HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-10, Page 4M p. m., with 87 teachers in attendance Eo WILLIA M' S The minutes a# the forenoon session were read and adopted, *1^^� ������•• The President then delivered a ver r•lt� T able and practical address ors the "Pleasures and Troubles of a Tea-Aer' -- ANo.-•- Work," Which was well received find I showed that much careful thought had been given to the subject. DRUGGIST.' Miss H. Charles, B. A., was then introduced and read an able paper or 'Literature, and the method of Teach- ing it," taking Oslnfluenae of Beauty,' OT. 0. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO, t by John Beats, as a basis. Alis rClcarles in the course of an admirable address urg.d the importance of gett opp, Brunswick House, I Ing the pupils to memorize poems pre scribed for literature, and to do a fin,gha,m, _ _ _ Ont. much as possible towards bringing ou i the pupils, ideas, and these should no /�,�.be despised. [�,e ('Y'R Il am Elm On motion of Inspector Tom, �LAl1t seconded by Mr. G, Sheppard, that Miss Charles he requested to hand her — paper on Literature, to the secrotary FRIDAY, JUNE 10, :8t3?. for publication. 1'he motion was curried unanimously. On motion of U. W. Holman, VAST 51INTERAL RESOURCE. seconded by Inspector `Torn, Mr. Thos. Bengough was allowed a few minutes IV ONTARIO WILL ADVERTISE HER to 'address the association on the use GREAT NATURAL wCALTH AT THE of Typewriter. Mr. Bengouoh then WOt:LD's PAIR proceeded to explain the advantages that ^ould accrue were ty ewriters used The World's Fair at Chicago will be lie first exhibition that has ever done ustice to the minerals of Ontario. ;anadit has been allotted 10,000 feet Itogether for minerais, of which On- �irio should have at least 4,000 feet, hl!e 5,000 feet will be used if it can iei obtained. These minerals some roto, all sections of the Provinces. 4rom the immediate country north- ast of Toronto comes lead, copper, von, gold, marble, graphite, mica, as- iestos, and phosphate of lime•. Then rom Western Oatari-) comes gypsum, etroleum, marl, salt terra-cotta clay,' nd'varinus diads of building stone. irotind Sudbury and on the north hone of Lake Huron are found rich l in our schools, p The next. subject on the programme, "The New Drawipa Books and How to Teach the Suhjeot," was introduced ny Mr. S. J. Latta.'` Mr. Latta con- tended that. though the now boobs were very good, yet the matter in them was not arrati-ed as well as it might be. Many of the objects in No. 4 book were more dififcult than many of those in No. G. The discussion was further carried on by Messrs. Hillman, Park, Brown, Delgaty acid Kilty. All the speakers concurred in the opinion that not enough marks are allowed for the subject at the entrance examinations Mr. T.'G. Allen then proceeded to discuss "School Discipline." M r. Allen advised teachers to discipline their own schools as best suited their individual sclwols and interests, and , eposits of nickel, copper and iron, not attempt to copy the methods of while further west again are silver, others. Teachers thight have rare tccarble and lead ; in tact these are ald ity to impart instruction and fail through lack of the knowledge of dis- fouud ail over the nothern portion of ciplive. Messrs, Del;ats, Brown, the province. Latta, Inspector Tom, Johnston, P1•ol- } A tact not generally known, even Ju the province itself, but which this 'exbibit will fully show the world, is that in various party of Ontario, such as Renfrew, Cornwall, Frontenac and souse of the northern districts, the finest marbles and granites,gray,black, ;white uiid hrowu, to be obtained any - "where in the world are foand. ' Hou. A. S. Hardy, Commissioner of ; ICrowta Lands, is determined to have =the mineral resources of the province properly advertised to the world, and looks at the coming fair its Ontario's '�oppoitnnity. By Itis direction every roan, Kilty, Park and Strang discuss- ed the subject further. The hour of adjournment having arrived the association adjourned on motion os Mr. Delgaty, seconded by Mr. Ii`elty, to meet at 9 o'eloch in the morning. EVENING. In the evening a musical rind liter. ary entertainment of a high class was given in the opera hoose. President Ross occupied the chair. In addition to a large array of musi- cal talent whose efforts were deserved. ly appreciated, recitations by Misses Johnston and Ball were excellently rendered. Too great praise cannot be NI' Ch 1 d t 1 effort is being made to assist tile On- given iss at as an tet c ass of girls who delighted the audience with tarioaCou,misslouec for the fair to se- several wand exercises. Their March - ;j Cn9'e a COIleCtlUrl worthy the of Ing and time would put to shame gnat►y r,' I province, and which it ig naturally well of those who dawn tho the red uni- forth. Mr. J. T. (xarruw, M. F. P., able to produce. ° gave an excellent address, made up, ;j for the most part, of reminiscences of West Huron Teacher's Association his early school days some forty years The teachers of West Huron met in ago, when the now almost vxtinct convention in tfe Model School God- little old log school house formed the erich, pursuant to the call of the Ex- hall of learning for the barefoot boy. ecutive Committee, on June 3rd, at 11 In comparing the system then with a r►t. that now, Mr. Uarrow said there were c Mr. R. R Russ, president of the not so many studies in those days as Association, the chair. now,but that was root to be considered too complimentari of the exercises 1 l�evorional exercises were conducted present by Al r. Geo. Baird. tPhp minutes of system, which the spepker considered ` fife last session at Clinton were read I too machine -like.'' In concluding a humorous i and adopted. The following commit_ g and instructive address the *teachers were urged to be faithful to tees were then appointed,viz :—Audit, Messrs. Sanies Delgaty and S. J. the important trust committed to their Latta; Resolutions,- Messrs. Baird, keeping so as to discharge creditably ' Kilty, Inspect)r Tom, Misses Vosper that Important ditty of starting, the and l:sabella Sharman. young aright. Air. S. P. Hall's . or - Inspector Tom then took up "Seat chestra furnished excellent music. ' Work in Primary Clabses," and dealt SATURDAY—FOREN00N SESSION. t with school work in general. Teachers s The convention assembled pursuant were strongly urged to have as mueh to adjournment,Mr: Boss in the chair. a blackboard work as possible, give plenty of problems and have then- Minutes of the previous session vtere read and adapted. The election of short, counting in addition should not officers was then proceeded with, the bo iallowed,eneourage and use phonetic folloo-ing being appointed a committee j spelling, do not allow pupils to destroy, of scrutineers, viz: G. Sheppard,I�ilty, ! text books. Several teacher• discussed i Q. B. Latta and E. J. Hai+en, r1H ' the subject further. Air, G. ML Kilty then read a short the officers were elected by aakelama- essay on "Grammar," dint",► • out I p >, tion as follows: President, S, J. Latta vi . �_ , Zurich vice presldtut, Alias Isabella, i several of the defects in the definitions Shsrnian,,Goderich dpe-treas, G. W, said their application as contained in Holman Elmvilla; i Executive Co the Public School grammar. - Messrs. T)elga'ty, W. Johnston rind Park can- paittee, Messrs. G. Sheppard,Goderich, JOHN ELGIN Tom, G. Baird, Clinton ; S. J. Boyd, Bell» tined the disotusiou. fast.; Misseb. Blair, GlrAfid Bend. and On motion of Inspector Tom the Wstron, Giodprich. The noditors' Association Adjont4ned to meet again I report was then preeetlted arid adapted'. lit 1.'30 a• sic. pts motiorf of G. W., ld'01rratl.iteoonded Aftgi1N00lf 81a9A10I1. fly (' . Sllo'cord'r 11! h - 8, J. Lima. Tile alfa i iiYli, rd arreinbled M 1.4,0 • f+retidetit erect, war appointed delogato peared at the association' nd made a of Wingham, are to bethanitod for the their policies of insurance, unless this statement in regard to so a misunder- to. the next Ontario Teacher's Associa• n tion.. Mr. R. Park, principal of lloderich y Model school, then .showed his method of teaching litarature, for which pur- pose a class from ' the Model school was precut. "Fine Humble Bee," d from book iv, was taken as .the lesson, This proved very interesting and in, i structive and broo"llt out much pro- f fitable discussion, taken part in by the president, Messrs, Baird, Holman, ' mity and Brown. Alias Messrs. Park, Johnston and March Iwere appointed a committee to collect material for a programme for the next association, Mr. G. W. Holwan then s introduced a discussion on "Our Muui- t cipal Institutions as taken with 3rd t and 4th classes." This evoked cou- siderable discussion, in which Messsrs. j Johnston, Strang, Baird, Latta, Brown and others .took part. In the absence of Mr. W. H. Baker, the secretary introduced "How far should the subject of Politics be taken in the teaching of Canadian History." This proved a very interesting suhjoct and evoked much discussinu. Mr. H. I. Strong spoke to some length and his address bristled with Canadian sentiment and the duty of teachers in cneuls eating~ a true,and loyal respect for Canadian institutions. Inspector `.Com also spoke strongly on this point. The discussion was continued by Messrs. Delgaty, Grant, S. J. Latta A. J. Moore and others. Oil motion of Air. Strang, seconded by Mr. Totin,the association adjoukned. AFTERNOON SESSION. The association assembled at 1.40 p. n►. The minuses of the forenoon session were read and adopted. It was moved py R. E. Brown, seconded by T. A. Brown, and resolved, that this be the only Institute meeting held this year. ' Al r. T. A. -Brown then took up "Singing in Public Schools," and cited various reason why it should be taught. By ;judicious use it could be made a power in moral training, it was restful and an ail ;in keepi4g I order ; it had a wholesome and refiu- in,, influence. Mr. Brown showed. by the manner in which he introduced the, subject to his pupils tba:• lie had ;fiven the matter inuch thought and understood voice culture. By taking the audience as a class much interests was created. ° Mr. R. It. Ross then gave a short j report of the work done at the last meeting of Ontario, Teacher's Associa- tion, Mr. Ross considered it a griev- ance that teachers from rural schools should he placed on the same basis as villages in regards to holidays at Easter, so that they may avail them- selves of the privileges of attending the Ontario Teachers' Association. Gcorgae Sher.look, of Winnipeg. The ceremony was efficiently performed by the brother of the bride Rev Robt Floody, assisted by Rev Mr Tonge, of Flesherton, and Rev Wm Campbell, Blyth, The bride was assisted by Miss Crocker,Blyth and Miss Osborne, of Albany, N Y,while Mr Will Floody ably assisted the groom. The presents were numerous, costly and useful and served to show in some small measure the esteem in which sho was held by her acquaintances here. A large crowd had assembled at the station to felioi- tate bride and groom and we join with them it, wishing' the newly' married pair every happiness which life can give. The folldwing strangers were noticed in the wedding party : Rev Robt Floody and wife, tllr Edgar Floody, of Toronto, Chas Flood and son, of Detroit, Will Floody,of Albany, N Y, T Richardson, of Soaforth, 1V Cooper, of Clinton, 4 Livingston, of Wingham and Rev Mr Tonge, of Flesherton, &!so Miss Osborne, of Albany, N Y, Miss Cooper, of Olin - ton and Miss McIntosh, of Seaforth. —Rev Robt Hendemort, of Bayfield, occupied the pulapit of the Presbyterian church both moruing'and evening, last Sunday, Rev A McLean taping Mr Henderson's charge at Bayfield, Mr Manderson is an old friend as lie was principal in the public school here for several years. Large congregations assembled to hear him on Sunday and none could go away disappointed after listening to the two excellent sermons delivered by him on that occasion.— Rev Wm Campbell and Nlr N H Young returned from Conference on Tuesday morning;.—Air S Gracey and fancily, of Wingham, spent Sunday in town.—Mr 11cDonagh, of Win. -ham, was visiting his sisiter on Sunday. -Alias Sarah Taman left on Tuesday morning for Detroit, where she has secured a situation. — Miss ligate Stewart, of Wingham, is visiting at Airs Creighton's this week,—Mr Jeu- kius, photographer, spent Suudliy at his home near Win-hang.—Mr Htiah iilcQuarrie left on Saturday morning, for Montreal, where he will attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church.' Mr Albert Robinson enter- tained a few of his friends on Thurs+ day evening of last week —Ws regret to hear that Airs A McNally is severly indisposed at .prasent.—Mrs Jas An- derson is suffering from the effects of having a cancer removed. The opera- tiou was performed by Dr Ferguson, Blyth and Dr Elliott, of Brucefield. Bluevale A Bluevale, somnambulist while en- gaged in a midnight tour, accidently stepped out of an upstair window. Wit wouid hutably advise a purishute as a means of descent oil suuh au oc- REPORT OF L RESOLUTION COMMITTEE. rasion --We are pleased to learn that 11 1' WM' A• G 1 1 b CORDON & Mc1NTYRE. KEEP COOL. Gordon & McIntyre are offering very nice lines this week: in light Bedford. Corde, Victoria Lawns and plain oheo% and spot Muslins, •Latest thinga in sum' mor Siltts and choice seasonable Dress Goods. A very large assortment of Gloves,Ties, Parasols and Circulars, which we guar- antee. In fine Shoes and Slippers we carry the largest stock, from the best makers in Canada.In Gents Furnishings and ordered Suits, fully warranted, we offer special inducements at the present time. Our special brands of Teas—at reason- able prices—are securing to us many ne►v customers. °Try a sample pnekage. In Sugars we are giving great bargains. Now is the time to receive them, WOOL! WOOL I WOOL! We will pay the highest price either in cash or trade, for any quantity of wool. / GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. Wingham, Jnne 9th, 1892. at present.—On Monday afternoon Mr Thos Nixon made all assignment for the benefit of his creditors. gince then lie has disappeared with his horses which the creditors will mourn the loss of.—Mr John Robertson is having his house improved by a coat of paint by a No 1 painter. Culross The boys of the second line have organized a base bill club, and have the use of it field of Air Ager's to practice in. Tile team is a good strong one and will be open to contest the championship of the surroundings; country.—We are about to be treated to that annual farce—statuto labor— in a few days, the pathmastets are on the war path.—Tile prospects for fruit of all kinds were neiter better in this locality than at present. —Sit eepwa,:h. ing and shearing are greatly indulged in at present.—.Mr D McKorinacl. has a lien of all uncertain brep.4 which is malting; a fool of herself to trying to raise a lither of maltese kittens, site will not let flip natural mother come near them and the old feline has to tape her chance, when the hen is absent, to adminster to the wants of her family. 1 r. RESIDENT,— e, your Iiesolu- tion Committee, beg to report as fol- las unle ray, tV l0 fits een Iona and seriously ill is somewhat better.— The Directors of the Culross Mutual lows: A grist of young hopefuls intend to Fire Insurance Company, met in the 1. That we affirm the resolution write on tits entrance examination town halt, Teeswater, May 2801,1802. sent to us by the Nest Victoria As. papers in Wingham about the latter Members all' present. President in sociation asking that Algebra and part of Juue.—Airs John McCracken the chair. Minutes of previous meet,- Euclid be added to the P. S. leaving left oil Tuesday fur Lansing;, Miohioan, ing were read and adopted. M'cKaoue examination, where she will visit relations.— We —Armstrong. That all applications 2 We recommed that the H. S. are sorry to state that Air James for insurance he laid btforp the Direc- History be placed on the list for public Mickle has lost the sight of one eve.— tors for insppetion — Carried. MC - schools instead of the public scht,ol A grand concert tools place on l r•iday Lague—Rohl. Tftat having examined history not authorized. We ask- this evening,:. June 3rd, ;in the Foresters 29 applications 28 are found satisfac- chance, for the -following weasons : (1) Hall, under the auspices • of the Inde tory for the President and Secretary We believe the` H. S. History is much pendent Order pf Good :1`emplars. The shall prepare and issueQpolicies, one better suited to the capabilities of our drawing card o the eveni.lg 'was Alaster application returned to applicant for, pupils than the P. S. History ; (2) we Ralph Bingham, the boy orator, being correction—Carried. Cbmicunications are satisfied that this will be a saving a son of the Emerald Isle of the sea, having; been sent in by Messrs Mc - to the pupils, as one book will then there is a possibility of his being fed Kague, Bush, Ymauson, Sell and Alc- serve the pupil for the Entrance and in his youth on buttermilk and praties Kf.oa n intimatiri ; their intention to Primary Examination, thus making~ which will account for his largeness of snake certain repairs and additions on one book take the place of the two nw 'stature. In dealing with the enter- their buildings. Reid — .tilcKanud. used, tainment we can safely say that tire That the- Directors give consent to 3. That a ctpy of this report be like of it has never been given to a 'Said improvements on buildings at the sent to the Minister of Bducation. Bluevale audience. His equal as au same time enjoining that the greatest Guo. BAIRD, Sr.. elocutionist and violinist has nexer care be exercised to prevent fire— JOHN ELGIN Tom, appeared here. The audience was Carried. Clark—Reid. That as the G. M. IfILTY. thoroughly delighted and showed their Hamilton Provident and loan Society The above report was adopted. appreciation of his merits by their have refused to accept And collateral Air. McGillicudy of the. Signal up. hearty applause. The Harmonica Band, society from certain of our members peared at the association' nd made a of Wingham, are to bethanitod for the their policies of insurance, unless this statement in regard to so a misunder- excellent music they ,rendered during company agree to sign what are con - standing that had g;aine currency on the evening. 'fife crowd was riot•as sidered very objectionable mortgage the street, with rUferencti to remarks large as it might have been owing to I claims and threatening; tltnt if said made by Air. Strang[ du trig the • dis, the deplorable condition of the roads clauses are not agreed to they shall cussions in the forenoon. IThe matter and the inclemency of the weather, I compal said members to insure their was set right and the ass ciation ad. The proceeds amounted to 024.20.-- property in some company in which jouraed with "God Save t e Queeii. • A horse while waiting for its roaster we cannot tell whether the loan cool. Gro. W. 14o AN, to shut the station Rate, started off at pang have au interest or not but in 2c•Tress. a 2.40 gait for Wroxeter, several try• which the insured will be compelled ing to stop it but their attemptar were to pay a very much higher asseselccent Blyth. vain, and as tho last hairs of its tail than has ovr.r been levied itI tile" Cul- Profeesor Meeke's concert, held in disappeared over file hillock north of road Mutual. The' President and Industry Hall on Monday evening. the village, it seemed'to say Secretary are instrued to conuntlnieato under the auspices of tyle English "I'll never come back, no I'll never come with said loan company and if .they Church, was a grand, sq�'cdess. The Professor even excelled hirhself, this back, But we'll meet on that evorgreen shore." persist in refusing our policies ad they are, the Directors would oil occasion. We did not hear what the Air John McDonald Is having tile, atrenuourly recommend their members to borrow receipts, o£ the evening were int Ye v hotel extensively repaired, e►i present.fron other aDorcas where they will not believer a handsome sutra was 'realized, LMrs Robert McPherson is sveriously bo compelled to submit to eti.b in 0 r. --One of thole happy evetits whioh ill at present —Mitt Jane► Stewart, off tion•—Carried. Armstrong---.Xirkland. help to mak. live enjoyable, took placii 1'4ingham, is in Bluevale at present.. - to that t�kid hoard do noir udjq�lrn to to 0n Tubtduv the Tth iniit at the resi• tlenl�b Mr Flood Mise 1" Ihs, of Tlrussels, a Visiting at � r tiatltel ieMrs Jolsti P meet again in Teeiiw town ltMll, the Istat Saturday of C1has y , i 11atiett. .•�ilfr . Pettey= of Duna at g 0,010ok ."n rho ooestiiou wag the mars+itsg a of hid r r . l on is all this rick list sit presatlk Hiss p nit Alden d.e-iglhter, Miss Felius, to ,R r Maty Scott, of ,W1aavale, is indirpared Ansi, ADA> SON, Seereto►ryv ..� 1 ft.