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Wingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 3
a like higq e++ar y tlrne, When he left Tim fixed star is alae Oat base�lougll �.. _... _ �. . r' �. i'aung is the keeper of u .res _�__. 1' home 1 pare him �. to buy, 1:>, tattle of merit y .to settle down, . T nt an •A, x3Zes�ng �0 F -+very ...._...�. i We4t ,Alad'"ll strtset, but uoodicine; slues[ 1'11 ,just bet he ,bad the t $4US+13}]g1(�, l ugll young in ;tame she is older in bottle in ills: pocket, Arid that it Nes up in rme again, ue the baby �^-- experlegce than aIle upas A day Or two 4ago�roke4 when the Gar struck ilio, 1 >fea+asked at ., a yp,. HOLLOW� l� PIL�� always told kiln tont fila wus too care. A plain case of pI#ls6t- a young girl AND OIN It was just after the 40011 -hour on lem, and lie ?eased slowly,out in the In hysterics,Th�--- ese remedies haus stood the teat of J1fty Tears TMENe,cpnrluoco, ].`ltursday when Astranger entered rile direction of Market street. �--- rarully,tae, and are pronounced the best bledlclnos restaurant, He Was short,, thick set __ CONSUbIPTAOM C2UItEn, and well dressed, His lite It An old lihysiofan, retired frnur practtee, hating Purify the blood,Icorr4eG all d(sortic�of il,e Lli'sl Q alit Moustache was /About Time, had placet in his hands by an East India u,isslol,ary 1 2, STONACIf, FI1)N1sY3 ANA 73Uht' curled sli +ht) A Young , the formula of a shnple vegetable rcatedy for the Invaluablu In all coxhplalntq Incidental to fouales of all ages, y beneath rile spring Y f, Aberdoz;inn, bastlfui. lallt I speedy and permanent cure of Consurnptiou, Bron- zephyrs and his left at'nl was crit o deeperatteJ ill love finding chltis,ect Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung m�� i 0J:Wr'T^r'T /t MjW 1X p -Irl, ,y , that n0 � Affections, also a posiEly» Hurl radical euro rot •1...2•V.L padoitr fashion and carried in a sling, notice WAS taken of his frequent Vi6its Nervous Debility bilitya and, , all Nervous r ous 001,1epinints, after Isthb only rellablo rented+' for bad logs, sorts, ulcers and aJd tc , q a E powers ill TiIl2oATS, COMMS, ,OLDS, GOUT", .1,F: or s, ulve!I, ajd 01(t %,Oult811' 1011 BRONCIIIIIIS, Sl ± Taking an envelope from his pocket to rile Jlouae of his sweetheart sum.known �{,ia antror'in )t4lloflrd t laduty to make is DIS1:A31 9 IT nA5 NU 1;tjLAL, hlanatacturcd rnrly At T3 \env a IMLINGS AND ALL ail pmansActuated by this and sold US' all Dat,,,cJn4 Vendors throu;;hout ti,e wcorlo, ' Oxford, Late uti, U�Put'd btreet, Low that .was directed to John 12clV1aster, m°l,ed up sufficient courage to address wills send free c desire to o,r�lolc\ 11 hlioadeslrvffeitntEl,ts I a i I urhasera should noel( to the Label m, the Boxes and Pots. if the addrl as x,23 West Third street, Burliugton,Ia„ the fair oils thus ; recipe, in German, Drench of 14ogllsh, with full Dot 5113 Oxford Street, London, they are spuriouF direutfona for preparing and Usiug. Sent by until by - �._ a he laid ]t On the Counter slid asked: ' Jean, I wig here on Monday nielit. Not'ressazs ng with st Hipp n I.to4tiester, N pery., IV. A. -' Can you give ale a $5 bill for five'Aye, ye were that, acknowledged ____ silver dollars. she. 1 That's a vary neat turnout, said the , Mrs. Young said she eould. An' .I Ivia here oil Tuesday nicht. young wonlall's father as Augustus Will you kindly put the bill in this Jo ye were. sped from the door. , envelope for lite ? Au' I wig Here on Wednesday, Coll- ' p�l.i N Mrs. TOUng's heart was overflowing tinned the ardent youth. Tourist -1 have allvays ultderstocd o J►tlr Y that oysters are not good in months with pity for the poor cripple, and she Aye, all' ye were here on Thursday without an r. at once answered in the afiirrrtative, nicht. Oysterman -Well, most generally She (lid so, and the stranger drawintr An' I wig here last nicht, Jean, they ain't. • 1 ' the envelope over beneath the elbow 1VQ11, lila said, what if you Were ? Tourist-•,I'Uhen do VOL, begin gather- REGULATE THE of his crippled arm was engaged like inQ them ? L•�+(� 1{/���s �it 7 An I am here this nicht again. oysterman -In Orgust. S j OM V 1 V R pati BOWELS' the maid in .the nursery rhyme iii An' what shoot it, even if ye cam' - counting out her money- every Richt,The . Head ,surgeon. AND PURIFY Y T1 1 E BLOOID• tSufldenely he remarked : Why Z What shoot it, did ye say, ,lean ? Of the 1Gubou Medical Company is now at • v A thought 1 had 5 bet©,but I have onlyy OYOnto' Canada, and may be consulted Did e no begin to smell a rat ? eitbet ill person or by letter on all chronic . 4.80, Just keep this letter a few ',iseases peculiar to man, 11Teu, youug,otd A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR moments and I'll go out and et the For the past year I have been troubled or middle-aged, who fiud themselve nerv- Indigestion, Biliousness Headache Constipation, g to a very great extent with Dandruff, also ons, weak and exhausted, who are broken ' balaner, a dullness of color in my hair, sud'throuoh down from excess or overwork, resulting in Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles, Dizziness, Bad many of rite following symptoms; Nieutat Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath,, and all The propos i tion looked to hs a fair perthe advice of a friend (\vho sponte from ex - which u I tried Your Anti -Dandruff itY, loss premature old age,loream sa of vital disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. one, Mrs. Young a tools the envelope, wl+sob, upon the application of less than ti 1ty, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness The stlnnger picked up rile Change and bottle of your liquid I find my head not of sight, Palt,itatiou of the heart, emissions +' only thoroughly cleansed but a vast stn• lack of energy, pail, in the kidil s, head Ripans Tabules contain nothinginjudous to the most delicate constitu, tliell !le Vanished. Z'(tb long"hours P' aei)u, pimples oil the face Or body,Y i heady tion. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual, Give immediate relief, Sold by tovenient in the color and growth. 1 druggists, A trial bottle sent by mail on receipt of rg cents. Address i have and do recommend it as high! or pectiliar sensation, about the scrotum, drifted sway. blrs. Young glanced Y wasting Of the Organs, dizziness, specks bo. THE Ril'ANS CHEM! beneficial to the profession and public ell- CAL CO., p g r fore the eyes, twitching of t1)e muscleu, ,ye ib Spruce Street, uneasily at the clock, erallyy as all agreeable and welcome innov- atiou ill the remedies put forth for public ]Ids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposit{ i New Yorlc City. He Cometh not, she said. favor, p p Of the urine, loss of will powe^, tenderness Than she became suspicious She fours, &c,, of the scalp and spine, weak amd flabby P WTV. P. WOLVE, muscles, desire to sleep,failure to be rested _ would upon the letter ,just to see that Advertisiug`Agt,, 'Ili rank Daniels Co.,"' by sleep, constipation, dullness of !tearing, I TRY Season 1890-91, 1 loss of voice, d64irP• for solitude,exe,tttbility RY 1T ' ' 11191, the ,$5 Willialli was thereallright, sw Mof temper, sunken eyes surrotuuded witEmil oOMo�I She did so. There was no It is the Law 1u,GVi'lliam (L1.1utt: 1ucLat, oily looping *-kin, etc, are there. Scrawled on a blank sheet of Here is a little incident which may all spt }dbilt Ttbut to inatyanddeath us ielead The papPr were those 1vords: happen in San Francisco almost any spring and hN convil;cPd that a tiuu or vital force haviup, lest its tension Don't say a w tf1T1e under the every fL�metion wanes iu consequence, U'e wish to infortu the public that we hate those ol'd• operation of the Those who through abuse committed in � Woolen Drills in A 1 running order, and A%ilt this She hoedeci net the advice ; she told Chinese exclusive law • ignorance ma . be season �i\ a sr,eciai attention to r permaoil all curets fit �� � 1, iT, "T I her neighbors. She was load clear Officer -I hear a Iie,v Sena your address for book Ou all diseases I (� 1 a LP "T IB' ii AM.,i ��1"t) gy Clltlna+)tan peculiar to man. Books tient free sealed, W C t4.D S O ��01 through. hats arrived at your laausa without ac- Heart disease, the symptolraa of which are bI•rs. Noun;; has been Flim -Hammed, "untilla for hitYtseif to the ems;ration fainttion,ekiuls. bepurple lips,sl+enrneh'of blood «4 V ill all its branches, and ,viii keep in stock a and story she will not change a bill for officers. to the head, dull Ts thti (finest `�'a i Finish 1 nowt,- class of Brat -cissa goods, such as pain ill ti.,e heart wiri) r the hest iooklan beats strong• p ular, the ' tyT�'eC�S, �, customer that fre- Ah ZVang-There friss. rapid and irred secondbeiA beat quickertban tl)e fi_st,pain quetlts her Patiug estnblishweut, Is be a returned aaat)i!chant ? Has lie about the breu,st bone, etc, call positively ever been in the county before ? be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for t ]Flannels, Y book, Address M. V LUBON, 21 Uaodon- 1 Et Be a Missionary. He has not. ell Ave. Toronto, Cauada. l .r_ai offs, How often in church, lecture -room or theatre one will notice the shoulders of a Then I suppose you know it is ! p, ��aO�S' 1` good-looking and well-fittin it ainst the law for him to stay ht,re, U R 1; garment e HALSTED & SCDT i '%ee plentifully besprinkled with Dandruff. Be I did not ltnow 1t, 1111;5, a missionary and tell people that Anti- Dandruffisguaranteedtoremove-Dandruff Well, it is so. Produce hill). �A1� K� �_ fockln With three adplications. But he is only a baby, I -Ie was born is the b-st in tilt) world. g Yarn EntirlY toq careless. this morninb, IOSEphiIIEStl2Bl - W;1ah8111, UAf,O•� $yCy That makes 110 difference. Unless J. A. RALHTYD, (made Yr4m pure wool onl,�) cheap for cash or ex A 5llOrt, wiry man, with h very reel I J. 1Y. Score, J. �. CIiY ehool 01or \a he IIOSe and . flbClis of bray in his whiskers, he Can prove A. preYlOirs residence in bto,tntForest. __ Liatop'd, COv walked through the corridor of 'tile the United Statps lie will !lave tit he Custon.ers from a distance can have their roll,, DepbSit9 Received and Interest S, LUNE BLOCK, hone with then, the saws dal, o is Palace ]hotel and halted at the counter sea back to the country where he allowed, to stamina rbcs iPgister, Atter run dame from, The law is explicit. Money Advanced to Farmers and wi o ni,nestmark,t Price in cnsl, forhiercltantao! Il,ham Wool. Hing over the list of arrivals lits looked Y"` Business Men, Iii O'L1S LL CO'y,, up at the cleric, whose classic feattu•es Changed.Sole agents for above . On song or abort time, oil endorsed notes _ _ win,ham. A French lady, Ino longer as young or collateral security, "--'life notes bought btnm.ed with good nature, and asked ata fair valuation, Houey remitted to all Are you the clirk I a8 Slie Ot1Ce w:15, lint quite as witty as co ever, was observed to sigh as Vs11e parts of Canada at reasonable charges. co !r°"! HAMILTON nd I loot, like e chambermaid maid ora SPOCial Attention Given to Col- �a WING H A M . laundress ? retorted Frt:d, looked. into a mirror. Why do you sigh t a friend asked, lectin Accounts and Notes. � But are port the clerk ? g � ,� 0 Capital, �il,'LGU,000. Rest, �iG00,000,. Oh clear? she answered; I wits oi,• � 4 Prosident-,)oils SMA)t'r. No ; Z' o the colored porter, serving Agents in Cantlda-'The Merehanta' 8ttvk Vice -President -A. G. keMfM'. w Ir''ow, look here ; I didn't come here " h°lv the looking•glasses have i changed ! or, Canada �IItEo^"olxs to have fun poked at me. I'm IbOfting Office ,flours-From;9 a, )n. to 6 p, m. T!'S; - �/ lu[rs PnouroVO Ctt,ts. Grass( ton I[oAaty A. T' ; •, r . for a young ulltin named Charles Clay, It tastes contact with other people A• B, SMITH, � o IVOshl r D. Lar, !Toronto), toil tbat came here ,from Los Gatos Cashier -,r. TUI2vBULL, to make tis acquainted With ourselves, Agent, SaVinrs $auk--IIotn•s,TO to3•SaturdA,,•s, to yesterday, 9 rry++?i 1. Dcpcslts Of y1 And upwards received and interest �� ,1.� nllo\tetl. Faith never stands around with it9 A L L A •tA•� L I N � � � �+ Speeiai Deposits Also received at current D0 post know 1'1i r Clftyton ? .L.i, l� " rates of interest, lit to for lie's my son, hands In its pockets. O Drafts a, creat Britain and the uniton States. Reckon I Hug , ROYAL MAIL STRAMatitra, � � bought and sold Ittlh blanL"4 and �.�•CCAECh08 6f CyCty kind, On i �ttLntOn'S fact! atlSUlrled A I])OSt se human orhnin,Als, cured in SO minutes by Waoi (t�j 13. �VCLL50 1 Oils expression as lie replied Well, I A.L. Satuiltvintwn. This never tails. Soldby REDUCTION IN FCATES, I I W rQ 6 �°� 11ILYBU & DICI{I`iTSOI�, A'IgvT. A. L. Iiandltou. steamers sail repularll trent r I P"7 03 am sorry to be elle conveyer of ill There are so many people who are PORTLAND AND HALIFAX ro LIVER. 1.I.7 0 ® � ! Solicitors, - thibas, but your son vyt's btruok by a only pious in pleasant weather. ' PbOL ria.},anaonaerry. Cal v I u� - cable car last ui;;ht and seriously in- It takes a thinker to retake another IiLfRIN0 THR kl\TRa MofTna. � � i Z ' TLAND �S,`,KW MIL jured, He iA now lying at t11e (lit + Cabin, Foo and upwnrda. Se4omi Cabin, s2b, `� A Y thinker think. Stooraontlowrates. Nr Cattle Carried. O . and County hosllitrtl ill n most recart. ft orS'"�A3"E� O (+Ch ` P Enin.SpllfavinLtntmentromoresall ryes. food S1;I2VICL Of, GEORGE T�p QN' Proprietor. Int Oils e011dllTOn, cAllonsed Lumps tui Blemishes from horses. Blood Spn:'in, 3pt)ntr, Ring Bono, Sweorcy,3tiflca,Sprni!is, ALLAN LINE You don't tell me ? Happened last gore and Swollou throat, Coughs, etc. Sava f.160 by LINE. ) � „rJ pp use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful co night, ell ? l loulielt Cdtcav4r known. Sold by A. L. flauliltol, co L Yes. Birds with blight ferlthats do not. NFIW YORK `� GLASGOW I -la Londonderry, every t ortniglit, Cabin, k'40 and "� 1 LU.Mber of all kinds • EiNive' Qllythinld; ill his rooilt? always Make rkgood potpie, Upwards. Second Cabin 85, Steermeatloirratee. � � s Virst-Class rS1, hin&lleS `J„ � Apply to EL Jt A. ALLAY, biontlpnl, or t'l �} °. good rnfrn Gies wllennvPr a boy h+i r Not even a small package f goes wrong, ` � I' ENRY DAVIS, "1V`xxwtAsr, L • and. Cedar �b Ii1i cliff not,sts. Didn't leave anything in tile bfflee I The M-60doe, La arlppo> n following thissccuraeof humanity came roSSPII COWAN, MOlnOy tO Loan on xotes, Car Load arda is a speciahy , The red tiosea Ina11's ahead wash ow. 60146, 60048, shape of Obstinate (lLrnx Oyu Div, 'Corn' Co.a train of evils In 6 troubles, etc. There is Hvs<bx, Notes Diacoulite�y Ad t7ovvn for A morrirtht a•s With • rief prompt, and at the same AUGTIU 2♦h.It, {k WOOD oli Cir livered to tt>i time Iver Oil and pleasant.' with As lVzllb erjy Ii3S�Isat 0)? AIARRIAG:I LTO�NShlS AT MASlJNA,Bz„>� 7ftAT�S' tVi11 Mini, Y part b! and When !re locked up Ile said alnvlrly dad Liver Oil Llbulaion with Wild Cherry g R; find thoughtfully : Run o ter by a anti Iiypophosphites, Iiltich is the ltttesC stoney Adwaeecd on IrtcrtgaZ06 Ate per rent whit , anti belie fiotnbluaticil of atrti,consu+ilptive Cbatatise2oY Yt rw >li, G, ,f., Lia. Ana ac000tlats paying And of lay year. rrtt„ J uruers by ntAtl Promptly tcttoruted tro, sable c1tr, fro R Daft no, package ? .r►tst rgrreriiaia. Pr166 500. slid Sit or bottle WxoxktA*t, . kilboi o _ _:--��. - ..w.. _, ,. �,�••ggcrat' 111t1ok IV r:i a}, Ur'�. _ J gla>`►R "!'EC031f9�CIN. .,�