HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 4ffi stud Wellwood, that a ditch, and cul- is not the case, the public !rave their p eWILLIAMS, Vert Ile built on the 1st sideroad,con 6, whims, and if you wdela to sell your 1 and that henry Alackoy lot the same poultry tp the best advantage, you fil T�T by publicegtopetitiou--Carried, Moved must (tumor those whims, you will d �.� jwri by Clark and Welwood, that as cotta• find it touch easier to do this than to A plaint has been toads of the dangerous. change the publie opinion to your own $ state of the road on the Bill opposite way of thinking, if your fowls have S -AND- lot 11, con 11, the ILepu�y-peeve is white skin and white or black shanks, fu �p�•�^�y ��yY cc appointed to attend to the complaint the best thing you can do is to get rid U DRtUQ.`„�IST. and put tite road in a proper state of of them, you cult never produce first 2 repair -Carried, Mored by Kuntz class table fowls so long as you breed, and Mlacl(ay, that the Peeve and Joe such stock ; don't persuade yourself "-- " Welwood have the bridge on the Gth that they will do well enou;;h at 'the . C, %�� W. TELEGRAPH CO, sideline, cots 2, repaired as early •as present time, it is easier to .change to possible as it has been reported that the breed that possesses these qualifi- 2 it is in a dangerous state for public cations now while ,your flock is stuall, o pp, Bruaswick House, travel -Carried. Moved by Al okay that. it will bo when you possess three p and Wellwood, that the finance report or four hundred fowls ; one- of the s gham _ _ onto as just read be adopted Carried. largest market poulterers in the United t a Moved by Mackay and Kuntz, that States says Ile cannot afford to breed c this Board do now adjourn to meet anything but what ranks highest in y again on the 4th of Julie, as a Court the estimation of the public, because f ( ,tri �)r1.11'1 �I�.l1t�c j of Reviaion-Carried, a difference of one cent per lb makes b CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk, a difference of $800 to him in a year. t Don't forget this, gentle reader, if you a Blyth. are cherishiog visions of a mammoth i FIRIllAY, JUNE 3, ;89:'.. The Sacrenlent of the Lord's cnpper poultry establishment in tho near c Mme_ was dispensed in the Presbyterian future, remember that your revenue church, last Sabbath morning, Rev will be very greatly .affected by the N DITO$TAli NOTES. Air Law, of Be!grave, preached the class of poultry that you, breed. There i 1R. ROBERT WATSON, Liberal M. P. preparatory sermon oil Saturday. are over fifty different vat'1tIP.A and ' argttette, has been sworn ill as a Rev Mr Hamilton, of Londesboro, sub.varities of thorough -bred fowls, r preached on Sabbath- evening and Rev, and many of them would tee about as her of the Manitoba Government, Mr Forrest, of Walton, on Monday useful to the market poulterer as Blue 1 Lugg the Public Works portfolio. morning. --Prof Meekewill give another Jays or Robins, many people keep WING to rile death of Sir Alexin entertainment here on the evening of such fowl for their ornamental appear - ,Cam bell, flea. Geo. A. I�irkpat- June 6th,under the auspices of Trinity Lance in the same, way that others keep 1,� p church. The Prof met with such white mice, quiilea pigs, ring tail 1, NIL P. for Frontenac, has been hearty applause at his last entertain ► monkeys, and other lovely and charm. %inted Lieut. -Governor of Ontario, ment, given about a month ago, that lug creatures of that ilk. was sworn in on Monday last. we again becpeak for him a hearty I But few of the ornamental varitiea welcome and a good house. -The I possess any pratical useful qualities, Em writ for the election in Fron- residence of Air Henry Taman, %Va. many of them are extremely delicate, C, vacated by Hon. Geo. A. Kirk- wanosh, was the scei:e Of a ,joyous and for market purposes are utterly rick excepting the Lieut. -Governor- githPring last Wednesday afternoon ; I useless. p the occassion being the marriage of Having disposed of your common has been issued. Nomination, his daughter Mary E to Mr Jaynes scrub hens, your best plat+ will be to E e 10th, polling June 17th. Burgess, of Brussels. The bride waF purchase, one or two breeding pens of ably assisted by her cousin, Miss Sara fowls of the variety you have selected Taman, Blyth, while AIr Me -slay, oi as best snited to your purpose. To Culross +oud select the right breed is of vital ill) - 0 Brussels, performed the- like b nice and quiet wedding took place office fur the groom. We join with portance,hut it is equally as important the residence of the. bride's father, ° Wednesday, May 25th et 5 p m, the young couple's many friends in I to select tire. right strain of that brood; y 3 wishing,, them a long, prosperous turd a strain or family of fowls that possess 4e coutracting parties being Mt•, happy journey through life together, in am eminent degree the valuable idrew McKague, of theist conces• -The teaebers of the public school (characteristics you are seeking viz, n of Culross and Miss Kate C. here intend taping in, teacher's con. early maturity and great prolificacy. Atchell, second daughter of Cllr, vention to be held ill Seaforth, on i (To be continued.) ndrew Mitchell, of the 10th conces Thursday and Friday, of this week. tau of Turnberry. The ceremony was PERSONALS. -Alias 81111th and Alias East Wawanosh• '1rformed by Rev. A1r. Hartley, of Burgess, of Brussels. were in town t The Council met in the Council ' nevale. `rite bride wore a very be- last week. -Miss rV1 Miller, of Wroxe• )room, May 26th, 1892, as a Uourt of shim; dress of dove -colored surah ter who laid been visiting nt A1r John I Revision. Having severally subscribed nd white roses. Iter sister acted as Moffat's for a few days, returned to to the declaration required by Statute, ridesmaid and wore it pretty dress of her home last Thursday. -Ur Will there Leing no appeals against assess• ,� ate•colored cashmere. Mr. Alex. „ g 11tents, the following routine business Livia'aton, who a short tithe Rao re. a 3cGregor, of Culross,acted as t+rooms- moved to Embro, has been obliged to i was disposed of by way of additions, aao. After the wedding breakfast return here for a month until he can I corrections, etc: -Jas W Bone, to be nd a social hour had been passed and t find it house suited to his needs in assessed As owner of W ` W •I- lot 35, ,Uany of the older guests had left their Embro.-:firs Curtis, was this wePb. i con 8 ; Wm H Erskine, tenant part food wishes and rood -bye, the evening visiting her sister, Alrs S Graces, of i lot 42, con 8, Engrave, and to be varmed into the whirl of the merry Wiugham. ' Mrs Helier, of Akron, I assessed for $500 personal property ; ince and not nulll the wee stria' Jas Gaunt tenant N ?, lot 2Q con 10• Ohio,ia at present visiting her tnotia.er, , Pours of the morn, did the party Mrs Creighton. -Mrs Graham paid Philip James, tenant N I N :j• lot 5reak up, each wishing the happy Clinton a short visit this week. -Miss 39, con 10 ; Robt Shiell, jr, to be youple a long and happy life. Mary Dodds was, visiting ill the Ale assessed as joint owner of part lots 33 The Council met in the tow" hall, I Gowan settlement, 1Vawauosh, this and 34, con lb ; Robt J Hoover, con .Teeswater, May 21st, 1892, as per week. -Mr John Ross, of Toronto 4,,doa struck off; David Dunbar, con tuition of adjourument of last meet- University, is spending his holidays 5, dog struck off; Wm Deacon and 1 Members all present. The under the parental roof. -Miss M Wm Johnston, con 11, each ado, 'peeve in the. chair. Tip-. minutes of Smith, milliner for McKinnon ft Co, struck off. Applications was made 'last meeting were read. Moved by was visitin • her home in Brnsse)s last and the following persons were put on Welwood and 11loir, that the minutes weeir-•A'liss M. Windmill, of Auburn, Roll : Win Rogers, lot 33, con 4,11 F; ;Ile amended by changing tine data v- was visitiu 14ltss Lilly Fisher last Vin Conway, lot 33, con 7, M F : 1 this mpetinn from the 28th to the 21st weex.-illy Stanley I3aycr,of Seaforth, John C Reid, teacher, lot 32, con 5,AI ` of Ajay -and that, the i,ti"utas as; was in town this week. -Mrs Slisue Z' ; Jas AlcGill, jr; W slot 39, con 5, 'atuended.be adopt-•tl-Carrier.!, Moved was tisiting friends in Clinton this M F, F S; Mark Mason, l)t 35, con �, Eby Welwood and IS.uritz,that By -Law, Al F ; D Me.Callum, teacher, lot 38 week. ',No 4 of 1892 for the purpose of ap• I coil 9, Al F. Several other names to pointing padituasters, poundkeepers, ; PRACTICAL POULTRY RAISING. be added were postponed till next ifenceriewers and road commissioners ! _ sitting of the Court, -as the Council be now read a third lime passed, I BY T. A. wILLITTS WESTON ONT. considered further proof as to qualifi- signer! and sealed --Carried. Moved' - clition was required before being put aby Wellwood and Clark, that the (Continued.) ou,theroll. The Court then closed fenceviewers, poundkeppers and road ; Don't be carried away by your own for the present, to be reopened again, f commissioners for 1891 be reappointed 'prejudices in the matter, recollect that and then finally closed on Saturday, i for the year 1892 -Carried. \loved you are catering to the publie, and 25th June next. Council resumed for by Mackay and Clark, that the statute if you wish to win a reputation for the transaction of ordinary business. " labor for the year 1892 be its follows your drossed poultry you must supply Minutes of last meeting read and up to X300 of assessment, o" Utif day ; what the public want ; and the major passed. John Menzies was appointed and for every additional $300 one halt ! ity of those who represent the' first pathmaster for division No 54 instead dap and that all not assessed 'be ex I class buyers of any city in Canada or of Wm Johnston, and. James Smith empted front statute Hibor -Carried. the United States, prefer a fowl «ith for division No 78 instead of Samuel Moved by Kuntz aitd Mackay, that 1 yellow skin, and vellow beak, and James. John Hoare to Ile, pound the sum Of twenty five dollrs be, clear yellow shanks free from feathers, keeper in place of 'Phos Hoare, deceits - granted to improve the hill opposite such fowls ill this country rank as first ed. By -Law No 5, 1892, confirming lot 31„con 7 and 8, to be expended class table poultry, whilst birds with the appointment of pathmasters, under the supperintendance of Petnr ; white skin, and white willow, or black pouudkeepers and fenue-viewers for Olark- Carried. Moved by Kuntz' shanks are considered second class the current year, read and passed. Chid Welwood, that the Reeve !lore' goods. In England the reverse is the Communication from [?red Toll, con it culvert guilt opposite lot 3, con 1,' case, white skin fowl ranking first, the 2 regarding a dos said to be wrong - boundary between CulroBs and Turn- llorkinl; being held in great esteem, fully assessed for in 1891, received, berry, on condition that 7.urnberry' but in America this fowl is not bred when after further enquiring into this f bear half the expeaise.-Carried. Afoved to ails extent. ; on the other hand matter, the tax was Ordered to be re. by Wellwood and Moir, that as the Plymouth Rocks are coining rapidy funded. T L Jobb, Wiffghatn, was ditch or creett on the sideline between into favor in England, large numbers present negotiating for the sale of a lot 5 and 6, in the 13th eon is not of thein being exhibited at every number of road scrapers for tiro Ilse of deep enoa!th to let the water run free, poultry show, the; startling merits of the township, Rcaolvrd, that t11e that Peter Kutilz he appointed to get t1iA_ breed have sou for then the good Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, and Councillors said ditch or creek fixed file expeildt- opinions of English breeders. This fit, allowed $100 each in their seer gal tare not to exceed $5 Carried. preference for white or ,yellow' 81(in is divisions for the repairing and makdnp 1 Alov by Clarit and Moir, that as the doubtless, till a matter of "fancy, tl,e of roads and bridges within tho town- .aconcession lire east of the niaikhole probility is that not clip person in ship thia season, whenever the same con 18,. is represented to be unsafe fifty could tell after a fowl ip- oat.ted was considered necessary. The follow. for travel, Mr Kuntz is hereby al)" whether it oroinally po,�;estaNd whits ing debentures were passed and PAY - point+rltl to pypend twenty or thirty or yellow skin, and as neither the meat ordered, viz: Slater & Silhilis, dollars, As lie'thiuks beat to do, to shanks or beak appear on the fable it I3lytb, for a stem road scraper, $8,50; lmttrovp that part. of the. road eon= would seems a watter of indifference Wnr CSiarr, services ns frFaeuter •in ,Vlairerl of- awrried. Moved byXttntz wheat color they Kerns 'shah, however, 189.1, $7f5; Win Csirr, CloniroiNaltltls, gstages, stationery, six jit preys in 591, $20,40 ; James flick ingbottont, ling up washout on western boun- ary, lot 28, con 3, $,1,50 ; 101411 nderson,services as assessor lis 1892, G0 ; John Andersqu, equalizing U Chools, 1892, $12 ; hied Toll, re- nded dog tax, 1891, $1. Tile ouncil then adjourned till Saturday, 5 Julie next. P. PORTERVILLD, Clerk. West Wawanosh. The Council inet oil Saturday, May 8th, 1lenlbrrs all present. Minutes f former meeting were read and ap roved. `Ibe members formed them - elves into a Court of Revision, by to the necessary oaths befote the Jerk. An appeal was read from Will. Davidson objecting to being assessed or W L E L of lot 14 coil 7, lie not Sing the owner, Mr Davidson stated hat since appealing lie had made rrangements wher,mby he is now will- ig to be assessed for the property on.equently the appeal was dismissed. James Johnston requested that his son Samuel be assessed its joint owner istead of as Farmers' Son -;ranted. T being no other appeals it was noved by Mr Bowers, -seconded by Mr Medd, that the assessment roll for 892 as now revised be adopted - Carried. The treasurer's report for April sbowed balance from March 8138.90. (not $184.45 as incorrectly reported in April minutes) with ex penditure of $86.74 leaving $52.16 to r11ay account -report filed. Moved I GORDON &, MaINTYRR, A Talk With Our Customers, House Cleaning, with its attendant Worries, anxieties and perplexities -its removals and replacing a now carpet for tbis room, and a change of curtains for that, --will be upon us in a few days; and we wish to say to the Ladies, either of the town, or country, that Nye are pre- pared to the utmost .of our ability to help them over this trying season, by submitting for their inspection and se- lection a very nice assortment of Carpets, in Brussels, Tapestries, All Wool and Unions, of different weights and prices. The most interesting part of this talk With you is that the prices are all in your favor. CUaTAINS-Yea, we have diem in great variety, either by the pair or by the yard, in white and cream Laces. Also, very pretty patterns and shades in Art Mus - line. Prints are receiving considerable at- tention, notwithstanding the chilly weather. The reasons are that they are very pretty and cheap. We give you a most cordial invitation to call and select' the best, the newest and most stylish. Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at reason- able prices. We are constantly turning out very nobby, well -made and ' faultless -fitting suits, but our prices are remarkably low. We buy right, therefore we can sell right. 1n Teas, Sugars and general groceries, Nye always lead: still giving twenty-five pouds of a pure, bright sugar for $1. Mest price paid for Butter, Eggs, Cured Meats, &c. Mr Uxibson, seconded by Mr Medd, that Mrs Stilt and Edward Craig be exempt from preforming statute labor for this year -Carried. Gloved by Air Gibson, seconded by Air Medd,that the assessor be ;given a check for the amount of his salary -Carried. Moved by Mr Bowers, seconded by Mr Aledd, that the followin'g.p.stimates for public works be agreed on for the current year viz : rebuilding bridges oil con cessions 8 and 10, $170 ; boundary lines, $400 ; roads, $700 ; gravel and plank $300-Cfarried. The following checks were issued: Municipal World, copy of paper for treasurer 50c; Cyclostyle Co, paper and ink $2.10 ; Bank of Commerce, three coupons. Grierson drain d.:bentures, $1,200; Peter ReCatin, repairing washout, $1 ; John Smith, repairing washout between lots 18 and 19, con 5 857 ; W A Nilson, assessing, 860 ; John Butter,•memorandurrr'book, 50 cents; Thos .McRoberts, drain across road, ;2.50 ; Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, August 13th. The follow, int summary taken from the Assess- ment roll may be of interest : number of acres assessed, 41,7.00 17-20 ; acres cleared, 26,778 7-20 : value of' real porperty, $1,126,575 ; :logs, 212 ; bitches, 3 ; it umber of persons ,2,166 ; cattle, 3,650 ; sheep, 1,793 ; hogs, 623 ; horses, 1,185 ; acres of wood- land, 4,760 ; swamps &c, 9,179 ; orchard and garden, 415 9-40 ; fall wheat, 2,638 ; steam ongines, 9. R. IC.. MILLER, Clerk. Huron items. The Patrons of Industry are to have a monster meeting in Lakelet on July 1st. Alexander Taylor, M D. has been appointed associate coroner for the county of Huron. Mr John McMillin, of Ripley, f•tr- merly of Blyth died last week at the age of 94 years. Mr Clarke, of Seaforth, has taken ' Ole contract to run the stage between Bayfield and Seaforth. Clinton New Era : On the 24th a boy not twelve years old was so help- lessly drunk that he could not move along the street. On Monday, a young son of Air. D. Richards, in the employ of Mr. John Hunter jr., of Elimville, had his ear bitten of by a horse. Air, Andrew Auld, of Westfield, re- turned home from Dakota on Thurs- day last. Ile reports nothing to do and it large supply of hands to do it. GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. Wingham. April 21st, 1892. Any ons may see this curiosity by calling at W Blashil's bu'cher shop. A farmer in Goderich township had a valuable calf and in order that it might not harm itself he tied it on the barn floor. Soon after it kicked some boards loose and falling,* through liu"cr itself. A daughter of Air John White, of Steplien,while feeding the goslings one day last we -k, was attacked by the ;ander and severely heaten. It cau4ht her by the hair and flapped its wings until parts of tier body were black and blue. A road cart left outside of Hey. ward's carriage shop, Clintop, over night was taken away on Monday by some boys, fora lark; their sport may cost them something, a, gold watch that was taken from tho same place recently has not been recovered. Samuel Nay, of Lakelet, has met with a serious accident which will lay him ftp for some time to come, It was assisting to place the binding pole on a load of hay, when it broke, pre- oipitatine him to the floor. The fall Was a heavy one, and he sustained serious bruises besides having his arms I broken at the wrists. One day recently Geo Armstrong, of the Thomas road, Ushorne, lost, a valuable horse by a peculiar accident. A young lad recently from one of the paupor homes was engaged harrowing a field. In turning too short the barrow; upset, and falling nuainst tho, horses they ran away. Finally they got on the road, and in their road race one of them by :tome menus fell on the upturned, harrows, killing it +ilmoit instantly. . A very 'sad and fatal icwdent oc." cured at Seaforth on Monday morning, of last week. Wm Sproat was out driving with it young horse, in a road cart. When about three mi!es from. the town, it is supposed the liorse got frightened at Something oil the- road,t�.`.'• and bolt.pd suddenly to the side, strik-• ing a wheel of the cart against a post of the fence. Mr Sproat was thrown out and instantly killed. kje was one of the pioneer settlers of Huron and was one of the most highly resree0d members of the community. He was about 65 years of age and leaves a widow and large family. His sad death has cast a deecp gloom over the place, '.Che fol!owin_ is taken 'from the as- sessment roll of Morris, for 1892 := Rev T A Wright, of Gorrie, preach- I Total number of acres, 54,387; acres . cleared, 40,748; value of real proper - ed his farewell sermons on Sunday, of last week, Air Wright and family ty, $1,766,076 ; taxable income, removed on the 251.11 to Brantford to $1,100 ; value of personal property, $3,500; value of all property, $1,770,- take charge of St Judes' parish. 776; persons from 21 to 60 years, B S Cook has :Told the Pyle farm 1,442 ; days statute labor, 2,176 ; . just east of Gorrio, to John Clegg, of number of dogs, 311 , bitches, 3; per. Fordwich, Possission is to be taken sons in family, 1,880 , cattle, 6,413 ; in the fall. The farm comprises 47.1. acres of woodland, 6,031 ; Awarup, acres and brolight $2,600, marsh or waste land, 8.033 ; orchard Thos 11oare, of tine Mid concession and garden, 628 ; under fall wheat, East Wa.uttnosli, died last peek at the 3,405 ; steam boilers, 8 -, persons be - ago of 72 years. CJause,the etfaots oft. born in Dent Eng- tween the ages of 5 and 16, 7715; be- . tween 7 and 13, 427 ; between 16 and the drip. .lie %,as 121, 803. land. lits Blaidhtll, butcher, of Brussells, found r 10 Sitar gild ring ins ano5t ' JO' GENT'S` --`As an tnducetu tit til aI-st ,lubsorU s, unlikely lace. 1t was found embedd I? we offer the-',)LrIJt>ttlt till iiia Itst of d'taun ed- in the stomach of a Voting h6ifet. 109, for 50 cents. Bond in the nam y