HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 8Pottertmllonson Cru•ckahanlc, I+;dgarton iNineardine, wirer Wellwaod, Goa amp},ell, Annie their hope for €t wl l Graham, b�ttnnie Ci en, Maud Netter- around town tltaE a Meld, 1.1annall i+ino nd, soon to talcs pi slit.,v, its reliability, its the spirit; Wx H RTmEy, Teacher. decked cars of hofs eflodation, itsthe ambition to be ` hero last Mouday.. is in the highest sense, its at- • Jars owel, been busy at the t is aarto business, ell i to rbecause wte carnt ry ; The brick cot 1;e owned by 111r makin soma ne ideas more thoroughly, that is' John Thompson as totally destroyed 'Thursday evening Sas where we, deserve, in the lead.' by ;fire about 3,3 on Sunday ir,orninl; W hell. of Iiamil ese of afar values this week, last, together wi h the contents. The addl'eks On the xe Qon 1 sxof�cou add osts in nierchal occupants being away from home at ill the town hall, the Mule of toe ire it is a lnistery how ' ' 1 b 'ld• , a N'�UI♦1,F �. Where the fire originn .d, T ie to lu wa or the ladies of Wingham our insured in' th Citizen's for %500, Gloves and Hosiery this weep, merit.that•itwould posi-, which ,will not lead cover the loss. -- Y 'besuch 'Je Fi misfortune t0 miss this.I There will be meeting of ills Share* We have enough tel supply all,1 holders of th furniture factory, oil aloe in Laces,special Flouncings, I Tuesday June th.—The Rev J Cam- lderies, Trimmings, in G clips and erou, M A, of Toronto, occupied tile. The follo lug a the names of the I pulpit in the resbyterian church, on h Find. tumble suits for the boys' Sunday bast Mr Thos Young has trong, serviceable sults that com- let the conte •t for his new brick e maximum of comfort and dura- ith the minitnum of cost. residence on il aim street—!1Ir Wallace lists........,•............... 6,114 XleKeiWe, wl o left here. a short time fasniNc.DP•,P'A=mEnT.— Rich neck- ago for Bri,ti8 Columbia, has returned outing shirts, sprint underwear, 41or hosiery, white shirts, cgllars flame and int lids spending a week or t cgs two in town. The first shipment of )fit oU,021 ` consists of God- cheose this se son was made on Wed. t DEPARTumiT.--Childrens hats, nesday, of las week, 1t consisted of is, g'entletnens fiats, straw hats, and cheap hats. 140 boxes. ThP County Orange 7>s Lodge of Nor It Perth will hold its they come another big batch of semiannual seting in the Orange "las pushed to the firopt on the bar- kali in this pl ci,, all Tuesday, June iui>xter for Saturday night. Dont consider, come down early. Ask 14th.—The,: t Home given by the iends to come with you. It beats Ding`s D:,tigl ters, under the auspices ,11rds as a money -saver of Christ; ch ch, Inst Friday, Was pat MH. INCINDQ�C'S' . ., fairly su,;;cess strumet;tal p ul, The vocal and in- rt of the entertuinment erance. Was excellent and reflects great credit Lne ow. on thole who this section a1 took part. -The crops in ; inciting well consider- 1CJ�l �G19 l� it 4:JJ4 l (.A ing biye ltll'�,P, amount of wet weather we have had i tely. FRIDA" , JUNE: 3, 1892. '1ig3on of the People of Huron. "a Del:artment o Agriculture has l0, a census bull9tin defiling With igions o£ (lie eople of Cnadawe give ills denominations,eturned, in the ounty of 1juroutylets Lying thseknownas the ion Electoral ivisions, so that lip, whicl, prop rly should be in is classed wit, Middlesex : An accide t, t mtbt babe }esu 1A ins Mabel 0 iver, l Iaying on ti? h emb Mist mill, be f distance of 0 fee Where she fe i 1t the fall lr,i ht I death. Whe, first ; in,g up the Lau) reported tha Miss dead. We sympa rowim, par tits i' !e' e result of whicll 'a al, happened to f Bluevale, while 1 kment by Nixon's kill into the water, a ucky it was that not sliallow or �,v'ws e caused in8tant een she was climb- nlent again.—It is Daisy Anderson is hize with the sor- t•his their sad x vRON AST, bereavemen .—Gr Tobe has lost his Iulation;l ; consists of Blyth, luck so flu lis ye •. ls and 1 vilk es, Wing• the fun. of Mrs rtiwp, Tur r, , Morris, Hawick Glen nnan• trey townsl;ips' n Cathulies....:'.. ,..,,.. , 2,288 �5ts525 The follo lug a the names of the .............. ........... officers of Glenann n Lodge, 1 0 G T, i, Oatholics................ 480 for the pres at term P C T, Annie 1 h of England ............... 2,9 3 Anderson; i' T, `' in 11 stings ; V T, lists........,•............... 6,114 Bella Aude son ; S, Clara Fortune ; ,vterians...................... 7,191 �sller.1,675 A S, Fred ewis; F S, John 'Weir; ........................... Treas, M J Scott ; Chaplin, John hl HURON EST, Hastings ; i4I, Ellet Dunkin ; D Dl ; )fit oU,021 ` consists of God- Arthu, Ll i Coln; Robert Metcalf, 'hand Clii,ton towns, townships of This Lod re was rranized toy. hIr and West Wa 'auosh, Ashfield, Blackwell about 111 tell let, and has 'ne unci Goderi I,. now a me ,beaship of nearly . thirty, its............... ............ 191 this numb r is likes to be soon aug- in Catholics ................ 1,952 merited as sqq��eral o here have siginified in �Il of England . ............. 3,428 thiel' int nPion o joining the ldists....,......I........... 23 good taus of tem erance. t teriaus .... ............ 03548 kla;ter, Bella Morrison. 4th 1 Lne ow. hers.. ... ........ 779 �' Prof M'eke wil;,;, ive an entertain. l� HURON TH. �lulation, 19,18 ; consists of Sea- hent ill this to evening� Tune 8th Oil i`V dnesday er �lltt µspices u•, nava,,,• au�c,•a..a a,, Scut- tf MoKillop, S* nley and 'fucker- �• �•••• �•• ••L �••�-•• Mr ,and rs Geo -• . lair` ' urora Qi townsbips. last week attendin the fun. of Mrs ts............................... . 151 Mair's f thee.—& r Jas McRae, of n Cathulies....:'.. ,..,,.. , 2,288 Paris, is visiting his brother -in -taw, x 'h of England............... 2,068 AIr Joao in, Gre• ache.' Rev W H o�# stn........... ....... 5,154 13armby, of 11ont eal College, occupied ' yterians ....... 7,141 the pulpit in the Iethodist church, on Iftbets ................:........ 2,$82 Sunday last,—M Geo McHardy, of 8 Toronto, s renew u;; old acquaintances Lawer W ngham• in town, Mr an Mrs Proctor, spent of the youn er folks of this a few da vision friends in Clinton, .e ave been srdf}e ing pretty severe last week iuumps of late. Potato planting I Canton. order of the s mson in this vi- teacher informs us them i4ir J 1; [benne y Ilan taken posses - l" named .placed on the school names siort of Iii new livery stable.—Mrs ler this year.— r Wm Netter- Geo Cross has returned from Miohi- Isr, is preparing o have his house -an. and will in ice Ler home in Olin. rfred,•--Mr Hart is having a new ton in the fntur .—Mr T Jackson, jr, �n erected in the rear of his left on ; Ionday morning for the Old �—b[r Gallaglie , tllc Patrons' Country.—Mr W H Webb, formerly keeper, has ill refl into Mrs, of this place, ha returned froin New' s Louse. York to town al d will reside here in fallowing is ilia report of Lower the future.—Mr T Tipling, of Detroit, laam school foi the month of was in town on business titin WPeli.- The nain(-s are put in order of Reove A H Ma ing and family have Entrance cl4to---Flo Green, returhed' home from Florida, Mr ming, Allie King. 4th seniorY--, Munning is mut improved iu health ietterfield, Lorne 1Mactionald l by his tip tc h south.--•- About 100 kla;ter, Bella Morrison. 4th 1 head of fat cat I were shipped from {Irssl �lcllwain, Norval Mori this place last ek by i+4r S Smith. J Slurdoch, Nellie Beckett. '—Mrs Jas Tu null, of 'ibronto, was ' !�' Jennie Dey, Milton in toan this ee , visiting among her in 14 61 Halstead, Pheabe Ent;. old friends. k lko.lybie Curtis, 3rd,itinior...Jas r er:1�shill Martin, T11GS Stark, l eleh, Minnie prior, Oliver. Court Of Re Won for the rYlnnioipa• rr 2od senior-'-�•R asanna John- lity of Brttoodc ; dill be held on Mon. ellie, 'Grithant, Ida Murdoch, day evening 'riextj--Dr T G Holmes, Pattrlreou, Mitinia Campbell:I deft on Vltedneid'ay last for Detroit, klatisr', glary M'rraddhald, Cleo' Ile started from herr, with this intent' Jeunio-Vampbell. 'god,junior'tion of driving all the tr q.�--Afr it Ar161'ey, Cxe'rs I�obtit'toil, johil, •Maloolm [Incl f✓ilmily have moved t0' IV" will n11r" rile �It is rum ed w ddiug or two is ac ,—Two double % re shipped from Brioldayers have S J'ohn's church, ed repairs, -0n this week, Rev J n, delivered, an 1lerauce question, V An old physician, reti it trout practice, ha%h,g had placed in his hands • an East India, missionary the formula of a simple 'egetable remedy for the speedy and permanent c ro of Consumption, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Asthm and all throat and Lung Affections, also 'a pos' five and radical cure Por Nervous Debility and at. us ous Complaints, after having tested its won rfI curative powers' in thousands of cases, lie as Pelt it his duty to make to known to his sufferingallows, Actuated by this motive and a desire to it , human stffer,r,n I will solid free of eharg • to all who desire rt, this recipe, Lr German, 1'i not) or' English, with full directions for preparm, and using. Sent by wail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Norss 820 Priors Bloc: Itoch ester, N. Y. WINGHAM M.0.I;BETS. WINGna+,, June 3, 1802 Corrected ty P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flourlwr 100 Ills, $ 2 25 to 2 25 Fall lyheat per bushel, 78 to 8o Spring " 78 to so Outs, 27 to 28 Barley 30 to 40 Peas, 58 to 58 Butter, tub 13 to 13 do Bolls, 12 to 12 Eggs per dozen 9 to 9 Wood per cosd, 1 50 to 1 7; fray per ton, 8 00 to 8 50, Potatoes, - 15 to 20; KEEP COOL. Now that the warm weather is coning you would do well to keep in mind that I am prepared to supply You with fee dtw'imr the surmner months, at 10w rates, Also, wood clelivefcil to any port of the town. JOIPN GRAY, C1 Shuter st., Wingham. McLEAN & . SON, DIALERS IN Lumber;, Lath, Shingles, Wood, &c. A !arae stock of all above on hand and will be sold at close prices. MCLEAN & SON. Wingham, May 12th, 1892. -- e PROF. SCOTT, ' MUSICAL LEADER PRESdYT•ERIAN CHURCH ves Private Lessons in Vocal TraWng, both in Stag r find Tonic -Sol. -Fa Notation. open for eneagenrcnta' c for Concerts or Chinch meetings. Terms m' crate.' : Apply at Stas. if. AroRRow•s, 24 Sumter St, wingham. ZETLAND PUMP WORKS. 1 I wish to intimate to the people of Zetland and surrounding country that I have commenced the mmmfacture of all kinds of i A - WOODEN PUMPS, 1 ,nil can supply them on the shortest notice. Will also be in a position tesupply.Iron and Force Pumps to order. Repairing attended to. Prices reasonable, JOAN PEr.TON. Zetland, Alay 5th, 19`:. JAS-MURRAY & CO., WINGHAM FOUNDRY, Manufacturers of and dealers in GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, 7 PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, WIND MILLS, ROLLERS, MOWERS, &c., 3UTAWAY and DRADEP. SPAVE HARROWS - General Foundry Wo5k, Repairs, &c: Tire Platforms and 7 ire" Upsetters foe Blacksmiths. > , Plow pointe red, dd to 35c cash cash, . All otdur castings in propOtion. a JAS, MURRAY & CO. I OTICE. The Council of th orporation of the aounfy of Huron will meet in a Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, June 7th 892, at 3 o'clock p: Al. W. LANE Co. Clerk. Goderich, Afay 2 h, isms, LADIES, ` SEND riot, I flusttated Catalogue of ladies' Specialties. r IriDRESS�• �`. . d ftrC' niblesitu Ilcnitill rthm Haile An BARK WANTED. 1500 Cords hemlock Bark Wanted at the Wingham Tannery, $5.00 EE.LL CTP Will be paid on delivery, r .UOR aE MSN r The Great Roadster Stallion, CARLISLE, —13026,—. 1 *A Will be at SWARTZ'S HOTEL, WINGH.AM) Parties peolin ; 15 curds or over, can deliver half in summer and balaneo in WEDNESDAY NIGHT wince}-, if desired, and same price will be paid. Of Each Week WINCHAM TANNING CO. during the season, Parties Having mares to breed should not book them before seems Wingham, April 5th, 1892, !no this grand big horse. TWOANr"EMAN• Having laid in a full Stock of .Mill Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, SLi eetings, erns, 8ric., I am in a position to handle anST quantity of Wool. Having cleared out a number of lines at a PRICE, we offer you specially 200 PAIRS LADIES' KID SHOES. What cio you thinly A a Lady's Dongola Kid at $1.25? These goods are all made on the most approved lasts c.nd this spring's woods. We guarantee to, save rOu froth 75 cents to $1 per pair on these lines. DRESS GOODS.—We have., received a Repent Order of those ;awn lines of double width sllitings--15 pieces --all shades and the sante price. BLACK GOODS.—Ours are decidedly High class stuff—an assort- ment not generally kept—and within the price of all. Groceries, Beans, Honey, Farmers' Pork, &c. Respectfully yours, FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE. Not only can you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Lounges, Alattrasses, Chairs, Tables, ,[c., neap. but who, bought in quantities they will be delivered and sot up in your homes free, anywhere Ithin 10 miles of Wingham. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS: 1 have made arrangements with one of the best artists in the Dominion for doing Portrait Enlarge• ents (any SIM) in Alr-Brush, India Ink and Water Colors' Before giving your order to anyone for such ,11 at my store, see ,samples and got prices for the very best PICTURE, FRAMING. All styles and sinew of Picture and Wreath Frames made to order. Lots of liouldings to choose from. UNDERTAKING. Notwithstandini all the opposition in ihfsifire, X am still here in wtugbam prepared to? do as I have .on darn, forthmpaWten years. S G-R-A-C� Y, by 13, 1802. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer. NiNGHAM MARBLE WORNO. :�!TEVTT Fi2RM_ MESSRS. VANSTONO E UX 4j of Ah,cardIne have bought the AraAlc Business of AIr TIT Watwu, formerly carried on by W Smyth. Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents before archasing. You will find our prices are away down, Our workmanship. is unsurpassed. wo will use none it the very best stock and by square dealing• hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. DIr T Watson, who has been running the business for the past year, will represent us on the road. Call an I see our stock and prices. VANSTONE BROS. M I L L N Ej "] R Y MSS A. BOYD Vishes to intimate to the ladies of Wingham and and eurrounding country that her stock of SPING AND SUMMER MILLINERY has been received and opened up, consisting of ?attern Hats and .Bonnets, Feathers,, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Chiffon Laces, Games, &c, The stock is well assorted and contains all the frehiobable styles for this year. FAsTCY" G00IDS� A largo stock on hand, composed of 1HINELLE CORDS FANCY CfIINTA ,SILKS, TASSELS, FELTS, Li RBROIDERY SILKS, F11LOSELS, WASHING SILKS, RIBBONSEErl, &c. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. The Dlatitle Department contains a varied assortment of iii NTLE CLOTHS, SILKS, SATINS, SATIN BROCADES, PLIJS14ES, VELVETS, kc., to cldcose from, MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY. Perfect .brit, Latest Styles. .0., In.—Ino. L.Wa —n" .,� .,.,.,,.,... wwa, Stamping Ddne to . Order. 19lqurrcif FTri %Agri`,, �. ' An inspection invited. d.°01tO1V`!t'O, ONT. Retnfinber the place Virst door north of J'. it.-Mittiabitw's jewelry store. 1 1, Mention this papelr. r Wflighmn. April 91,1802. "�`"" �� ,r M