HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-10, Page 6TIXH TABLiu, �l He Thought She 'Wag IVZarried. Tralna arrive and depart As follows; From the Washington Past, O� LR?r,N, ARRIVIND . 111 C 1 v nuestli at the mi-Oareme 5:35 a nt,..... ,,. Far Toronto .<,,, G 36 a, ,ja A few 200p,m 2,00 p,m bit of L;Oo p, n,........... l For :'eesg ator.... rA0 ' 1 -�'"",- bull w'al'e amused at a little10:05 p. in " 10;6G " IIJAtY, JI7Nkl 10, 189. I origuial comedy which the majority were unable to notice, Among the TI 11� GrRA;<�T1? TRUNK R7Y —7l E, AaNNT, WInonAT4. strangers present were two Now York- A. C. sTRAT11D Thraughtickotstoali points in Autorten—North, in This up ill the Kitchen, tr w04nan earl herSr CCS, a beautiful ounce West, ugh ti Coast, etc., via the shortest and all Oowinort sized Vag$ weigh one eSoul't. One Of �1'uslliilgton's most popular routes. Bal,gago attacked through to destination• • Lowest freight rates to all Points howling swells, who prides himself -i .---TIME TABLE, f butter the size of all eryg weighs upon being attentive to. none but mar LEAVE WINGuAlit. AIiRrY,{ AT wlNG/iAN, 01 wary Of '� 11,30 a.nl.Toronto,Gue)ph,Pal,nerstoil, Sec 3:31 p,,u. IIi rigid women, being excessively y 11:10 11 •' 10:20 eel 3:46 p'm, " „ Clinton, 14 -1 the wiles of fortune-hunting malllmax yy 7:36 ` Palmerston, Mixed... ..10:36 a.m. pint of -ogbe A sugar weighs 4' n 0;46 a.tit ...,London, &c ........ JIM 11 fu and daughters, whom lie saspeots of �T�® � 3:20 pan, 7:66 p.m in ' Ounces. � 1 111.10 n.... <... [iincardine, Sou .. ..., 6:30 i being always all the alert for his hand- t;4op,m 11:10 10.70 7:10p,m quart of sifted flour (well IIPRp- some Self and his plethoric purse, Both the method and results a when 11, e pound. sueinn this attrautive stra,ngrer so. u�ht Syrup of figs is taken; it is pleasant I _ 1t n • ' `' and refreshing to the taste, and acts, pint of best brown sugar we an introduction. Hb ryas exceedingly entlyyetpromptlyontheTidneys, ALLAN LINE n ounces. delighted to hear, as lie thougbt, the Tiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- ROYAL MAIL $TI:ANISHIPS. ' title, 1,11'x, --., New York, lienee- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- 1 teacups (well heaped) of coffee aches and fevers and cures habitual REDUCTION IN RATES. forth he was all devotion, giving; much constipation. Syrup of Fig, is the I d Rr weigh one pound. g ° Steamore snit roi•uIaril fi'em a annoyance to her escort, whom he only remedy of its kind ever pro- PORTLAND AND HALIFAX To LIVER. I 'o teacups (level) of granulated considered an unreasonably attentive duced, pleasingto the taste and ac- I ppOL vlaLondmrderry. t `weigh one pound, husband, 'He bowed with his own 1 ceptable to the stomach, pTempt in DURING 9.11E WINTER ITONT118, I its action and truly beneficial In its Cabin, 40 and upwards. Second'Cabin, X26. teacups. Of soft butter (well i}npressive air over the girl, hung over effects, .prepared only from the most Steerage at low rates. No Cattle Carried. �;1till onepound. her, danced with her, and uttered healthy and agreeable substances, its sERVIaE Or tender nothings, which she accepted manyexccllentqualitiescommendit STATE to and one-third pints of powder- ALLAN LINE gllr or Hour weighs Dna Douce. with the unfllushing calmness of a. to all and have made it the most LINE.) �Tl':AAisllu'3. o13ulaT remedy L•nown. matron. lie was really flattering F Iyrup of Figs is for sale in 75a NEW YORK ` & GLASGOW ae pint (heaped) of granulated hilnself upon the progress he had,made bottles by all leading druggists. IF weighs, fourteen ounces. via Londonderry, gory Fortnight. Cabin 40 and n when what to ' hlg amazement, Upon ,p ny reliable c1TUggiSt who may not. upwards. Second Cabin, $26. steerage ui'lowrates. i'ocure it ..,or teaspoons are equal to one ld,lding )ler good night, to hear her have tl on hand n Onillw o wishes Apply to k1. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or ascan, who seemed highly amused, y HENRY DAVITS, WINGHAAf. 'spoon. to try it. 11'Canufactured only by the We ftrld one-half teacups (level) of address her as Miss. CAi1FORRIA FIGI SYRUP Ca Wily, he said, I have been calling b !fU 1• Scientifle Amerioaw )best brown sugar weigh one pound. SAN FReNCZ?( 0, oaL. Agency fors you llrs. all evening. %Yhy did you fns teas oonful well heaped) of b ( let me do that ? f ulated, coffee A, or best brown Well, I will tell you honestly said __— _--- ar, equals one ounce. the girl with a saucy little laugh, when ,1iss Parloa'says one generous pint I saw that you had made a mistake, DR, I(l1RU:MM. CAVEATS quid, or one pint of finely -chopped and tool: me for a married wonlan,and TRADE MARKS q DEs1.ON PATENT t packed solidly,aehhs one pound, when I knew what kind of R man you / COPYRICNT$, etc. 1t iy Iror information and free handbook write to DI ch it•would be very convenient to were, and that you were nieb to to MUNN & CO 361 securin361 Ill I Oldest bureau vwY. I![Ew Yeas• •l.•s. :� g patents in America. twcausC you thought I was married, I �; t/ !•. Every patent taken out by us Isbiougbtbefore ltbPr. r' the public: by a notice given tree of ebarge in the 6 resolved to lei; you continue in your gas eons ver in size, and the new 9- , _ � p y mistake, because I don't know an ;s hold alrOUt tN'lae as much As un {,il \ y ,fashioned spoon of thirty years ago, Due here, and i wanted to have a good t worlgast Splondid}nil}°tf°xaie°anttNo iota»°en°t time And your undivided attention,And man ;,i. lit bo w�the- it. Week) , $3.1� a - _... yy pp tle illedlnm-61Zed teR6pU0ll contains, NIGHT Bear; $1.60 six months. 1lddressAIT7NN AcOo+ I hltd it. That is the truth and now BELL • ttttaLlSit, S,M Broadwny.New Yori. tut a dram. ,.00d-niglit. w ^w •�7 ' The Course of True Love. And now that pian fancies he is in { i TRADE S.�I�E ! tDearest of your sect, lie began,when love, and is looking .around for some I IIIA — ouN to take him to call on the only I p sternly interrupted him: girl he ever saw 'who •had as much To General .lierhnnta and Boot and Shoe Store: tI am not a deneminational ineetino self-possession and savoir faire, by In connection will! my Leather Business I keep toll stook of use, sir. Jove, Rs any married womanSHOE DRESS1Nls `lie made another attempt. ,,Darling, if 1 ever could be 80 base— I .city and Cotmtr vonsiris. IInthaway, 1Fhitmore' ZAnoni, French Drand y Eclipse, Bixby's, Perni 01. ]ii{l, etc, in 10, lb and jNor a baseball game, she remarked plain farmer Boys, visiting their — sizes, by the gross dozen. Jaaquot's Franc Melling 1I1{f GCa}°a Ci1111Ax waterproof. poidly. city cousins,are sometimes embarassed s 1 2, A C In be plunged boldly—faint heart by their ignorance of city ways,and we Fetching the Doctor �-=^�"" ver won Tale Indy ' are llOt sorry that they RLe ignorant in Leather. Horsehide. English Hip, Porpoise, & 1 11ty anitel,do you think your mother At night is always a trouble, and it is c.tuttton and Rifle. n n11 -le, 11R. of some of these ways. But city boys often an entirely unnecessary Button fastenes And setts, earl{ colas, &c. 'ould consent I bud themselves quite as green, when trouble ifSHOE LEATHER, I know she would, she interrupter) they return these visits. We have Pendry Davis' i Billion Alma;al and 111 and d $ iu,°choana slnn� t oand Cal n expressione ; go and ask her. You. ),nown some ludicrous Illustrations. p4RIN i ala. native kipand up} 1 ave my blessing; for I'm sure you'd here is one : A couple of wide-awake $ole. ----- alie a ,wood stepfather, farmer boys had been rather put upon L=;HARNESS LEATHER,He took a step -farther and went when in the city,and whentheir friendsKILLI=wR ._-. Best brands on hand nt oak and hemlock. Spec Some. made their firsi, trip to the Tarin laid a at.ck for traces iI, oak. I is kept in the Clouse. A few drops i plan to get even. SO arousing them, of this old remedy in a., little sweet- Patr-ills csecure solicited.Prices guaranteed allfFald• Apes, A Slight Error. card will eecure quotations or a call from my tray l e..arly in the morning, they proposed to fined water or milk; brings prompt ler. lie came into the conntinr room I their young visitors to go out to the relief. Sold everywhere. • , W. J. CHAPMAN, ind left an advertisement which read : sow yllyd and het for themst;iveil a 'Have you seen the New Tan lady typewriters wanted; State BIG BOTTLE Wanner and Leather Meiahaut, ages. Apply by letter to A. B. t� dritilc of pure, fresh milic, the two 1VINaiil i brochers going along to instruct them. Old Price 25. Cents. 'hem- iRgIp Milts —Is PUBLISIIED-- ri,yB y r, RIDAY MOIININr --AT Tln,— MES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET 'WINGHAW, ONTA11M bsoription price, $1 per,year, in advance ADVEItTISING RATES Space I I yr. 10 mo 18 mo 11 mo. o Colniun 500 00 $3500 $2000 S0 00 If 44I s6 001 I 20 001 I 12 00 I 5 00 arter'� jl LO OQ 12 00 7 00 e inch b 00 3 00 2 00 100 Legill and other casual advgltisemonts, Nc. per lino first indertion, and So. per line foreach subsequent nertiou. and Local line for eac h atiibeequent lin serticr., No local itice will be charged less than 25c. Advertisonionts of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, A BusiuesOhances wanted, not exceeding 8 limos mpawil, Al, per 111011th houses and Farnns for Sale, not oxccgdhlg 8 lines, for flist month, 50c. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly titillated to Special rates for longer advcrtisaraonts, or tot ,tiger periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific irections, will ho inserted till forbid and chargdd ;oordingly. Trausltory advertisements Inust''be aid ill advance Changes for contract advertisements ,oust be in to oftlee by Wednesday noon, in order to appear fiat week R. ELLIOTT PRar•ItIRTOR AND PUDLISnER UR. MACDONALD, JOSFPIIINE STREET, iYINOIIADi, �ON7WRIU W. B. TOWLER, AI,ll.C.AI., Afennber College Physicians and Surgeons, •Ontario —Coroner for County of Iluron— 011ice Upstairs, next to Air Alorton's ofline, 'W109 - ham, Out. OFFIOK IIOUR8,-0 to 12 a. in., 1 to 0 p, m,., or,at Residence, Diagonal Street. DR. J. A, AIELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, land Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons•of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINGUAR ONT Tj, VANSTONE. 1111BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private %nd Company funds to loan at lowest rates hntorest. No couuuission charged. Alodgil,ges; town . and farm property bou:ht and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGUAIII,UNT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER S•a , Whigham Ontario MEYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. I E. L. DICKINSON, •B. A t BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So lieltors for Bank of Ha,uiltou, ColnnliaalOncra for taking affidavits for Manitoba. farm, 'Town aril Village property bought and sold. Aloney(prh•ate funds) loaned on mortgage security at 61 per cont. Aloney invested for priyatepersons, upon the best c mortgage securities without any expanse to the In louder. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. West. Office—Kent's Block, 1v inghaur. DENTISTRY.— J & JEROME; 1vINorAnt, jjt%Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulciuiiteplittes of tho'besbulateridl as cheap as they earl be gat in the Dominion. All work 'u•aaranted. Painless extraction of tooth by the use of:Electri, fly or Vegetable Vapor. TARE NOTICE.—I will extract teeth dor 26 cents reach. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick'Ifouse. Wm. H. Macdonald, iw D. S,, at DENTIST. j� OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Habit, wingliam, Will visit Gorrie Ist and 31x1 ,Mondays of each month. �I 11-CIIN RITCHIE, o` Tableau: One city bay holding the u GENERAL INSIIRANCE AGENT Then lie Hent out and four days later pail under old brindle's teats, and the HALSTED & SCOTT WINUAAN, ,ONTAnIG [e back. i other working away with her caudal What's the, matter with the paper ?I �ANK eRS.- DEANS. JR, WING1IAM, appendage,as if it were a pump handle, V SAFE , •W i* lie ftskEd the clerk, I I,} another case, the city boys were - a LICFNSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE .COUNTY 1o;;ephil►e�5treet. Wig ham, i7ot, OF HURON. Nothing that I [snow of. _ i I shown, to their wonder and delight, THE GREAT W. SCOTT, Sales attended In any part of the Co. Chargee Did you put that ad. of mine in Z J. A. IIALN9'Y,D, histowet. Moderate. P didn't you see It i a ilety variety of dwarf beech trees, BLOOD Mount Forest, Of course' beariury the three adraered nuts, of �' JOHN CUItItIL, � Deposits Received alld Interest d WINONAM, UNT., ' No, I haven't had time to look it apt. greatly diminished size. The were F P U R 1 F 1 R 4 but I haven't had a' single reply. Are 16 y H t hallowed. rj niosxsr:I, AuciiaNrJt'.n P•oi{ THE clorrNTY o>!•, p • I taken through a field of ripe buck• • //r;) , sure you put It In 9 ��� �/ ri Money Advanced to Farmers and All orders left at the TIIIP.S Otl'co promptly attend• wheat ! Q{ Business Men,y':x"' a« to. Terms reasonable. The. Clark got down the fin•, and l The I other sex sometimes fare no % H turned to the. vrants, y: On 1(Sug,or tort ti on endorsed notes 7AAlb:s IIENDERSON, he said whirling the I I;etter, when out of their latitude. A or collateral security. Sale ng0s bought V ' ,r t LItlR\sub AUU'rloxtlEk POR CorNTIRtS HU There it is, r1 I very amusing Case Caine to our know. �' � 1r ( at a• fair valuation.. 1lfouey remitted. to all BRUCK >jON AND paper around so the atlyortiser eduld ' {- partH of Cauade! at treasonable ,charges, . All fifties attended to promptly and.on th&Shortoes ledge in New York. A young city :, W Notice, see it. I housekeeper had just become 'chief 9111,I$rtOL'$ r•l Bpeeial •Attention Give to Col- Charges sorry arangte emensf eat, be It,adj, at He read it over oar'efully and his face , a AuYlsncef'Cseary arrangements sari be taa,tIr at that director of a brown stone mansion. SARSI�PARILLA � 1QCiing Acooulats and Notes. • ivINGItUI oN,• All lighted up. Slime disting;uished friends were oom• a n 6 T No wonder I dtdti't set any answers, . CURES ALL '? BOLTON HAwi:tive ing to visit her Ill her ileo position Of i Alraitt/, ill int >alAda T11,i1 I1�ereha7tlt11' $tplk Ile' said curtly, responsibility, and she wale anxious tti Taints Of the'Bi otfd► of Ctintiha P, G. a« 11. 0 SY11"',roRs AND Ctvlt, ENm119:1r 'What's the matter with It i asked bfscc lienee Prom«A n.1i,. to'6 p, nt. L1STOWEL AND WITGIIAbf. ,}} do her beat. At the breallfaet table, �'►. R T A 1 ,A, g. SMI't$r Alt orders lett at the citice of the TtalEs will to. the clerk, 11901,119 it around before I an the tnorning after their arrival,- She celve prontpf attention seenied greatly distressed, and in her 4 PATERSON, despair she broke. out t Don't you be• Bead it, cot0manded the advertiser, .� � _ '� ..,_,......�. �OS1rPII COWAN,HAlt,lFi• ON EIt111ru1 DlYial.N "CUtlRT, IRRrRrt 8F )lin. rand the cierk read : liege, that in order to Eire you a good 1 k1A6T LtcsNelSlt, `1'en lad t evrr'Iters h+anted :, state Haat YlIl Wei s ae,i lllGli y yp i treat of pare ecuntry milltE for ydur iN �% .err ,° VI11e'i�fl a ()niE,uc 1r;Y X1rr. GatisT,C+y, lfttuox, MINGUA1u ONT. ages. Apply by tetter to A. D. &: C Heir and Oatllleal I went our. aottall• Il .tte,neblu+ ¢ y , eyolld AYE $ a b body '°e<,.fa e > At;0TX)N i,'W, , , ' . t THE MISSES WATSON. ,�o i:tnTlli do111I, wa out Eve ul%leitll (+` r�'.•e.of� °n Int _ 11llliki111 to obtaltl it, y2sterdltr IiCtalrk °`b NSTRUCm " 1 dr, the cite- eoMatbl elirnl susm�tt obrttaain! w •ii bar ISSU ll, ()I' M•A UkkGJA L>`OUNSUS �IUN iyelt on i'iaag0 fir pn Tile elprk ltpolnsraPtlr n a `Hann ; *11#0 I went down to get et, r ke+ xSitrr lntvef�"�aw.■.�e• . , i+., ZoW b:fdr>st � R > g .rt 1 K r ye�llSw � �`obtitilsslo YllSt tat J3. <r. I., Jsrtr, t1n,t viblia. Ala. t>a IINltlnot,9, fjd,n, lrlL�ct dtr`r 'tll1 'n�i1>Eu loner tii'i'i morilliru I,1 bald 'k."a� , r, 1441116ho ori Muerte Neett, dpli4st6i •tMe*1WriY• E161i$ m ztirtt rlcaa«crf 1111N the top, 1 %i�d to - to « 1r W1Iwtlle'kak, try, w6rYliaEu, wlam,« ,.., .• �g