranteut of tis@ Ltlrd'r1 stt$1tPr tlratle to have ilii lit t Lbw ° aaieUsbalidni 526 members. yTotalled, closet 11 t@ was tiwal:etspd by tiraxtns to, lirR 11y,ii dpholiiar is soutaw llr►t un ctrxr, was dispensed in Iinu r. church on Still- its slrtsrc lie: pow bl i yfrom " her roods, and on 1t rpt r@citrious state bath morning last, itev J C Tihb, U lots 381+114 K '00 off w1' aandraxn "alatica ,082 uguitubemake 363 nutans find. proceeding lir. �V blit is yet x t y p says of I,ncasr*til+, Oro. dondne ing ton qu"tinrg M V. 11. willtmils, treasrirer,reatl dpeiiing. th6 flour found her in great I- 'fir. Ilxrlter. nisi physWith, noway :lire;, the ytntig tj r,ra:i trouble 1'i beyond itis a6rvice+, •�-- Arrais►c lits parr, al,orit niitdep 1r}'� 1119 � property, "when nft� ite tinarlcial report, which allowed a a:;any, Medical std was summoned, . +completed for t1►ri +selellr:tilxou of the st gotilet i p ydil- r the parr. Site Was an or hnn frord isno of the �•� alt of cs *tette amokxiig. 2isd annxvetst► of tills llattlr of the a sotxirwhiit lenskthy surf warm Was #9�` har'1`Isty incory'►1It� fb1,f the ear Lue sh@ died a short tiasn afterwards. doubt The res 8 20 Glli�cte)iisxtwAil lips returuetl, but all Boyne, to be 11@ld ht+rp t,Ii Juhrr l2tti . 1;u ids over this a l. c utd it ouded by Mr. AmOurited to S635'-84,inwliicli werc-thl+ liomee rzrld pari Let'It Willi diel tVh�rte war i,f iStN iM.'!1 i r plirralyxt d, �irhlrli -• Mr iituc► Martin tsaTh i Ittlbtyrttrtrl moved yt+,thwt Nit �lle Nsrs p,st ga le ftlllpwin> Provincial iinxiliary fees : • W four veare. . p<a lash ort x triti to An $11i ° 4li,nithttri, l lige lbyr#ciiixi itnya is th6 rirtwilt of rite be 1iwa7 1rGho tel" flee iitttxtlsl+*t". nest ixi fmll for satila�--Clavrl6a. I ritiislr Crrltltllhts►, . !lav, f1 lferb err ollhnlq it, tae ert fs.58 ' C tlttms< rrt4li 6cvtslJv tit tlt?ilrfti to ^ tiw1 ffi1C1.91t1; llaritiuse I'ro} $81.ikt. p11 tlac+d 1r 1�V ewarain era twtx t rmmaalre +sf rR1i. 1 trs ,1ta {r3E church at rn• »tEtD- l �, k 90"Odwy k i for $1 � `�,�yy ,�y ,�iY, 'sem, ! for rima Nit♦i�,l t 1LIrN �1,i.Gl T1L's 1 .-. ... ....a._ W^". ry m !m•q4,. ' . '!]:.i,nIit'•.