HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-17, Page 2I
• I sip, 1'11 never speak to him again un-
n ((���•
domaigt tg the care of his steward, I It was their gun lad '- -tue daughter.
Y g ! g
' +
many $ the time I've sorely repented
i+II aCU��1lC Mass hie old, mother begs me to,
I3ow, korlever, great preparations And
of their feudal, lgrd--born to receiv6
the shore I've had in the trouble;
That is the right spirit, if you eau
only it out.. I
peen wade of late to celebrate the
the admiria ,.true+hearted fealty of a
g y
Then Eileen filmed todier lover.
carry suppose you'll
IDA31, JUNJK 17, 1892, takkkvp with some other One lad, and
return of the ;farnil . Qat enters
y p r
masons and a halste r h
'trun-hearted race ', trod as ,fie becawe.
, y
h t •cher $ aid ►vitt► fir, bright smile,
slight, girlish form mored
tie► the monotonous whirr of
-fashioned sphining•wheel,
retty picture that Eileen
stn the mass of, short, dark
wriin;; her small tread to th
e feet pacutg+, across tire, n
ept clay floor of:the humble co
t the sunny smile which us
ked out of the large, deep-set
s. and lurked in dirnplPa ar
red, full, yet delicately out
s no longer there. In its plat
expression of sadness out of
with the rosy, winsome young
w and: then, with all imps
tore, she dashed away a tear w
tied up and hung like it dro
stal upon her long, shadowy Ili
But suddenly ever:;y thouglit
oti3On was merged into eau absor
ling: of astonislnneut, for a vi
d' casae to the open door,and pat
on its threshold, which was su
o beautiful and dazzling to' bel
one of niurtal birth.
She was tall and stately, with a
oud face, and was dressed in a r
Shimmering pale grepu silk,trinl
tk► shining lace, while upon
avy, yellow hair rested a hat of
me color; dotted over,with ;;learn
ote of gold, as was 'also the to
rooping white plume which cur
er its, wide bnip.
After one startled, wondering -]an
ileen made her escape, scattering
er hasty flight, the snowy piles
rded wool placed near the wheel.
The intruder looked gfter her for
foment, with a surprise!cd but mer
ght in her bright eyes, ; then she e
red and quietly seated kerself,
wait her return; and•t L+'ileen, n
eating any sound, stoI6softly to t1
oor and peeped in, meeting, to h
reat dismay, a glance Horn the gra
iolet eyes of the resplendent beiugt
ho beckoned to her tQ come neo
uch as this girl stood it awe of thi
idently supernatural visitant-prob
blv the queen of the fairy realm—sh
ared not disobey the call ; so sh
ame slowly toward her, and stoo
ith bowed head awaitiu; her pleas
re,• '
Why did you run away ? asked
weet ringing voice.
Eileen dropped a frightened courtesy
s she stammered
I'm not used to .fiti'ky folk, you
adyship, and=and— i
With an amused smile ,,.as the cause
of the girl's flight was tbuiq made clear
to her, the young lady said
How do you know I belong to the
elfin people I
With an awed,adwirirl look up into
tl:e lovely young face, acid down over
her rich dress, Eileen ansldjvered
Sure, it is easy to see hat 1 None
but one of that sort would wear a
kirtle sprinkled ovpr wit' stars, and a
feather on her hat whos� snow seems
dotted .with sunshine. t' Though I
thought before that the tI91lestof there
was no higher than inyi thumb, Ind
poll are as big ns f am, !
Why were you crying j�vhen I came.
Everything has gone wnong,answer:
A Eileen, with a sudden . uiver in her
voice, „
Father's sheep were bitten to death
ly a dog, Ind three cotes took sick slid
lied,and Bridget O'Connell says Brian
hall marry Kathleen, the rich miller's
laughter, rind Brian was my lover';
•bat's why I Was crying my heart
If a lover is false, one is well rid of
it�t. •
But Briall'w, not false I He wants Me
ruga away with flim to America.
out I'll not bring a curie upon him ;
f+ diistobed� to 1*mnbe is st d• clly
1�1ttk.,.yJt.Rbu6�F...s•.i.110-! ,.�e.m.l:.r
, p ger_ ad. been in. awaxa,% the trutp, the old .•wain` ritrnP' if I did :not love yqu tqR dearly t would
so puirislr file meshes' by tpakinc the full force at the castle for weeks; Bot °with the shouts of welconitd from their make belitave .a little longer. But I
can unhappy. Eileen had been too. much Pngrosanci, jb al throats, r
Y cannot. I am too 91ad ,
L, Eileen turned one fiashng;imdignant with the trials of her own little wgrld I Ladyrifiifreci' lrrrctrt urea. brvteaBtaP
look upon het grlestioner, Then alle to leave the cottage for a gossip amonfi of romance, and altltaul;lt her life had ,
recollected herself, and answered the voting folk of her ae uidutance, p R0ZLOWAY'a PILLS AND ()It�?'.'N"Ir,_
humbly q been spent amid the frivolities of faek " : Afore precious than Gold, ---Diarrhoea,
to and Y and was ignorant of what was an ab• tunable society, she was passionateby I dysentery and. cholera are, through the
a hugs 1'd not have the heart to do that i sorL•int topic of intalrast ;o'most of the fond and 'proud of her native land—o$' somm•er's heat, carrying oft"the young,
It was I'd sooner lie .down and die, than have feginuts upon the estate. So it was in Frin's lxreen late. It was solely to, Igo the winter's cold destroys the aged,
made, Brian think me false ! full keeping with the idea silo had 1n, the rr,oat acute odes, wbere inter-
gratrfy his only child that her father'
earls low rich is the young man 1 Can already conceived of her beautiful and had returned to`, the castle and it rgae I na•I maedicfnes cannot be retaimerl, the
e tip You .toll me ? wonderful visitor, wh"en one mornin I4reatest relaief will fmmedintely result
Y 1; q'rsh a face flushed with rni.ocent ifrorm, rialb�bing Holloway'a seedling
softy- Ofi, he's as rich as—anytyring l Let ac her door appeared '!the darns tall, pleasure that the young girl listened 10intwelit-t ever the abdomen, The
ttage, me 'see, pausing olid saying over to grave being, a tris dtirk' nuiform, set to this enthusiastic greetin; from her friction should be freguenb and brisk,
wall • herself some names, and counting them off by gav facings and''brigut buttons toy insure the penetration of a' large
3 fathers tenantry, I
upon her fingers, until she had assured who had led up the stow -white palfrey n I portion of the Nuguerst.This Ointment
blue. t She had dressed" for the occasion, Callus the' excited pertstalt a ,action
ound herself that she was right, I Ther are to his mistress and had assisted her
' with more care thant, if she had been ;arid soothes the pairs, .Both vornitino
lips, six cotes, and twelve sho}its, and no to nroullt• 11 and griping, yield to it ; where fruits•
was elJd of hens and chickens, turd it patch He'handed her a e� perfumed note, going to a court ball, with an instinc-
or vegetables have originated the
keep- of land. Ult ! Lilian is ver rich ! with a monogram aprmounbed by a Live ktiowleilge of the admiration of 'mal4d,y,. it is proper to rerne�ve all in -
Dy rustic class for glistening silks and 'digeata•bie matter from the bowels by
face. And you!—what have y " i I coronet stamped upo ,lone, corner, and
tient -I've jest my. hands—not Ping more ! i said : j! ' gleaming jewels; and very fair and a moderace, dose of Hulloway's Pillq
I :Ower -like looked thi refined young, ( before using the Ointment.,
hick and Eileen held out the di4ised rnem- My mistress reque is you to be at
face as it rose out of the cloud of pale
hers with a depreciating r gesture the the castle at five o'cl• ck on Wedues- bl a and smiled Acknowledgment to
p of P F , 9 in His aTMai%e:.
shes• rosy, dimpled palms upward, day. 4 !t is '
the cries of Long life to the fair Lady pleasant to see innocence es -
and ��eil, if your hands were ant off, Is it in the morningor the evening, I Winifred 1 May the stili always shore tabl'i•shed' by legal, means,. even when
king wouldn't you give a fortune to have your honor I asked I.+, ileen, timidly, for tare like of yo ! and so on until tlae+ lawyer in the case arrives a6 su:ch
cion them heel; again ? conquering her awe of she majestic every good wish in ire calender had It result involuntarily. low, sir;
,sed Yes, said Eileen, a little doubtfully, `personage. hope been invoked upon heti Tread. p we shall have no diffweulty ial get•
rely So yoo, too, are rich; don't you see? Not holding the key •'to her thought ting yotmto agents u
0119 Then, with a glance around the room, that a !airy -ring ougl>,t to beat the Druring all •this time Eileen 4ad Pr said the Barris-
stood as one in a .maze, the truth ter, in a loud„ eetm•mandi�n-, voice,
the inquisitive visitor continueed : Do witching hour of midnight, the man Thus begins it story related in an e-
f,tir you iive here all alone? gave her a wondering stare. Then he gradually dawning upon her that her r
T fairy queen was veritable flesh and e'hauge,
elle No ; father is away gettissrg cuttings said : 9' I hope not, sir, Shouted bile- witness
pled I from the bo, mettdow for the winter's My lady would not be"hilt to receive I blood—even the young heiress, Lady P
1 Winifred,.•c hom she had fancied to be at the top of itis langs.
her fife company at sunrise. You are to come How d ire you, s e
the Then the lady said : in the afternoon, far away in foreign lands. Y P alti to nae in. that
I thiol; you are it ;-odil
lirl, and I Eileen watched him until he was `Irllp trcttb was that the very morning way ? cried the lawyer,
ryr I will give you a sovereign toy a dress I out of sig it. Then she , Icissed the y ' i�ecause I can't s salt no louder, sir,
❑n, g y p „ ai after Lady 4Vi�nifred's arrival, that im- P , ,.
ulsive young woman h�d donned fret said the hostler.
Tec! I with. t. dainty note and laid it away unopened, p Y • b Have you beau• driinit;img 9'
Elleell H atoll?d flag 1v1t11' dazzled among IICr few tt'ea5UrP8 A clJ Irich riding tlabtr and , Have U
ca ayes as slip drew it shining coin from a
could neither read nor writs', it, Uig
1 1
only by a grooin, had ridden forth to
Yes, "'
ill dainty purse which held a goodly num-
tate tracery was as unitelligible to her-
obtain an,idea of the country.
I should infer so frotaa:your conduct.
of her of companion pieces, as she could
as so many cabalistic symbols..
Attracted by the picturesque look of
What have yott, been driatki�ng I�
see through its sillipn meshes. s
But the inesseng
„er's verbal invitation
a little sbieliiio, which, almost hidden
(7ofTee„ hoarsely vociferated tile•
a Please, she said, l,esitatingly�, if
was clear,, and her heart throbbed with,
by roses, stood -the other side of a
knight of the stable.
ry you've no olij-etions, 1'd rather hales
almost painful excitement, at the
meadow she shad dismounted given bar
1 "nwething stro4er than coffee, sir.
it for a cow ; then we'd have mills for
thought of it. It was truly an awe-
attendant direction l to ride on to the .
Donlook ut me Ilh,e tltiut; look at the•
to the fathers porridge.
some thing .to he asked to a fairy
shelter of a groupf IreeA,, and await ''
Jury, antro!' Did you luavF sorrtethiElR in/
voter coffee, sir I
of one gold piece will" not bujj a
queen's festival !
her there, while she!`. went upon a•n ion -
ie cow. h
The eager face clouded, to brill,
She had bought and made the white
vestivating expedit n to the cottage. ,,
L' i'leen's aii�swke ith regard to the '
'res,. air. a
r 1� °
What was it t
as commanded, and when she
t�'ta ryaar.
agatu at the next wards ;
hath concluded her simple toilet, using
1Aatity had so well uited her roman-
� t
This !matt is fools lLthy
as a fairy's visit would hie of
for a mirror a spring of clear writer
tits n.�ittare, ,hitt sh had entered, into
no lord—he is
r little value unless slip could grata a
which bad widened into a orystal pond
the part allotted to her with deer) on. :
,worse stormed tine counsel: ,
S, wish, you shall see a cow at your door I at the rear of the cottage, she hard! j'^Ytmiemt, lgeiv, irhowever, she had N0'w' sir' tryrn•i•nR t0 t i$ witness,
tq-morrow morning, But yon inns, recognised the grateful maiden N. re- another rote to enact. That of peace- fool, at >rie. What besides sugar did
f vow take i11 u
e do as I say, anal bay your staff fon the $acted back to be herself, On. her maker. �• your coffee this nlornitr0 ?
e n,alcing of a white dress, and h "ve it way to the castle she exchanged nods During the evening,. Eileen received . The hostler collected his forces,
d I all ready to put on by this time next O drew a deep breath, and in a voice
and smiles with groups of acquaint- het -with a beaming smile, she said . ; bltiat could have been bieard half a Trifle
week. 1 shall seixl von. ori tnv+iatiou antes bound in the same direction. l have invited you !ao my festival.
ro a grand lbooulight festival, aid no away, bellowed ont:
{, Many,an admiring rue lc cast a according to promise, 'And now now I am i t
a one knows what might come ok it, if A spoon . A spoon, aft• nothin' e1se1
'} glance at the winsome maiden as she going to >:mahe your hr±art light by re-
you.should attend. The fairyl� kin? cromciling you to your lover. C'oaatie in, ! ,
himself might put his pow � Y P?ssed,dreaed in iter simple but taste- Ripans Tabules relieve colic.
ars a our 1
!t 1 fol robe of white, with no ornament and Lady Winifred went tatlme door
( service. Good-bye, and wltl► 1t. stxttle save the band of bright ribbon which•
connecting ;vitlr another room and `--------------
which warmed Eileen's heart li a sun- treaded tier clad. curls. party „ outside.
r �, Motioned -to a art waiting outside,
® •
shine, her beneficent guest departed It was Brian and his mother. After #.o ��
Brian and his mother were among �1 '1
As Eileen looked after as sherr`Ptepp' the throng, and his black eyes sought they had entered, in obc�Aienee to their �'•
ed lightly across the meadows, she her face reproachfully as she went on,1perenalory young lady's order,she Said ' RINGS
raised her hand to her eyes to I4hado without deigning to notice him : turning to Bridget O'Connell
them from the light and satisfy her, 1 Her sensitive pride had been too I `Would like to signalize my coming Ease and Comfort
self that she caw truly. Slje had deeply Wounded for 'her to allow the home to the dear old castle by making
caught it glimpse of as alloy; -white old mother's keen eyes to see, a trace a pair of true hearts happy. I will ,���/��.�f �" ` y jl'tl�'1111
palfrey, and of ,tali figure drtssed in of the real feeling which filled her give this girl as'much line stocii as i %� Ii1"��ilfl��i`�I its
dark livery and yellow facings decked Much live stock Will
tmatey what
;eckeloving heart almost to bursting, so as wii ill! IIIIII:a
with gilded buttons and with high top intense was herIon inoh to hear Brain's your aon has, and twill furnisli her I t���.�I•r
boots reaching to his knees.house and fee her .a store of linen ' �% tl '1i `'
'Pending voice once more say, in its soft, deep g
low, ber.offered his: hand for the tin . which will make the envv 'of every
ti Y tones :
,foot of his mistress. A liah spring, o , farmers wife around. What say you ? t
Eileen, movottrne..iz, C .eve but yowl Y Y
and the next moment horse, rider and So she counterfeited but too succes"s- Shall they make a match ? l \
attendant were hidden from sq;ht by a fully the opposite extreme, and poor i
j It's a line offer, and worthy the tel\ ��K 6 q
auddet5 bend in the read. h1 Brain almost wondered if it could be pretty lips that said it,l 1Viay ?On live jx"\ � `
As Eileen returned to hent' work it the same Eileen whose rosy lips ]lad long,and may' -your husband be worthy
was not to be wondered at ,,'if, for a been pressed by his own at the time of of you ! ; /' ��' � ,� az•,,
tirie, the yarn played her, strange their betrothal—that happy period, Brian's eves were fixed entreatingly
tricks 6f tangling and breal; ng. But now, alas, so far distant. upon Eileen. 1Her face was averted. I
he cared not. Her mind vts too full She guests had all come from far He ace an i, ulsive step toward
of what she had seen and heit,`rd for her and near, and were:gnthe ed iu the her.
to be impatient, and after 1� while she s great banqueting hall of the castle, Eileen, manourltiee u f", he whispered �,�A/TiTHljoor soaps It doidfashioned ways o
succeeded in spinning a thread so fills I tivben a sudden murmtLr swelled can you for;;ive anrd forget 2 �r of washing, it is &zeal and hard upon
1 women of adodnoing years to attempt
and even it would have angfeared far through the assembled mal' itude: A At the sound of his dear voile the tnunary work, nut with the world.'
the clocked`hose of�tl:e utilen herself, t3tatc 1 famed labor-saviag
q y anutleman had enu red, with a blood rose and bur ed lilts a criinson
ii ,
A few miles from Bile n s home young, equisitely beautiful'rrl leaning rose in each round peek, but still site �� Soap...stood a fine old castle, the },roperty of upon Iris nem. Sire was delpsed its -a rijade no reply,the hereditary lord of the soil from ashepu ' dressed f a az rel
. y n u ai�+k, bate as �'heta the old rn that went to her Anybody can aaliA, Wash with earn.
time dating back far into the past. It lIher own starry eyes, whos� trailing and laid one skirin hand' upon leer . karat'vdoasobyfollowing the simple directione
had beers unoccupied for se�eral yearn, folds swept, the floor in a lofig train, slender 'lyrist � ith "��I'1 �I��T" there's no bard
' blbitl�, ia0e knueklory,'�` hot steam, or tired
the present owner being a -.gay, rlebo"' Sparkling gems glittered frbtn a rioh Do not re'fase'to make my tad happy,- mks• a triaa,riil aetsi�feil you.
Itaire man, who l6w.d . tyf britli , nt CklaeA which t�d' liOr round she said, lturrrbly. Ift'ti after break-
anoesnd rplendor,tl d to had. Preferred,' tlrroat,and scintillated from tE° utterfty' ing'hs Heart shill niitl�t b• dad for w
1V kited , q loalr fr tla'` girl he love$, and a�ttll,J1111 �t.�
rVbrrltcdriPt.ctrirl hZ veir
to reside road, leaving aE,oe$t>"al ornament quivering its her lto ti. ha
• s