HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-24, Page 41 . Aimmormermamissairsassinalszaepzarielaq Ion nnottQus, of whieli notices had been W 1 LL 1 f its ' previously given, and f eral important change* were made. Heretofore mem MUST **-- -- - bars haste been allowed to take out an additional $1,000 of ineurance, but the premiums upon the saute we ,'opt in a separate fund, from whin death losses were to he paid. After lengthy and animated discussion th clause providing fir their seperatio was appealed, and the funds atnalg mated. The nomination, of. office resulted in alarge number of candidat being put forward. There- were on two elections by acclamation, teat Thomas White, Brantford* who w .re-elected high secretary, and Joi Neelends, Wingham, who was re -alae ed high treasurer, The nppointtner of local physicians has been taken o of the hands of the subordinate coot and placed in thaw* of the Executi Committee. An amendment has al been passed by whish a brother in goo standing en arriving at the age of 7 may withdraw annually 10 per can of his endowment. A. proposal w made to open the membership of tl order to ladies, but was voted dow almost unanimously. A number other changes wree made in the la of the Order, It avis decided that t next meeting of the High Court b held in Ottawd, The high chi ranger was granted .500, and t registrar and minute secretary $2 each for their services. It was deei ed to invest $50,000 of 1tl.e surpin funds of the order in .j per con Government bands. A motion t raise the number of members require for a district high eourtfrom 1,000 t 2,000, was lost, as WAS aI•so a propos to provide for the payment of one -ha or one-quarter of the endowment to brother becoming totatly disabled The proxy votes held by 'Ontario del gates as represeuting the Dlanitob District High Court, ware disallawe after a warm debate Bro Shank on behalf of the Manitoba Di trict High Court eutered a formal pro test, to be entered upon the ininute The greater part of the day was take up with the election of officers, a num ber of ballots being necessary iu severe cases before an election was secured The following is the result : Hig chief ranger, Edward Towe, London high vice -chief raneor,Harry Guniwe Guelph.; high secretary, Thos White Brantford ; chairman medical board, Dr U M Stanley, Branteord ; assoc- ciate chairman medical board, Dr R C Young, Ridgetuwn ; high treasurer, John INeelands, Wiitighane ; high audi tor, T \V Gibson,, Wroxeter ; high registrar, D R Kennedy, Montreal ; high ohapinin, 1) M Gordon, Wine= Warn; high senior woodward, E Stuart, Perth ; high junior woodward, 0 J Sbaneuian, Gananoque ; high senior beadle, A N Ottawa; high junior beadle, W dark. Grimsby; Ex- ecutive Oomtnittee—Ed 'Powe, Lon- don ; H Cummer, Guelph ; Thornes White, Brantford ; R Elliott, Wine - ham ; 0 E Britton, Gauanogne ; H D Hendersons 1'Vhiteelturcla ; lr' J Jam- ieson, Peterboro'. The officers were installed by 0 E Britton, anti after the usual votes of thanks, the High Court adjourned about 3 o'clock. Saturday mor►.ing. —'AND - DRUGGIST. 031.W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House, - - . Ont. Wylies swamp, the full width of the road allowance for what lumber is on it.Communications were read from Prt:nces 0 Wright, in reference to award. and Engineers fees on Douglas re drain—filed, also from James Showers li re clearing out Government drain a through the lands of James Ballagh, e Thomas James and James. Liuklater. n Moved by Mr Cruickshand, seconded a- by Mr Dnnent,that the clerk do notify rs. Mr Showers that if the work of clean - es ing out drain is not oommenged on or ly before the 24th of June, that on his of application to the cleric in due forte as the township engineer will be instruct- ut ed to have the work done—Carried. t• 1llessrs Weight and Hyslop addressed it the council in reference to the flooding it And washing of road on boundary is between Grey and Turnberry during ve high water each year. Moved by 111r so Cruickshanit,seconded by Mr Mundell, d that Messrs Diment and Harris be 0 appointed to communicate with the t council of Grey and examine boundary as 'Where repairs are required and report re to next meeting of council --Carried. n Moved by Mr Diment, seconded by of Mr Elarris, that Mr Harris be appoint. ws ed to see parties owning land on both he sides of the road in Wylies swamp and e if they or either of them will cut out sf undergrowth full width of the road lie allowance in the said swamp for the G timber thereon to have them do the d- work, if they will not do it that 111r is 'Harris be instructed to let the job to tion Uommtttee,,.., t. Inny person that will do it for the .,. , u. Special -"' o timber thereon—Ciu'ried. The followsbridge, uppm 'comtmittee Jee hat' G session, -Graham's d ing omissions of corrections made at reported, recommending an appropria. o Court of Rivtsions were ordered to be tion of $800. Turnbetry council to al entered on Roll : S pt lot 248 and lo. f if 24'7 and 255 W '2 Plot to be enterec> provide the font bridge asked for, the a on now resident roll at an assessment]County (.ouucil to be relieved from . of $40 per lot ; lots 382, 228, 328 and any further responsibility in the e- pt 266 W T J'lot to be struck iron matter. The report was referred to Road and Bridge Coinmii,tee. a Samuel Lockeridge assesenrznt ; pt lot The report of the Drainage .Com- ;! 328 to be assessed to Mrs Morrison s and pt lot 328 to Chas Mauser. ;Moved specie `vas read niid 'referred to the s- by \lr t3ruickshaek, seconded by Mr special committer. - Diluent, that J & J Wilson be aliowec! On motion of Messrs. Proudfoot and s. to the: Hest duty of August 1893 to Bretton it was decided to ask each n remove fence front road allowance on take' a sal council tri the county to - 11 con line—Carried. Moved by Mr take; n vote of the electors at their next I Harris, seconded by Mr Diment, that municipal election as to whether or . John Ainsley be appointed Inspector not a house of refuge should be Bract - h of material and workmanship on Gem - On in the County. mill's bridge—Carried. Moved by Mr On motion of Messrs. Hamilton and r, Cruickshank, seconded by D7r Mun- Bryans, the treasurer, clerk and war - deli, that the Reece and councillors den were appointed a committee to insure the county buildings and report einOam Ekes RIZIDAl, JUNE 24, 1892. EDITORIAL NOTES. RE Dominion Government, by the of their servile majority, is gradu- pushing its Gerrymander Bill cough the House. The Government snot defeud the bill. It is indefen- 1e. • ' DDNTSDAY's Globe contained a re• It of the twentieth annual meeting of shareholders of the Bank of Hain - The }aid up capital of the bank 01,250,000, and the rest fund $650,- . • The total assets of the banks ;7.,930,000. A dividend of 4 per t for the past half year was paid is shareholders on the 1st of June. Tuan Irish Parliamentary party, a :fort time ago,asked the Bon Edward ake :to accept a seat in the British ouse of Commons. Monday's papers pntained e•lette.r from Mr' Blake, in Nile') he signifies". his intention of pcepting his ie. -nation, on condition at he were given a safe seat. It is kely that Mr Blake will leave Canada. iortly. Canadian Order Foresters. „TKIn:raewrrI ANNUAL 3IGETI ie AT i TRATFORD LAST WEEK. The High Court assembled in Stret- ;for•:l, eat Tue,tt,l,,y. June 14th. and end. j ed its tabors cu Friday fallowing. ',1'itero were ab•sut 250 delegates and atkiaers in attendance. Au address lvf ,welkowe was pr•e•.ented the High• 0ourt by the Meyer and City Council jvhiete was replied to by • High Chief ` 'itintser Tome. 1'he high .chief ranger Ain his i epurt referred to the eucourag- ; ng.progress made during the year, /particularly iu Manitoba, British ".Cohtitilsia and the Northwest Terri- ittur1-s. A district high court had been formed for these Provinces and prcrve,t very successful. The repast tof tli•• mutt secretary showed that eduriti the past year 43 caurts had 141•efl organized, 8,050 members bad `br en iuiri,itetl, 1,277 suspended, and 6.9, lied died, leaving a net increase in s the tnetubership•uf 1,704, the total u membership now beim! 14,208. Tile .r.rreipts for endowments during the 3'-ar were $115,974.78 and the dis- bar:seunutes $(10,000, leaving a net ! balance of $46,974.78 for the year, whleeh, added ter the balance of last x year. amounts to 8191,208.48 at pre- < seitt in the reserve fund. The report of De 1J M Stanley, chairman of the medical board, was also very gratify- inst, the death rate of memf ers dur- ing the year being only 5 20 in the 1,000. 13roe A Monkman, D H C R, It 1? Sheaks, D V 11. C E, and A H f Bevis, 1)11 S, respresentiog District High Court Nu 1 of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, were presented and given a fraternal welcome. The appointed oflicers for the sessions were: Ii J McDowell, high mershall,. and 0 J Lane, high conductor. The follow in compose the ;ommittees for the ear : Good' and Welfalo Corninittee— rYoung. PJ Jami tion, J R Miller,, P Chapman, Geo E English, Fin Hurpnt Clourity Conseil, (Goderich Star.) THIRD DAY --Thune AY, Council•resumed at 10 o'clock, 'hll the members present.. A letter from the Inspector of Prisons dated May 11, was read, on the condition of the jail, He says : "This jail is in a very poor condi. tion, and ought to be thoroughly re- modled as soon as possible. The water closets are placed iu the yard and are in a very unsanitary state; good sewerage should be procured and the town water laid on the premises. The beds, bedding, cells find corridors are in good order. The food supplies are obtained by -contract, and the dietary is in accordance with the jail regulations. Ten suits of clothing in store are in good condition. The books are well kept, and discipline and mauaaement good. In future when old people are committed to the jail for vagrancy they aro not to wear the prison garb, •hut suitable civilian's clothing must be provided if they have not sufficient of their own." The letter was referred to the County Pro- perty Committee. A letter from Sheriff Gibbons in reference to the appointment of a sub- stitute during the illness of Jailer Dick- son was referred to Executive Com- mittee. A petition from ratepayers of Ste phen township was referred to 'Educe- Turnberry. Minutes of meeting of council of Turnberry, held June 15, 1892 Mem- bers all present. The Reeve in the chair, The minutes of last meeting were read approved and signed. Mr Mundell reported that along with one of the Culross township councilors ltad let a job of a culvert on boundary line at $12.50, Culross to pay half. Mr Dimwit reported that he had examined John ,McEwen road division !sand found the made in it very bad state, and recommended that some assistance be granted to make the roads passable, also that he had examined the culvert at Powell's coruer and found that a new culvert is required, but did not et job yet, also found that logs and b bushes are blocking the outlet to overnment draiu:and recommended that the Clerk be Ifilitructed to notify Robert Weir to clean out :loge and brush that obstruct outlet, also that it rad been reported to hint that the side oad between lots 6 and 7, in con 11, re miry and impassible. ,lir Cruick. hank reported that he had examined he road where Mr Gilmore wants a ulvert and recommended that no action be taken at present, also that to had seen Messrs Elliott, in respect o Mr McIndoo putting the drain cross gravel road and found them willing to have the drain constructed n cartalu cenditi:on r to whiOli Mr 'ttotndoo agreed, Mr Harris reported hat with the consent of Mr Keine, outresillor, tlrrttick, he lead let a job (culvert on HowieHowlettboundery to %eorgtt Muir at $17.26, Rowiok to pay .half, also that certain parties had catered to tot this trtr clwrgrvwth in G r s ance Committee ---R A Dickson, A t Monktnan, H. Nesbitt, Geo Streeke, I e Win Renshaw, 8 b Rogers Diatri• bution Committee -0 3 Shattewnn, b' 1 Chtliners, J Hoyle, R V Hendershot, t • A McNeil, it H Shanks. Committee a on appeals—A 0 Weshbarir, t7 H'trdy,T B Taylor, H McEtving, 1♦"' o Chalmers. A telegrain of cond.tlence t was ala* sent to Past High Chief t Ranger of Wingbatn, who, on:e *omni of serious illness, 14 ah,ient for b titre 1iot tinge from a meeting ,.f the i resp a rt Tare ar-rater part of the 1 'it►wt"Weft rip with the• 'lit exiitsiutr Diment and Harris be appointed a to the council at every January meet - committee to have approaches and In other works at Gemmill's bridge done g' a A motion by Messrs. R. S. McLean and McDonald try -reduce the rate of interest on loans of county funds, negotiated after•this date, to five per cent., was referred to executive com- mittee. siert during last winter, value abOn motion of Messrs. eck • and Kay, the caretaker of the Court House was instructed to hoist the county flag on Queen's Birthday, 1st of July, Thanksgiving day ttnd every day der. ing the session of the County Council. Council then adjourned until 3 o'clock. —Carried Moved by Mr Liarris, seconded by Mr Mundell, tbat the clerk be instructed to notify Mr Itobt Jenkins, pathmaster, toe collect from David Holmes the value of a pine tree taken from road allowance in his divi- $3, alio to notify Mr William dlit- ehell, pathmaster, to collect from Mr John McKinnon the value of`an elm tree, measuring between 500 and 60Q feet taken front road allowance in his road division last year, value about $2.50• -Carried. Moved by Mr Cruick- shank,•seconded by Mr Mundell, that a' grant of $10 be given to grading and gravelling on gravel road opposite lots 20 and 21, con 12—Carried. Moved by ;y Ir Diuwent, seconded by Mr Harris, that a grant of $15 be expepded on the B line opposite lots. 28, 29, 30, con 1, under the soperten- dence .of Mr Diment—Carried. Moved by Mr Dintent,seconded by Mr Cruick shank, that $10 be expended in John D1cEwen's read division, under the supertendence of Mr Diment—Carried. Moved by Mr Dirdent, seconded by Mr Mundell, that $15 be expended in Wm Michell's road division, under th supertondence or Mr Cruickshank Carried. Tenders were received for further respousibiht.y. printing voters list from •\Vinghatn `"--• - JoHN BEACom, Chairman. TEM, Wiugham Advance, and East ' Clauses 1 and 5, were referred back Huron Gazette. Moved by Mr Harris, for further consideration and balance seconded by Mr Cruickshank, that Mr of report adoyted. Mundell be appointed to examine ' The. report of Finance committee culverts on gravel road and have cul- was read as follows : verts that need repairs either tilled up (1).Recommendiuit payment of the or repaired, those through which no following accounts : Exeter Tunes, $2; wvater runs to be filled up with courseJos Bullard, repairing Winghatn .lock- stoner in tLe bottoms and .gravel on • up, $10; Wingharn Advance, $3.75; top—Carried. Noved by Mr Diment, Alex Wallace, repairs to clock, $1; seconded by Mr Harris, that Mr .11un_ Carswell St •Co, Toronto, binding, dell be appointed to examine side road . $3.16 ; Canadian Express Co, $1.05 ; between lots 5 and 6, con 11, and re- Seaforth tSun, prititing examination pair if necessary --Carried. ' Moved by • papers, 019 ; Johrl Kay & 'Co, carpet, Mr Harris, seconded by Mt Cruick- $63.84 ; D tilclver, repairs to court shank, that the contract of printing house, 82 ; W Lee, coal, $11.85 ; AB voters list be awarded to J W Green, CornelI,bookcase Iotoblerk, $7; Ce..,ntral East Huron Gazette, Gorrie, at $13, prison, $42; 0 Crabb, bunting $3; his tender being the lowest—Carried. Trim, & Co, books for clerk, $28.50 The following bills were passed and \Vinghant TiMi.s, $4.25 : Blyth Stand, orders issued: Thos Goy, rent of recur, and, $1 ; John Brophy, $4.85 ; Sam $1 ; li Srigly, charity, $3. Meeting Weller, cleatitinq Noll, $1 ; James adjourned to meet, .•lynch ,tut 18th Jenkins, plasl¢'ting in jail, $28.10 • y y e , 1892, in McDonald's hall, B1usvitle at John. flatlet, stationery, $9,35 ; S P 10 o'clock, a m. Halls,expenses on e)ramination papers, Jons Buiattss, Olerk. $6.29 ; John Watlker,'work at. jail, Q $15.50 ; David Robb, examinntiun papers, $6.60; James Wilton, disin- O Mr Hazelwood, of Wroxeter, Inas (indents atjail, $1.37; J E Tom, ex purchased the Gibson rewilenoe in press and pottage, $1.05; Prod Marsh,' , that village from the estate of Gibson; work on Ootirt house roands $6 0 & Smith for the sura of 5 0. • G Z7ewton, hats for jilt $1.50; t3altl 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Council resumed, the warden in the chair. The report of the Road andtBridge Committee was read as follows : (1). Recommending payment of $28 to John Carpenter, share of drain on Mcgillop and Lagan boundary. (2) That a new bridge be built on gravel road north of Londesboro. (8). That road commissioner's report be adopted, and repairs be carried out. (4) That petition of Morris'council be consider- ed by hole Uouncil. (5). That report' special coiuinittte ` on Graham's bridge be carried out with such safe- guards as will relieve the county from GORDON & Mc1NTYRE KEEP COOL Gordon 4 McIntyre are offering very nice lines this week in light Bedford- Cords, Victoria Lawns and plain check and spot Muslim. Latest things in sum- mer Silks and choice seasonable Dress Goods. A very large assortment of Gloves,Ties, Parasols and Circulars, which we guar- antee, In fine Shoes and Slippers we oarry the largest stook, from the best ,makers in Canada. In Gents Furnishings ,and ordered Suits, fully warranted, we offer speoial inducements at the present time. . Our special brands of Teas --at reasons, able prices—are securing to us many new customers. Try a sample package. In Sugars we are giving great bargains. Now is the time to receive them. WOOL I WOOL ! WOOL ! We will pay the highest price either in cash or trade, for any quantity of wool. GORDON & McINTYRE, The Big Brown Anchor. Wingham, Jnne 91b,1892. telephone Co, 50c; A Saunders, $$9.31; '1' it Co, freight, 62c ; E Hopper, artage, 69c ; 8 Davis, keep of indi-. ent Lingard, $21 ; John Ansley, postage and telegrams, $4.70 ; Fraser 4; Porter $2:90, and books for registry office, 334.50; B. Tichbourne, $1 ; Alex Muuroe, goods for jail, $17.31 ; Brussels Post, $1 ; Chas Payne, curt. age, 31 ; Town of Clinton, rent, $7; H Watson, $5 ; A Bingham, 35. (2). That the following accounts be not paid: Signet office, $26,50; E Richardson, $4, and M Nicholson, 33, dcntul work at jail ; Andrew Reid, $6.75 ; and no action on Signal office, $15.55. (3). That application of Reeve of Hayfield to have Maria McCoy, an in- sane indigent aged 52 years,taken over as a county ward, be granted, $100 per annum to be paid quarterly. • (4). That the account •of ITte. hiylee Young for partly procedure books and seal, be allowed at $7, and that itt future the clerk supply Division Court books, &c, on the order of the ()aunty Judge or Reeve of the municipality. (5). That uccount of town of God- erich for use of water and electric light, $100, be referred back to Coun• cif as not in accordance with offer at last meeting. E. 0, COLIWAN, Chairman.. The report was amended by ordering payment of town of Godericb account for $100, and a motion to pay accounts of E Richardson, and M Nicliolson,for dental wont in jail, was lost. The report of tbo county property committee was read and adopted. It reeom vended some tninor repairs in county buildings, the carryin4 out of Inspector's report re civilians' clothing for vagrants, but that no action be ' taken As toaremodeling the jail. Friday Counci.l then adjourned until 10 a uz FOURTH DAY—FRIDAY. i Council resumed, members all pre. sent. _ A request frcm secretary of Wast Huron Farmers' institute for usual grant was read and filed. The report of the Equalization Com- mittee was read and adopted, there be- ing no change from last year, the committee to have added in the eche: .dule an extra column showing the local assessment per acre. The report of the Educational corn- mittee was read and adopted. It re: commended the appointment of Judge Tonto, W (Ants, Clinton, and H E' thestoni Exeter, as arbitrators on petitions of ratepayers of 1-44 Stephen and Stanley ; and of hall McFadden, W J Johnston, and '.Thos E Hays on petition from Grey, Morrie and Meltillop, also that clerk write all township clerks who have not seat id , for use of County Council mope of their school sections. The Bounty engineer was instructed to examine and report on the twt bridges of Bayfield con, Goderioll +township, known as Dunlop's and Pari oil's hridgee, witlview to placin hem on list 'r'd,tes. The'Iiecemberses : o. council wail n motion dispensed with. The application of Morris council o have County assume part of cost of 'ridges in that township was referred. o Meters Matz, Key, Giinin, KKaittes, 1 t