Wingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 7to
'I'%ia Higin'hntila�xrL �ua'l�taxs,
,It Nils fl o'clocic in the nlorllin
when labs Hfginiiotbam shook be
TT--Ugb, lie responded nnconsoious
i Hiram i Bira,in 1 iibe exclairned in
T7 ---Ugh, he observed.
Sho gave hint anoillor slhitke,
kliraw, she whispered there's rob,
bers downstairs,
Ugh 4 lie ventured again, this time
with a. rising inflection indicating that
lie was gradually absorbing the idea
that something was wrong,
She gave hila a tremendous shake,
Ugh, he almost shouted, sitting
straight up, what in thunder's the row,
Maria 2
She clapped her hand over his
Slz•—s11—, she whispered, there's
burglars downstairs.
Ain; he growled, we ought to be
thank,ul they are down stairs. Go to
sleep and he fell back on the pillow.
Hiram, I tell you, she insisted with
another shake, there's burglars down-
stairs. I heard them. You go down
and see what they want.
Maria, he protested I'll We nothing
of the sort, If they don't see what
they want they can ask for it. That's
But you shall go down, Hiram, and
see, she urged and pleaded at the same
I won't, I tell you, illaria. Because
your father owns a dry goods store is
no sign that I believe it is no troullle
to show goods, and I repeat, madam,
if those burglars want anything they've
got to wait on themselves. It's aftor
business hours anyway. You const
think we run an all-night place, Go
to sleep, I tell you.
Mrs Higiubothahu gave a sudden
clutch at his arta.
There, she nearly screamed, T hear
them coming up stairs, now.
Well, dear, lie said soothingly, you'd
better jump up and put oft a dress'.. It
will never do in the world for you. to
eceive•strange gentletnen ill your pres-
ent attire,
We'll be huurdered in, our beds, she
Do you really think you will ? he
inquired with some interest.
I'm sulci of it, Hiram, she sobbed.
Suppose you get out and lie on the
floor, Maria and then you won't be, lie
suggested heartlessly. I'in willing to I
taste mine right Here in bed, where it
is warm. I
Mrs. H began to cry.
What's the platter Maria 2 Air. H 1
asked as if lie had just that moment '
discovered her. grief.
You're a mean man, horrid man,
Hiram Higinbotham, she said in her 1
natural voice, she began to got out of
Where tare you going, Maria? hell
inquired uneasily.
Down stairs, she answered. heroic-
As between you upstairs and 'the c
burglars downstairs. I prefer the bur- 1
glare, and downstairs she went and the
black cat in the preserve closet upset a
four jars of tier finest quinces in its r
mad effort to escape.
Sfle screanied,but Iiiram Iliginboth-
ath made no sign t lie knew lie find b
forgotten to put the cat in the cellar
}vhen lie shut the house for the night
and reported to his wife that every.
thing was all right. o
Ativicn TO alOV1181 s.—Act) you disturbed at night e
and broken of your rest by a s{ok child sultering and s
crying with Sin of Cnttin Tooth? It so send at
once and go a bottle of ' nth-S.wlnslow's Boothkngg 11
8 ruff" for Chtidron Teething, Its value ie incaleul- p
able. it will relieve tiro poor little suiferer
immodlately. Depend upon it, inothors; there is no li
mistake about it, it cures Dyset4htery and Dlariluna,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, ourot Wind Collo, h
softens the Gums, reduces lnflannnation, and gives c
tone and energy to the whole tyttolu. "Mrs. Vin• i
slow's Noothiug Syrup " rot children t0obhing int
plomeant to the tastb and Is file prescription of ono of C
tha oldest and best mnale, physicians and nursos in it
the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists 17
throughout the world. Price twonts'-five cents a
bottle. Bo suro and ask for ''pias. Wiesh.ows d
Sacrmrtn Svitito, and tako, no hthet kind l y
she—Will you take a pint lit elir � f
threatritlaiei'Y 11'e- Aw--wweally-•-l�-�'
irtw— shollel so iiko to, What shall x • t
tlike t Tho--xialmic
If there is anything Z .dislllce, slid � 1'lep's!rtp,"gdy for aatarrlr it llie. BEST,
ref Bliggins', as the editor rewroe d �ijt{' fest, IIM
stltlesG to Ilse, and Clleap"t, � �� ME) "�]''A U
+r+ 7f -A Wr . 1
r witty effort, it's a man who wou't tike •• ••
a joke, t ,19 by,,01,11gulsts or Sent by Tna11,
#1C• E, V- llazeltln•.wnrren,
. 111aus "Tabules prolong fife, �~-^ -�-�~- �.«� T"'� �`�
`'else -Mudge••-•Qh, I sdy,old tuell,
a flow tire your, off financially ? yabsley I «.. ,...,�
—Away. ( , -r ,CQ ',�fJ..�--�
A Represeliitatiwe Farmer
Itch, Alangq and FtSeratCllpa of every kind, on 1
human or animals, oueod In 30 minutes by wept wp{eaka.
ford's Santtary t,ntiou, Thts never falls, soldby WMA .1'.4
A. L lletwilton.
i�ilss Sharpe pr4o.sed to 01104y
last night. Did he accept 2 He lrad
to. Her father was is the house, C �y� �ytyt
English Spat ill P inhnlont romoves all hard, soft or s K CAPS, S•�•=••*•1� =• S7
calloused Luulps and Blemishes front horses, Blood ,\
Sparta splhits, Ring 130"0, ,SweONe , Stifles S hafns COLLARS,
et 1T e A g� �v ny T��
SorO and Swollen Throat Coui,"he, oto save 50 by I i % ♦ (L y ,id l ! V v.�I.iJ.[�RS� V V
nsq of one bottio, tYaria"tod rho most wondorfpl Ili 6 ,f 7
1'101,11611 Cilia ever Itnow,., Sold by A. L. Bandit°",
That remains to l,e seen, as, the boy Cheap P r ASI T
said when he Spine the milk oil the. 8
tablecloth, ,f,;N/�• —AT--
.T----- q
l:'or sereral yenta I was persistently au• /�� , �/ � � V � � _E 7 ,
"eyed with coil eRCCAA1Ve accumulation Of �( it �l /' / /� rJ S
Dandruff and although using various pro- ft ti✓
partitions recommeded and shampooing
regularly once a week, no material relief ' il'If • /i;%'� l -
was realized until lily attention was called '� / /•� RRA
IME to Auti+Dandruff', which has. produced un. � � �. ��-�'/`/ / m I E TEFL RR■ {
looked -for results in fn clue, four a item.��� , - /I/ / Over 25,000 Hoo ier Drills and Seeders with o... r P
tions removing Y Pp / i%'; ✓ % / 9f3it'
every particle of I)mndruff � �,� �• , ��� Feed ztl Use in rFe rt
and as a Speoifio for thi8 trouble itcertain-
ly '••' �� {%�/% Canada.
/,•�//%/�% i
gds no equal, Yours truly,
W. T. Roirmsox, lift R. C. C. f-1 fats N. ` f
Can •j?ao.Rys.Telegv%phCo.,l1'foutreml,P.Q, The following romaxkablofactsarofany
Jack—What's the matter with it ?
certified to at being undeniably correct in 1 ,,,� .•,•, „ 1�• 1�u, t,, 1p, . ,�<'
ovary pari nits r. Mr, Haun is well a own
Toni. ^A weight of 300 pounds forma in the vicinity, having resided Neto ouch; � ',,,,,., , � ll1 +1;••.••�,\„`,� ���1\`
an electric circuit and ring a bell In fifty years, and is highly respected od as a
Ivan of the strictest honor, whose word is
the Olin man's roof". as -ood as his bond.
---•-� i 0 will be seen from his letter, four
Sandwieha ( physicians had attended him, and it was
Sirs,—•Por five years I suffAred from pnly after he had given up hope of euro
lumbago and could get no relief until I that he decided to try Burdock Blood "
Bitters on the recommendation of a
used o bear d's Yellow r i and must say I neighbor who had been cured of a similar
Eked no better remedy for it, ' 1 disease by its use. I&-. Hmim writes as y
JDIiV DE1I:EAUA1`, SMndlylob, Oat. i f011Dws: try"=' lir ;� ". ,�• _
�—'-- 1 D; m Sins, -1 think I have been one .
Waiter— 'Alitl ,yen halve salt on ouz' � of ilio worst; sufferers you have yet heard �e'
y i of, . hewing been Six 3ors in the hands of
GUARANTEED TiiE B T IN t aro WORLD, d the only drill tY at pan be ins antis• rot,
egg Z Gitest—No, thank you, They're ; fou: of our best doctors without obtaining
ler-mnont relief, but eontinuall rowing t'nn the desired d01)th to hm and soft ground while nt +Ing,
not at all fresh. 1 / Y g TIIE HOOSILtt IS TI ONLY DRILL that sow ii kinds of grain and seeds evetiV ane
-� t+Ci,o, until almost beyond hope of re- depth desired fn all kind f soil
col, I tried your Bitters and got relief TIIE IiooSILR IS RE ONLY DRILL that covin ces to sow the instant the horso riloves,
C0XSUT TICt1 CURED. in a few Clays. Every organ of my body TRE HOOSIER IST ONLY POSITIVE FORGE FEED,,an is the only drill that deposits the grni:
just the depth you tr titin hard or sett soil. REDIEa11nEa ilHb
An cid physician, retired front practice, hating was deranged, the liver enlarged, pardoned YitE HOOSIER DINED DRiLL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made, and lathe had placed in his hands by an Last India missionary and torpid, the heart and digesti7e organs Ment made with 0th on independent than bars that earl be set for hard and soft land d la t e onli
the formula of a simple vegetable romody for the seriously deranged, a large abscess in my ]notion. TI ' 091HR is lighter of the horses than any other drill made. The points of excelleti
speedy and permanent pure Of 0011initliption, Kroll, IP00$IER t a -0 or drills do not have are worth more io the farmer than any drill til the world.
chitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung lisiCk, fD110wed by paralyssa of the right THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill In less time than I
Alfectiols, also a positive and radical cure for leg, in fact the lower half of my body was made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. li0irare of purchasing lit
Nervous Debility and all Nero ohs Complaints, after entirely useless. After using, Burdock Infringe our patents.
having tested its wonderful ourativo powers in Blood Bitters for a few days the absceRs ( T
thousands of cases, he has felt it Actuate to make fs , bust aischax in full five ualts of us NGX OLS ]BROS. iliFG. CO. (Um), INGERSOLL,
known a his gni?ening follows. Actuated by this + b' f y � Cf p The financial standing or this Company is first-class, they being rated at $245
I710t{t•0 mild a desire LO relieve hlintan 'a1lRehino' P in two hours. T felt as if I had i'eCe1VCd a t WHEN. p i ,CO No eombfnt
will send free of charge, to all who desire it, flus 'shock from a powerful battery. My re• JOHN filiMl { �L ��t,
recipe, in German, French or' Euglish, with full I covery after this wms steady and the cure +� t
directions for pre raring and using. Sent by mail by
addressing with s�alnp, naming this paper, IV. A, J rRrmailent, seeing that for the four years �glrj, Grp �GtB
NorEs 820 Pc vera .Block Rochester, N, Y. since T have had as good health as ,ever I Also dealer is all hinds of AgrieuItnraI Implements, Or line Sewing T7ac
---� had. I Still take an occasional bottle, not ' o p , ry , g
that I need it bat because I wish to keep `�c'' ;ill from the best makers in Canada.
At Last -1 ilnve at last collie to the my .system in perfect worming order. I
conclusion, began Mr. 8talatP, cub can think of no more remarkable cage d "'
glltd, murmurer•( his fair victim fame- than whmtIhmveMyself passed through,
+ S and no words can express my thankfulness
int at the cock, fc:.• cuch•perfeot recovery.� `�'j"(
London Truth : Tom--Wheii you C. C. WellHAUI-Tand P.O. � ��%%
Gail on llthel Oloserist, beware of over- In this connection the following letter
from T. Outlines, Esq., a leading druggist
her father's upholstered easy
of Welland, Grit., speaks for itself:
life •srs T. Milburn cm Co., Toronto.
GV T'mnn Lx, I have been personally
hRontffiy Prizes for lays an•d uritis.
acquainted with Mr. C, C. Hann for the
Inst 20 years, and have always found him
- --� �� �. KIM
Tho •'Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the fol;
owing prises every month till further notice, to
and girls under 10, rosiding in the Province of
a very reliable man, You may place the
utmost confidence in an thing he says
who send the greatest mtnrbet• of '•Sun•
iglu" wrappers t 18t, Sl0 ; 2nd, s0 ; 3rd, $3 ; 4th,
with regard to our medioiyuo. $e has ou
b� `3
many occasions within the last four years
5th tol4th, a Iiandsome book; an a pretty
to those who send not less than 12 wrappers.
told me that it was marvellous the way
the Burdock Blood Bitters had cured him,
wrappers to' Sunlight" Snap OtHce, 43 Saott
Toronto, not later than 20th of sea h month, and
iarlt0d "Competition" ; ads oj give full Hama, ad-
and that he now felt as able to do a days
•wont as lie ever felt in his life. Although
of o, and number of erappers. tViuners'
will be published in rho TOYontO lllail on 13rst
in earth month,
quite well he still takes some B. B. B.
occasionally, a
y, s he soya, to peep him, ha
perfect hoalth.,
The man who does all his praying on
Tours truly, �y
.rs �
lis knees doesn't Drayenough.
Tao.vAs CuumEs,
Welland, Ont.
_ ,� i •+ ....,z--_
When you get a giant down it is
The s"emdily increasing sale of B. B, B.,
the length of time it has been before the
�� -
safe to stop until you out off his
people, and the fact that it cures to stay
cured, attest the sterling uteri$ of this
monarch of medicines the pec le'a favorite
Tile Dreadetrt La Grippe,
Following this scourge at humanity come
train of evils in the shape of obstinate
olds, coughs, lung troubles, etc. There is
o remedy so prompt, and at the same
ti eflectuml and pleasant, as Milburn's
Bad Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry
ud Hypophospliites, which is the latest
lid best combivatiou of auti-consumptive
emedins. Price GOo. duel $1 per brittle.
It, is a lamentable fact that pride
ften wears patient -leather boots, and
egs its tobacco.
A Good Suggestion.
By constipation is meant irregular "tion
f the bowels, o£tPli called costiveness, stick
ommonly caused by dyspepsia, negleat,.
xcess in eating or drinking, etc, It is a
erious complaint mud not to be neglected
oder any circumstances, as it leads to im,
are blood, he%daelle, debility, fgvers, etc,
A uuifornlly sucoasHful remedv is Burdock
load Bitters, which, if faithfully tried, .
evaefails to effect m prompt and lasting
ire oven is the worst rases. The follow.
in extract from a letter from Mr. d'as, &r,
arson, Banff, N. W, T„ will speak for
Pelf : 'l1 have been troubled with consti-
ation and general debility all. was in- .
iced to use your Bt B. B. through seeing
our UL Vartisetnoilt, t now taxa great
lea6sure in reed it inn it to all my
l:itifidg, all it dd 11 pletely oared foe."
It wAs observed that the remark of i1
lie Man who eat down on tine i4ek,
wfere thort and to the point., i
blood purifier, tonic and regulator.
LY! I All intending purchasers of stoves for
winter will save money by buying from
'y.Having,bought a very large variety. of
NEATI.N.. r AND 0001
0't--- J
• to choose from i
1INT , j Every stove guaranteed against breakage ani
.BES Ito give complete satisfactioji
winghow, obtoWr Still 1891,