HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 5a 0 NEXT BORN. --------- BRADLEY —In WingheLFm,,on May 30th, it a wife of Mr Wm B.rau.16 a son. t CROWSTON—In Wingl rrm, on June2nd, i .the wife of Mr Isaac GrowdtonI a son. ? MARRII�. , DIOKINSON—KENYPs1YE—At the rest- •AU , •dente of Mr Amos TiTlling, brother -in- i •law of the bride, on tins [1 t. Inst, by Rev iB Sellery, Mr C M 8 ID'idkinson, of To- OF ronto, to Miss Lranra Kennedy, • of ; Wingham. MGKAGUE—M1TCB O� T S AND :ii�0 S srE71G,—�'1t the resi- dence of the bride's. Lather, on the 25th at John Mal -tin's old stand. ult, by Rev A Y Hartlley.,,of Bluevale, r ._ZndrewMcKague, oaf (dulross,. to Miss =Kate C, second daughter •of Mr Andrew Mitchell, of Turnberry. Newt Wedtieway' we widll -open ou-r:store for business iaa Wingham: BURGRss—TAUAN-- At -the residence of a�n'd we arc safe in saving., that tlr.e next Ifety weeks will be mwu)orable: 'the bride's parents, Blyt'b, on the 25th ifa alae ibmwiness history of this -town. :ult, by the Rev A D? Lean, Mr James . Burgess, of Brussels, ?to Miss Ellen Taman. kV.e intend to couirnpuaorate ot>r opening iti Winglia'rm with tlae FAULRNER—LAM'ECT—+.On the 10thult, a.a,e to ,t:atnd Chea, )est- sate of BOOTS and SH;,aLS Mr Frank Faulkner, oTW, ,ingham,formur- o . I that hasever been 'ly of Toronto, to Miss Annie Lambert, of +va`tnler�eal in the place, leY� ctieaforth. DIED. COAzs—In Wingham, on May 28, Fred- W,e,bave a stock � .erick, only son of Walter'Coates, aged 5 iiou0A \,very clieaj) in which sortie of the best 'months. factoriesin America are represented, narnely : J. D. Icing, & -Cn., J.:H. HOARE—In East Wiawanosh, on the Cobtealell.& Co., Louis Cote d; Bro,, J.. & T. Bell, Jas. McCready & Co., . 20th ult, Thomas Hoar®, aged 72 years. •SAUNDERS—In Godexvch, on May 240, Uild seueual Others, and our iln,tentiora afi to Cornl,letely clear out'61tis .3'ames Saunders, aged 70 years and 24 shock in as st,ort a time as .possible. At the same time we will. be i,e- ,days. ceivang nein `odds nearly tvery day, .anal :in a few days out, ,stock will be ,complete. SUM FOR A CHICKEN. To create an interest in Ithe breeding$43000 WORTHOF H®QTS AND SHOES, of Ugh -class poultry, T wa1Q award a ape- c4al.prize of 850.00 cash to the person to be cleared in forty days, aaising the heaviest Plymouth Rock •ohieken hatched from e„gs purchased of T me, I�lo reasonable oiler refused ,during, this sale as the occasion de - Plymouth Rocks are uuquestionably Mandl a speeaiy clearance. the best'breed of fowls known for the ' Ca-madlian farmer. Send for .descriptive cireAtar of this valuable breedeo f fowls. f ash We are now opening up the goods and will be ready fair business Eggs for hatching,next 1Vednesda morning' at and time to naive, carefully packed in 3' n rJ L).Clo(,k. Delay ,your purchases until baskets and delivered to Express Com- that tune. pany, V9.00 per sitting of 13. Address,-J0111n 311x][ 3iut?s Old StaiRd. 'r. A. WI Plymouth W. H. WILLIS. Breeder of Plymouth Roe4c Fowls, Weston, Ont. NEW JEW101 STOBIll FOR SALE, CHEAP. nair, Twenty-five strong colonies of moll bred Italian Bees, In arst•elass movable fraene hives and on new, h[ D M A., L.. C. P. S 0., M C. I'. S. Dl. straight built comb. All nnnst be sold this spring, as I cannot attend to them. J. D. s., T m W. RnT. D. Philadelphia, Pa. Apply at Apiary, Lot 10, 2nd Line, Morris. TO.iLL�p ON.L-�t O. J. R. 11IIUNS�1�►W . Jonathan Bushart, says:— Begs to intimate to the people of Wingham oListowel, "After spending all Ivy money and prop. and general public that he has opened out Hai erty to 110 purpose on medical 'nen, for it large stock of what they termed a hopeless case of con. oa,s umption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." ' Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse says: kVATCHES, ,When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured vie of fits." CL()t7I S, JEWELRY, THEHE P�••..rr0P.LE'3 COAL 001s' W. McDonald, Lakefield, says: --"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." (OF PINNA. MINE OWNEB8.) • Cleo. Fwwed,Blyth, says..—"Dr: Sin - SILVERWARE, &e. CANADIAN OFFICEP 111M1LTON, ONT., I sy,iwhcured i there fail disease and drop- in the store lately occupied by Mn Ld. vinaley, and invites all to call au:l see Coal in Car lots sold direct to Diseases of private, nature 'brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly oil res. goods and got pries. consumersa CONSULTAT10N MJ EE. k Repairing promptly attended to and No interilhediate profits, Tali.. SINCLAIR will be at the lratisfaction guaranteed. Write for Prices. I QMEN'S 140 ;` L, Wingham J. it. MUNSHA* special Attention 411ren to 800 I ; ox $C1eN hnd'C111b�1r SATUDAi, ANE 1 1592. fgllam, March 29, 1802. I lhi lJ fl . WEEK. Has just received a lot of beautif AMD, RICA 1H SATE, E 'S,all fast cola the usual price 20 cents; our pri 121 cents. L . f .A. case of AMERICAN PRINrl fast colors- at 71 cents, worth 10 cen- FLANNELETTES at 6 and 8 cen worth .10 to 1212 cents. f� � y STRAW H-ATS,5 cents and u wan i j 3 VIEWS STIFF HATS at 75 cen jvvorth $1.50. I BUTTER, EGGS, WOOL, all as cash. n We want your trade. Call and see us. HOLSTEIN BULLS' FOR ,SALE. The undersigned has for sale on Lot 10, Con, 4. Turnberry, tour thoroughbred holstein bulls; tang• inqq liom 9 to IN months old. The above mentioned auluna1. aro Ali well marked and registered in the Canadian Irerd Ronk, ThOyr Gill be soh[ ;eheap And on easy terms to suit putchasers. JAS 11410T, Beeedot of holstein Cattle, alumle, bat, T. Ai, M iL.L : Pon SAL19, Lot No. vs and the E. h, of Lot N'o. 7 11th Con. Turnberry-150 hutos; 90 screo cleared; well fenced; irarnei - house and other buildings; good orchard, cheap, olI Unto. Apply to X C. 'CA1k�E1ti0N, Ory, 1 sy* Goatrich \ X 11 Ii:.C'i7.i1"iRsox Gititfarrow P. 6.. i1