HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 7IL p FOLLOW TIFF CIAO -WD: lw Prices Put The Go luto "rade. It leads direct to HOMUTH & SON'S. It's the business wonder of the town and surrou ing country, it does not need persistent talking to convince customers that we sell, BOOTS AND SHOES, ORDERED CLOTHING, GlE1NT'I'' JE'rUn 1NTI�I EINTO `, PTI3FULT 1"7cK. AND Z]LI� E lower than all other house, what else makes us leaders. Buyers are not caught in the corner of misleading prices a second time. Eternal vigilance is the price of success, there are eyes here watching your needs. Mak hay while the sun shines and rush for Morris. 710 111'1 7111 4. S 1 -*The Court of Revision met 1n the . town hall, Morris, on hlav 30th, 1892. pursuant ,to adjournment. Members all present and subsrihed the oath required by statute: Appeals wele disposed of as follows : Jas Stietton • complained of being too high as.essed, rewarded $60 ; John Hanna complain- �� ed of being too high assessed, dismiss - Ts ed ; John Kelly entered owner N :; lot 18, con.8 ; Edward Ward entered M , F S ,, lot 12, eon 9 ; Ohas Hamilton and James Potter entered owners SI lot 28, con 7 ; David Fleming entered tenant N W pt log 11, con 6; Alex Campbell and James .Aitcheson had each a dog struck off. On motion of Proctor, seconded by Kirkby, the Court of Revision was then adjouned to meet again on the June 27th. Council business was then proceeded with the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed Moved by Geo Kirkby, seconded by 0 A Howe, that Alex Clark he allowed 20 cents per rod for putting in 'u pipe drain on the sideline between Lots 10 and 11,con 5,Jarres Proctor to in.lpect the work—Carried.. Moved by Geo Kirkby, seconded by T Calabiuk, that the taxes collected on the Several churches in the township last year be refunded as they.were illegally assess- ed—Carried. Moved by Jas Proctor, seconded by Kirkby, that C A Howe be instructed to have the bridge on sideline between lots 5 and 6, coo 9, put in a proper state of repair—Car- ried. Moved by T Caldbick, seconded by James Proctor, that this coun;il do expend $200 on the east and $200 on the west grave'! roads, providing the councils of Grey and East Wawanosh equal sums—Carried. A communica- tion from James Craig in reference to Y drain on 7th and 8th concessions was read and filed, By -Laws numbered 5 to 14, 1892 were read three tinges and A `F 0 ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. 60 Cents on the $ We have just completed an IMMENSE PURCHASE. D SHOES —Oh— at John Marlin's old stand. We are naw.reacly for busines in Wingllam and. we are safe in saying, that the next few weeks be memorable in the business history of this town. These are ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, bought from a firm which was overstocked. No old We intend to commemorate ?our opening in Windham with the fashioned, shop-worn trash, but shoes fresh from. greatest and cheapest sale of .BOO1S and SEIOES that bas ever been the maker's hands. witnessed in the place. I 1.000 PAIRS. OF LADIES EINE SHOES AT THE ABOVE PRICE. We have a stock bought very treap in which some of 'the best factories in America are represented, .namely : J. D. King & Co., J. H. Cotterell & Co., Louis Cote & Bro., J. & T. Bell, Jas. McCready & Co., and several others, and our intenti m is to completely clear out this stock in as short a time as possitl4. At the same time we will be re- ceiving new goods nearly tvery da-;, and in a few days our stock will be conipl'ete. $4,000 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES to be cleared';n forty days. No reasonable offer refused doling this sale as the occasion de- mands a speedy clearance. John Martin's Old Stand. KEEP COOL. passed. On motion of Proctor, second- --ed by Caldbick, the following accounts _ were ordered to be paid, namely : Albert Hughes, repairing road at lot 4 19, con 1, $5 ; Misses Exford, charity, $6 ; Thomas Sheridau,removing flood. wood and repairiog bridge, $8 50 ; Isaac Ferrand, repairing culvert, $3 ; Francis Wright, gravel, $2,22 ; Cor• poratiog of Blyth; shovelling snow on west gravel road, $1 ; Geo Jackson, remission of church tax, ;2 86 ;. Chas McClelland, do, $2 40 ; Wm Wray,do, $3 ; W J Johnston, do, $2.60 ; John Watson, assessors salary, $80 ; W Olark, part salary, $40. Moved by 1' Caldbeck, seconded by Jas Proctor, •"that 0 A Howe be instructed to ex - peed $60 in repairing road at lots 4 land 5, on 7th hon line—Carried. On motit,n of Proetor,seconded by Kirkly, that the council do adjourn to meet again after Court of Revision, on the 27th June next. W. CtAnlc, Clerk. Bnghsh Spavin Linimentremeve, all hard, soft or 'calloused Lmhps and nlamlahee from bottles. Blood Spavin, Spt+lints,Tng Dene, Sweaney,StiAes,Spraina, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto, Savo $60 by i" use of ono bottle. Warranted the Rist wonderful ltltealeh Ours ere Intiowa. Solid by A. I,. flesnit'ona Now that the warm weather is coming you would do well to keep in mind that I am prepared to supply yatt with ice during the summer months, at low rates. Also, wood delivered to any part of the town. JUAN GRAY. Shutes st., wingham. la dE1oa 1 THE PEOPLE'S W COM CO'rf (OFPENN'A, MAINE OWHEIIl./. CANADIAN OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT: Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. No`intermedinte pronto* Write for P'riee& 4430181 Attention Om to MW Static. and CIU b11. W. H. WILLIS. NEWJERY STOREI J. RMOSHAW Begs to intim to to tite eople of Winghtl,m and general pt blip that' he has opened out a large stock d WATCHES. CLOCKS, JET\TLRY, S1LV RWAR &c. in the store gat Iy own '6d by 51r. Ed, 17insley, and in iter all �.to call and see geode and get p '.os. .ti Repairing pr ptly ttended to and satisfaction guar teed. MUNSIIA.W Such an opportunity may never come to you again. Secure your shoes early, as the purchase was made at such a SACRIFICE PRICE and for net cash, we must clear out every pair of this lot inside 30 days. The goods have arrived - and are now being passed into stock. Prices tell wonderful things of cheapness, and merit wins every time. NT c s2 T LOOK, Ladies La Pere Kid Boot (button or lace,) usual price, $2.25, all at $1.40. LADIES-DONGOLA OXFORD,usual price,$1.40, now 972 cents. Ladies Waterproof Grain Boot (lace or button,): usual price, $2.00, our price, $1.45. A number of lines of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Childrens' Shoes are included in this lot. Remember we guarantee every pair of shoes just as represented. This is an unusual offer. Take advantage of it and save money. WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS, Etc., all taken as cash. HOLSTEIN BULLS . FOR SALE. The undereigntd has for sale On Lot 10, Con. 4. Turnberry, four thoroughbred Itateteln btil!e, tang• in, frau 5 to 18 months old. The above mentioned animals are all well marked and registered 111 the Canadian herd Book. They will be gold cheap and on easy tense to Butt purehaeers. JAS 111,.L101, .:- o. .a.. .. T. A. M ILLS Wingham, FOE, SALE, Lot No, 3, and the L. iz of Lot No. 7 11th Con. Turnberry---150 acres; 90 notes cleared; well tended; frame house and other buildings; good orchard; cheap, on time. Apply to M. C. CAMERON, Or. *aerie