Wingham Times, 1892-06-24, Page 5s‘dt
Prices Put The Go Into Our Quick 'Trade,
It leads direct to HOMUTH & SON'S. It's the business wonder of the town and surroud-
ing country, it does not need persistent talking to convince customers that we
��yy�� r-�� y��••�- a 7
J.� -1�. • � � i � aJ r.t `. --c.iT Nn I' � AND 'T.2-pl.L1E3�
lower than all other house, what else makes us leaders.
Buyers are not caught in the corner of misleading prices a second time.
Eternal vigilance is the price of success, there are eyes here watching your needs. Make
hay while the sun shines and rush for
Milne and Either, to get opinion of van, who has been visiting on the 3rd
county solicitor and report at next line, for some time,has returned home,
meeting of couucil. —On Thursday evening, of last week,
The report of Executive Committee a very sociable time was spent at the
was read and adopted. It recommend residence of Mr Rich •.' rmstrong, by
ed (1). No action en two accounts of the young folks of the neighborhood,
the jailer, one for a washing machine who ""hoed it down" until the we' snia'
• and one of $24.50 for assistance hired I'ours of the rnorn.-.-Mr John •Speers,
during his illness. (2). That the 4th line, raised a 40x50 foot barn on
usual grant of 1925 be paid the re- Friday afternoon of het week. Sides
tnective Farmers' Institutes. (3) were chosen by Jos Martin and JAS
was reported they dropped $300,witlun
the last 3 or 4 weeks. It appears to
be butcher halls case _over twain, oue
of his neighbors iyi the town (Fording.
bridge, Hants, Eng) said to hint one
day, you must be doing well, bless the
man I lose by evrry pound of (neat I
sell, dear me, how do you live ? Why
1 se!1 so touch.
That 4200 be paid for lockup in Sea- t Sherrie, but some how Mr Sherri,; The Rev. E T. Olivier, minister of.
forth when same is built. (4). That managed to get more than his share of the I3owich anal Tnruherry Congrega-
tional high school boards be paid as men, having 43 and Mr Mamie 27 c'lurehea, nn Suntlev list ;cn 000 •
Siased on statement agreed on by their then. Tho noble 27 went heroically to dered his resignat ion as pastor of the 0
work determined CO litlow their oppoti above ohnrches. The rev.:;eutlemun's
• We have just completed an.
representatives and the Committee.
(5). That lio gotten iJ2 taken in the
inatter of 111terest on comity loans, as
warden, treasurer and solicitor have
flllj power to deal with the hatter.
A motion by Messrs Hamilton and
Beck that each member of the council
ants what A handful of men can do itlunexpected and tll,rupt termination of i AT THE ABOVE PRICE.
together fast and furious until a aplic- a duration of only seven months is ac -
a case c1f necessity. The timbers went his minister iai labo s ancon"„ st us after•
lir\lattin's side of the These are ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought
Ed stick on
Cuuilted for be the fact that he has from a firm which was overstocked. No old
barn failed to come together and con- accepted a pastorate in the Methodist,
siderable time was lost in getting it .church at Qu Appel.e, N. `1' fashioned, shop-worn trash, but shoes fresh from
he supplied with a copy of the Muni. fitted. Mr Martin's side was defeated where he proceeds about the 1st of the maker's hands.
cipal World was lost. Each reeve and by two or three rafters.—On Monday, IlJuly next
deputy will be supplied with a copy of of last week, Mr Rich Armstrong had
the revises' stattu(s of criminal 1 the framt. additi
en, of the old log
After passing the usual by-laws house on his farm, moved up to the
necessary, the Council adjourned. end ot his present residence and paced
upon a stone foundation.
StnwAri;;s.---T0 say that the side -
Walks between the station and •the
tots"1, are in a vet; had state of repair, Clinton Neal Ent of last week, which
is patting it vend wildly( to say that has reference to Miss Annie Weir, who
there is hardly any sidewalk et all will taught school tat re some time :}go
only convey a vague idea of its condi- ADDITIONAL ttoNoil.-' Sir,—Ill your
tion, but t0 say that the remnant of anotes on the,.. 'ex -students of 0 inion
sidewalk that is left serves only as an Collegiate institute, you accidctttally.
tlistrumedt of torture will tend to its- omitted the name of Miss Annie Weir,
of the sec
part the desired information. Addison.iutl year in the University
might have gained more fame if such of Toronto, who tool: second class
a thing be passible, had he used the honors in English,and 'first, class
lBluevale si'fiewallts instead of the Honors in Greek, German, Italian and
wonderful bridge in his famous Visions
of Mirza. foreign pedestrians when
they arrive at Bluevate invaiably pre-
fer the centre of the road with its
manifold dangers, some are being run
over with its street cars,cabs,omnibus,
etc, etc, to the unavoidiable surety of
having your neck broken. Sonie time T-,ondesborough.
a1 rl 1 d th ui f t t to have Mr. A. Woodman represntutftl 'the
Ver ankle severly hurt: Why ma she the local court of this pluce"at the
Wo clip the following from the
Spanish, standing first in the first
class in her year' in German. Miss
Weir has stood high in her classes from
matriculation on and bids fair to do du
to the And of her University course.
Yours, JAS: Tue'snur.L•
god a y la et 8or ul'e 1 1
e thi:►I Hi"�h Court, U. 0, F., held :rot 'Surat-
that after a careful consideration she ford last week.—The Presbyterians of
. • would surmise that if there was a this place, intend holding a strawberry
council there would be a sidewalk, but festival on the evening of July 1st -. y This is an unusual offer.
there not being any sidewalk, hence The Methodist Sundry school will have, and save money.
there would be no council. an excursion to Wingham the same
A farewell social is to be giVeli to day. --Rey, J. FergliSeli Will preach
'the Bev f B Waiwin and Mrs Wttl"win his farewell sermon on Sunday evening
On the parsonage lawn ori Monday next,—Mr, Jas. Woodman intends
evening, June 27th. We trust It fair tuoving into his father's house and Mr.
attendance will grace the lttwtt 'Ott tllc ',sunders will occupy Mr, Newtons
occasion of the departure b& sleh 'thtt preinises,—Messrs, A. Woodman and
illustrious pastor,—Ther4.$ In 5rm`bbalk B. Lawrason will attend the Grand
of holding a aultday (ghee'( +}ii riie in Lodge of the 1. 0. G. T., to be betd in
connection With the l.'i"(;;abytbtlkti Sun. Guelph next week. Mr. 'Woodman
day school.,.. L 5eiitt; st'L ackstnith will represent the District and Mr.
"01)1* u"udergoing `rdpJita>ht present. Lawrason the local. lodge.
Huron Items.
Mrs Peter McDougall, of Oak Lake,
Manitoba, who leas been visiting her
parents in Stanlev,reports the crops in
itiialaiteba to be luoking Nell.
Tho slit esu factory in Belgrave
been re -opened and Mr Leech
soon have all he can do as- there
quite a nureber,of new ptttrous.
Mr J W Walker, of 'i'urnbery,
a steer killed by being struck with
li;;ltninn one day lust week. A. horse
also felt the effects ot the electricity,
but recov•'red. in a short time. -
I\1r S Paltis.�r, who for several years
was engaged in the ;tocery business in
Clinton, but who has been out, of busi-
ness'for some time, died on Sunday at
the sae of 83 years He bas been in
feeble health for some time.
Such an opportunity may never come to you
again: Secure your shoes early, as the purchase
was made at such a SACRIFICE 'PRICE and for
net cash, we must clear out every pair of this lot
inside 30 days.
will 1 The goods have arrived and are now being
at'e passed into stock. Prices tell wonderful things
had of cheapness, and merit wins every time.
Now that the warn, weather is 'coming )ori •tcou'[d
do well to keep in tntnd that I em prepared tosapplt
yon evith leo durh,x the sunuuur ,months, apt low
rates: Also, wood delivered to any part of the torn,
Shafer st.,,tYing'haat.
NT ' 2 T
Ladies La Pere Kid Boot (button or lace,) usual
price, $2.25, all at $1.40.
LADIES-DONGOLA OKFOED,usual price,$1.40,
now 9 7'2,cents.
Ladies Waterproof Grain Boot (lace or button,)
usual price, $2.00, our price, $1.45.
A number of lines of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and
Childrens' Shoes are included in this lot.
Remember we. uarantee ever air of shoes
not sue the Morris council l W g g y p
just as represented.
•' lulbir~iiit. Sulci.
Mrs l4iltnair, of kiiIivan, is at pre. On base bait •club plays Molesworth,
'sent visiting her ;'d(((ither, Mrs Wm on Saturday, wad on Wedneffday the
Anderson, ou tha'#?rd line. Genies 22nd Moleisw^ert,h and Monkton clubs
trot; have the sane foundation under played Iiere..-Messrs l efferman St
Mr Geo tlenders'dn'a barn neari (sorb. Bautetaheat tired are 'making a shipment
l+eteri.�lritrytc "" to it, demon of &Ali. of war i w "Brittle; notwithstanding it
Take advantage of it
oaWOOL, BUTTER, EGGS, Etc., all
taken as cash.
(OP PENN'S. $111,t TIML,
Coal in Car lots scold direct tfa
No interlmediate profits, ey
Brite fot' Price's.
Special Attention divan to dr+
14$44104 and 41* kte
The undersigned has tot sale on Lot 10, Con. 4.
9'urnberry, four thoroughbred holstein hulls, rang.
inn trout o to 18 months old: Th. above Mentioned
animals aro alt wall marked • and realstered lh the
Canadian herd honk. They w111 be sold cheap and
on easy terms to suit purchaeets,
llteal'T etlxelsteln Cattle,
Illiterate, Oat:
Lot No. 3 and the E. i"z of Lot No. 7
llth Con.*urnberry-1ti0 acres; 90 aeras
cleared; well fenced; frame house and
other buildhlga; good orchard; cheap, on
time. Apply to
loot. C. CAMBIION,
Or Otiderich,
Gleutarrow P.0.