HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-07-01, Page 1VO.L, XXI --NO, „i
ilea<t month we take stock, and in or. --What is crgiveue*# It is the odor -.Blyth wtl not celebrate the li!#dl of .,A Qat
der to make o g cleanevery
as possible we wliicli flowers field wUe tt`atapled upon, Julv as was i tended, but will go. with the tows f
are going through every department and u
wbe"ever we find an, end or remnant or -The voran ah and frOO gate courting crowd to KID rdine. --Rev
y agything that has not taken we hav, is now in sea u, and pinch. attention is Tuesday as the 51th anniversary oi- water, v
marked it down to. actual cost. Come anti given to the s jeot. the;corouatioi of
look them over. If they please you all (ween Victoria, which 11[et},odis
right, if not no harm done, At any rate -Will the lady who bought the diamond event took pi a in 1888. Rev .S Se
we will have bad the satisfaction of seeint ring call erns get her pnrae at Munsliaw's Huron C nt _
you and that is at all times a pleasure to jewellry store, v District mOstipg of the The t
us and we will do our utmost to Malta. -The oaromeeting,R 1'' of T. m t at Heusall ou Tuesday of baa sent f
the visit a profitable one to you, Moorefield, will; last weelt.
open Friday, my 1st, and otoso Sabbath, gers arisii
Just now you housekeepers are begin- 10tH. WatOhes, clocks ,and joweliry at re- door$ dur
nfng to put up your fruit.'It is almost duped prices far the next 80 flays, ilio cuatot
needless to hell you that our stock of -A number of outside offteers. took, part J. it,1\faaxsnAw,
fruit jars is all here and Sugar, as you in the service in the Salvation Army. on -There is. son talk of unto funeral is
�• "know, is cheap. We are giving a nice, a n pistils the. friend
dry, clean quality; 28 lbs. for the dollar. Saturday eve ug and l$t}yday last, being field in the u ar future by tiV ngham
Somethingon never dreamed .of but and St Helens t i open•atr,
y + We ares cry to hear that Mr, Ly, H. separate lades, while the
the cheaper the of car the more Pr . t you herr editor o the Brussels Por! has been -The ost o ce authorities have .been t
will put up and of course you will require p av o hearse,
more jars,, Our grocery stock is full and laid off duty account of illness. notified of a re otton of five. cents per are taidui
fresh, dried meats alid lard pure and .-For first=class tailoring, tend cheap pound on pat_ gas to all postalunion Mere and d
fresh. gents' Turn ali.Ogg, try Webster & Co, countries via
i Shop 'early. Secure prompt delivery. Remember the place, odl two doors, northi
This store closes at seven, of the old stand slid bit sell Ross' book. -.The .Minta
store and Halsted & Scott's bank, a 'large, gwthe,
-=Cliutoa isl agitated oyerltlaaq., +tggaq"' The Orangeme
question. 'We hought the "Hub'' had got ity intend 4glc
past being tr ubled with h Bove, there ihi
I poople are expecting.
thereon tl b 12th,+ J'u'ly,
In Wfngliam :arid vioin-
ulg the B'autle of the
Conductor . arker, wko has takou 066,
•.duotot.Snfd'e►'s' lace Qr OOT4, TE 4 R, 114A
Dammed leis: fair ily from ba'riiie tis "town.
They occupy th house on Centre street,
lately vacated b Mr, J. $ Mc$ardy,
-If you hav a $park of pride in .the
beauty of your wn cut the thistes And
clean the stree in front of your:preglises.
The sumjner vi iter will soon be with us
and if we want to send him away Per-
suaded that'Wi gham is the ii'nest town
in Canada, we ust put iortt an effort
to keep -the sig walks nide and clean by
allowing the cat le to roam over them,.
-W F Brocaeushire has a lot of Oil
Paintings; alao.w few Beautiful Artotypes,
which he is selling very cheap, I have a
large stock of Moulding on hand, and I am
making Picture Frames to order. Pho-
to.draphyin all its branolies from minim•
turesto life size. Call and see what I have
when in town. W F Bnobic ,Tsar n:.
Beaver Block, Wingbam.
-The lawn •soci Ion the grounds;of
Mr F G Sparling, annotineed' for last
week and postpon op account of the
rain -will lie held on Tuesday evening
next, July 5th. a cream, lemonade,
tea, coffee, cake, sa dwiches, music, reci-
tations, games, &; : The band and Or-
chestra will be it attendance, Admis-
sion to grounds 10 eats. Refreshments
extra.!,, Should the veathor be unfavor-
able the social wil be held in the rink,
evening a d found to be in first-class work-
purpose Hal ng a promenade concert and
sue vill$ge .
questions. ,
_Active pr
-•RevE W ughes, W F Brockeusi,i
rax Races.
and Miss B L AoYd are in Guelph this
Thursdmy ev ving; July 7tli. Refreshments
The races held
week, attendip the Grand Lodge of the
attended t 'e farewell lawn social given to
will be serve during the evening at r..Bou-
Independent Oj der of Good Tetnplars. •
, the weather hmvhig
Rev incl' rs I B Wwilwin in Bluevttle, on
-We see by the bill of the Ckoderich 1st.
turned Out fine the'
of July sports printed in the 6Var OMce'
attendance. A charge of 5 cents will be
Direct Importers.
that they 'are'going to have "acquatic"'
-Co1"o next Saturday and see my
The BEAR. June 30th, 1892.
Aports in tlxe ci cular town on .U'aminiott
, free-for,all, Prince
price s;ther you buy or not, you are .
Frederick took is
-Next Sat i try 1 will �five "bit bar.
in ladi fine but•tocied
:--A liandy reference book, designed for
- To -clay Dominion Day.
gains" and laced
boots and gent tie bale and congress. Se.
oure one of th bargains next Saturday.
boot anastore,
-�Thg B th Standard staff took their
W H Willis, th heap, cash boot and shoo
lkeB,2nd; Fred Archer+
annual vacation' laati week,
3rd. In the ruunii
- Clash for good butter all . eggs at Rt A
-The retPro football snatch between the
Evervbody'S ritiugdesk Book, is annottu•
frrabarn's, Markgt. Grocery.
Wingham ud Lowen' Wingliarn juniors
ed on the p rk, Friday evening last,result.
-The 12ti of July will becelebrated by
was played on the ,park on Wednesday
ne race, the first heat
the county South Huron at Bayfield.
eveu�ng, re tilting in a draw, neither team
dead one.To
-Baby rriages just to hand. 10 per
arranged and valuable to all who wield the
ce�aj off for pot cash, at S GnACrr's,
-Plum nd cherry trees affected with
Last w k, in the report ofthe football
OF -There' s been a new'sidewalk laid in
black knot hould be cut down so that other
hu Nelson, Ist, .Nettie
Iront of tL runswiok house, which is a I
trees may i t be destroyed by the same
B, 2nd ; Tom Scot
great imps vet`ou the old one.
excreseuce. It"fs wall 'to notify persons
leave Wingham at 6.30 it in and 11.10 a m
XI" Jingenwife" whose husband is,
upon whose remiso9 these trues are to be
which shout have been by a score of 1 to,
'•not•religi us" is the hardest wurked saint
found, that i is coutrary to lwwto have
. Purse 6250,
in the cal gar.
them'stmndin , and•to have them removed -
-1 hav lreah strawberries every morn-
-Mr D hush has moved his restuarant
ing, fine It rge fruit, no small ones, at bot-
to the vacadt store in Gregory's block,
t6m price : iV. T. YATES.
where he will serve lunch at all hours.
-The vaterworks contract has been
He will also keep in stock m large supply of
oranges, lemous, banannas; candies, etc..
complete and wore tested on Saturday
-The La es' Guild of St Paul's 01, -h
I poople are expecting.
thereon tl b 12th,+ J'u'ly,
In Wfngliam :arid vioin-
ulg the B'autle of the
Conductor . arker, wko has takou 066,
•.duotot.Snfd'e►'s' lace Qr OOT4, TE 4 R, 114A
Dammed leis: fair ily from ba'riiie tis "town.
They occupy th house on Centre street,
lately vacated b Mr, J. $ Mc$ardy,
-If you hav a $park of pride in .the
beauty of your wn cut the thistes And
clean the stree in front of your:preglises.
The sumjner vi iter will soon be with us
and if we want to send him away Per-
suaded that'Wi gham is the ii'nest town
in Canada, we ust put iortt an effort
to keep -the sig walks nide and clean by
allowing the cat le to roam over them,.
-W F Brocaeushire has a lot of Oil
Paintings; alao.w few Beautiful Artotypes,
which he is selling very cheap, I have a
large stock of Moulding on hand, and I am
making Picture Frames to order. Pho-
to.draphyin all its branolies from minim•
turesto life size. Call and see what I have
when in town. W F Bnobic ,Tsar n:.
Beaver Block, Wingbam.
-The lawn •soci Ion the grounds;of
Mr F G Sparling, annotineed' for last
week and postpon op account of the
rain -will lie held on Tuesday evening
next, July 5th. a cream, lemonade,
tea, coffee, cake, sa dwiches, music, reci-
tations, games, &; : The band and Or-
chestra will be it attendance, Admis-
sion to grounds 10 eats. Refreshments
extra.!,, Should the veathor be unfavor-
able the social wil be held in the rink,
evening a d found to be in first-class work-
purpose Hal ng a promenade concert and
Those who came to see us last Saturday
_Active pr
sale of work iu the Temperance- Hall, on
rax Races.
A nu bar of young people from town
Thursdmy ev ving; July 7tli. Refreshments
The races held
ere on Tuesday last
attended t 'e farewell lawn social given to
will be serve during the evening at r..Bou-
were a grand succea
, the weather hmvhig
Rev incl' rs I B Wwilwin in Bluevttle, on
able rates.• he town orchestra, will be In
turned Out fine the'
were Well attended.
Monday o Ding last.
attendance. A charge of 5 cents will be
Ail the races were
' led and were keenly
-Co1"o next Saturday and see my
made at the oor,
contested. In tl
, free-for,all, Prince
price s;ther you buy or not, you are .
Beattie Broa, Ingham,
ie gh
Frederick took is
place; Tobu L, 2ud ;
welcomH Willis, the cheap, cash
:--A liandy reference book, designed for
Barney A, 8rd. In
the three minute, Miss
boot anastore,
the instrueti and guidance of all who
Garfield, lst; Sy W
lkeB,2nd; Fred Archer+
-Thu football match between itis
write, and h nice appropriately untitled,
3rd. In the ruunii
g race, St George and
Wingbam a d Brickyard teams, was play-
Evervbody'S ritiugdesk Book, is annottu•
Topsy B were the
l]y ones that stwrted,
ed on the p rk, Friday evening last,result.
sed by Harp d. Brothers. It contains a
and it was a very
ne race, the first heat
lug in favor Of the town boys by a score of
vast variety f information, conveniently .being
dead one.To
y B proved too fast for
1 to 0.
arranged and valuable to all who wield the
St George, wjnufn
the Wait two heats.
Last w k, in the report ofthe football
Pen no matte in what aapacjty.
In the green trot,
hu Nelson, Ist, .Nettie
match betty en Wjugham and Teeswater
-0 T Il; trains for Toronta and east
B, 2nd ; Tom Scot
3rd, The following it,
juniors, we ated that it resulted in a tie,
leave Wingham at 6.30 it in and 11.10 a m
the Score c
which shout have been by a score of 1 to,
via,`<V G & B Division, and at 6.45 a m
wad 3.45 p m via Clinton incl Guelph.
rau> -ron-A
. Purse 6250,
0 in favor of he Teeswater team.
Good connections by all trains,
Those who came to see us last Saturday
_Active pr
mratiensare being made
night understand what our idea of sell-
for a pio-nio ou
large settle at Teeswater,
i' ing cheap means. 'Don't miss Saturday
on Tuesday, I ly 56h, in aid of Father
night at W' H, MoINDoo's.
Conooran'S nev
house, It is expected that
00CTho soundi g of the fire bell on Sun.
T J Curran,
lecture "Hifi
P, Montreal Centre, will
Rule" the
day morning Jas about 1 o'clo&,awakened
a Same, evening
F townspeople from their•Blumbera When
in the town b
expected, a
1. Many leading, speakers
Ong others, Messrs O'Clon-
+r+' it was found the Union factory was on fire,
)aor and Cargill.
.- e longest day, a the yda>r�2letduhe,.
Prince Frederick.. ... 1 1 2 2 1
D Hyndman, Graa;:d-Val1A
Barney A....... .......... 4 2 8 4 2
B Barnes.
Jobtl L, ............3 8 1 1 3
J Belkie.
De Livingstone... g ..2
,, i.;heei Living one, Blyth.
Tante, 2.30, 2,41, 2. 2, 2.831, 2.88.
Dr Livingstone to drawn out of the
race after tlic fir t heat on account of
y supposed to hav been caused by a spark
from the smoke ack. The dmmago clone
'-`The Iordw h correspondent of the
rxitr> ,Arrau ^. Parse 8200.
WAS very small.
Gorrie VidelEe ha the following to ea of
Miss Garnet- l* 1 1 4 1
' W'' •' • •'
A Roe, C'Vingi m.
The lacrosse latch on 1+rtday after:
11Tisa Maggie Car 11, daughter of V1r,Tohtr, .
Cargill, Of this to n: 111tss Ma is C1a> ill,
g gg g
S 4yflkes;, 4 2 1 4
,..W. ,..... ,..,
D Hynciman, rand Va ley,
roan last between Win ham and Lucknow,
the efQeiont toaOli r Of the junior deparE-
Fred Archer ....... ........ .W_a 3 2 2
WAS ver, 011 atte deg and resulted in a
went of our school has tendered her regi$•
Thos Sharpe. 4 3 dis.
Billy A.,
draw, each- team scoria i goal. The
nation wlitclt has been accepted by the
....-,..., ,.,.,.•W....
�':: ++ Swartr,.
Luoknowteati wk duct play another half
hours If tivO, ha, ,it was thought they
trustees. She iut nda taking a course in
the''schW of nieen 'on at Duluth,
LucyGrof.....Y..W FW.,..,.,..W....,5 des.
,t G Martin.
J would hawo gin4 loo 'fir dhfeated.
.The football m pili an Saturday lwst'�
Time, '2.52, 2.4'91, 2 1, 2.491-.
.- e longest day, a the yda>r�2letduhe,.
between tVingham, ud Ltatawel,resulted
ovi:N ntfN, IS, burse $200.
Topsy 13. . , ... , W .. ...,dead 1 1,
is act, but we oaano be plaid t6 leave had
in favor of Listowe b it Score of 5 to 1.
Beattie Broa, Ingham,
ie gh
on extraotd uary sun L Summar nary that
Tbe' Wfngham boys eta pretty well used
St George....., .. .. ..........dead 2 2
' the season is sopposaa a be at its height-
up,b%ving &-yea a dtoh(the night before,
>Xas Black.
from the 10th to the" 5th inclusive, the '
and •some of them *ere playing in the
"Titno, 1.08, .10, 1.12, ,
Oni:sar Titov. $S.
[ day's' longtii, or dorati ►i of 'daylight ex. .lacrosse
matchthe ay before. It was''& '
' paraded over iv parkad Of 10 Boars 10mill-
bad defeat, but nevo belass theVfdgharrl•
Zahn Nelsons,.,,,... .,W.,,wWW
J N Peruduo, BI th.
Utes in emelt• Of the 24 ho s -•thorn tyre the
boys are not diecoura ed un'd intend giving'
Nettie Ii.. .... W . W. W W W W W,N 3 2 2
longest torom of daylight a the ys%t. For
the LiatOwel pleiyera nothar Match in a
1101,j Willson, W gham.
ills ansae week next iron r there re 4 bib
Short aline, Mr. Wyn ', one of the Veto- atom
Scat...4 W.. V W i., ,.rl, W W,,, W. 2 a 8
28 miuutes le m of chyli 'tr attd for the
wel players, bad his n se broken and liar.
at r
TeearvLC 1liiaid.,... W,W,fY,,.WWW.WdIs,
third week Of Augset hoar wird 20
r �
John All'gnb , of the own
L Lampbell, T' ter.
minutes Tails.
�' very badly' butt.
8.01, 11100.
on Friday las ...Misses Mary and Aggie'
McLean spe Sunda -OW G d ` h
tray hav
town ;
the t,
and t
Mrs S
0 of TOOS.water Sporn were in
-Rev t illiam Patterson'S feature
turday eveujiig,
A 1tl�449& ImV, &1' A, of Tees.
Preebyterl u. church. here, laFt Mo
night, wa
1 preach "I& Sunday in the
a decided success ands a
enjoyable reap. Hie style is clear, vigo
church, lnotititag and evening.
and than , comrnoncing with all
Sly, B D .will •be in 'Teeswater,
warmth o big genernus ualitre all tit
lifornfa 5tgte Board of Health
good, help ui and noble in'<ti►e temobs `
t a circular ,entitled "The do.u.
other Cb titian worker, no Snattpr h
from taking off the hat out of
humble o obscure Iiia sphere of lab'
g funeral services." It attacks
May be, b denouncing in plain practi
strongly, and urges .that one
and strong erms everythiug purely A
afteu the cause of rnany,beeause
iusineere a d incoggieten�qb_'Sw teach
of the dead'eCancl around in the
Preacher, be s� oaiieditruotor i'Wvt
Van in tiyiuCer fpr man minutes
is oeoupyin a ltw
PiiQte God does
body is being lowered from house
want him"' '.as described• as a ,nuisituo
or while ceremonies at the Bravo
"The teach who takes a glass Of wine,
place. The hoard asks minis-
offers it to a other may be acting with
fiefs of lodges: and others who
tris legal ri+a ts, but his conduet:.,a,ud i
charge of fuubrals to give: tlt.tti.
finance to doing, pgtay reatilt in tb
adviee.to•.renikin uncovered and
temporal, m rel and eternal ruin of sora
>m•fork alld danger,
of his class r congregation," Whenev.
Slip, the following from the
Mr' Pattersot returns to give apdther IS
T444,01! of Jurat+ 28th, which has
ture he is an of a full chureltif; 'the But
to, Mr Chas Schmidt, who for-
erintendent i d teachers of the Preab
r'*e lgxtlhange hotel, of this
terian. Sabha t school are to be con; ratul
and'Mrs C1iae,Schmidt, of the
ted on having been able to secure so alit
i1QU9e,'al`8 :toLday receiving the
and aeceptab a lecturer as'Ur Patterson
soars of theinfriends. -This is
eSpeoiAlly as iia own large congregatic.
anniversary :of their wedding
(over 1,050 a embers) demand his wool
and attei tion.
respected couple have been
pients of as anuoh tinware as
ilt an ordinary shop. Ur and
ddt have many, warm friends in
• Mr Leighte e, of Harriston, was in town
, who wish forthem veiy Many
on Friday las ...Misses Mary and Aggie'
McLean spe Sunda -OW G d ` h
years m re; of happineeo together. It is
hoped t t they will live to golebrate'
their sit r, their golden and their dia-
mond the dings before they get tired of
this m ane s bre.
—WANT n-A•locai agent to represent
the Econo icai Mutual Fire Insurance Co,
of Berlin, in the town of Wingham. Apply
to E .T McRonritt & Nita,
General ageuts,
London, out.
-Among the Hints on the back of the
neve registr tiou receipts Bre the following
A person p. tiug a regjster , letter`should
act leave th pbst'bfGce until Iie had ob-
ta ned the r ceipt. Theletter should bear
stamps to th full amount of postage and
registration eas, rhe sender should at.
tend to the d a payment of the letter him.
self. A postm star is responsible for doing
that which is is duty to do, and it is not
his duty to pi ce stamps on letters for
other 'People.
Letters for registration
should be br glib to the postoffice some
time before th mail closes. Persons that
reoeive registee d letters that call for ac.
kuowledgmeut would frequently save
trouble to the Selves and to the postoffice
F by ackuowledy ug them promptly.•
-The Northwest Transportation Coy's
fine Steamers, "Uonareb" mud "United
Empire" are now running regularly be.
tween Sarnia and Sault Ste Mario, Port
Arthur, Fort William and Duluth, makitig
close connection for all points in 11'anitoba,
British Columbia, Pacific Coast, Western
States, etc, These Steamers are the high-
est classed, most powerful and most com.
fortably equipped on the lakes. Passen-
gers leaving Wingliam by 8.45 G. T. R.
afternoon train couneet with boat leaving
Sarnia same evening. For stateroom
reservation, lowest rates, sailing elates and
all information, call on G, T. R. Agent.
.T - o erre ..
Miss Eva Da son has returned .home,
after a month visit to friends i 'Torun
to..Dr Horse , of Owen Sound; was.
visiting at the esidence of his father-in-
law, Dr Macd ald,' this week „Mr D A
Forrester, of inton, was in town ou
Friday last...IN r V Duan, who has bees
working at th C P R station for some::
time, left on T esday last for.Toronto.
. '
Miss L Wilki on, of Toronto, is visiting
in town at pre rat, the guest of Mrs A
Burkholder.: Iussels Post: Mr David,
Hogg's mother and .sister; have Moved -
here from Wi g hatn.. Ur Davis, of the '
Mitchell Adv ate, was in town this
lyeek..Mr A A tcbeson,cheese merchant,
of Lisfowel, we gin town this week_ Air
Geo Powell, of Blyth, was in town this
week, on bust ess,.Alrs S Grace and
Mrs (nev) H ZcQuarrie were visiting
friends in Blyt this week..Mr George
•Ewing, who h s been working at Mr W
J Chapman's t< nery for some time, left
on Wednesday or his borne in Seafortb.
Mr R Collier of, tae Advance staetook
in the eicursio to Guelph on Monday
last..Teeswate NL ews: Mrs Jas belly, of
Wiugham, and ev daughter, Ethel, are
visiting friends n town. -Mrs Sturdy and
daughter, of H ristou,are visiting at the
residence of Mri Wm BIack this week
DominionDay in Wingham.
The following s the programme for the
Demonstration be . held today : At 9
o'clock a m, a ase ball match; at 11.
o'clock a m, Fire en's run (on the main'
street); at 1 O'0l ok p m, Foresters' pro-
cession headed bthe band, through the
town to the p k; at 2 o'clock p m,
spepking by Bros hos White, High Secy,
F'oresto is' Concert. U M Stan le C Al B Dr At 1 ld M P
Ths' following is he programme of the
contort to be held the Opera House, to
night, under the apices of Court Mait-
land, No 25, C 0 +
Qitartette1.Now P y We For Our Country
Messrs G W Cl nes Hamilton,Prof Scott,
G U Duffield a d J A Cline.
heading. , .. Sete ted, ... Mias Agnes Rnox
Sulo., .,.Select d...—Mr Geo W Cline
Character Song. Ask Matnma..Mr GW
Reading.. Love i a Baloon..Miss &gues
Solo.... Th6 You a..13rigader... oProf Scott
Solo. The Skipp of St Jvos., Mr Geo W
Tambouduo Drill .Miss Houghton's OhLea
Character Song.. ogan's 110p..Mr G W
Reading;.... Selec d.. , W Miss Agnoe Knox
Solo.-Le,va's Got n Dream_,Mr Goo W
Solu..,........ Job a't6.-, ..Prof Scott
Reading„Union ek.. Migs Agnes Timor
Solo...'The Old it d Cradle....Mr Geo W
lugs Houghton, iantst. Admission, 25
cents ; reseved seat , 35 Cents.
Undertakar nna Embalmer,has opened out
a first class unda>rtakinK pa�rlor, opposite
ChWiolm's Drug Store, Ni ingham, and fs
P�repared to take charge of anything in that
line that may be entrusted to him, leaving'
put in a stook equal to anythitig outside of
the city, both in testa mind qumtlity. 11rioas
tropep rmoderate, First dlmreli Items* aim at.
totidanrie, 111. 'H, Iiixvk&
Y, , act ora , ,
Rev E. -W Hr.ghes, nd•A 11 Muageove,Baq.
Speaking to be iut rapersed by the singing
of patriotic song
by 100 of the school
children i at 2.30
clock p .m, Tambourine
drill, by twenty-fi
girls, tinder the able .
leadership of Hiss
oughton;'at4O'clock, •:*1'
100 yard rate, Fbr
tors only, .$2 and $1; i
100 yard race,'old a en, over 50,42 and $1;
50 yard egg race,
all to all, 02 and $1:
50 yard moon an
egg race, $2 and $19
100 yard boot race,
$2 and $1; 50 yard
pipe race, $2 an 11 100 yard race, boys
under 15, $1 and 5
cents; fid yard rade, '
girls under 15, $1 pia d 50 tents; Tug of
war, Between team
of ink eaoli, from any
Court of the C O F;
t 5 o'clock, a laorosso
match between Pal
erston and Wingham
IIs the evening a
given in the opdr . he
Of Court Maitland, N
of Foresterg, in wit
take part: Miss Ague
elocutionist, of Tor
Goo W Clino, the.gifti
ton,'and first-class loo
The Grand Trank
ofl(itle at "CrAigVale''0
Satarday at it loss'D
116o MA06n2ie I
tomer Mone of ,
thurob at Bawds
o4rc 11ty.
tnd concert will be
asunder the auspices
25. Canadian Order.
11 the. following will
:o, asstated by Mr
'hinges, of Hamil.
ltion and freight
s btll rat 'Out ttrt
salt has laid tha
now Mabodist
it its 24m"11