Wingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 8ngCum ).A,Y, JUNE 17, ;892. :ad. His Own Way. Mr. Youngwife came home t he sighed dismally then his feet to the mantleshelf, form of a dreaming man. t hand was laid on his shout- s silvery voice chirruped : oar, you mustn't do that ;' it is form. If yuu want to rest d feet, use this lovely little tat I made, all covered with on he threw down his paper ear, you musn't do that ; it is ad form. If you want to put per aside, use that lovely little ,; on the wall there, that I et ed 1111 in violets and pansies. r still he struck a match on his s to light his pipe. leer you musn't do that. It is ?rm. Jf you want to•strike a use that lovely little wall mat .Scratch tny back' on it that I dered. It was an idea of dear la's. areakfast he aimlessly dipped. Toffee over a piece of bread. dear, you musn't do that. It is lad forte. Never Tet me see you it again. Every time you wish i toast watch me ; my way is' iy the smug as my dear mamma's. Does a rose petal taste like that of the street car he thoughtlessly • aviolet 1 Do hard and soft water taste ad his feet. 1 alll.e 1 Rolm guess the height of a hat by sight' Can you caiculate the weight of a book"; a box of matches, a bat, a ball' a glass of water, a letter, by simply holding it in your hand 1 11 you bear street cars, whore there is a double track, can you tell by the sound which they are coming? If yon are near a river, can you locate a steam boat by sound ? Can you use your knowledge of music in analyzing the progressions of a steam whistle? Can you tell on which tone ii stops ? With your eyes shut, can you tell what kind of a flower is put to your nose ? Can you tell from the bark of the trees the pDints•of the compass • Can you, by listening,tell what kind of a vehicle is Coming, and how many horses aro attached to it ? Do you know the diflersnce i'i sound made by four and by eight hoofs ? Can you match colors without sam- ples, carrying colors and shades in your memory 1 By the touch only can you tell which material is cotton and which is woolen ? Can you from a bunch of different colored zephyrs pick out a black strand, keeping your eyes shut ? Cali you, by taste only, tell what kind of meat you are eating ? Can you decide what kind of flavor has been in a Blass of soda water ? dear, someone whispered, do IQ that. It is such had form. You r you never would have done that e we were married. It is sorne- rnaranta told use to be particu- careful about. n' ext •evening he threa his spavin„ Fr in the wood box. 'y dear, you musn't do that. It ch, bad form. Mamma always .es paps throw his papers in the Use that lovely little holder fill - midi red, white and blue 'shaving ers,all embroidered with forget•tue- s, just as mamma planned out for •liter the funeral, two'uionths later, wassaying, as she untied the black itrgs ()flier mourning bonnet, and a v friends retrained to consol her : Dear Tommy, I—I never knew iat killed him. Ile was so good,;pnd were growing more end moreolske Ch other every day ;Yes, said Airs. McGann, sympathe- ,ally. He had his own why in every- iing. He was so good about the fuse. We never had a cross word. (ten, when I thought over lives were ream, he just up and died It is sad, sobbed Mrs. McGann. It is, indeed. And now, kind iende, leave me whine I throw off jtrse things. put on tny kitchen apron tt1 dust up and sweep the house. year'T'ommy was such a lover of order te could not sleep well in his grave if te thought there was a lint on the loon. After that I will sit down,gaze tt his photograph and let my flood'of grief have full sway. Not Taught in School. The following fiat of questions, in Orel line of developing the perceptive ankles, has been compiled by Louis ocktatt : When you go to your room at bight trali yon wall( directly to the match iron( ani put 'your hand, on it 1 When you turn your light out and pave your room, dol you have to furn- t.tbic for the door, or 05)1 yoti walk retraight across the room and take hold eitI'f cls knob'? Can you at trignt wall among the res' without running into them, or i the garden path as directly as rrowld Were it daylight t ,Petr( wish( to estin1ate the size of calk of feet Abaft, Ade In short, do you use your senses Do you train your observation, and then remember what you observe. Men of Extraordinary Nerve and Firmness of Purpose. Amongst teen who have forced their way to fame and fortune, we may Inane, an example to all, worthy of irritation, the famous and justly cele- brated Thomas Holloway,better known throughout the "wide, wide world" for his Pills and Ointment. Of these medicines it is not otir purpose to speak -we are not writing puff, but solid plain facts, to show what can be done by great strength of mind ; and that what one man has done another may do,provided that he has the ability and determination to use it with all his soul 1 1 We read of the great Napoleon, whose ambition was to conquer the world, but Holloway has done some- i thing else, for, instead of shedding blood, he has cured his thousands and spread great joy among' the poor sons l and daughters of 'affliction by his won - I derful 91edieines ; and although lie does riot pretend to "raise the dead," ?.yet he has given strength to the halt and soundness to the lame; and if he i has not "opened the eyes of the blind," ! he has soothed the pain -worn, and comforted those on the brink of the grave ; and in the four quarters of the Iglobe his preparations have found their way—not by the force of the sword, not with the aid of legions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean in our huge 'merchant ships to every corner of the civilized world where suffering man is to he found: But to do all this gigantic work, to accomplish so wondrous a deed,requir- ed much thought and much energy,. for without these clombined, this mighty Work conld not have been accomplish- ed. And thus he dirt it. '.There is a wise saying, "Don't spare printer's ink V' and Holloway spared neither "printer's ink," nor vast piles of the precious metal, veld Ile advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized nations—and whether you go into Prance,Belgiutn, ITollatid,Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Greece, Spain, Por- tugal, Styitzerland—nay, we might say , all the kitigdorns of the world—and in a thousand tongues they talk of "Idol: loway's Pills !"—in a thousand lang- uages they utter "Holloway's Oint� melts 1" We are filled with boundless 'tv•nder and astonishment that one ratan, one mind, one head, could plan and devise all this ; and we say that if one man has really done so, there ulnar hp SOnte wonderful curative properties a'hout the Pills and Oint- metit.-1'riet Close's 'Historical Notices. It was her Privilege, A marriage license and a marriage ceremony make up the sequel of the following true story : They were seated in the parlor, and the clock had just struck the hour of ten. They were an economical young couple, never utilizing but one chair for both to sit upon, and he always clasped his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling off. The young lady was handsome, and 5110 was exceedingly clever, as the sequel will show while her male com- panion was as stupid as a goose, She was rather tall and slender, had bright eyes, rosy cheeks, blonde hair and in- variably wore a mauve -colored silk dress. Tliey had discussedthe weath- er probilities, her papa's rheumatism, her .mamma's neuralgia, and all the ether stereotyped topics, interspersed now and then with a long drawn sigh, or a kiss, and the conversation began to drag wearily on. At last a bright idea entered her little head. She said : Did you ever study palm- istry ? Well, Nelly, lie replied, 1 can't say I have. Of what does it treat ? Why, murmured Nelly, it is ah art whereby you can tell a person's future by examining the palm of the hand. Would you litre to know your future. I haven't the slightest objection. She took his hand slightly in hers, and after making a careful diagnosis of the creases in it, said : You come of a long lived family ; your grandfather lived to be eighty-two years of age and your grandmother seventy-five; mother and father still living-- -- Why, Nally, I told you all that the other night. • Well. that does not make the slight- est bit of difference. I could inform you of the facts by this art, supposing you had never told me anyehing about them. But pardon the digression. You will probably live to be seventy- one years of age or thereabouts ; you you are desperately in love with a sweet ,your; girl, but too bashful to pop the momentous question ; there. are two or three suitors for her hand, but she, is yours and yours only (sigh- ing) ; she loves you,'dear George, with that maddening flame which can only be the luscious fruit of a trusting young heart ; she would make you a good wife (pressing his hand softly) ; she is tall and slender, has bright,blee eyes, rosy cheeks, blonde hair, dresses in mauve -colored silk— Stop, shrieked George ; I can stand it no longer. Will you be mine ? And elle bemi'ided. Ho. round Hie Tongue Then. ' A very Pompous Army surgeon was emit to a recruiting depot in the High- lands to examine a batch of lads who had taken the queen's shilling. The abrupt, over -bearing manner of the doctor so frightened one nervous re- cruit that he was unable to answer the first question as to his name and place of birth. Why don't you. answer ? roared the doctor, what's your name, I say ? Still the panic stricken lad could only stare open mouthei at his ques- tioner who exclaimed : 'Why, 1 believe the feliows's stone deaf i and, taking his watch from his pocket he held it to the left ear of the recruit, saying : Can you hear that ticking'? The youth shook his hettd. The watch was applied to the oOher ear with the sante effect' and then,tho doctor opened the vials of his indigna'• tion oli the head of the would -he soldier. What the deuee do you mean by enlisting -when you're stone deaf ? Why, you can't evett hear the ticking of a watch when it's hbl•1 within an iuoll'of the drum of your oar. And then, t)ie worm turned. She's tie' gaup, said tine recruit;lnd• 1 ing his tonge at last ; and When the OTS =wows Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the iKidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- drueed, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomachs prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its 'many excellent qualities commend d it to all and have made it the most popular remedy l.nowu. ' Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP ca, SAN FRALICISCO, CAL. LOUISVIF.L111, a . emenneserieseasamlimm ears RRrDavia? Has dmonsirated its wonderful power of KILLING EXTERNAL and INTERNAL PAiS No wonder then that it is found on The ?Surgeon's Shelf The Mother's Cupboard The Traveler's Valise, I The Soldier's Knapsack The Sailor's Chest The cowboy's Saddle The Farmer's Stable The Pioneer's Cabin The Sportsman's 'Grip The Cyclists Bundle TASK FOR THE NEW "BSG 25c. BOTTLE." sh is SAFE • a BRISTOL'S SUG4R-COATED VEGET..ELE . 3?xx,S g7ffI77Vil) PROMPT' 01 NERVE NItRtVE BEANS are a sew Ale. ornery that Atte the trorst Cage. 0e Ner►oui mane', Lost Vigor and (rail ntf Mauhoorl 'garotte the t @ur, found out t 11 to las own BEA �r� we�Mlw tiody urea esiseed doctor, holding the watch So you ?vent to sing in the 011011its feelings were took we)@1161° by o'erf y u or t> a're'a or as, that it lta� indwed� sf�. l 'Daiwa a snow o°�.eu,.wru'. �a Ro'tn`e�r Yam 44 hitt prigs l�Valt, I vtaI1t in mel ' fi pig fill a '►' tatted e i et d$11. .; Sidig ° p , L lt_' CO,exng4apn Exmes —I8 PUBLISHED— EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT TILE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET NINGHABI, ONTARIO. Subseriptionprioe, t$1 per year, in advance ADVERTISING RATES: Space , 1 1 yr, 16 tiro. 1 8 mo. 1 1 mo mut Ono Colu_8110 00 835' 00 820-60' 50 00 Half 36 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00' 7 00 4 00 Ono Inch 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, Sc. per line for first insertion, and Sc. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10c, per line for first insertion, and 5o. per line for each subsequent insertion. No local. notice will be charged less than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, and Business Chances Waited', not exceeding 8 lines nonpareil, 81 per month Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 51 for asst month, 60c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertrisoments, or tot longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the orrice by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week it. ELLIOTT PROPRIE'T'OR AND PUBLISHER DR. MACDONALD, LJ JOSEPHINE STREET, WINOIIAll, W. B. TOILER, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of Huron— Office Up -stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. OFFICE HOURS. —9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A. DIELDRTYII, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WIEGMAN - • 0N'r ONTARIO tiANSTONE. 4 ll.BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eto Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest.,, No commission charged. Mortgages, town , and ?arm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WIEGMAN, ON'r r. J. A. SIORTON BARRISTER Sc , Wingham Ontario ) mEYER h DICKINSO. , H. W. C. MEVER Q. C. 1 E. L. DICKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So 'loiters for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned ori mortgage security et 51 per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office—Bent's Block, winghau. DENTISTRY.— S. JEitOME, 1vunonAm, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestnrateriel as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work waranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARE NOTICE.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Milia Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Howl, Winghan. Will visit Gorrie lst and 3rd Mondays of each month. J CHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTtl WI:011AM, ONTAS IA P. DEANS, JR., WIEGMAN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Salts attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WINOTIAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONSEli VOA 'glia COUNTY OF • IIUBON. AU orders loft at the TIMES office prolnptly'attend. ed to. Teens reasonable. TAMES HENDERSON, LiC#ESED AL'oTIONERR FOS COUNTIES Hugon' etre Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderato and Alt necessary arrangements facan be made at the TIMES' oittce wINO,IAM BOLTON & 11AWKINS P.' L. 8t D. L'( SVEVNi'OR5 AEU CIVIL / NOINEERS LISTOWEL AND WINGHAl,t. • All orders lett at the Office of trio TOMS will re - tete prompt attention Lri . PATERSON, BA1LtFF OF EIe11Ta DIVISION COURT, ISSUER OF ICOR. R.IA0 LICreNSI:R, WINOIIAIIr ON1". TAT MISSES WATSON. jPaliriCTyPiano, Organ 19tte is tare* The Pow. ONT an W coon fat an tri pin flit bo we in clo dr ap fro to rai by ba thi inE len hot Ito) res to wit we J the, Tlie of t 1 SIVe c All thrt l,pr T As tb it stun enol bon whe fenc A bail, barb Its 1 head lrittlt Ti rods spot) at th the ing 1 Qin; then sunk its H T1 the t afar. Nt Willi g What in til from mile Imago ttuai thin trout ljt bbeoo� lain �1n1� neve? diarrJ keep TTI buttl bit 4