Wingham Times, 1892-06-24, Page 6_ p y . ZTitrogen How Thi "•�• ' I mlales are madee . crops that may come after, different ent of fert! x Dieshf ti1e the metal,sizes are Used, is whetl whether gold, benile ce it is, of great moment that there Ro � v ' - - be I sal\ er or steel, is pressed, The hole- be, economy ill its use,. Tt xray er F1t1DAI., JUN. l4, 1802'. 1 puching, finishing,, polishing and tern• argued that increased crgps of glover E I perirtg are done afterward, Celluloid and peas follow the appllcatiou of and rubber are moulded. The best farmyard ,nftriitre which aGintaitas nitro• ugdlsi�ia the issue. e was a slow coach. Her nnather ! thimbles are made ill France where gen, 'While that is flus, it is equally d so; and the old man said so.: the process is more thorough. The true that if the nitrogen were taliett r trig- brother said so, and scowled first step in the malting, of a Faris out of the manure and tile. residue ltly \viten I threatened to call flim gold thimble is the cutting into a dish applied the rerults would probably be account, The reason. of all this was of the desired size a thin, piece of shoat equally good. The manure would alt he had long hesitated to pop the . iron, This is brought to a reel heat, beflefit these crops more because of estiou, He and she were sitting in placed over a graduated , hole in art the phosphoric acid and potash which R IOARtinl�, She Sa1Fl : I iron bench, and hammered down into they C011thin. It is manifestly better g: r, Al.honso, were you ever engaged? nit with leis puncb. This. hole is the policy, than, to use farmyard manure 1' y �ressurR was the said and unexpected form of the thimble. The Iron takes tar other seeps, gild if the soils lased �1 r lits shape, and is removed from the phosphoric acid ttua potash to enable 1. She winced, but immediately iallied, bole, The little indentations to keep }hem to grow clover, and peas, and all d .cnlltinued : , ( the nevalo- frena slippinD, are made in legumes in good form; these can be Didthe adored one cruelly break i it. and all the other fiti shiug strokes supplied directly in the form of artifi- r plighted truth ? ( of the perfect thiunble put on it. The tial fertilizers, and there will be a steel by a pro- savit,g to the extent of the nitrogen NO, ] severed my connection— Iran is then made into 0, you cruel -hearted flirt. ' cess peculiar to the french thimble supplied 1n the manure. Yes, the tit in I was en}gagett with ' maker, and is tempered polished and I But this is not all; ' It will be good -artlessly bounced me. 1 brought to a deep blue color. A thin I poii;y do grow these legumes because ty,the tirui—y.our employers? and sheet: of gold is then pressed into the of the nitrogr-u which they lather for ;xy, Alplionsol she staid snuggling a f interior of the thimble and fastened other crops. It seems that they nut till elueier to him on the rustic bench. there by a mandrill, Gold leaf is only furnish natrogen in large gttanti llphousll hitched a little nearer off attached to the outside by great prey ties in those portions of the plant pd replied gloomily : sure, the edges of the leaf being fitted grown above ground, but they actually 'For mental incapacity. in and held by small grooves at the 1 leave the ground iicller in nitrogen i O,. no, say not so, said the girl with base of the thimble. T11e article is' than it was before they were grown. as oyster mouth, you are not ignor- then ready for Ilse. The -gold Will lzs't I When these crops ale fed upon the t for fears. The steel never wears out,' farts, they become a Source of nitro. Yes, I ant, said Alphonso, I'm a I and the gold call be. readily replaced I gen for other crops when they are re- w:l"ing idion. at any time. turned to the soil in the manure. O, no, you are peen, young, bright The precise -ay in which these A Sum in Arithmetic. d intellectual. You have a future ; crops gather, atmosphere nitrogen is :ore 1 on to be shared by some warm I Row are you coming on, Uncle . not precisely knoWu. It is generally d loving heart. I Mose 4 I supposed, however, that the process No. the future is all a blauk—Llank I Tool ly, poorly, thank God. ;is conuectNd :with the formation' of lny own vacant fuind. On the What's the ;.natter ? i nodules in the routs. • \Z'11en these are I has seben gals to su ort boss, l ay politic I'm but a wart. g pp I entirely absent, the grdwth is weak Hit costs a power of money to fill up Tl�ip4 of t:11P happy hurtle you might and sickly. it should also be remem• ar for yourself and—and— seben moufs free times a day. tiered that a certain amount of nitro - No, I'm such a blamed fool I never Yes, but I beard one of your dHell is necessary in the soil if these uta accumulate enough property to ters was :going to get married so that 1 root nodules are to be abundantly nt ill tea. Financially I'm It total will leave only six to support, formed, but nearly till soils have us - 'reek and intellectually busted away Dat's water you am foolin' yeaself wally a sufficient plentiful supply to ac't, bogs, Dat ar gal am gwine to marry e,,able this species of root formation Physically Pin nothing but a shell. I one of dese culled politicians, so in• t to commence, stead of habin' only six to support ' The knowled ,1 0, say not so, Alphonso. I ne of these truths will when shu marries I'll hab cinht moufs If L only had a cheap, second Landundoubtedly attach an importance to +.n cent throne, my fractured reason, to feed, for migbty few of dese politi-i the growth of leguminous ,crops such 'ould bt. sure to totter and wobble all cianers, White or black, is waif de as they, never possessed before. They ver it. powder hit would take to shoot 'eiu. should not only be given a place in the` but papa says veil are quite a sue• No, boss, it will be eight instead of six rotation, but they should be grown: as -s fru' speculator. tel feed when dot gal malrirs, ihti frequently as possible. They will not ;Thai's whare the old mail's ori'. countin' de natural cousegnen,es. 1I`,only furbish the farmer with plentiful And ,nainmti says you own a fine Texas ,liftings. j supplies of food for his stock, but they Utt�t'• A Cheap Method oflwmanuring Land. 1 prove' of untold service to liim in ,elle pond n Oman errs. I'm Penni- As fertilizers, whether homemade; or I gathering nitrogen for the crops that purchased; are usually costly, and ap are to come after,—Canadian Lina end Illy Ili.(' brother declares that good crops are inseparably associated Stork Journal. mess you mean. Elusiuess, and dial with aSwell -sustained fertility, if there our iuteutions aro honorable, that he is any one anode of supplying this Hogs in the orchard. roposeo to horsewhip you on .sight in fertility that is cheaper and more eflec- Sheep leave »their manure merely as ke must promil„•nt street in town,aud I live than another, it is well w orthy of j a top -dressing for the orchard ; hogs Ilat you have either tot to cash up or, the attention of the farmer, work theirs into the soil: Sheep harden a;w' out of the ;game, Until quite recently it has been held' the ground ; boas disturb the turf and His Famous Coop;. as important to inanttre such crops as leave it unpveri, but yon &A finer fruit Last weep two well Pact) looking for ; peas and clover with nitrogenous main-.' in eonspquence. Sheep eat all tie cool: eget on Woodward avenue and ores, as nitrate of socia and sulphale tender twigs and leaves they can gat ad a talk cit hired help. This weelt of ainnlonia. This practice was based hold of hogs seldom touch thn limbs. hay met again. ' oil the theory that .since slaver and Hogs sometimes disturb the roots, but Did you find a cook3 asked the first. l peas, and kindred crops, that is, the this is bftener beneficial than other- ' 1,10. Did you. ' leguminous, contained large, quantities `1 wise, An trcbard set 50 years ago X03, I've dot 0110. Of nitrogen, it was a necessity to have; was not bearing fruit pf any value. ,any good ? 1 abutidatIce of thi3 in the soil to enable � Two acres of it was fenced and somne B'a'st I ever had in my house. them to get a slipply, It now turns I boggy turned in. • The next year more Not Where did you find her ? ! bun, thaE this theory is all wrong ; that I of the orchard was included and more Down in Ohio, l lands which possess but little nitrogen 1 bogs allowed to run in it, They 'turned I7:ave you to go after her yourself ? I are aide to produce good crops of over every inch of the sod and kept Yes, legualesf the otter conditions henna I down the wee:ls, slid the trees bore a Row did you happen to hear of tier? T right, These Odif-1' Vhdi$ions include golly ,rop. This year the fence was A friend of mi Trill a told me about lief the ps•psailee in the soil of a plentiful moved to include t\vo rows of trees rat, and I wrote to h.sr on it Ventaire. supply of the other Ailments of plant formerly nil thea sliver pasture, and tit , you ever persuade her to more did y food, ore espeuildly phosphoric acid imuproveneent is very marked. The , come so fax from home 2 and potash, These legu m es,therefore, ' differenee ill tile, two parts of tine I Blessed it r know, but sl.e 'seems must get their supply of TAtrogen from orchurtl wi)Pre the lions and 81100P ran perfectly well satisfied now, i the atilwapbere, which possesses an is ao troch in 'favor of tile* former that Do you think 1 could Vt n prate to ineshaustibip. store, Other crops, as it can be Seen for halt a guile. 'fuer alt the same place I ' \"hetmt, ow, rye, and the grasses, do Young orchards should bo' given it Well, no, Z tlliilTr unt, l )lot possebs this power; hence nitrogen tlioroneh cultivation during ale first, Wily 2 ' must be supplied to them from another few years, nftPr plalitittet, providing There isn't another like ])or r 'should sources Sufficient fertilizing nmtertil iso allp- �,� it is a manifest waste, therefore, to plied, 11any of the most profitable 'Gil'ho it she I supply nitrogen in large quantities to orchards etre (in atiell steep hills idn's My wife. such crops its do riot require to Have it that ttlpy catinot be cultivated, And in Oh, sla'IcI the other titan, rind when 130 applied, It clover and peas call get tbeae isobt placla to .let the Hosea db ahrme home bo went right alit into along Without. nitrogen from an artifi. the woric While an orobard,will do 1rit*ilretit hitt kissed tlle cook four cial 80ures it should not, be applied, to well in sod if t1wrougllly wulolied, yet i #d isms wife rPally' fiNmea to as it will not vAtuain; long nit -the' soil it will do battse if the Imo is , to oo Wo dam : 'o'"r thing, when 4PP1i#a in tht 101701a f�*w, w0d 1110d'sA th* $,oil siren a alf,d 1 ' both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant acid iefreshir-g to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses.the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, 'head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its Lind ever pro- duced,.pleasing'to the tas'ta and ac- ceptable to the store a.ch, prompt in. its action and truly beneficial in Its ef'f'ects, pre��,ared only from the most ;Healthy rant, agrecable substances, its many excellentqualitiea commendit to 41 and have made it the most; popular remedy .town. l yrup of Figs to for sale. in 75c bottles by 111 ' leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may x of 'have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. A.1arufa,ct-ared only by the CAL. Oft in tho stilly night, When Gholcra Morbus found m0, "Pain Biller" fixed me right, Nor wakened those around me. PRost OLD PEOPLE are friends of Ferry Davos?P`A(m r� z d often its very best friends, because nor mav,y ,years they have found it a friend =ed. ttjs the best Family, Remed ic. Du:lls, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism; Neuralgia and Toothache. Totget rid of -iny such pains before they become aches, use PAIN KILLER. ss: y i# r.'tght nova. 'cap it near you. Use i� promptly. For sale everywhere. 17 K!L1_3 --IS PUBLISHED— FRIDAY MOUNING —AT TIMES QFFiCE,.JOSEPHINE STREET IVINGrHAM, ONTARIO, subscription prieo, $1 por year, in adv anoe ADVERTISING RATES: _ Space I x yr, 16 mo, I s mo I ^i mo ono Coll n 11 $00 00 "a6 00 i M20 00 b0 00 1I.11 1' 85 00 J0 00 12 00 6 00 SnortSnorter 11 20 00 1'.1 00 7 o0 A OC er Inch I_ 5 001 3 00 2-0.0-1 100 Legal and other casual advertisements, 80, per line for rustlnsertion,and e.perlinofor cachsubsequont Insertion. LOW notices loc. per lino for ih•st insertion, and 5c,pat, line for each subsequent insortict:, No local notice will be obatged less than l.,c, AdvertisetneutsofLost,Folrud,Strayed Situations, and Business Chances 11'a ntcd, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 pot' month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linee, $1 for flist month, 60c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or toe longer periods, Advertisements and local notlees without speoific directions, will be insOrted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trausitory advartisenlennts luust be paid Ill advance Changes for contract advertissnronts must be in the ottico by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISIINR NtRVE MANS D 11, MACDONALD, JOSEPIIINE STREET, WINDHAM, ONTARIO W. Member Collego Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron-- Oiflca Up -stairs, next to Ne Sfor•ton's olHoo, tl'tug- Ilaill, Out. Oli•`ION HOURS. —0 to 12 a. in., 1 to U p. nl„ or at Residence, Dfanonai Street. "(>It. J, A. MELDRUAI, LJ Monet• Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, OIIicoand Residence--Cornorof Centre and Patrick +oats, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINGIIADI ON L). VANSTONE. 11/U/ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No coutnllssion charged, blovtgages, town and ?aril property bought and sold. OFFICE—DeaverrBBlock^WINGOaal, ORT - J. A. MORTON EARRISTER',bc , wingham Ontario A/1 ES'ER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. i E. L, DICKINSON, S. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So livitors for Bank of iiamilton, Commissioners for taking allidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned onauortgage security at 61 per cent. Money invested for prirato porsons, upon the bort niortgagn securities w•Ithout any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. Crest. 0111co—Iient'sBlock, %4ingluun. DE\TISTRI.—J S. JWOME, \1'IxoliAn, 1J, � �`> Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be' got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eloctrla Ity orVegetable Vapor. TAxs NoTICN.—I will extract teeth for 25,cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick IIouse. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the (queen's Ifotel, Winghafn. Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays of each month. JCHN RITCHIE, , GENERAL 1NSURANCL AGENT WINGIIAM, ONTARin P° DEANS, JR WLSnnAT1, LICENSLD AUCTIONEER FOU THE COUNTY OF HURON, Sales attended in any, part of the Co. Charges Moderato, JOHN CURRIL", NVINGIIAM, UvT„ -� LIOEN81;ll AUCTiONXIM V011 TlIll 0011NTY Or HCRO i. All orders left at tho Trains office Promptly attend• ed to. Terius reasonable JAMES HENDERSON, LIONNSND AUCTION)NR NOR COnNT198 HURON AND Baveb. All sales aitended toproalptly and oil the shottesel Notice., Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary nrrangoments van be made at ale "Taluls, office w INGUAt1 ON2 - LL BOLTON 8t II4WX NO, W� . -• P. L. & D. L?l 8VAVIAORS AND CIVIL LXoIxNNAN LISTO1vrL AND WINGITAM. All- orders lett at the catco of tho Tlrtlls will te. solve prompt attention r111 I'AT 'iC ON, � u BAIGIPP OF I:I411TIf DivisioN CouftT, IegcNit of xm%. NIAGP' 1,10104SER. IVINQUAM IINT, t1'gt~MISSES WATSON. INSTRU bTION given on Pifano, Organ. mal Violin. Alae In'itwrinony. On "Wimhi Wit, ti eho fir* 4� , r 40, m DELICA'T'E I� a �v, j XU'RRA'Y` 8� LANXAN'S PURERICHP4 SWEETRARE e s ow M LASTING PUNGENTr.1 — ,,,, .., --IS PUBLISHED— FRIDAY MOUNING —AT TIMES QFFiCE,.JOSEPHINE STREET IVINGrHAM, ONTARIO, subscription prieo, $1 por year, in adv anoe ADVERTISING RATES: _ Space I x yr, 16 mo, I s mo I ^i mo ono Coll n 11 $00 00 "a6 00 i M20 00 b0 00 1I.11 1' 85 00 J0 00 12 00 6 00 SnortSnorter 11 20 00 1'.1 00 7 o0 A OC er Inch I_ 5 001 3 00 2-0.0-1 100 Legal and other casual advertisements, 80, per line for rustlnsertion,and e.perlinofor cachsubsequont Insertion. LOW notices loc. per lino for ih•st insertion, and 5c,pat, line for each subsequent insortict:, No local notice will be obatged less than l.,c, AdvertisetneutsofLost,Folrud,Strayed Situations, and Business Chances 11'a ntcd, not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, $1 pot' month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 linee, $1 for flist month, 60c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or toe longer periods, Advertisements and local notlees without speoific directions, will be insOrted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trausitory advartisenlennts luust be paid Ill advance Changes for contract advertissnronts must be in the ottico by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISIINR NtRVE MANS D 11, MACDONALD, JOSEPIIINE STREET, WINDHAM, ONTARIO W. Member Collego Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron-- Oiflca Up -stairs, next to Ne Sfor•ton's olHoo, tl'tug- Ilaill, Out. Oli•`ION HOURS. —0 to 12 a. in., 1 to U p. nl„ or at Residence, Dfanonai Street. "(>It. J, A. MELDRUAI, LJ Monet• Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, OIIicoand Residence--Cornorof Centre and Patrick +oats, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINGIIADI ON L). VANSTONE. 11/U/ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No coutnllssion charged, blovtgages, town and ?aril property bought and sold. OFFICE—DeaverrBBlock^WINGOaal, ORT - J. A. MORTON EARRISTER',bc , wingham Ontario A/1 ES'ER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. i E. L, DICKINSON, S. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So livitors for Bank of iiamilton, Commissioners for taking allidavits for Manitoba, Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned onauortgage security at 61 per cent. Money invested for prirato porsons, upon the bort niortgagn securities w•Ithout any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. Crest. 0111co—Iient'sBlock, %4ingluun. DE\TISTRI.—J S. JWOME, \1'IxoliAn, 1J, � �`> Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be' got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eloctrla Ity orVegetable Vapor. TAxs NoTICN.—I will extract teeth for 25,cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick IIouse. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the (queen's Ifotel, Winghafn. Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays of each month. JCHN RITCHIE, , GENERAL 1NSURANCL AGENT WINGIIAM, ONTARin P° DEANS, JR WLSnnAT1, LICENSLD AUCTIONEER FOU THE COUNTY OF HURON, Sales attended in any, part of the Co. Charges Moderato, JOHN CURRIL", NVINGIIAM, UvT„ -� LIOEN81;ll AUCTiONXIM V011 TlIll 0011NTY Or HCRO i. All orders left at tho Trains office Promptly attend• ed to. Terius reasonable JAMES HENDERSON, LIONNSND AUCTION)NR NOR COnNT198 HURON AND Baveb. All sales aitended toproalptly and oil the shottesel Notice., Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary nrrangoments van be made at ale "Taluls, office w INGUAt1 ON2 - LL BOLTON 8t II4WX NO, W� . -• P. L. & D. L?l 8VAVIAORS AND CIVIL LXoIxNNAN LISTO1vrL AND WINGITAM. All- orders lett at the catco of tho Tlrtlls will te. solve prompt attention r111 I'AT 'iC ON, � u BAIGIPP OF I:I411TIf DivisioN CouftT, IegcNit of xm%. NIAGP' 1,10104SER. IVINQUAM IINT, t1'gt~MISSES WATSON. INSTRU bTION given on Pifano, Organ. mal Violin. Alae In'itwrinony. On "Wimhi Wit, ti eho fir* 4� , r 40, m