HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 10n ,�V�✓ �/`�)/��) great vlvi,dncss to dal, Though A ,jr�.{,,41TNID " " 1 lender and teacher it, eQiluectlon`wltl i the 13aptist D«ramiuuat'tau Ilan f$11«`t , rid D GOOD COMPANY. ! yet tae` Hatay 'of Jtile CeaWfofd will , live enshrined ill the lives of ►nen on IL McIxidoo's Dress Goads and i preaching; the gospel to -day ill Canada, liftiba move ill the best society and are United. `utates. and . l ndia--a ti tt bly appreciated by ladies of taste, I mullument• to the close'of his carper. JU ea fashion Or! $, and stylish young; i Aman every inch of hiatrue. alwatys as the dress makers also. appreointe - ing effeminate, strong, ll his its her business to k you visit r intercc urseiwitlian this (students ristitin ltnaa the of ty when she sees it, did y cess Goods counter last week, did world, of'suell a life, one "tight fitting otice the pleased expression on the beautiful words: close. Tennyson's ds of the customers and wby shouldn't I ,,,pis only noble to be good," smile,, wouldn't you, if you were "hen he severed his connection with ing; just what you wanted for less Woodstock College, lie engaged in H you expected' to pay, of course you teaching at Prairie College, Rapid Id, a dollar saved, is a dollar made, City, for a time, and afterwards in Al here is the place and now is the time, i preaching at 5t. Thomas Gr G yea good many of them. Don't, lie built up a strong and united churc te, come this week *and see what He returned to Ontario to assume the d re dg1ng. Our stock of Challies De- pastorate of Wiugham church, which es and Prints, is at once the delight at the close of sir mouths he had to 'eurcustomers and the terror of our resign because of ill I►ealtll. His cud co petftors, Such a -range of designs, came to hit" somewhat suddenly, full Fa never aeon in our collection before. of years and good works, at the res;- 0 f , n You can- dense of his son-in-law, Toronto. llr, a boys' Ready Made Clothing, y Crawford leaves a widow, one son s imagtiio the saving of honey without and three daughters to mourn their u see these goods. To miss such a bereavement. His eldest daughter is H once woul(t be a misfortune and the the wife of Rev. W. 1-I. Cline; Paris ; P finer you come the better we can please the second the wife of 11r. i ilst- in, brook, Foreign ,Mission treasurer, „ire you interested in Parasols, Gloves Turouto ; the youngest is attending; Embroideries and Gents Tiesdf the Mission school iu Cllica ;o, while Hosiery, the son is.studying medicine in the e call in on Saturday � night, a e United States, M•, H. MCINDGC'S. WILLIAM iVIACGRI GOR. �Uiugham, June 15th. y Clinton. Lill Q Among , those who llave already C made euiries for tl►e World's Fair at Chicago, are James Snell, Clydesdale stallion and ten Leicester sheep ; W. FRIDAY, .JUNE 17, '892. J. Biggins, five head of shorthorns.— t i Robt- Gauley has taken a situFtion in b - — - -- a store at Brussels ; he is a steady, u - obituary industrious and reliable young wan.— 1 Died at No. 30, «'ilton Cre�eeut, i On Wednesday, 1st fust., Mr. and Torunto, ou June 2nd, Rev. John I Mrs. W. Murray passed the 50th an- iCrawford, D. D., aged 73 years• niversary of their marriage. The death of the Rev. John Craw - 1 ord, D. D , calls for more than a Bluevale ere passing notice. +1n account of the It is our .sad and most wonri ful o rominent position lie held in the Bap- duty to record the death of one who f tist Denomination for thirty years, was about to enter into womanhood, Ivcith his hioad scholarship and fine ill the person 'of Miss Annie Gray. ,�;christian character, therefore the Deceased hied been troubled with that _-writer. a former pupil, and one who dirs disease, dropsy, for some five . ';bad been most intimately acquainted months, for which time sire clung to ;with. Lim for a number of yesrs, may life with w�ndertul tenacity, but suc- be justly pardoned in the hestowment climbed to that great reaper,° death, on ; of a tribute of . praise on departed Friday morning;. 'l'he funeral on a was a .00 k a •svortl►. clips deceased was born in the; Saturday afternoon at 4 c north. of Ireland in 18:0, in his six- well attended, We extend omr.most , e teenith vear, and was baptized by the sincere sympathy to the sorrowing celel;rated Dr. Carson, whose strong friends.—l4lr dames Timmins loft on pe sonxlity and views of, theology, Monday molmiin„ for Montreal. made a deep and lasting impression oil se � Missionary. hire Aud laid the foundations of a How often is church, lecture -room or noble character. ` He was educated in theatre one win notice the shoulders of a -Arts at Edinburgh and Belfast Univer- good-looking a►1al well -fitting; gaument si les, in Theolo;y, at Stepney College, plentifully besprimklea with Dandruift. Be Undou, under the exetllent Dr. a missionandruff arguaranteed mditelpeople that ye miff Murah. He came to Canada in 1858 with three at and was for many years, pastor of the _. _. churches at ' Clieltonham, Edmonton Blyth. ? and Hamilton. In the year 1868 he Miss Susie Brownlee has returned accepted it professorship in the Theo- from her visit to, friends in Londonx— logical department of Woodstock Reeve Hamilton, attended Coutty College, then under the Presidency of Council iwGoderi h last week.—•Ivlr Nobert A. Fyfe, D. D. For fourteen John McKinnon is attending the B-4* 1 -years he Lela the position, standing Court of Canadian« Order of Foreswrs associated with such educators as the in Stratford, this week.—Messrs P late Robert Yule, with ills excellent Kelly` & Son are placing a new boilearin stud devout spirit, Jahn Torrance, witti their flouring mill:.—Bev' T E Hi0—Y his rugged and manly typo of Christ- and F W Tanner more is Goderieh on " ianity, Robert A. Fvfe,. with his noble Monday;.. -There was nfr service in 3t .figure; his dignified hearing, aprince Andrews ',yresbytevian church last an►ongst men, loved by ail his stud, Sabbath, owing tD the absence of g`ie exits, together with scorecs of young pastor.—Miss mag gle Moore is viailt- knen for the ministery, that came with- ing friends in Seafwth dais week. In the touch of his life, the range of "fiis living voice, freighted with im• Salleaft. eriilliable truth, an inspiration born The building trade is. unusually ae- ty hable t As a preacher he I tine in this locality,11r Wm, Gallagher timswas calm, sound and evangelical in- is about erecting,% mew barn, about 1I tensely ill eagnesc, revelling amidst miles north of the 10th concession, the purpliecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, in all easterly direction five new ba;nn: Revelation, expository in the pre- are being built or enlarged nand n net, sensation of truth, conservative -- house within a distance of .,,1 "nibs:— The Rev E Canter, minister ofr tihi strongly Eo—ia las cast of doctrine, never yieldin+ his position to tiny. Congregational eliarch, Turnberryl, of without knowing the rel why, was Monday evening last, gave, a lomiur, he eloquent ? Yes, if eloquence is on the late CS R l�purgcon, of th defined, as the earnestness of the soul, Ivletropolition 'Tabernacle, Eng bAnd full of its subjNet—possessing it—he Mr CJarter, Who for some time ha was emphat Cho so" In fine descri ptive Eof been a student Of, his PAPtOr tive }lad exceptional opportdiihies of know imagination however, P powers, the oatbusts of passion born ing him in his public dna larfYstte iii in many speakers, carrying an audience and delivered a Highly interesting an With thein, oi• agaill moving; them most i instructive lecture on this world r ,deeply by file finer toaches of the soul 1 tiowlfed preacher and volnmonot thc►e•-•-Int held little, if any of it. writer. �+ _ LouNum(m.--In Lower Winghaln, an e 14t11 Inst, the wife of 1Ar Jas Look go; a son. "tlOCax.L---In New Westmin Nr, B C, June 6th, the wife of Mr A MQCQII, mister, ormerly.of 13russels; a son, MAQXrNztE—At corner of Queen street oils and Broadview avenue, Toronto; on ne 13, the wife of Dr,A F Mackenzie; on. 113ARRI>ftD. ' DcNSMoRU—PAISLEx—At the residence the bride's father, on the 7th Inst, by Rev A Stewart, Robert John Duusmore, New York, to Margaret k, eldest tighter of Mr W J Paisley, of Cilnton, . I MED. RODGER—Tu' Morris, on ,lune 6th, ugh Rodger, aged 81 years, G months d6 days. GREY -In Bluevale, on June 10th7 nliie R, eldest daughter of 'Mr Wm ray, aged 14 "ars, 7 months and 24 aye• . WINGHAM mA> -RETS. WINGIfAM, June 'D, 1802 rrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. our per 1001bs, a 2 26 to 2 25 11 wheat per bushel, 75 to 78 ring " 75 to 78 lits, 27 to 28 Arley 30 to 40 as, 57 to 5S BU tub 13 to • 13 do'Rttlls, 12 to 12 q�e pot dozen �D to D cod per cord, 1 a0 to 1 75 ay per ton, , 8 OQ to 8 60 otatoos, 15 to 20 Wingham Saw and Planing Mills. The undersigned have note on hand a largo stock Of DRY PINE, HEMLOCK, TA'AARACK, and HARDWOOD LUMBER Ures_ed or undressed xxx and xx• NORTH SHORE SHINGLES, No. I0EDAR SHINGLES, ST,&VES, HEADINGS, BARRELS, WOOD ,kc., tpricasflint defy emnpetition. Parties intending o build will find it to their interest to give us a cal: efore placing their orders, as we are detenn rote nomptly andt to be nsatisinet;ou guaranteedk ntteniled to M CLEAN ' & SON BARK WANTED. I HQI EMEN 1% The reRoadster Stallion, 1500 Cards klemlock Bark- Iii, Wanted at the Wingllam Tltnuery, -- 026,--- be at. $5.00 PEI CORD � L Will bepaid on delivery. SWART R HATE 5 parties peeling 15 cords or over; can in �EDI11roe. NIGHT delivbr half in summer and balance "be winter., if desired, and sitme p paid, Oek WINGIiAM TANNING CO. ao b aealhorilParties abefore see, Wingham, April 5th, 1892. ing this gran _ N'E'ED, . - AWOOL Having laid in a full stock of Mill Flannel59 Blankets, Tweeds, Sheetings, Yarns, &c., I am in; aiposition to handle any quantity of Wool. ']C'7FI� � N��� �►rORE. Having+ cleared Out a number of lines at a PRICE, we offer you specially 200 PAIRS LA.OJES' KID SHOES. What tlo you think $1.25 ? These Hoods are uara tee tode sav of a Lady's Dongiola Kid at e most approved lasts x.nd this sprints )goods. We „ you from 75 cents to $1 per pair on these lines. DRESS GOODS. --We )lave received a Repeat Oider of those two lines of dout4e width suitinoa-1� pieces—all shades and the .same price. BLACK GOODS.—Ours are decidedly 1►igb class stuff --an assort- -BLACK within the price of all. PROF. SCOTT, Gxoceiis ,Beans, Honey,. Farmers' Pork, &-c• WSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i • i> Respectfully yours," Wes Private Lesso"iie Vocal Trair lag, both in Staff o,. 10 •-=• - T, ! nd Tonic•Sol-Fa Notation. Open gar eu_+a❑,.tuents' v Concerts or Churclanteetings• Trerms moderate, Apply at MRS. 1I. M03''Roll' 24 ShutevSt,'tliugham. ZIETLAND PUMP WORKS. •I; I wibk to intimate to the people of Zetlandand urrouneling country tlub I have co,rauenced the ,anl,fai*ture of all kinds of WOODEN PUNT , nd can &apply them on 5tic shortest notice. will also be in a positioau tosupply Ire",and Force 'utnps tworder. Repairli,g attended to. Prince reasonaiAe, I JOHN PRi,TON. Zetland„Aiay 5th, lb9”. 650.00 FOR A CHICKEN. To cremte an interest in the bleeding 3f high-class poultrY;.Iwill ta,wardb. a spe- ,ial prize�of 850.00 cash to the person raising bye heaviest, plymoutim Rock chicken hatched frohil) eggs purch,rased of MO. Plymot7�11,i Rocks are unquestiionably the best bleed of foVAS known i"6r the Canadian, farmer. Saeid for deseriptive circular ofl'tbis valuable breed o#! fowls. Eggs fon• hatching;• guaranteed fresh and true'.ro name, carefully packed in baskets and delivered; to Express Com- pany, $2,09per sitting of 13. Address, T. A. VATriLITTS, Bn eder of Plirnouthw Olt Fstim, Ont. JAS• MIT RR�1�' & CO., '�,[INGHAT;t 'FOUND", ma,mufacturerg,of and dealers in GRAIN DR1LLS and SEDDER8, PLOWS, G&NG PhOWS, W1NV MILLS, ROLLERS;. MOWERS, &c., CUTAWAY and DRADER MARROWS Gemeral'li`our:a3ry Work, lbpairs, &c. I Titer-l'latforr�Cs and Tire Tpaet tern £a Blackamitha- • i 1110,M points reduac,t to 350. sae i,I-ythedozon cash All otliar'casMngr;s,3a proportion., rTA� 'lU.'rtIRIi,AY rix. E"0 LAD:tS, e d I SEND FOR g I llastcated Catalogue of Ladle pdt o See Dr. Crawford at his best, Abt•icts to -aIornnns.-•Aro you disturbed at night SpeCialtle�. , • jidu tyad tC' know flim in the Clahs•Yotrni. ing with pain nas lrCutttn ve tchild1 goose da dt t' He was pre-edjirleiitiv a teacher, ;'ell ohett and )tot A bnttlo of Mrd.Winslow's hootlt' abid. It will rolib'«o the poor littib dofCe rdAtl the writer recall thosta [�9yg, wlieu Syrup"forChildronTeething. Iibraluele Inca) in oerYtpauy yr ith the late Principal, D. iminodiately. D61115nd upon it, m0thbrs; them fie of ;41c;tlttstt=.r V If, inibtako about it. It curse Iiyeentety and marc A. ll�afsgrrwgDr, regiulatoatha stomach and Iioaole, ottioewindCc Toronto f4nui'trtliPrli'-�,tl1e!II. isttltleWtll� �frrah�rMfterru��tysfothnwhalofiMybttlaatlon�Matd 4 jp glow a Soothin 6yntp" fore dranst cot ofi dilBluaeiftrfli ill tlit` weokr , Pt WdrA of� ""AA tine b�indiulA thh�pr eP tea lei i>hi tla FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE. E,rs Tables, ko., 9vt only ran teen buy Parlor and Bedroom,Suites. Sideboards,, lLoung in youe hones free, anywheres heap -,but wiien bought in quantities they wiltbte� delivered and -set up ithiml0 miles of wini, PORTRAIT ENLARGFMEL TS• t c in dc'arrnngeiuents with one of the host artists inDtliDtl llokning your, avaer bto anyoak it Lor gocla ients+(pay slag) in:Aii•-Brush, budia Ink and. Water Colors, - all at illy store, semsaa,ples and get prices for, tAID very best. IN G. A1'�I.E E •FR PICTUR AllJstyles and si'vos of Piet": UNDERTAKING. and Wreath, Frames utadc to order. Lots of 1 aiddings to- cb-- fronr- UNDERTAKING. Notrlthstandn`nc•all the opposition in thibdihe, I am•still 11crerirr Wiosnhanupaepared to! d as I have ,cell doing. for the past lou Scats•- .gyp r n /^t•L 1 "�T unmade.nbAeerr dud C,ar'uAvxd Dealer- 6lay 13}.i8D2 NGHAM MARBLE WORKS. W NE�4' FARM- . BROS. MESSRS..�NSTON of, lilheardlM hake bought the Marblo.liwsincss of Mr D•T• watsoa, formerly carried on by w Smyth. parities roquirdng ttronit in their line IN diD oto Well by e�ul ,tWonLer anship seeing seed one 01 hoNA;illtuse none n hieing estistO(ij tci;ourprices dowlikw down. T Nv Won, µ%o has.baenmm�n3ing the buolhsss for the past,gear, will rel resont uston theiroadvoea+e. Mr T quil,anI see•ounsts¢ltand prices. VANSTONE BROS- LLIN,ERY. MISS A.BC��YD �'Iry?ishos to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and and surrounding urto n ing and opened u at her II 'stoek of SPING AND SUMMER MILLINERY has p p, ` ; consisting of Pattern gats and Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, r' Laces,•RRibbons, Chiffon Laces, Gauzes, &c. The stock is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for°this year, r .,ANC -S C-00D•S A large stoekou hand, composed of CHINELLE CORDS FANCY CHINA SILKS, TASSELS, VELTS, EMBROID +'RY SILKS, `�'1LLOSELS, WASHING SILKS, RIBBUNSEEN,. ate, Z&AXTLE DEPARTMENT. . , $r The M11,1306 Department contains a varied assprtment of MANTLE CLOTHS, SIMS, aA'rINS, 'SA."I+tN BROCADES, YLUSITES, VI+'LVETS, &o,, to choose from, y ADntIxSB°-llt, i,atesf deft- hIANTL +` �1<AKING A Spl✓CIALTY, Perfect Y p�1151A11 MEDICAL APPLIANCE CO,, Stamping Done to Order, 19 grtgtt sT. ffiasT, An int<peotlon invited- TORQI`irJ 0, ONT. 1'letnmiaber the plftog—Firo dear north of J, It, Munsh%Ws iewelty store. 16. ,-'1;'•- bra. ,'dit�,the vacatatiot j it tli q g: I t%1 catmiaKei ce't off for,spot ca -•A number fro is held in Beau 1 a . nosh on r r id a J tend'takiug in th; ' on Monday even g —I tta,ve fresh ati fine large fruit, • tom. price's.. ,di%ntr.3` Stillrlt, �i � sen greatly fiilpg ! ' - Iiia eeirience by i —The Union .fir flown on wednes a her of -the emplo e1 � cion to Port Hur n. --For first-class gents' fuxniahinca, Rerilember the�tlac Of the oli! stand a1 •07.e laud Halsted —The- Teeswate /Play*tbe rove over to tot< return mai .'town. The' -game neither tekrri scoria --14Tr Jacob Large, •of the bTeyek block, ` ^ looking efts" the we plate glass was ,pl+ie Tuesday last.. VOL. h_X This store taut . wasted if any increasing steady terest in us, and public opinion 1 its methods. Tl success nowaday. and, being since - always be our a alike, the child a . , We do not have that is bait, thrc of inducing one r L',J prices to "make 1 all through are In. our boys cic j -D+ is surprising at ` clear.. First yot oletb, tbb cloth ii the workmanshil no slop work, thi. taste, in every gta Our grocery stA fresh and seaso ,'' know our 35c. tet Provisions of all Shop early. Sc This store closes , ,r The BEAR, May LOCA c: - Cash folff Ca aham'at z'kr,t .81r, L. A'16tew bra. ,'dit�,the vacatatiot j it tli q g: I t%1 catmiaKei ce't off for,spot ca -•A number fro is held in Beau 1 a . nosh on r r id a J tend'takiug in th; ' on Monday even g —I tta,ve fresh ati fine large fruit, • tom. price's.. ,di%ntr.3` Stillrlt, �i � sen greatly fiilpg ! ' - Iiia eeirience by i —The Union .fir flown on wednes a her of -the emplo e1 � cion to Port Hur n. --For first-class gents' fuxniahinca, Rerilember the�tlac Of the oli! stand a1 •07.e laud Halsted —The- Teeswate /Play*tbe rove over to tot< return mai .'town. The' -game neither tekrri scoria --14Tr Jacob Large, •of the bTeyek block, ` ^ looking efts" the we plate glass was ,pl+ie Tuesday last.. ' Sa111riav Nmit; `.Phosc`'tr+ltoeame to nig�tailerstand v . 'in g C�eap moans. .night at _There was An Or and Tt•uuL Raflty day nlQrningt.lmat, b •curelon to Tort Hu number fratil town ..having had,agood i t D Uutlt has . , tog .vttadt gip" wli'cbcts be tvi•It eery H6 Will also keep in -oranges, lemons,. bar i —,On y IIv 1 Mr'tf A& , 'the use of tobacco b; into (orae. hue w1 = given the public, and j -D+ ,bOtlr tits v�dntlai;ts ung ` of the weed will have aaaordiirg* The Wfng;;laam ' 'made arr613t#e'meuts ; •Ittiilway to issue tit«) .parties of eiplatttr tIPI' their rttad•at6ifagbtt i! ,'' to Yft'tWrn •Wblbfi)FI •$ill