HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 9Cur'i'osity. Ouriosit,v is nab�lral to man, bees r country. Young Western city, wen en miles through the for the first time a farmers dauglttd`r, He was bashful and hoped to go nd come without at 'trued:of attentii n. He went at. Ail ,The eu1 , beamed on;his ey gIseses. His. bo s shone. He'e going pretty good hick ry, came a voice from the right. Willie turned:tA man and thre •boys, milking cos in a barnyard,stot:,d watching, each: th a bright tin pail in his hand. hree women, taking clothes from Iine near the house, dropped the bas et and gazed, their apron strings fluttering gently in the wind. The road turned south. Little birds from time to time flew from the ground to the fence, and sitting on the top rail, calmly watched the strangers go by, Suddenly a herd of horses away back in a field came thundering up to the fence, prancing, rearing and neigh - Ing. They galloped along the whole length of the field, looking at the horse and its rider. At a big red house that stood some rods from the road Willie stopped the horse Will you please direct me to the. residence of Mr. Spring ; he shouted to a, man at the door, At once five faces pressed against window -panes, The; old gentleman walked slowly down to the gate. Hey ? he said. Will you direct me to Mr. Spring's? Coma from the city, I &pose. Yes, where does Mr. Spring iive Book-keeper, 1 reckon. No, I'm a drug clerk. Wiil you— Abe Spring's folks haint sick, be they l No—no, but I— Want to buy some ` hogs, mebbe. That puts me in mind. I've got some of the best shotes in— Papa,' I know ! came a maiden's sweet vaice from the half -open door. Oh, you do ! replied the old ratan. All right—all right.' Follow this road three miles, an' you'll come to Abe Spring's. The,tired horse now walked slowly. A startled woodchuek fled a little way to its burrow, and disappeared. In- stantly its head stuck out just far enough to eye the strangers. A rabbit bounded from the road into a field,and wheeling roand, st' red through the fence with big, solemn gray eyes. . A big black squirrel, rolled up like a ball, on a limb of a maple -tree, was barbing. But it stopped, it unrolled. Its body slipped behind the limb, its head alone appeared, and its eyes, like little black beads, darted upon Willie.. The road turned west. A cow two rods from the, road stood by a little spotted calf. The cow, looking straight at the strangers, lowed softly, while the calf with quick jumps and sprawl- ing legs darted, up to the fence, and eying Willie, yelled b-1•a-r.e, b -l -a -r -e, then kicking up its little heels in the sunlight, it went scampering back to its mamma. Dusk carne. A thick wood bordered the road for awhile. —`Wool Whoo 1 Whoo ! cine from afar. None of your business 1 shouted ' Willie Oda'. and fowl, in city Willie Qday, of a' on horseback fife country to vie! Pridyaoc E1nolgak oo>rrest, t Show me a family where all the children are,boys, and I'll show you x'; t man who is the forceful one,the brains of the family. Yes? IDead certain. I've made a, study -1 of it. I've looked up particular fain- 1I dies. If, you find all girls the woman • is really the head of the family. She is the one who reelly manages things, although she may bo a quiet little wo. than for all that, • .. Of ,course, 1,'ve noticed whenit is pretty evenly divided between boys and girls the abilities are, pretty even. ly d=ivided, too, by the way, . yon are r married, I believe? Yes. Any children ? Two, Both girls. Oh I A Distressing Situation.— What a dreadful thing it is to wake up in the middle' of the night suffering Froin cholera, --the nearest doctor a Mile away and no one to send for him., Imagine a more distressing domestic I` ituatton, if•you earl; and yet eases of c . this kind are very common. The b trouble, however, would !never have e -wlmoome serious if the man Of the house 741ad a crottle of PERRY I AVIS" PAIN1 it.Lan, at Ihand,for it is aiiremedy that never fails to cure choleht, cramps, b diarrhoea, or dysentery, All druggists keep it. 'age. for large„Ntriv sire. .. It Old Nursety Favorites. There was Tom, the Sou of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Merry King Cole. And the Three Wise Mea of 1; otham, Who went to sea in a bowl ; The woman who rode on a broomstick, And swept the cobwebbed sky, And the boy who sat in the corner, Eating his Christmas pie. These were some of the old favorites but they have been supplanted by the "Pansy" and "Chatterbox" stories, "Little Lord Fauntleroy," and "Five Little Peppers." The Old fashioned pills and physics have been superseded, and wisely, too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellets, a mild, harmless and .effective cathartic. They are pleasant to take —so gentle in their action that the rnoet delicate child can take them, yet so effective that they kill cure the most obstinale eases of constipation, stomach,liver and bowel trouble. They should be in' every nursery. As a, gentle laxative, only one for a dose. Death is the liberator of hire whom freedom cannot rebase ; the physician of him whom death cannot cure ; and the comfortor of him whom time can• not console. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. A Good Suggestion. By constipatiou is meant irregular action of the bowels, often called costiveness, and commonly caused by dyspepsia, neglect, excess iu eating or drinking, etc. Itis a serious complaint and not to be neglected under any circumstances, as it leads to im- pure blood, headache, debility, fevers, etc. A. uniformly successful remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters which, if faithfully tried, never fails to effect a prompt and lasting cure even is the worst cases. The follow. iug extract from a letter from 112r. Jas. M. Carson. Banff, N. W. T., will speak for itself : "I have been troubled with consti- pation and general debility and was in- duced to use your 13, B. 13. through seeing your advertisement. I now take great pleasure in reoommeudjug it to all my friends, as it completely cured me." One way to reach the masses is to be willing to take them as they come. • Monthly Prizes for Boys and Girls. he"Siiniixht" Shap Co.; Toronto, ober tthe fol; lowing prizes every month till further notice, to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sun. light" wrappers : 1st, :10; 2nd, y0 ; 3rd, $3 ; 4th, $T ; 5ttf to 14th, a Handsome Beek; and a pretty picture to those who send not less than 12 wrappers. Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office, 43 Scott St., Toronto, not later than 2001 of each month, and marked "Competition"; also; give full name, ad- dress, ago, and number of wrappers, Whiners' names will be published in the Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month.• The devil 'yes to get his hands on good hearted people. It isn't because the toper is chagrined that he draws in his horns` Auvrca To Aloin as,—are you dtsturoed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and Drying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send titonce and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers • there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarnccsa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures' Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflahnmation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. win. snow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proscription of one of the oldest and best emale physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twisty -five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. WINstow's SoopntNil Srtn p, ,.nd intro nn ent kind; God sees heroes where the world sees only very common people. • ¶i'ho Bye -flections I ave passed by and we can now consider Ito best,protection against disease. There s uurostticted reciprocity of sentiment etweeu all people iu Canada in pronoun - Jug Burdock liildod Bitters the very best' lood purifier, dyspepsia and headache emedy,and general tomo renovating Medi hie before the public, The devil has no use for the man who always does as he would be don' Y. There is a right time for verything, brit the $4 watch seldom muages to hit it, Snfldwleit Blas,—Por five yyears I suffered from lumbago and could get na relief nubil I I used lagyard's Yellow Wil, sad meet say I i fsn rio.bettsr edy box. it. Plao's arame ly for l tgrrk as ilii beet, Easiest to iJsee and V, c u/iFtfl sold by drui{glups or tern by niaft, FOc, E. T. liazeltlo••\Barren, Pa. WONDER IN WELL"',:. A Repr=esentative Farmer speaks. \� gll!ii) y; MR. C. C. HAUN. The following remarkable facts are fully certified to as being undeniably correct in every particular. Mr. Hann is well known in the vioinity, having resided here over fifty years, and is highly respected as a man of the strictest honor, whose word is as good as his bond. As will bo seen from his letter, four physicians had attended him, and it was only after lie had given up hope of curd that he decided to try burdock Blood. Bitters on the recommendation of a neighbor who had been cured of a similar disease by its use. Mr. Haun writes as follows : Dean Sxits,—I think I have been one of the worst sufferers you have yet Board of, having bean six years in the hands of four of our best doctors without obtaining permanent relief, but continually growing worse, until almost beyond hope of re- covery, I tried your Bitters and got relief in a fow days. Every organ of my body was deranged, the liver enlarged, hardened and torpid, the Heart and digestive organs seriously deranged, a large abscess in my back, followed by paralysis of the right leg, in fact the lower half of my body was entirely useless. . After using Burdock Blood Bitters for a few days the abscess burst, discharging fully five quarts of pus in two hours. I felt as if I had received a shock from n. powerful battery. Alyi re. I covery after this was steady and the cure ' permanent, seeing that for the four years since I have had as good health as ever I had. I still take an occasional bottle, not that I need it but because I wish to keep my system in perfect working order. I can think of no more remarkable case than what I have myself passed through, and no words can express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery. C. C. Must, Welland P.O. • In this connection the followixig letter from T. Cumines, Esq., a leading druggist of Welland, Ont., speaks for itself: Ate srs. T. Hilburn & Co., Toronto. Gnsi mi•srust,—I have been personally acquainted with Mr. C. C. Hann for the last 20 years, and have always found him .a very reliable man. You may place the utmost confidence in anything lie says with regard to your medicine. He has on many occasions within the last four years told me that it wap marvellous the way the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured him, and that he now felt as able to do a day's work as he ever felt in his life. Although quite well he still takes some Be B. B. occasionally, as he says, to keep him, in perfect health. Yours truly, Tn0.x.s CUMINEs, Welland, Ont. Tho.steadily increasing sale of B. B. B., the length of lime it has been before the people, and the fact that it eures to stay cured, attest the sterling merit of this monarch of medicines, the people's favorite blood purifier, tonic and regulator. HAVE YOU. "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodds Kidney Pillsnue prompt relief" "75 per pant, of disease is first caused by disordered kid- neys, "Mightds well try to haul) a healthy city without sewer. age . as good health when the kidneys see clogged, they airs Sof • *all dealers or 4 0111 the ecauenyers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, ,Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dun. ggerous of all, Bright)) Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy" "Thee above diseases owfnot exist Inhere Doddrs Kidney Pills are treed, bent RA E ALE i In To connection n w wral ith Leather Busiu ss I keep a full stock of. ,SH0E DRESSING Hathaway Whitmores, Zanotti, French. Pressing, Eclipse, Bixby's, Perfect Hid, etc, in 10, 15 and 25e size, by the gross or dozen. Jauloat's Trench Blacking and Gray's climax waterproof, T.J in Leather, Horsehide, English Kip, Porpoise, Cotton Button and niers an 1 sletts, cork solea, &C, SHOE LEATHER, sc. Simon also native k=ip hal uppeill r d Span Spanish slaughteip and Calf r sole HARNESS LEATHER, Best br ands on hand in oak and hemlock. Spada stock for traces in oak. Patronage solicited, Prices guaranteed. A postal card i'j:ll secure quotations ora call from my travel- ler. .0. P. R. TIltlE TAB,, Trams arrive and depart a tenon misuse 0:35 a.m.,,,., .,,j'05Torouto,,.. 2:00 p, m 2OSP, mn 1'or Tccawator •. P•14 Ca.RALTD TRxT.. A. L`, BTRATHDEr„ Aran. Through tickets to all polnta West Pao* Coast, etc„ via the popilarlonoutes. itaggaga cheek. Lowest freight rates to all TABLC. LY,AV5 WISOOIAM. Asian 6:30 a m.Toronto,Guelph,Palmeraton, 11:10 " . 45 p.m. , Clinton, 7:85 " Palmerston, Mixed..,.: .5:45 n m„, „ .,London, &o... 5:20 pan. 11d0a.ni..,,,,,, liincardine, 4ko ,,,n, 3:40 p.m 10910 ” r1 --4-44; 1101bptlfic PATENT CAVEA TRAM M DESIGN PAT COPYRIGHTS For Information and free Handbook writ MUNN 6c 61 BROADWAY NEW Oldest bureau CO.,�orsecuring patents in Every patent taken out by us is brought the public by a notice given free of charge W. J. CHAPMAN, gqiettti£xr Zuiexx Tanner and Leather Merchant, Largest circulation of any scientific paper word. Splendidly illustrated. No Intel Wixons5r. ear; V$.50 elbe without s. It. Weekly, 83 RQBI,iSHEI2s. ata Broadway. New York. FOR THE BEST VALUE T� IST a ORDERED CLOTHING --CSO TO EBSTER'S HATS, ' CAPS, ' SHIRTS, COLLARS, . ' CUFFS, Cheap for KASH, AT— — • WEBSTEI-'S Stoves; Stoves, Stoves All intending purchasers of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK S — —N7"" — 7E1 — S to choose from Even stove guaranteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. TEAND