HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 6T. JUNE. 8, 1.8911, weptioA of tuo Post-9moo. invention (if the post -office is ill to Cyrus,. King of Persia,who 00 B, G, s requiredall of his governors itices rind ohir:f commanders of to write to flim exact accountQ �erythin that occurred iii their A districts and armies. Persian empire was of vast ex- ind some means had to be pro - to render tilat correspondence �I1d expeditious. Cyrus therefore ;f post offices to be built and tigers appointed in every province. ,und how far a good horse, with perieuced rider, eould travel In a ritbout being hurt, and then had as built in proportion, at equal Mees from each utter. At each of places lie Also appointed post- ,rs, whose duty it was :o receive 1tters from the couriers as they. Dd, and give them to others, and ive fresh horses in exchaugefor tiIat had performed their part of mrney, Thus the post went con- Ily night and day, 'rain -or snow, or cald.:iud Cyrus received speedy of ail occurrences, and sent back ever orders lie considered neces- ins, the lust King of the ancient ns, wits superintendent of them he came to the throne. Polly Pressed the Button, gentleman who has recantly re, ed froth Mexico, and who brought ,I kiln a parrut which he purchased tijlra Cruz, has been very much 'nished at some tricks which, that has learned (luring the few days tad been in the house. The bird' 4aer, Col. Howard Johnson, occupies eautlful residence in the suburbs, i Jocko has frorn the first shown the You Mould 1100i Tllat white spots call be removed from furniture . by holding a !lot iron over, but not on tho place. That oranges and lemons with green leaves intermixed make a pretty disll for decorative purposes. That the usual average in reekonin the cost of living for eachperson in .the dining room is $5 a week, That the yolk of all egg in half a pint of tepid rain water, inith a little powdered borax and a toaspocuful of spirits of eamphor added, will take spots out of black goods. That teapots should be washed thoronglily with strong, soda and water and then rinsed well and perfectly dried each, clay if one >eould prevent the curious haylike smell often noticed in a teapot. That nothing is better for restoring the briglitlless of polished tables than rubbing thein with a litieu rag dipped in cold -drawn linseed oil. That a good handful of salt should be added to the wetter in which mntting is washed, The sale keeps the Wat- ting in color. Do not use soap. That grease stains ori wall paper may be removed by mixing pipe clay with enough water to make a ;sort of creain, Spread this rather thickly on the, stain, leave it on for twenty-four hours, then take it off carefully with a knife and dust and brush the paper thoroughly. That ,a capital wash for stainei boards is tnade by boiling olle-half a pound of soda in six quarts of wetter for two flours. L Pt this settle, then pour off the clear part for use. 'That you can tell it a bed is damp by laying you: hand glass iass betw Oen the sheets for a few minutes. If the sheets are not properly dry the glass will be clouded. That pearl knife handles should be rubbed with a soft rat, dipped in fine table salt, then poli.,hed with leather. That a little soap and warm water applied frequently is better for clean- ing your lacquered brass than all the cleansing materials in the world. 4DN32D =Ivjows Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is tauten; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Tently yet ppromptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the Sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers. and cures habitual constipation. Srue of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in Its effects, pi.aaced only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent -qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy ', ,nown. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand willpprocure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the GALIFCRIMA FIG SYRUP C0a11 SALT FrA.'NOISCo, OAL. 8,0171 SV=T.3�s , T :'.i. ... '•'r `s'ORI;G: 7lli.vv JUS"i OUTI HAVE YOU SEEN IT? THE BIG BOTTLE, PAI N -KILLER DOUBLC I, i _i OF C, P. It, TIME TA.13IX Trams arrive and depart as follotrs 1114VI.yQ AI}RtYINQ 5;$5 a III ... .. .... For Torouto..........6:85 a, In. 2:00 p„ In ti 2:00 pail 2:00 1).in............ For Teeswater........ 2:00 ' 10:65 p, In "' 10:65 ' CT -'e -A, L_T�D A. C, STRATHDEE, AoFNT, wltreliAA(- Throogh tickets to nll pohlts in America—North,. )Pest Paetiie Const, etc., vin the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to, destination. Lowest frolght rates to all points -••---TiMZ TABLE, LHAYR wINQUAM. ARRIVn AT wIN01101. 0:30 A.in.Tovoltto,Guclph,Pahnorston, &o. 3:31 p.� u. 11:10 10:20 3,45 p m. " " Clhtton, )' 7:35 41' ...... Palmerston, Atixed, ..10:85 n•m. 04,45 a m...,•London, &e..., 11,00 ' 3120p.111, '! 7:65 p.m 11:10 a.m........ ii;lneardine, &o .. - .... (1.80 a,u). 3:40 pint ° 11110 " 10.10 " 7:10 D.111 ALLA LINE li.Or:iL NAIL STSAMSIIIrS, REDUCTION IN RATES. Steamers still repularli frm PORTLAND ANO HALIFAX To LIVER - POO L IVER -POOL via Londonderry. DVRINQ T1114 wlxTxir MONTHS. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, 1.25. Stcorageatlow yates, No Cattle Carried. CSTAri-rg-+t I SERVICE OV 11��3�1�1 ALLAN LINE LINE. J STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW )-to Londonderry. every, Fortnight.. Cabin, ,5'40 and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGHABL Scientific Americap Agency for. CA EATS, TRADE MARKS• wilca ESICH PATENTS PYRICHTS, etc. lror Information and free handbook write to DIUNN & Co'. 801 BROADWAY, NEW Yoa'It- Oldest bureau for scouring patents in America. 'Ivory patent taken out by us is brought before the publtc by a notice given free of charge In rho infific pummu Larfiest circulation of any scientific paper in the world, g1)londidlyy illustrated. No intelll out man sbonld be witbout it. Weeks S3.Ui11 a eael $1.60 six months. Address MUNN & CO„ rnl,isuLns. 361 Broadway. New York. .••.iL�PUUL1sI l>wD-- Ia'VP-CRY PItIDAY X0101ING —AT TIAI-^ TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRrET WINGHAM, ONTA1i10. Subsoriptionprice, si per year, in advance _ ADVERTISING RATES, $pace I I yr, 1 0 im 16 Inc. I Ino. One Cohulln silo 00 $ i5 00 120 00 e0 00 Ralf " ( s6 00 I 20 00 I 12 00 I 5 00 (quarter " 20 00 Ij 1« 00 7 00 iI 100 6ne Inch_ _ 6 00 8 00 _ 2 00 100 Legal and other ensual advertisements, 80, per lino, for hist Insertion, and so. per line Weach subsequent insortion. Local notices 100, per line for first insertion, and 511• pot lino for each subsequent insorticr.. No local nottco will be charged lose than 260. Advortfsenente ofLost, Found, btrayed,situations, and Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 8 linea nonpareil, 4'1 per month Houses and Farms for Still, not execoding 8 lines, 11 for atst month, 5011. per subsequent utouth These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or fot longer periods. Advortisoments and local notices without specific directions,, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Trnneitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the wee by Wednesday noon, iu grder to appear that ivook R. ELLIOTT Pnel'ttUITOR, AND PURLiS11RR DIt, MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, �i•1S„nADI, - ONTARIO W. B. TOWLER, M,D,C,AI., Alomber College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario —Coroner for County of IIuron— Olfice ilp-stairs, nest to bIr Morton's office, wing. ham, Out. Ol'e•IOR ilonp —0 to 12 a. m., I to 6 p. m„ or at Residence, Diagonal Street. "'Honer A. MELDRiJAI, "honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physioians and SuT¢aons of Ontario. Oliiceand Residonco—Cornorof Centro and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. tl'[RQI[APl ORT R VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates Interest. No ecpnlission charged. Mort<„ ages, town and !arm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Deaver block i INGTIA11, ONT J. A. MURTON BARRISTER &c , THE uIIII'f yll OLD _-_ . -_ _ __-_. Winghanl Ontario QUANTITY VI S i til 1, SIZE. IN X% "ALE i NN It'I ruAhGt lip' 4 To General Aierchunts and Boot and Shoo Stores. %tl Leather Business I keep a hest interest to all his surround- In connection w I Illi r fail stock of ;s. Xt was very soon found that heI 7 r Prince Alport Wanted to Know. n r, I' p , ` p `c ,� y l'd non. be allu.wed his liberty in +� _'j III�N�Illji 'illi i' j'�i1 SHOE R•L1,ESSING% During the earlier visits of the pQ I1 �IJ fl 'I Hathaway, \S'hitmores, Lononi, French Dressing, Bixb •'a Perfect Kid etc, in 10, 15 and 2511 "9. Johnsou'o room, as lie at once ° ''� ij ,� � .�, p w ?I��I;'�bµ " Eclipse, 3 , Kid, royal family to halmoral, Prince .;p, 1.'.I �Ilh fi'1 ilii ti t'- y y V. ,;` I i�i,l, I sizes, by the ;rose or dozen. Jncquot's French lheci a tern a an pithy t0 a beau 1 i, 1 � I I �i� it � Ii Iii ye ' Blocking and Gray's climax waterproof. Albert dressed in a ver simple man- Y P TA EYER & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYEIi Q. C. I E. L. DIOKINSON, B. A BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Iiamilton• Commissioners for taking atlidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned ou nlortgago security at 5il por cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the bolt moltnagii securities without any expense to the louder. Lands for sale in Alanitoba and the North- west Otfieo-.Bent's Block, W ingham. panther skin. rug, to which the i, I r ,• , ner, was crossing 'ane of the scotch I !r u ° 1 i jl I L Gr d is remarkably lifelike, and the lliu,oluimYii�lln.,,m,l,l,6 mil�rra lanes ill a steamer, and was curious t0 4 �,, ;_, I in Leather. Horsehide, English Iitp, Porpoise, tc. nierlt, he was releasied lie would �� note everything relating t0 the man- ,c• mak\.`' ; Cotte) and Rifle. in oi.ltell S. Inc? for the rug and hegin biting y ^ ° I vy 1y Button fasteners and setts, cork soles, Sc. anement of the vessel, and amour agoly at his eyes and nose. He ( y-�r ►3g� ^ } other things cooldua Approaching �'I (` 9110E LE A A�HER9 aped frond his. cane one day told }` 3 / i• n the °alley,where a brawny Hi;lllander o '� I is a � < _ �R Simon Alma, hal and fin and Mezzonia Iip and Call ; llOst demolished the nose l f the rn„ ! �1yy3y ± �j �• also native kip and upper. Spanish olid slau;hter i, was attending to the Culinary nlOaters, 1 ;II L�}� .' lig solo. liter that lie was chained to his ti art ii ° he was attracted by ti avory odors Welwt �I. �, HARNESS LEATHER, , lened tlixt for several da sill of a compound • wall , otchmen ,f,; 8 f Fr e rt�l� ��. ; R,," be arllt• i Y Iti °r,,,�1iy a Q r j ��' Besi brands on hand in oaf: and hemlock. Special art, bodge-podpr,w ighlander y � h�3S7t" Ip I �/ stock: for traces in oak. this ttou the perch stood by the wall I u Citi; was re aria s. of ,oesido tine electric bell. vybell p p ?t Iii r �+ � � � ! (, li � Patronage.solicit0d, Pricesguaranteed. A postal What is that 2 aske the prince, I�? , k { 'y I� I I -,mrd will secure quotations or call frons lily bravel- 'a. Jolnisoit touched the <button who was not known to the cook, :1 ' '1f�'`41 hr• OkO tOOk nOteS, with his head. On �■ J. �j�� ;P1VlA8®I Hodge-pod-le,sir was the reply. i V I`' side and a most innuiring air• and 6 IIiiIIIIIIImMllll'I'fil� �91Vd1G t 17F� DL*,TISTRY.— J S. JIi iL, WINGHAnl, L Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, �Ck Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominica. All work: warranted, Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor.. TAIiR NOTICH.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents 0111111. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block,, opposite the Brunswick Houso. W 1n. H. Macdonald, L.. D. S., DENTIST.'. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queon's hotel, wingliam. . Will visit Gorrie lst And 3rd Mondays of each month, How is it. :node 4 was the ilex: � �• � � Tanner curl Leather 111eic :out, et, the Iie*rvtrut appeared immedia-; wY\GFIAAr. �CIIN 1iITCII1E, y -afterward Jocko gave a faint croak I ..question. Old Popular 25c. Price. Why, there's mutton intil't, and astonishment. After witnessn'l' _ �® ���®�� IlENLIiAL li1bURANCE AGENT b turnips inti!',, and cairots tntii't; y8w s performance several times it wils W eIiAM, idetir, that J6ekli h„man to see some . and— tlilecti,)1i between the button.�tnd tic;1 Yes, yes, eaid the prince, who had valet, He° epOLt a great deal of not learned that intil't rue alit into it, >e studying the button, running his expressed by the contraction intillt,but what is inti) tl alt softly around it, and apparently 1 Why, there'a mutton intil't, and nmynuning with himself, his widtress ltchim, him Ineanwhile, highly turnips intil't, and carrots intil't,. , nused at his cleverness. Alt last ai'd hether accidently or otherwise, Jocko Yes,' I see ; but what is inil't I ,-,covered the connection and pressed `�he pian looked at hien, and seeing viz button. '.Che next moment a ser-' that the prinee. wars serious,ha replied: int appeared, slid the little schemer TbPre'.s tnutton intil't, and turnips rnightened up and sail with great intil't, and-- avity °°Jocko's .Hungry.” His leis= Yes certainly, 1 know, urged the in- ess's shoots of laughter aucl the sere, loiter, but what is itltil't•—intil't `? hit's astonishment aid not in the iron daft gown:, yelled rile High- Ast discompose hits. lir: had rung , lander, brandishing his bib spoon, ani k wh Irt hr watited, and he insisted ' i no telling what's intil't I There's ri ' mutton intil't, and - 14 Iaavillg it. 1(te scheme worked oil, w Jnrllto's aunift+st delight, ire'; �tsrr. the interview wtla brought tea close by onli of the Drince's suite, who Josephine Street Winoham, Dot, J. A. IIALSTRD, I J. W. ,Itog Mount Forest l ListoiveL ONTARIO �. DEANS, JR., WINaIIAM, LICE9SED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF nultow. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges doderate. .r e Deposits Received and Interest JOHN CURRIL, WINGIIAM, UNT., r - - allowed. WOF.148i1D AUCTIONEER ror, Xllp& COUNTY OI? Ad flip call : Money Advanced to Parmers and nultox. All orders left at the Tisa ss oHica Promptly attend. •�`OSEPI# COWAN,'� •J Business Men, ed to Terms reasonable. int,-, rapped over till head �vitll Mlle lig r ()u loin or short time on endorsed notes AMI1S IiLNI1EIiSUN i RIAor LrcR:VBrsA, WINGUA'M ONT. or collateral security, gale notes bought gi10011. weakiroes o! body or mind caueed IhILC at tL,i''air valuation.. 11'IOney remitted to all -LIORNSED AOCTio.,;run FOR COVNTIRS HURON' AND ra.a°n•s prilltical frienduare not flu° parts of Canadatlt reasonable charges. BRrov. ISaUEkt or d'AUDIAG39 L>CENalls INSTRUCTION i�TBTIttJt T'Ygl� given oil piano, Ci All sales attealed to promptly and on the Shortase atilt into vrtur bhOG' And Oil *111 LKVe y Special ,attention Given to Col- Notice. Charges Atodeiate and Sntisfnction Guaranteed. ' violin. Also in Hittwnoay. 1 ti�ttl], All necessary arrangements call be Made at the CO,. TowlillI -616 pirleaflb7trilifltr Wittig tim hq A. I, HAMILTON. leeting Accounts, and Note's. Tnixs' erica • r, a ,r.... 11'I\OIIAII ON't AKoiitil 311 ChnRda--hello Nterchaiity Sa k BOLTON 8d RASI BINS " 'u-�..,a..•ci.Glirk.. ..411Ji... of Canada, P. L. JC' D. 0 SURV3,01 s AND Caro, ENolRtstsrss , ...i. _...L._., t_ .....iF.w,wC... _. .. .�._ _, oflar ioura—k rauI9 m, to 5 1). m. LISTOWM ASD WINOIXAM. i ,l , R, " 11Vj�g' ,• All orders left at the office of the T'rMts will tie. Agent, ooive precept attention ��--._...-� .W - ,Irb AP heli a6#AIll het'bre half An hour,S r6n1,4riioIl to the srirvatiE wllil x115- was f,SCtUnttteljr passing, olid stopped, - - f1 PATh ON, Ad flip call : in to sare his royal highness front bo. - - NERVE rrEftb6 fffLA11h eta s Sew rile• •�`OSEPI# COWAN,'� •J 13AILIVP or F.len'tit Divl�lofi Counr, isAUrn ar X". • !Well, ym brit it dai'zv 1 jbeko int,-, rapped over till head �vitll Mlle lig r coreryihai acre; the fro t cosec of •� Ky������vv Nertoud Debift Last vtralling ',Kanbo&l*, fasterior sn6 the B!<r.e'flNS Ctrl tti{ OTIf DIV. OUltt, (;O.11tyltov, RIAor LrcR:VBrsA, WINGUA'M ONT. g Water I" �-.Sl. iJ�1TItR IliflEl". gi10011. weakiroes o! body or mind caueed IhILC AUOTIONt- Bit, •., ..�. _.. _ - t T>3t� 1VtXSSL�S WATSON. ra.a°n•s prilltical frienduare not flu° i Put yot.r tight foot out of bOa first all ot� ttwitecf.Ttwk. nmll o rokrtolY ource the iaoet obttMsts chi" � kfs<liedereato Tolle.:ithti.�i oldb7drua- oAMEEi1 1Ni ISaUEkt or d'AUDIAG39 L>CENalls INSTRUCTION i�TBTIttJt T'Ygl� given oil piano, Ci C)ar glen lie would liko to trade atilt into vrtur bhOG' And Oil *111 LKVe y p�3i1lrrrr��8tt� raoelgtotprfebiy � t CbiiArtssroNP.ii fS %lt, ii.,7.,1'iTOr violin. Also in Hittwnoay. 1 ti�ttl], givori lrftik that day. CO,. TowlillI -616 pirleaflb7trilifltr Wittig tim hq A. I, HAMILTON. Opp, Itesfdonca on ltlinnie street, opposite the Y dry, WhiliblAO, • r, a � �� . __ ,.iifli4w..:. lo..:..• " 'u-�..,a..•ci.Glirk.. ..411Ji... �iel�U,•..wL �.: ..: . - _.• . ...i. _...L._., t_ .....iF.w,wC... _. .. .�._ _,