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Wingham Times, 1892-06-24, Page 7
'4 Ju"I'lle AVIttAruetle, '42tc proogg.s. In We rJlelttnl nrithmetio class the 7t is swirl l,y a very clever man, that teltebor had a great deal of troubla in It are so bound; about by the Makin;; Jnhliny Jones understand the necessity of doing problems in it oertaill Simplest matholuatical ideas, though ,why or oohing to oouclusious iiy lira, he seemed to be it lacy of in U011 natural i scribed routs, that they are only pert good sense, plexed and wearied instead of being Six from six leaves how wany t entertained and , instructed, Colonel aslled the teacber, _ .kl:ig;inson ;tells", this story, 1111111 asked Johnny, apparently A lady of (vide educational experi. astonished at the question. 'price said'that she once found a small If YOU have six, cents in Your pocket,. � 8011001bole in great distress over ilia and you lose them all, how many do lesson, Wben she asked whrit had YOU have left? been his particular trouble, that clay, Johnny part oil, a soornful look at !le stated this arduous problem, ' this, and answered, One, I suppose 1 If John has two red apples and Johnny Jones, how could you Have i Claarlas has twcr, how many have they 'oue,of your six cents left when you had I both together? lost them all 1 1 '19 that Bard ? slip asked.. I clicla'i mean that I'd have one cash Very hard, said ile. left! kith sorely, she spent on, you know One what, then already that two and two make four. One hole, I guess, sai(! Johnny. There call he no troul5le about that, There's got to be surlthiu ! Of course not, was the pathetic re- ------.- spose. Of course'( lfnow that well Monthly Prizes for boys anti Girls, enough. But the process ! It's the The "Sunll-Ow, Soap Ca:, Toronto, oiler the fol lowing prizes crery maath till further notice, to process that wears rite out boys and girls under 10, residin¢ in the Province of� dntarlo, cubo sand the uroatest naunbor of ' Suu- Ifght" Wrappots: tat,+10;, nd,$0; 3rd,$3; 4th, Guelph Gossips. 6th to 14th, a handsome Book; and a pretty A Ntoture to thosa cubo send not hea than 12 wrappers, Di.rr S11rs, -T have been troubled for bond wrappers to " unlight" Snap otliee, 43 Scott over a year with sick headache and a sick St„ Toronto, not later than 20th of each IRonth, and Stomach. Nothing did nae any good until narked " Compatition" • also giro full name d CURES WRERt ALL ELS fAllS; Bost (dough syrup. Ttiates Good. Use In tuna, Snld by druuulata, WONDER JUN . LL � M A Representcitiv- Fa rmar Speaks. 0 SALE! , the scavengers of the syster», net's are in trouble Oodd's "Delay is dangerous. Neg- Trains ardya And depart is fo#,acrs; looted kidney L'OAr7NG To General Alerc • hnntsand jeoatand'Shoo L:35 a, in ...... .... roa x 00 p. In OO stores In'eonnection ivjth fist' feather I3uAingss I' keop a fullstock of p.nl....,.......1'or� tesisator.....,.,' (1045 P• 1n S 'fit ' .s 11t)' s ('`1 IN>t. 19 A. C, STi1,1,TIIA M, AGEyr, 8VIN011AX I , i Through tickets to all points In Aha)ericA— IIatliaivay, }VhltnaoiT s, zanoni, rraneh DtesSlnr , P Y , r Feil se, Bi b 's Perfeei lifd, ate, hr 10, ' West, Pacific !Coast, etc., ria ttic shortest i ar (lar routes. Ba„ gii,,o cllve4ed thrnr �estinatton. Lnivestirci.htrlte 1., and 25r, sizes, by nil fray'sross or dozen. Jacquot's vrench jjlaciclni; and Gray's to Allpchttl ( - ----TIME TAl3L.F_ plhna>R Ivaterproof, i-LsAva tytxonaei. r ]'lye above ARAIrFi AT W1 j� ZOO A: cu.Toronto,ciuClj%f1,Palt7)uta9tptl,,ie. al: » �, " 1a: :45p,u1, •' „ clinren " ...... Paiaaarston, Dred. .... 10:; 6:45 Dodd's Kidn&Hy a.nl..... ...... London, Aw .......... S:20 Pau. •, in 1;eather, lforsehicie, hngjish slip, [ orpolse &o, Cotton and ' Rills, in lengths. ' r;! 11:10"I.111 .... Ginr lydine, &V .... rHl 330 p.n) 11r " all BRtton fasteners and setts, carie soles, Ste, 10 l0 T� SI10E Tar i Scientific Amerl Agency for Slnnon Aline, hal And III and Alezzonfa $i) and Calf also native kip and upper. Span] h an, alau,hter' solo HA� NUS LEATHER, Best brands on hand in .oak unci bemlock, Spool, stock for traces in ook. nago card,*Il securntcited I, quntations 01,4 call frolu in rase s jer. W. J. CHAPMA141 Tanner ailed Leather )Tezollailt, WI\enAU. , the public by a notice given free of charg 'dolfif xg rVi dress, ago, and nm,lber of ii'rappors. winners, 1 tried B. B. B., which made a perfect MFS. C. C. t!-I/>UN."►itni,isi3irFs;3oiBionciniip,lYei Xo"rig miles will be published In the Toronto.AJall on first cure before I had finished the first bottle. The following reinarkablo facts are fully Satapilay in eanb month. i recommend it as a safe cure for head- certified to as being undeniably correct in E In -W '69 d��'!` ' r 'ache to all my !fleas. ovoxypartioular. 14Tr. Hann is, well known •s- V .,�'` L .The man who never enlist: his wife Miss Arlxir McNI ULTY, Guelph, Ont. wrn tile' vicinity, having resided here over deserves to have nifty. years, and is highly respected as a l a poet one, Mlan — 'T' mmn, of the etriotest honor, whose word is IN Y persons aro • swept cues rile as good as his bond. 111pan, Tabules: for t'rrilid liver. cataract of ruin because they fancy As will be seen frons, his letter, four ORD � �-[` �F�l s The reason a dna can look Knowing thin( they can nibble at a sin in secret p'-aysfciaus had attended him, and it was .E..B.�"' only after he had given up hope of cure ? is, because he can't say anything to and not be found out, 1pace this fact that he decided to try Burdock Blood spoil the effect, Bitters on the recommendation of a lion, O luau of wrong ; ,your sin will TO -- hl . Itch, AIanYo and r8ctatchilt of eyory kind, on 1 i neighbor who had been cured of a similar ---G O 1 O -- human or animals, cured in so inhlutes by wool httd y01t our sooner Or later. Secret di,ea4ie by its use. fir. Hann writes an lg.L.rd'amiltvl.nttan. This never fails. Soldhy vice wits bl'ace forth. Secret thievery r,lj, a1G�Stas,—1 think I have been one A. h Hamilton. will be detected, cr the, worst sufferers you'have yet heard SIR 14 The world is full of people who sup- cf, having been six years in the hands of W.I..".BST. pose that t lip art of conversation con- Dusty Rhodes : During the first for r of`our best doctors without obtaining half of n1 life I fog owed the moot0 pormanent relief, but continually growing sists of asking uestio.ns Y ---.-._. q 1 rose, until plinost beyond, hope of re - English Excelsior. a0•"Cr , T_ tries our Bitters and of relief Ar�rJ Doused S avis and Bloat shes fr s all rses. loud y y gEl CAP SHIRT calloused Lumps and I3leniisitos from horses. Blood Fat'lrier Peastraw • �rVh did you 11 a four days Every organ of my body , V s ) Spavin, Safhnt�,Irhig; Bone, Swcougy,Stifics,5prains, y y was derangod, the liver enlarged, hardened Sore and Swollen Threat, Coughs, oto. Save 350 by up it u q use of one bottle. Warranted the• nnnst ivoriderfnl g p and torpid, the heext and digestive organs _ 1:1eniish Cure mer icnowr., Said by A. L. llannilton. I found that the whole wor'•d was tl*r o :sly deranged, a large abscess in my COLLARS, GUFF back, 1"ollowed by paralysis of the right «filen the r(gular rntron stuffed with it, p goes Co _leg 1u fact the lower half of my body was the barber shot he call see his own r.=it rely aweless. After using Burdock �('t �° •� �a" �rr -� 8e a Missionary, 73100(1. Bitters for s- few days tlae abscess Chea- for 111LJ�Ia' IT , plug without loolung in the mirror. How often in church lecture -room or Burst, discharging fuliyfive quarts of pus theatre one will notice the shoulder, of a in tufo hours. , I felt as if I had received a I AT— 'ke swallow is a bird of easy flight. good-looking and well -fitting garment .'-16 k from a powerful battery. AIy re - plentifully besprinkled with Dandruff. Be cov`'ry after this was steady and the cure -+ s re - That is why a naatl i5 fiightly whe11 he a missionary and tell people that Anti ')orm'anent, seeing that for the four years ��` 13 13 S T li', I c• has taken several swallows. Dandruff is guaranteed to remove Daudruff nno I lmve had as good health as, ever I — with throe ad licatIons. ,.i, I still take an occasional bottle, not - - -- 7aor vl past year I have been troubled p cimt I need it but because I wish to keep -� to a very „trout extent with Dandruff, also AUr7Ca6 To nlo'ruAAs Are you distuvoed at night my systom in perfect working order. I r a a dulluesa of color in my Bair, a,nd through, and broker, of your root by a sink child suffering and =x think of no more remarkable case tL�® the: dviceofafriond (who spoke frown exi ctyin„with pain of Cutting;Teeth? rfsosend at illan w1inb, I have myself passed through, Kt j �St0V0_`%1S_3 ' o, is perienee) I tried your Anti -Dandruff, once andgot.Lbottleof Mrs.winsloiv'sNoothin,.rdnowordscanexpressmythankfulness which, upon the application of less than a b°rip" for Children Teething. Its value is incal3uf fOr Such pOrfect recovery. Able. It will rollevo the poor little bllffor,)r bottle of your liquid I find my Lead not hnlnediately, Depend upon It, mothers; there is no C. C. HAU73, only tborouglaly cloaused but a vast im- nilstake about it. It curds Dysentery and niarrho3a, Welland P.O. prevenient in the color and growth. regulates the Stoniach And Bowols, ouresWind Cono, softens the Gtuns, reduces Inilgmmation, and j(ivce' In this connection the followingletter I have and do recommend it' as highly tono and enemy to the whole sgstolu, ' Airs. Win.. from T. Cumines, Esq., a leading duggist beneficial to the profession and public gen. slaw's Soothing' Syrup 11 for children toethin.1 is of Welland, Ont,, speaks for itself: orally as an Agreeable and welcome innov Pleasant to the tasty and Is the prescription of one of pr~t the oldest and best ohlale Physicians and nurses in " 1VI0'sES. '.C. Dlilburn � CO+, 7.'OrOntO. �" ��-'�`"•'�' ' � - m; P911 - ,tion in the remedies put forth for public the United States, and is for sale by all druggists G r 7TLsmEav,—I have been personally _ • favor. throuuhout tike world. Price twenty -tire cents a acquainted with Mr. C. C. Haun for the Yours, c4ra., 6Vi4I. V. WOLT1'l. bottle, Be sato and ask foriikaj,arJdn 1VnrsnoiNs las" Zd e Advertising A �t, 'tI''rank Daniels Co.,'" SOOTHanG srarr, .ar tetra nn nthar kind years, and Have always found him €i 1, f y �i s z a vc reliable man. You inn lace the Season 1890-91• y y p utmost confidence in anything he says I+'ier Orator :' Yitw, shentlemens, with.regard to your medicine. He has on Every step of the war to hrsaven is y 7 ., I ,�• � �.- I, i ,�II,�,�I i!l��.!�IIYr,'��aI� 1 paved with promises like this: "To him der time was ripe for making, -an end many Occasions within the last four years told me that it was marvellous the way that svercometil will 1 give to eat of to der so-called ri:;bda of private pro- the Burdock Blood Bitters had ouredhim, » t11e tree of fife." party, olid-- and that he now felt as able to do a day's ;' wcrli as he ever felt in his life. Although '' 'tit ,. -� I aux .Auditor: Lend me your pipe, Bans; clrito well he still -bakes some B. B. 1i.��"-=t`�c`` 7.'hery arra people who think their ��• you can't smoke and talk to, OCOa%ItllLall3', as Ia0 says, t0 keep him l$-- , ,neighbors' houses need painting, be- rlorfert hoalth. Fiery (bridiitar) Mine freudt <rours truly, use they do not wash their ofi'I2 dot ras windows. my pipe. I bought it, don't F = Welland Cnt � �" , ✓ � ` J racts About Dyspepsia. oxo action of thou stamaCh and liver V Y Occasions dyspepsia. Dyspep,ia is turn gives rise to bad blood. Both . these complaints are curable by 13. B. B., which. acts on the stomach, liver, bowleg and blood, and tones and strengthens the en- tire system, thus positively curing dyspep- sia, constipation, bad bleed and similar trollhles.+� You're the luckiest fellow I ever saw. Why, if you had a wooden leg the baric would grow tin it. The luckiest thilla about thb horse• shoe over the door is that it doesn't drop on your head. The only way to will an argil►uellt with a woman is to walit off when you. hftivo stated your side of it: 13b1�Ti3tJ1VtY �' Ori' I:tTYt7E7y. ! I do my spring�le ng of all s(1as• ! falai of the year. - Iiow is dirt( 7 I Ito) a vratahmaker, , You see !iiia s' ar',iit> iacreas%ng sale of B. B. B., Clio length of time it has been before the _ =_ Scribbler: Good morning, sir 1 'k1 lncople, mud the fact that it cures to stay =_ week far so ago I subinitted to you a olircd, attest the sterling' merit of this _ nnanusaript entitled "The injustice blood purifiemonarcherr©tonic and reguicines, the latorfavorito done to authors I" Editor : Yes, I rri3- All intending purchasers of stoves for this member it, Scribbler: When i wrote a - -•• _ _.. _. that I was fired by an impulse I could �s winter willsave money by buying from not reaiet. Editor: so was the Manu. HAVE YOU script, sir - +,'d„�' T � .,"l .1� L �. . �` ®. All, � . � � v > or tZ p I TIRA 13 ""t 0 / OL fi:)?A IVA ft CHQLERA`N0RBU5 , HOEA ysi r/. y A rrRy ALL C t Aril ]ll 4meg IrATI�iMS rr B a c k a c h e Meares the kid, the scavengers of the syster», net's are in trouble Oodd's "Delay is dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills give looted kidney prom� pt relief, troubles result` f *r7G per cen'f. of disoase is Ju Bad Blood, upset'' ala, Liver first caused btu disordered Complaint, aftd kid- the most dans iaeys, "Mightastvell serous of all Bri(ghts t7,sease; try to haus 4Diabefea and healthy alty ilro�JSy;)r without sewer~ r ]'lye above aye, as good health whoa the dlseasits cannot exlstt hiker# s kidneys. dere ' Dodd's Kidn&Hy t 10,`o-09914 they' ars Pill# titre used. Sold by xl1'drAli 7s rntinttUyirgaitenrrc(,jat • c'•6 PACO jw- tents. per ult for Aix I)r. J,. rk.:iirirth 'rorotlto, �riitl�iuC " & Ccs. boolt ftlw "or or balfG Having bought a very large variety of lu'rEATI.N.G AND KOOK S 0 V A" vow to choose from Every stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. D. SUTHERLAND( �Iliughfl+tm, �atclaillt gilt. 1891r d