HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-24, Page 84' H. MCIND00. IK 0000 COMPANY. operation and give to the patrons of the Western Fair the I raudest display ever exhibited in Canada, The dairy interests are being properly I ioked after, and t'IQ Committee are Ovid utly catering for a M. H. 1iToIndoo's Dress Goods and larger exhibit, if poss ble, thou the grand Jkct move in the best society and are display of last year,long list of special 41roughly appreciated by ladies of tlstO, prizes are offered, on or more in each de- ,�e ,fashion critics, and stylish young partment. The Dir ctors have declded f`}fes, the dressmakers also appreciate to adopt the one judge system, toad appoint retia, its liar business to know good good, reliable, comFe ent men,from names. taVty when she sees it, slid you visit submitted by the pri oipal live stook also• ar press Goods counter last Week, did ciations. This is th plan adopted by all w notice the pleased expression on the the leading, Pairs in America, and the ces of the customers and why shouldn't Executive of the stern Fair are deter - ley, smile, wouldn't you, if you were mined to keep pac withthe best. Should uyini# just what you wanted for less any of our reader wish a prize list ad. tan you expected to pay, of course you dress Mr. Thos. A. Towne, Secretary, who ould, a dollar saved is a dollar made, assures us he will a pleased to forward Id here is the place and now is the time+ the swine, i save a good many of them, Don't Now Undertaiting and Furniture Estab- asitate, come this week and see what lishment. e are doing. Our stock of ChallieB De- Mit REr,PA Honosox has opened his ines and Prints, is at once the delight Furniture and Undertaking establish- ' or r customers and the terror of our ment in. the old furniture store, nearly lmpetitors. Such a range of designs opposite the Queen's hotel, Wingham, as never seen in our collection before. and has a full , stock of Furniture, 1 Mouldings, and Undertaking goods on hand. Call and • inspect goods and get prices. Picture Framing done promptly and well. Special attention given to jobbing and repairing, and guarantee all work done. Having had long experience in the furniture and undertaking busi- ness, I am.sure I can give satisfaction. A splendid new hearse -for hire. RELPH HODGSON Boys' Ready Made Clothing, you can- lt itnaglne the saving of money without au see these zoods. To miss such a lance would be a misfortune and the koner you come the better we can please ,are you interested in Parasols, Gloves osiery, Embroideries and Gents Ties,if , call in on Saturday night, at M. H. WINDOWS. C C��Cixtt�k��nl �1,xUt C� 0 FItIDAY. JUNE 24, :892. r; LOCAL NEWS. —After Jul 1 next life insurance agents -in order to le lly do business, will require oto take out a 4cense. --T.be Northwest Transportation Coy's Ire steamers, "Monarch" and "United on ire" are now running regularly be - ween Sarnia and Sault Ste Maric, Port rthurPort William and Duluth, making lose couneetiou for all.points in Manitoba, ritish Columbit:, Pacific Coast, Western 'tater, etc. These Steamers are the high- stelassed, most powerful and most com- fortably equipped on the lakes. Paasen- gers leaving Wingham by 3.45 G. T. R. afternoon train connect with boat leaving 'Sarnia same evening. For stateroom reservation, lowest rates, sailing dates and all information, call on G. T. R. Agent. "The Endo lent Graveyard" .is the ` itle the Jusuraybe Commissioner of Mas- `sachusetts give to the chapter of his re- port de.aliu-,Ivitb the operations of the ss. The a own in the chronicled the fifty -ft '.sinesa In ti a more or, The Brickyr play a return this evening. Is expected as tamed the aid Ila ers. A m P Y played a sou Wingliam's tr are being arra wel and Bruf Dames this 'that town b Gferts up to as good it ri never had ropriateaeas of the term is ctthat under the caption e demise of twenty seven ' orders which formerly did state, the survivors being, a tottering condition. Footpall. and , iugham teams will tch on the latter'sgrounde closely contested match e Brickyard team has ob- i some of Belmore's beat tesh between the same team le of weeks ago resulted in ting 2 goals to 0. Matches ged with Teeswater,•Lista- ela. 'The weather has be - for Lucknow to play further son, The present toads of b boasted record of no de tee. Many a scrub team in i larger than Lucknow has I simply because they have nerve to brave defeat. ora are not of the parlor -fed } E. Ia. DEVER. f'Ufl lertaker and Embalmer,has openesl'out a first class undertaking parlor; OpFosite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham, mzttis prepared to take charge of anythingtin,thiit line that !nay be entrusted to hire,!, staving put in a stook equal to auytbyb4'outs 116 of the city, both in taste and quality. Prices verytuoderate. First clanElimrAe t- tftndance. The prize lrai the Western Fair, which is to be h London, Sept. i5th LAIP "11th,.is ago hand, slid we age sed to notie that the unprecedented I eras which ttended the efforts of the iiaanapmeut last year has been of tangible benefto to the breeders of live stock f doulturali producers, the Direotors vine added nearly 52,604 to the prize of 1892, ReAcles increasing the already Ile prizes oife� od, third prizes Rave been ttad to the ckr,ttle class�s, where before tied, add. �0, 0 sections to the sheep and it fulll Otago for the Tamworth Also thitAF00er11 iii the poultry sec• vrT,hatn, wri fit eimmodiouo build. 1Iq� of that poultry t hex t b1D�lr eltirty so. Tuesday•evenin� while - Daniel McKenzie, forema of the Brussels salt works, was returniiig from the station with a team he dropped one of theO, d lines. He Stepp down on the whipple-tree to; get it when the horses' becoming frightetiel started off throw;: iog Mr. McIs;enzie to the ground an passing over his head crashed it almok into a jelly. He died instantly. De- ceased was a hard �orking man and a general favorite evl,rywhere. LowerIngham• Every person is loolcin,,pleasant, especially Mr. Ja . Lockeridge. We wonder why,,0111 a little baby Loy is the cause of it. -T to old frame which has been standing it the corner and which belongs to Mr. Thos. Netterneld, has been sold by him to Mr. Hogg..— Mrs.' Jas. Glanv111 , of Thessalon, who has been visiting r parents, tits, '4Ir. and Jars. Thos, NetOr geld, returned home un Saturday,last, liar sister, Jane, accompanied ber a • d will remain there For some beitime.= roadwork in this locality isng dolt ..—Mumps arestill the fashionable dee ration for the face. —Mr. Jno. Green, 1who has beep sick For Borne time, is, I we are pleased to say, almost all right again. Mr J,Sheppard is )aid up at present with a tory sore hag. Dog poisoners have been tit work i town during the past week.—Mr all firs Tilos Rum - hell are spending a couple of weoks visiting friends to Kiiacardine.••-•` he bakers of this town are flow selling bread at 4 cents it loaf,—Miss J,, Worthington, of Oh sago, is home on a visit.—Mrs Geo k urry, is visiting her son James, in Loudon South, for a short time. --Jas 'air spent Sunday in Detroit, visiting tii-i dpaghter, Mrs Dr Campbell,—Asir Wilmot,fornikerly of this place, was in town this week shafting hands 'will his old friends.—• Clinton Orange Lod re will celebrate the 12th of Jnly in aytield, this year. —Tile lacrosse ma ch played Isere, on Wednesday,- las week,. between Clinton and God rich, "resulted in, favor of Clinton by a score of 4 to 1, —Miss Aggie 111c arve spent last week visiting at th residence of Mr Middleton's, God rich township.— Master James Patti rson who is attend- ing the Blind Insti mc, at Brantford, is home for his holidays. — Miss Willits, of Toront is visiting her brotheriin town thiv week. Tourists. Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs,, as it acts most pleasantly and ef- fectively on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. 0' MARTIN—In W insf, the wife of 1V son. SANDErsov—In Inst, the wife of N son. Lam, on the 10th ellington J Martin; am, on the 15th A Sanderson; a , WINGHAM MARKETS. WrxonAK, 23June , 1892 gives Private Loosens in Vocal Training, both In Staff Corrected by P. Deaus, Produce Dealer. anti Tomo.Soi•Fw Notation. open for emagowinits Flour per 100 lbs, Fall Wheat per bushel, $ 2 25 to 75 to 2 25 76 Opting 75 to 28 Oats, • 27 to Barley 30 to 40 Peas, 55 to 57 Butter, tub 13 to 18 do Rolls, 12 to 1s Eggs per Ib. Wood per cord, 6 to 1 so to d 11 75 Hay or ton, 8 00 to 8 50 Potatoes, - 15 to 20 ZETLANO PUMP WORKS. I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that I have conuneneed the. manufacture of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, and can supply them on the-s%ortest notice. Will also be in a position. tesupply Iron and Force Pumps to order. Rep& iring attended to. ftfees reasonable, JOAN PELxoN. Zetland, May 5th,1b0`t. `°rt5W4C' Dr Gillies arrived home from New l$50.00 $50.00 FO A CHICKEN. York where he a en several weeks I p � To cr@ate an int refill yin the breeding learning the latest d courses in Medi- of bigh-cl sa poul ryr$wial award a spe- cal Science.—Miias thel Deily, of sial prize 850. i;pslfi to ..the person Winghain,is visiting er farmer school raising the heap est Plylrnoutl mates her.—'The V lunteers left on chicken hate :d flm ef:Vs Yin'c6ased of one. Tuesday morning for London ramp. Plymouth` Ro 'unquestionably They drove to Wing tarn and then by, the best h'reed of a kBown for the G T It to Listowel, 0 nee by speelal Eanadiai farmers', I Se for descriptive to London. ivir W ith is the cap- eircular of this v ualbio• ed of fowls. titin ; Mr V Waldo eceivei, thea Eggs for hate ng,, gun teed fresh p- and true to nam4, caref tlly asked in pointmen�t of liete tit.—Tees•water baskets and deli reds to. Expr s Com - does not lack for clu s now. There Pi -a , 82.00 Por Mting of Iia. A ress, T. A WMLLJ'i'TS, are three football at s 1 5 to and a !across® ,i , e ek�bWl club. The school fo ball ealab went Breeder, f Plymotitii Ro , over to Wingham on Saturday hist to Weston, Ont. return the match pls d here by the - T, latter a few weeks o. The game JAS.�,Yf TIdi.E AY & CO*., resulted iia, favor of I eswater by 1 to 0, thus making the eeswa•tt'e public WINGHAM Ti©UND12Y, school te,lma, victovie a iv, the, two. Manufacturers of and dealers in matches. When Elie Wingbami club GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, were here they were reated in a re- PLOWS, spectful nmuit er b,l.tf r rowayisw and GANG PLOWS, name calling,, and ins tin language,WLND CHILLS, gr ROLLERS, the rabbles, thdt tires ited, theLmselves MOWERS, on the pat If, in Wingh in could not be CUTAWAY amd DRADECC matched this side of `lkenn,y. Wing. SFAIID HARROWSV ham imported ou.bside plagters, put on General Foundry. 'W'ork, Repairs, &c... boys belomging to, the enior. team but nevertheless the I-Ibo ' walked the Tire Platforms' ands Tire Upsetters for football from one goal to. the other by Blackemitha. neat kicks,. a.11d % goa was scored. Ia All othe oca�areduced in pr ��ion hbytliedazencash, few secotlris before ti a was called. JAS MURRAT CO. We would, be sorry to t6ink that the spectate is who, witne d the game is a fair ropresentatioa t Wingham's J+.1�0=�jY young o -van. ---Air Rob 1 Chapman leas ;snid 6-i,a stoek of dry goods to Mr GOOditllloW, who intiel fig removing it scxb polo from'WWa° shortly. r Rob Chap man ttrdJ K j1S►;Lean intend to take I1lrlstlated Catalogue 0f Ladles a trip to the Old Co ntry in July, Wonder if J X will utnp Ireland on Speelaltle5, E1ome Rale f P J h lett for the' London camp ea orde y geargent, We AnultEss�•- know of a :young lady who regrets this vera much as she' will sae 1niilus A ulim- ` THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE Cort ber of boat rides up t, e-1f3earfer Mea• dew," --, Mr W T lidmilton itched as lb Qvltax ST.10AST, referee and Mr 11i4ford Gullies au umplrti for~ Toeswntdr publid sokbool' 'x't:)11,t1XTO, OXT. tt4mt.o file ttlmo, istal4h wl4lt W1111,111114wa1 Iodrt,l 'l.,wh ,. .ttY1R BARK WANTED, *I 1500 Cords Hemlock Bark' Wanted at the Wk ingham Tannery. $5.00 PER °CORD Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cards or over, can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same pricewill be paid. I WINCHAM TANNING CO. Wingham, April 5th, 1892. PROF. SCOTT, MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH gives Private Loosens in Vocal Training, both In Staff anti Tomo.Soi•Fw Notation. open for emagowinits for Concerts or Church uteetings, Tornw modorate, Apply at Ims. H. MORTV W"s, 24 Shuter R, Wingham. Wingham.Saw and Planing Mills: The undersigned have now on hand a Iwrge stook of DRY PINE, HE MLOCK, TAMARACK, and HARDWOOD LUMBER Dressed or undre seed xxx and xx. NORTH SHORE SHINGLES, N0, 1 CEHAR SHINGLES, STAVES, HEADINGS, BARRELS, WOOD, &c., atpprices that defy competition. Parties hitendrag to buiide will find it to their interest to give us a call ned before placing their orders, as wo are deteni'n not to be undersold. Custout work attended, to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. MCLEAN & SON. WOO.L WANTED. r Having laid in a full stock of Mill Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds,. Sheetings, Yarns, &c.,, I am in a position to handle any quantity of Wool. , THE NE STORE. Having cleared out a number of lines at a PRICE, we offer you specially 200 PAIRS. LA.DIES' KID SHOES. What do you think of a Lady's Dongola Kid at $1.25 7 These hoods are all made on the most approved lasts and this spring`s goods. We guarantee to save you from 75 cents to --$1. per pair on these lines. DRESS GOODS.—We have reeeived a Repeat Order of those two lines of double Width suitinus, -15 pieces—all shades and the sante price, BLACK GOODS.–=Ours atedecidedly high class stuff—an assort- ment not generally kept—and'`vitbin th.e price of all. Groceries, Beans, Honey, Farmers! Tolrk, &c. Respectfwil'y yours, 0-300- :P-; _ KIZTG_ FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE. a Not only can you guy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Siduboards,.ILousges,binttraese s, Chairs, Tables. a, &c. , cheag1� but when bought in quantities they will be delivered, and set up in your homes free, anywhere,.. with to 101na les of Winghatd. PO'EhJh AIT ENL'. 'rEMENTS. I lia%w.made arrangements with one of the best artists in the. Donainion for doing Portrait Enlarge- ments(anat of=) in Air-Brmvh, India Ink and Water Colors, Before, giving your order to anyone for such call at my store, see san?ple3 and got prices for the very boob.. PICTURE FRAMING. Alli stgq'eq =a sizes of Picture and Wreath Frames madb•to-ord'en Lots of Mouldings to choose froin, UNDERTAKING. . NotA%itlistandhk& all the opposition in this line, I amistill1hera-fir Wingham prepared to' do as I have: been doinip forthe past ten'years. S_' C r:P.-g0 1—Y blay 13; 1502: Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS.. MESSRS. VAN—STI � BRCS., oft I inaaraltne have bought the Marble Business oftMrm'T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parbbas,requirIur. work in their line will do well.hyealling on, them or seeing one of their, agopts befor& ppurehaiking. You will find our prices are away down. Our tvoslcmansbip is unsurpassed. We will use none: bubthe•very best stock and by square dealinir hope-tmseoure, a liberal share of the public patronage. Mr. 7r T watsonr, who has been running the business for thorlyast year, will represent us on the road. Call; an i see our stock and prices. VANSTONE BROS.. MILLINERY.- MISS A. BO -YD � Wishes to intimate to the ladies of lVivaham and and surrounding country that her stock of SPING AND SUMMEI: MILLINE liar been received and opened up, consisting of Pattern Elats and. Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Chiffon Laces, Gauzes, &o. The stock is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for this year, '1 JF-Ag1'.TC-�5r G -0017S. ,,, stock on Maud, composed of CHINME COR NOY CHINA :SIUS, .TASSELS, FELTS EMBROIY)ERY' SILKS, FILLOSELS, `dVASHING SILKS, RIBBUN'SEEN, arc. MANTLE* DEPA.RIA"MENT, The'Mantle Department contains a varied assortment of M NTLE CLOTHS, SIMS, SATINS, SATIN BROCADES RL'USr3E8, VELVETS, &C,) , to ellcose from, MANTLB MAXING A SPEOIALT'Y, Pmt Fit, Latest Stylos, Stampitxgr I)Otxe to Order, Aii innp otion itaviteci. t bltr, l4utr--First clear wrib of d, it, Munellaw+'n jetvelrq store. S. v