HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-10, Page 31 __.._.,.-,. �, 'NoM04110%0kesuing There, when; ti Jeptha.Jones, where on earth have his _.�... T.T.. ...,.. ,4..-.�,, .....,,_ ,..._..�.._..r..,_.-.... t • he turned to pay his respects to Plowlzandle Ploddings, A Blessing to Every Household. yon beeu'g asked Mrs, J,, As site view- gentleman visitor that suave and , supple Tile first thing raised in the world had disappeared somewhere is. the easiest to raise still -,-Cain, --�--� ed her (hi>sband�ivith t~ lifts wands, to and a cribioal t1 P .d '•Ye• the crowd on the steads. -=Detroit Plow the Seed instead of the roads, clads Free Kress, 00LLOV��IY'S PILLS AND OINTnIIEN Been to call oil : Sitopson---heard lie an . o e d P -t n the roads instead of the men apply their Warning, i'nakes owe was ander�the(�yes,tUer and. ran up to chickens. REAZTn DEPART1i111CNT, These The A Good Suggestion, .rhe ernes of a boy's trousers area remedies have stood the test Of fifty y cars experience, and are pronounced the best 31rdieines t r•a(tail y 1180. the houee(to.aeellrian, responded Jones with beAatting,face, By constipation ismeantirregularaction. case where the (w)hole is, larger tilan a the bowels„ THE. 1P=L.1T.S of commouly W11at kii[t}.lason,,inquired Mrs. J. often called costiveness, and part. Purity caused by dyspepsia, ne lee excess in e.atiug drinking, If the blood,1correct all disorders of the LINTR, STO31ACII, iiIDNEYS AND DOW I It• and invaluable In all eo�llplaints incidental to fuu(aies of;uli ages. Of tile,firm of ;-Simpson & b'impson, serious or eta It is.a, self-conceit were taxable, there coinplaint and not to be neglected,. would not be standingroont for *all the "�'� r O :Wmm&� MTrx + round good (f�Illow, under ally circumstances, as it leads to im- pure blood, lie%dache, debility, fevers, etc, hulTality, "-la A unifotnlly successful remedy Burdock TtiliOATS, the only reliable remedy for bad legs, soros, ulcers, and old bounds. FOR BIIONCIiIIIS, SOR COUGHS, r OLDS, 001-T, ICFIMAXATISII, GLAD ILAR SWELLINGS ANI) ALL slip Ohl And you found tUern house- 9s If time is money, the t,,+,rindstonN Is )Blood (litters, which, if tfaith8ully tried, and never WSCASES IT HAS NO JQ11AL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford, bate 533, Oxford Strect, Londol gold by all 31ed1cino Vendors throughout the world, 010anidg. Vhat accounts for till, state 'Cure fails to t feet a prompt and lastlug one of the best snvin;s batiks the work' even is the worst cases. The follow- to Purhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address you are mn. roan can rise. iu.g extract from a letter from Mr. Jas. NI. dolt 533 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. got it 1lhntcigraph-ed on your buck, Carson, Bauff N W T will s eauk f The man who is b .It t b til 0Half a loaf is better than Bl whole ' What".•s he spatter with me I asked wt Jones im,a,voiao.elE .And itself: 44 p or I have bEen troubled with consti- I pation audgenflral debility and was in un o see o sided of a questo ➢ oilers, is as bio a innocent surprise, I have been - danced to use Toaer 13, B. B. through seeing' curiosity as a square gimlet. fill u sort of torrestial paradise,, Maria. The Simpsons were your advertisement. I now take great pleasure in rvoommending it to almy r The little judgulanG with which lime! not Cleaning !}rouse. More than that; friends, as it dompletel,y cured ane." men apply their Warning, i'nakes owe they ne oer Jo -clean house. There : � 'lplii'as Particulaa wonder they had n�nse enough to get were no atepiladders on sentry duty in T the hall. o bar of brown soap oil+ He was standing; at 'tile corner of Woodward and &-fferson avenue last ally.+ T11he most ultraradical is a model the stairs. And -the ntistross of the Sunday (mornin;, says tbb Detroit Free conservative wla•en .il comes to greasing his neighbor's wagon with his own axle house waelitt tied•itp in dusting robes, Press„ evidently in dombt when a grease. like a Modern maillmy, Uh, Maria, ,pcgiceinan came more-. Don't. carry �a jack plane to s4000th think of,a-home,where they never clean I 'waalrt to go iso Westmi;aeter church, everyone by your chalk line. if there, t house. la -e said the.ofiic6r. were no mouurtains and hollows in the T can retorted ,l\!fre. Jones, you've Up ibere on Woodward Ialvenue, isn't moon, there .would*not be any inoon. lisht, got it 1lhntcigraph-ed on your buck, its inquired the ,bin(e <,Coat, whose 0Half a loaf is better than Bl whole You'hay.e ditenally (returned to°dust, religiirius eduolitiOn had vossibly been loa;fer,'so umaertahe only what you can Mr. J., taNd:what is, this aa'eglOCted, do thorouglitl�y, instead of getting your S}➢e 61i1GriWitd !Ilia] somQthing that! �'h�'La 'What 't•lie IhetAl Clerk doll, hands too fall, becoming diegtested and clung to ibis -shoulder, like a parlor egClaiLmed the vistitnr. Reglectl►wevorything.--American A; - riculturisl. :tidy ani, ,was, of,a,dust like color,aigd i W-04,yon„just catok this car coming texture, dated tit will take you ipast,there,, 1Jwter Nim 7 -one Miles perm Hour - Now, Now, roliats .too bad, said Jones, Q ,doti"t want that, Iltind of a car, M 386 of till•. Central Rail that's Simpeoli:sipet(oob well. I hope ol,ijedted ,the ,Iaqui�rer, road of .NTew Jersey, broke all records lie won't ;think J stook it on purpose. ! -Whalt'•s (the matter with that car ? of high speed on February 26th, by He values.i•tdlighly, i'amguai ,the-afiiicer. Do�you expect a runningal, wile in 39f seconds, or tit lithe D1r Joaaea -said his w ife i t 1 e vests-btuled itrain'7 .he looked as rate, of 91.7 milts er hour The : 1v n oleso �. p• � if good name of the+cit elizine 'Is a Baldwin compound. • in deep altatiast„ •ryoit -look as if you lead . • g y of Detroit i p been gatltenit ,c+shNa. It will take pre a''as,beii► ;smirched, apeedi►lg•this engine the first mile, wtt5 ITR Y . IT ONCE u�j1��1Qa week to g.Ot ite .ashes out of your N,q, '11dt .© Actly., (hesitated the ltn',76 •seconds, the s,•cond in 62, the fwost Earn 111 00`c Mill clothes. .1st-hilg;er.. , Uwant ti car that will take 'wird irn;63�� the fourth in 451.•, and Don't try Ito Maisia. ,Simpson says meowheme fI ,wawa ao go. the fi£thIin 39J seconds. The enineer arae, be -conn need that �`velil, didli!t I tHll , Ou that Cflr 'reports that the engine was running We dish to Inform the public that we hive those that v has muai (ruspeut for dist that y fastest on the sixth mile (but it was woolen dills in A 1 runni+,!; order, and will this he nevFr diss�uu+l,s Itt. w.awld �ta�lre yeti rig;.11t.past.there4 allied • A_ ,season wive special attention to the.atiioes •samt�w•hftt; revoked. sleet recorded on account of,excitement � I should say not. :And the next P which (follow(+d when tits en++inr made box �� � �ry'j � �-p ••����-- -��7time you go +aqu there .4Joptha, you Can Lees olfi,did and II •am (much obliged tliis ,wonderful speed, Mr.'HuffkckNr°� M C �+ •= Q.l•1'1 WORK to Tela.; but JI •don't want a car that sa;perhttendent of nwtive ower, in• l just wear sotal6 ,af �yaur.old Clothes and '` P in all its branches, and bill keep will tailoe ,one past .there, 1protested the fuuul•s fthe ,National Car D"tdider that l I p in stock a not t1sR your l et .suit to clear off the he has evr,ry reason Cobelieve,, the re- Is dee fttaest i�'at 1 I('inish known, class of first-class Broods, such its dust of ages for Irl ti Ai ons. visit(aw:. t�Il➢at !Z +want is;a car that , S n1Ps - port•oarrect, and that he has owed ' Tweeds, And the faex.t odea of no house will let •mme got out when li.get there. this F rtgine himself while rullnillg n cleaning was brobl,ry-,whisked out of 1Ylr. See'1 '116e ,laolioowen :gargled once or mile; n , seconds. Fotur duplicates -- ; Flannels, Jones with a vigorousIbalid, twice, •tile 6braager .let it wee bit of a of this rang -nae have been ,ordered.— _ Ernlle t6lic,k.e�r ,un 1111.6 face, ,and as the. Ptu`l5c Jliblion, l EtO . I The i5ye-Euatinns ear came lag• ,he s.wmunt easilynn the ' I n i� � have pasted by and. we ,oati now .consider platfor-eta, leauviiug the" (4liicer to wonder ^ Saitis`factory Explanation. � H U B �{ t� R P A I N T ; Blankets, the best protection s1;; idimt disease.. There wily'jpffaa•e People ,were so ful,nny on a Ul(Ahi•rtg Merchant _ I'.lte reason B 0 Sheeting,s, is uurestticted reciprocity of sentiment Sunday tuor•tlillg�. wily d 7atn ,anxious for OU t4 take this between all people in Canada in pronoun- y you Stocking Yarns cing Burdock Blood Bat(tors •the - very best suit fo,r $ii„ .my friend, is t!,lat %e ex. (blood purifier, dyspep#4& ;and headache vnabitosaa8muff? is the best in the world. p� lremedy,and general toaad(e meuovatingmedi• i A disease of tba zealip that causeslfalling Peet to mardi all this line of goods tip �7 c., &c., ,cine before the public. of the hair, fading of -the hair, &u fact, to SI7.5i0 idter the 1st of Jalle. (Made troni pure wool only) cheap for cash or ex death of the hair. Pet irritates tae seal chanwefor wool. p Cnstataa,em—Wil don't you h +id J. A. CLINE & CO and causes 80x108 swaal.ezematie erupmions- 5 f He Was Not Supl°atious. produces baldness. Bear in mind that then, till rthell and make more on Custorners from a distance can have their tolls. He came into the of.ee with his d►at Anti -Dandruff rem -ow,ee ;Dandruff with 3 them I S11ONP BLOCK, home with them the same day. applicatiomi-stops igailig and reotores 6a his hand, and the maa at the desk, fading+, hair t0 its arigiail� ,color. Soudby Hold daeaaa:A Great Scott! We've AWHighest market price in cash for3ferchanter Ie (knowing what he was after„atee.led lids all druggists at 7:;. cents per bottle, got to get rid -of them to snake room win,ham, wool. R hapirt aottinst hint. ---- for new stock. � INGLIS ds CO'Y., d ' ingratitude. Then Nhst's •tjie object of .awaking Sole Agents for above ,vin (Good mornmg,be said, ali cif apologi- g sham They were riding uptown on a laox em up after the first of June I shag Ito the moral lg. Can !;negotiate What's the a,bjoet ? seat of a Fifth avenue "'1ius. Both I BANK OF HAMILTON a spall loan here? Yes, Wbe;t°s the object I �/� HAMILTON were swells of tht- ultra variety, and co W In mnrkiu+, these clothe up after the W I N G H A M. You can not, said the talo at the o desk, tete purple and iiae linea which deckad first of June? � -� 9 Yoa zeein to be ver positive about Heir aristocratic persouR hone the Yes. That is what.I want to know. w -F 0 Capital, x+1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. y • stamp of Bond street in every. Crefise Er—Stw—ply friend, shall we say W �' G, President—Join, STUART. it. 4;ii0 far the suite UJ IE -4 Vice-Prosident—A. G. RAMSAY. I douit seem, I am. Good Morn and seam, say the Detroit Free Press. v, DIRECT08S Wilbert, suddenly reinarked the The Heat, Surgeon. ing. I JOHN PROCTOR, illlAs, faURxHr, raP.O It0A0N A. T Oder after a silence extending past Of the Lubon :Medical Company is now at T, 1 i� WOOD, A. Is. LH9 (Toronto). t Thanks. I said that when 1 came v Torouto, Canada, arid. may be consulted V Cashier—J.TURNBULL. twelve corners, I hate all in�wate 1 in, all this very politely. I either in person or by letter on all chronic C'3 r� I Savings Bank -Hours, io to 31 Saturdays, to Aty—yaas, was the non Coltlmittal diseases peculiar to pian. Men, youug,old, P'+ i 1. Deposits of kl and upwards received and interest You're sure I cant negotiate a loant F.y allowed. I or middle-aged, *he find theinselve uery t answer of the other. + •� $4 Speolal Lopoeits also received at current Sure of it. ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken .. ,� A rates of interest. You know Todd I down from exce£H or overwork, resulting; in O Drafts m. Great Britain and the United states ,Not for any amount 1 many of the following Symptoms, Alental C bought and sold No, not 0110 cent. That - aw--fellate who's uvnah`s in depression, premature old age,loss of vital. i Q B, SV'II,LSON Aa9xr. Tuanks. You are not a superstit- twade Y sty, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimuess T1 I I O H CS iltiLYBR & DICKINSON, Yaasr' Borrowed a century from ofsight, palpitatioii of the heart, emfssiong I�/J W' ,Q d � Solicitors, ions inti», are you I he said, changing lack of energy, pain in the kidneys,, head-. ,- liint a month ago, and yesterdaylie ache, pimples on the face or body, itching the subject so suddenly that the manor peculiae sensation about the scrotum, weally dared to dun me for it, v ZETLA1�D SAW MILL at the desk was startled: wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks bo, How vewy wude. fore the eyes, twitching of the .mulielos,eye Not at all, he replied.lids,1 "1 • And you know, old fetlalt, what I aud elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits O F—I Don't Have any fnith in signs ? of the urine, loss of will powe , tenderness O C ' Not the ell htest, did for Todd ? of the scalp and spinep weak and flabby T� bA GEORGE THOMSON Proprietor g museleH, desire to Slee failure to be rested V r IntwoducPd biro into dunk set 4 %:trouldn't believe one if you saW it by Sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, And to Our clul►. loss of voice, desire for solitude,excitability .. Of course not. of temper, Ruukeu eyes surrounded with • And (rat him entertain you at din ..I vJ • That's what I thought and lie start. - I LVAt)HX 1110169, Oily lodking skin, etc, are � � Lumber of all kinds, ed ou, nail I I all •symptoms of nervous debility that lead 6 And called hits by his first name to insanity and death uniess oared, Tile O Hero, -said the mein at deal(., 'what spring or vital force having lost itH tension W Ja 14 Firsti-class Shingles, overywhere, every function wanea in consequence, do you mean by asking pie such quos• I Those wllo through abuse committed in W • And now hN dulls you Z q titles 9' ig+nerauae Way be- permanently cured. (� � And Cedar Posts. �i Cart's tell flu for leer!'tiar(a carter. Yana, \Nobby, that wits his beastly •bend your address for book on all din&aces v q „ t peculiar` to man, Books sent free sealed, said the ttitnip grinning. attaCkitl return for it Olt.• But Wlla Heart disease,'ehe symptoms of w ich etre Money to Loan on Notes. Car LOA Orders a Speolafty Here's your quarter. Now tell tie. can a fellah expect of twtides people faint Rpells,purpie• lips, numbneimpalpita.. - y tion, skin beats, hot hushes, ruair of blood No + .. , Thanks, anyhow Z' o moms out to Elle door,and Ito the head, dtilf. pain ill thti heart with @ Llicd.lrted t thb stn followed the tram to the bilins strong. rapid and irropular, the ' .. ''VOOb delivered Itny, .plat pi' Thrfre. are Iilioii'a mon tltlW fiQingl weld l secondileztW oomquialiathan the tires.pain A ii]`A'�olcT!!c}�L$l �i,� ,Wiq�lialli. door. Look at your windew, and tho ltavts been woundia, b haoll-Wi. tlluu "about the breast bone, ate, call %I Ively lioae� of Tl ylsit'at iit,e *a rtes tai i per rates dbft y and ilei d tet 61166 at the ere bt aflq year. Itdrde if�l orders by aiwil .'protlipety •Eta►rdci 0l,, misti road ther'6 in hese gilt lettbru : I there are left of those wotiuded in'the b ettrod' rye °Urs, ne pay. sill t'ar aftd recoul+te enueeted. . brycil, . Addreels �i:. 'V' i(Ti130N, 24 Manttch• � - ]lid]ri'. Melifl>tb+01.' Gt0liltf311�3[dIIIIt96►I0, Lorta 0 negot`Wed for any atnout, and • gntlrll' ieltn' wttr. ell Ave. Toretite, L'tantkda, orrfWt, lOgNtot itba`k,wisrMa , 60,, it ur; '