HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-10, Page 5- ir. BOOTS. AND SHOESAMERICAN SATE ENS,all fast color `Mir A, the usual price 20 cents; our �x p ric 121 cents. P' oured me of 8ts.' We ,intend to commemorate oar• opening, in Winebariri with the :a,nd cheapest sate •of BOOTS and SEIOES that has 0 D THIS Wast Huron Farmers' InsttRwte. The special meeting of the Direc tors of tho West HulI s Farmers' In stitllte, was held in IWartyn•'•s -hotel Goderi�ah, oil Saturday, Mune 4%b The following Directors were ,present Messrs. Forrester and Weir; 01inton J. (7or RVY, Goderlch Townsbap;;.J, E Toro, Goderich ; Dustow, ?Ihnrds, Uol borne.: J. Mullough, Ashfield ; (; Hang"t", Blyth ; W. Bailig, Presi dent. '-file weetiug was call -ed for thf Prposes ,ef procuring, speakers for the Wintil,m ,meeting, also to see about holding an excursion to (Guelph, After .se programme was made out fol �in;dr•aan ,n,eetin', which is :to be held on (tile 23rd of Juror., it was decided to (kava; all excursio•u totGUHIph on the $Otis of Juni, and tJ+e fallowing committee .was appointed to deolc,after the exeur.,6on, NlFssrs. Farresl,er, Hamilton, Aforton and Tour. 'The meeting was the best attended by the Directors, since the institutA •.gas started, for'which we are very ths•ak- ful, as poor (Directors make a. poor society. Farther particularswild be ,riven next week as to wk,o will be at the Wingbarry ineetiu"I. $50.00 FOR. A CHICKEN.. To create an interest in the breeding .of high-class poultry, Iwill award a sire- ,cial prize of X50:00 each to the person raising the heaviest Plymouth Rock, chicken hatched from eggs purchased of'. me. Plymouth Rocks areunquestionably' the best breed of fowls known for the Canadian farmer. Send for descriptive, circular of this valuable breed of fowls. Eggs for hatching, guaranteed fresh and true to name, carefully packed in baskets and delivered to Express Com- pany, $29.00 per sitting of 13. Address, T. A. WILLITTS, Breeder of Plymouth Rock Fowls, Weston, Out. NEW JEWELRY STOREI I d. R_ M UNSHAW 9 0 SPACE NEXT WEEK. �GR�AT L AUGHmER SALE MSLLS JOF Has just received a lot of beautifu BOOTS. AND SHOESAMERICAN SATE ENS,all fast color at John Martin's old Stand_` ' the usual price 20 cents; our . ifse:are n*w reaciy for businesm in Win,*barn and the p ric 121 cents. as+e safe in saying, (that the next few weeks will be memorable in tae business hlstor'y .of this town. oured me of 8ts.' We ,intend to commemorate oar• opening, in Winebariri with the :a,nd cheapest sate •of BOOTS and SEIOES that has A case of AMERICAN PRINTS,areafest ever been witnet yed :in the place. fast colors at 71 cents, worth 10 cents W'e h:vve a stock bought very cheap in which some of the best factories iat America are reipre�ented, namely : J. D. King d; Co., J. Cotte teid L ,Co., Louis Cote lyth, says :— Dr. Sin- clair cured moo heart disease and drop- & Bra., J. .t- T. Bell,.Jas. McCready Co., and sevesia,l others, and our intention is to cornidetely clear out this i stock in as ,*t,ort a time FLANNELETTES at 6 and 8 cents, as hos,iole. At the same time we will be 1•e- ceiving, r,ew .goods nearly e:vely day, and in a few days our Stock will be complete,. worth 10 to 1221 cents. 4000WORTH H F I BOOTS AND SHOES Diseases of ,ri ate nature brou ht on by folly Dr. Sine it certainly oures. HOLSTEIN to be cleared in forty days.. STRAW HAT S,5 cents and upward. i No'reasona(bleoflerrefused during, this sale as the occasion Ile -1 rrlands a speedy clearance. The t ndetingacd boss 'tor sale o,t.Lot to, Con, t. Turnberry, four thorougltbied liolstein balls, roost .70)1111 lliurtiu's Ota Strtaul. n MEN'S STIFF HATS at 75 cents,. W. R WILLIS. worth $1.50, FOR SAtt�l ,_CHEAP. Twenty-five strong108 of wall bred Italian ,e8, in first-class mofranc hives and on neiv, ralght built comb.ust ba sold thin spring, I cannot attend to. . J. I 0V. D. D, 5., Philadelphia, Pa. Apply at Apiary, L 2nd Lino, blorrls. Begs to ,utimate to the people of Wiogham and general public that he has opened out a large stock of WATC11ES, ar oai CLOCKS, JEWELRY, i btuE'! pA /OF tf11M_ 'A, Mllli t�M111E11�.1. SILVERWARE, d;c. I CUIDIU OFFICE, UNIL"It On., in thb Stora lately ocoupiedby Mn Ea. i Dinsiey, a,id invite3 all to call and tee i f goods and get prices. Coal Its CNr 16114 Aold direet , �sn�lnmere. ItepAldrik promptly attended to afld NO ilOtefuediillte Vro>1bo flat isfactioa guaranteed. �r!`'rlte for` ��'riee�. y,yy:. t O/. Us X UNSH& trl• '� +7�ie�al A t�ttollr 41. a to 1Viuglrrwlti, 11tt►t0 2$r 1802. 1 1 ur.'S nelmir, BE DDI A., L,P. S 0„ 31 C. -F. c, hl. BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, all taken SPE =�.Zr2ST� as cash. TO ONTO. Jonathan Bu art, Listowel, says:. "After spending 11 my money and prop. arty to We Fant your trade. no pure ee on medical men. for what they term a hopeless case of con- J sumption, Dr. S Clair cured me.” Mrs. Mary -FU lonlf, Woodhouse, says: "When all 0th 's Tailed, Dr. Sinclair Call and see U oured me of 8ts.' . W. McDonald, Lakefield, says:—"Dr. Sinolaircured m o! Catarrh."" Geo. Bowed, A T 1 �. T.t 1• lyth, says :— Dr. Sin- clair cured moo heart disease and drop- - . 1V1 sy, when all 0th s failed," -- - - - -. Diseases of ,ri ate nature brou ht on by folly Dr. Sine it certainly oures. HOLSTEIN DULLS S FOR SALE. . y +O SAZ/E CONS) AT10N FRP The t ndetingacd boss 'tor sale o,t.Lot to, Con, t. Turnberry, four thorougltbied liolstein balls, roost Lot No. o, and the E. !4 of Lot $0, 7 lith Con.'l.'tlrrilnfri"yW-iG(1 acres; aJ0 acres ISR. SIM AIR will be at tha ` Inttr, frin, a 10IK ,aeh/hs eld, Thfa lsbove mo-r�tl6nod oni,uAts ttrrall Will ntftfltesi sad :regbiteriNt' in til. Owed; well fencid; frame house and other buildings;.good orohard; Cheap, on Qry�y t+ cw �Mie+c u r ate.., 11�g`, �t11 Consult•!! Iletd Honk, They Will ho soul ohNlp oild Nn elliytif litoiplYptltrrhotefs. titne�. Apply to 1 . C. Ctj� �iiiON, ON SATUAtj J �i!'fh �1` I0R. AX JILLIh* HrrM.fofIf#Jillo�l�t�tl o11r Or. GQ6rl6h, . t` M_..; i