HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 3Only one Fault.
Kinder, be. said, Mopping his face,
the article and gives the lady 0*40 drap.
A Blessing to Every Rousehold.
I was riding; through a epuntry town
d"'t YOU Plow deeper 1 1 0119•
Pings, it indicates marriage,
in Vermont, when I noticed a coil,
To Carry au'limbrella, u.,dder the arm,
9911ne of people in the graveyard an-
]PQwl3 to tire bed rock u ow, he said,
at an an implies 09A the individual
oirtiling itli open grave,
It was a Warm day mid I bad ridden.
HOW many acres have YOU V I etl-
following Will 1080 AAl, eye to hold
it just high enough
ten, miles, and, I drew the , rein under
to. injure passers'
eyes and men a bets signifies I am a
Those rquipflies, have �tood the test of fifty. years ex Cc and are Pronounced the best 41rdIvIriog to
some trees to allow the Worse to rest.
'Presently a villager camp toward me
and 1 said, there's A filtheral to - day ill
I guess you don% work it right, 1
said, with the air of it Mat, Who know
I 4
D7.0Wth1V RrIzes for Boys and Girls,
Purity the blood,' correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, TiIDNrT8 ANI). poll
invaluable In 411 complaints Incidental to faluales Qf; all ages,
your town 1
1411 about the business. Jou ought to
flic Ofti)llfrht" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the lot.
'Jewin9prizesevery month till further notice, to
rT IT: M 0 T W rX __ N & D W rX
Stephen. He was one of file
'I 1-1
turn the Whole farm over.
I He ill'Zily For ten
boys -and girls under 10, residing In the Province of
Ontario, who Saud the greatest nuinbor of *Suit•
light" wrappers : lot, $io; 2nd, %; 3rd, �3; 4th,
is the only reliable roniody for, bad legs, sores. ulcers, and old wr
ounds. oR BRONCII MS. st RIYes—
largest hearted wen ever knew. e
had We sent him to
sit me
51; lith to 14th, a Ilandmorue Book; and a pretty
loture to those Ni -lie send not less than 12 wrappers,
Gond wrappers to ,Surdtg ht" Soap Olfice, 43 send
DISEGA81:13 IT HAS NO RQUAL, Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 033, Oxford Street, London
and sold by all Aledleine Vendors throughout the
great abilities,
the I gislature three times. They
St., Toronto, not later than 20th of cacti month, and
well, who in thunder ll I turn it inarlit:d "Competition"; also give full )JR1110, &d-
r:-Turhasers Should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.' Tf the address
not Mill Oxford Street, London, they re,
- rc a Bpuriom,
him for gove
thought of 'nominating r.
over to I lie asked, in mild, surprise,
dress, age, and number of wrappers. IN
names will be published in Me Toronto Mail inner.,
oil lir.
I . -
After 4 lengthy study of tiro subject
Some clever genius has arranged the
following, t1language of umbrellas
To place an umberells, it, it Nek at A
I The Hilisfdo vaXinar. club 'or Itientilt, house indicates that it
man was plowing a piOdh of Will shortly chal'640 0*110",
earn on a hillAido -farm with it lhorflO It a cotton One is AubAtituted for it
thinner tJlqJIJ the soil vas. As I Tode silk, it means exchange is no robbery,
up to the felice Ila stopped to see what An umbrella held over u lady, with
I Wanted. zanatY rotting till the ra-Wraps ima
Prouty bard WWII; im"I 1`10 1"T
01 1&& ",
15Uelt),64 fiotft a 'Pit"Ple tis
f hitWo'eiist Strwdfftilbus S6rd.
i -Te
Lumber of all kinds,
W aPhst-blass Shingles,
moiloly ta. Loin -on Notts. Car Load
V beets
and Cedar Posto.
Orders a Specialty
W 13 WOOD deliverea to amy part of
AT IMASOXA=11 MTV$ Winglipm.
Mona &dvAud(,d an M*69*01 VA t W ftht Wi tih
v*,4,ore of pqing- *k Vh* and: of, XV Yvwr. WIM SW 04m by 141 Vromp%y *MWvd bo.
nor. But, he added, sadly, Stephen Thar Ain't nobody 'round, here az kin
Saturday In each men
I ill,
had one fault, afford to take it. They've got inore
The whip belongs to the most coxn-
I made no answer. I was tired,and. than they,; can p�ay taxes On. Alaybe
mon variety of team stir,
watched the people slowly disperse,y11,1vtry it, mister. I'll'swop
trig 1iliol;10 t
his t�0_1n that hoss
Itipans Tabliles: for sour stolliaell.
That which is ill
leaving the sexton to solitary gler you're
- 3
won will never
work4 ridin', and throw tilt, old woman and
wear well, for there is a curse attends
A very generous man Stephen was. children in to boot. What do you
it which will waste it; and the Sallie
Always visited the sick. The old say T
corrupt dispositions which incline men
people always liked him even the I said good-bye hurriedly and went
to the binful ways of speudinty.
n I
children used to follow him on tile away in the Same ratio
lily boy, said the axed poet to tile.!
streets, I summer Com.13laint and Dlarrhoem.
sort of a lately deceased publisher, I.
411�0 I 0MAC1-1, LIVER" oP In
A good nian indeed, I said indifflar- I can recommend Dr. Fowler's E xtract
owe your flither a debt I can never re -
eptly, of Wild Strawberry for surniner complaint
and diarrhma, all I have used it In my
pay. Ere threw imy first book into t lie.
PUR111"IFY TFHIE 'B-'L001'J.1
Yes he had only one fault. family, both for children and adults, with
waste -basket.
What was that ? I asked. I the best results.
ri. U4. DuNN, Clear Creek, Out
Itch, Afarize and 1,9dratches of eyory kind, 'on
human or animals, oured In 80 minutes by by Wool
Only intemperance.
Did it harm him ?
The Best Time.
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never falls. SDldl)y
A. L. Hamilton.
1 ncligestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation•,
'yes, Somewhat He didn't seers to,
To talie care of yotir health is before
11y dear, said a fond tuother to litr
Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad
1194ve, any power to resist it at list.
YO11 lose it-
boy, why do you not play wit ' i the
CompJexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath, and all
lie got b0iindhatid. and had to Mort-
To Sep'-. tht- Lord is while He wily
little Junps b,,)v Oh tin's horrid. He
disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
Sage his farm and finally had to sell
be foultd,
Sit ya bad naughty words just like papa
Ripans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitu-
His wife died I oil account of re-
To judge another is when you are in
Reforin will begin at home ill' that
tion, Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief.. Sold by
druggists, A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of x5 cents. Address
verses; kind of crushed, disappoin ted.
the same predicatbont.
Tbon his children ,turned badly, H "'
TO sow wild oats—never.
English Spavin Liniment retiloves all bard, Soft or
calloused Lumps and BlonilBhoo from horses. Blood
Io Spruce Street, New York City.
intemperance seempd to mortify themSpavin,
To cry is Wh6ii you can't help it.
%rilints, Ring, Bone, Swcoucy, Stiflea,Spettina.
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $60 by
and take away their spirits. He hud
to leave politics ; %would not do, you
_L 11 -
To laugh is when you eau alrord to.
use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Core (,ir knowt.. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
see. Then we bad to set him apart
To make a goad resolution is when
Tiff 1T NT 0
Quantity outweighs rank.—Tommy wnt
Wo 0 I'm 11L
from the church; and at last his ha JJItS
you into to keep it.
new boy)—You wasn't born in I
brought oil paralysis, and we had to
The liest time to think is before vou
America. You can't never be Presi-
Press -
take: him to the poorhouse. He died
dent. New Boy—No ; but I c�tii lop
I all
d b(i nvinced th�kt
there., Only forty-five, Poor man, 118
To work while you can.
soirioday and you can't.
Wo wish to 111forut th publie thatAN' have tidepol;cem-n
Woolen Wills in A I rt ;wing 0i'dor, 1, id hill this
had only one leak, but it sank him.
fault 1 The temple bad
To sing, when you feel like it
At a dinner party in Bostoti,a young
man front 0.e West, who was visitinn,
season Ove special attent n to
V nn
b CUIST,10
A 1111 a& t
Only one
The best time
only one decaviliz pillar, lint it fell.
to stop your topanneBs
the host, was r4bked it lie was fond of
Only One fault !_ Elonor gone, wife
is befoie you begin,.
inall its branches,au will eupinstock a
lost, faittily, rained, social and religious'
To pay your aebt. is wrenclass
you have
Woll, ye -es, lie replied at it venture,
of first-class go s, such as
Is the finest Wall. Finish knowi).
privileges abanduned, broken health,
I the money. but
I d(?si',. think I'll tak'�j any - to.
poverty, paralysis, and the poorhouse.
I To die is when your work is done. I night.
One f9ult, only. one.—I"ototh's 1'. 2-1
Qunnm,, Nov. 9th, 1891.
The Read Surgeon.
I DR. L. A. Suiril & 00.:
GrNTL1,!XLN,—.Ynur Anti-Daudruff sbould
of the Labon Uedical Company is now at
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
1131an ets
Not So Bad,
I be used by ill who are troubled with Dun-
dngff and falli ug of the hair. I have used eith6r
in person or by letter on all chronic,
diseases culiar to mail. Mell'young,old,
No inall, is too prior to geller-
I only a few times and it has wrought to
or widdle-uged, who find thigniselve nerv-
eti s,
,girldness is the sunshine in Which
wonderful change. I air) fully convinced
that -Dandraftpron . iotes growth of the
ous weak and exhausted. who are, broken
down fr6rn exceemor6verwork,resuitingin
tocki Y
g arns
virtue Brews.
Henche 's Hotel, Quebec,
to any of the followi xi&.sym ptoatsz �Xenttd
depression, premature old age,losq of vital.
is the best in the world.
&C., C.,
A, real reli.gioll eJ,ves from the hu-
Almost a Native.
sty, lose of memory, bad -drewlins,vilininess
of Sight, palpitation of themhear*etaissiollschature
(made from ro wool only) chew for cash or ex
for wool.
man heart and brain.
A re you a native of this parish 7
lack of energy, pain in tke •kid-116yr"
'Give to every bullian being every
asked a Scotch sheriff of a w I
witness 'Who
ache, pimples oil the face,orbody, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
Casten rs from a distance can, ave their roll,
home w h them the Sallie day.
Opportunity you claim.
was surnnioned .to itestify ill a ease of
watitiii-a of the organs, di=iuess,,Specks be.
fore the eyes, twitching ofThe xymsicles,eve
Deep Y�ur word with a child as you
illicit f4istilliog--
lids, and elsewhere, baslilfulness. -deposits
se i9host illUrkot Price in cash to Merchantai
wouia with it banker,
,\Jai,41y, pr 41-onor, was tit reply
mean, born in this
of the tidueo loss of will. powe Lr'telrdeltac, is
of the scalp find spice, %wetik -and Attbby
IN(;JJS ff' 00,y.,
list to tile extefit a Mall minglesJ
wore you
parisilt I
ronscles, desire to sfeep,lfai lure to rested
by Sleep, constipation, dullness of 1hear-ing,
Sole Agents for ELbqve
thought, with his work lie advances,
Na, ea` borlor.. I wasna born in
lows of voice, desire for kolltafle;excititibility
of temper, Sunken eyes -Hurrair. iided with
don't believe that any GOCI w ill be
t, 11! 'Paris but I'm Illost a native for
LIUDEN 111CLE, Oily )Qtill�l -Aill, etc, are
satisfied with the worship of hypo-
all RVirlptoms of nervousidebilliby lead
to insanity and death unilenli oared. The
You ca -me here when you wire 11
spritig or vital force havitiglinat litstutis1011
Oapital, $1,200,000. Rebt, 8600,000.
human love is a perpetual in aglclall-'
-bild " I suppose you mean said the
every function wanes Qu wonsequence'.
Tliose who through abuse 4courroli-tted in
President-Joirx STUArvr.
Vice-Prosident-A. G, RAMSAY.
It i3aakes of collivilou clay right royal
ignorance may be pertnunatitly oureA.
Send Nur address for book,on-till (Aiseases
co o
kings and queens,
There isn't an Orthodox creed in the
No., Sir, I'm j ist here about Sax )ear
peculin'r to mall. Books sodt 'tree settlefl.
, 8y.naptoms,of lwl)iiob are
Heart diseasethe
I faint sp611R, purple lips, ua1*dbneAs;palpitak
a, JOHN PROOTOU, CRAS, Girits),V, Goo ROA0111
WOOD, A. B. LR% (Toronto).
Cashier -tet TUUNBULL.
world that hasn't been stained by the
Then flow do, you come to be nearly
tion, skin beats, hot flusheii,truAt of * blood
savings 13auk--itours,10to3;8:Lturdal,$, to
blood of prosecution,,
a native of the Parish ?
Neel I here
to the heau, dull pain in the .:Weart with
beats strong. rapid find irvepulmr, the
sitsof,41 and upwardsroccl%ed and Int nett
special XPeposits- also received at current
�Vhat air is to the Jungs, blood is to
1 ye sew, when came Sax
a quickerthanthe first,paill
Sacco lie-trtbeat
rates of Interest.
the heartj, light is to tits eye, liberty
year sin, I jist � ei lied t
v g 4glit stane,ali
abotifithe breast bone, etc, Owl positively ,
be cured. No care, no pay. Send for,
co 03
Drafts onGreat Britain and the Voited states
bought and sold
is to the eye of man.
;Nn 17 stone noo,sap yo see that aboot
0 stave me belongs to this
book. Address H. V LUBO3�, 24 INdacdoll-
911 Ave. Torouto, Cantidit.
Q E -4n Fa
MEYtIt & Dicrumiot;,
Heresy is the opinion of laStLy0irla
of parish,an
leaf of this year's bud, heresy is what.
the ither 8 compo free I w Conilachis,
o coffin says to the cradle.
A LibbiraA Triufth-
I 3-H
- IN
Por 11
CD Cc)
; C-CoRt 8 of men and wornea who have
you fustarced at hog ie
01 1
. I . -
AnV109 To
broken of your rest by A sick child suffering ird Q always suffered their prejudices to
crylitit with of 0 litting Teeth 7 It so send at blind them to the maritS of Burdock Mona
lRegullistesi the Stomtidho
once and ge a bottle Of Mrs. winalow'm Seethulf Hitters uow use and praise thio wonderful
ritil)-fordbildronTedtillng. It8value le"l-" toule as the best.. reniody kuown
SAM. oW,"!";
J0 ,
G ERG THOMSON, Proprietor,
it ,N-111 relieve the liflot little l,11- parifidr
41% mediately. fordyApepaia, constipation axid allblood
. 6. 11 nlAmAim'L. Aibnnudd
th e Sbdeetl o n tM U r I fl 0.* th 6
166d anctrtMOV4bg all IM4
After 4 lengthy study of tiro subject
Some clever genius has arranged the
following, t1language of umbrellas
To place an umberells, it, it Nek at A
I The Hilisfdo vaXinar. club 'or Itientilt, house indicates that it
man was plowing a piOdh of Will shortly chal'640 0*110",
earn on a hillAido -farm with it lhorflO It a cotton One is AubAtituted for it
thinner tJlqJIJ the soil vas. As I Tode silk, it means exchange is no robbery,
up to the felice Ila stopped to see what An umbrella held over u lady, with
I Wanted. zanatY rotting till the ra-Wraps ima
Prouty bard WWII; im"I 1`10 1"T
01 1&& ",
15Uelt),64 fiotft a 'Pit"Ple tis
f hitWo'eiist Strwdfftilbus S6rd.
i -Te
Lumber of all kinds,
W aPhst-blass Shingles,
moiloly ta. Loin -on Notts. Car Load
V beets
and Cedar Posto.
Orders a Specialty
W 13 WOOD deliverea to amy part of
AT IMASOXA=11 MTV$ Winglipm.
Mona &dvAud(,d an M*69*01 VA t W ftht Wi tih
v*,4,ore of pqing- *k Vh* and: of, XV Yvwr. WIM SW 04m by 141 Vromp%y *MWvd bo.