HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-27, Page 12Scanning
the Weeklies
By Lee Hee
In scanning the Zurich Citizens News we note an item
in the Hayfield news which tells of a sizeable donation
being„ made 'to Hayfield Lions Club by Loyal Orange Lodge
in Varna, to help defray the cost of busing children to
swimming classes, in Clinton. --- Still in the Hayfield
news, Bill Sturgeon and Mrs. 1*}L.F. Gairdner marked
their 91st and 80th birthdays respectively this month.---
St. Boniface CWL plan a pilgrimage to the Shrine at
St. Marys, August 17th. Mrs. Jerome Sweeney and Mrs,
Mozart Gelinas are in charge of the arrangements.
The Blyth Standard reports the Agricultural Society
is bilsy with plebs for their fall fair. One of the high-
lights sill be an irpproved barrow show. Adrian Vos
has aereed to take charge of this shwa and plans changes
from oiler year-s„ .The horse sho•A .111 have $1,500
in prizes.
it'll - Des plant held i,pel, house last ,leek, according
to the Clinton Ne•,,s-trec,,r1„,liel, more than 4u0 people
went through the plant. lci is Clinton's
newest plant, employs 2,1 local the ininufacture
of precision tools and f,;is a n o ,"
Recreation Director, lie Is N.,rto,, amt he ,d11
.'be responsible fur handlin., all of Clibtol.•, yeereational
needs. lie succeeds Doug Alidrees .tie,',,rut to liderton.
The Wingham Advance-Times reports a rili}or and
ambitious lung range plan fur Bowed; To.,,,liship and the
Villages. of Wroxeter, Gurrle and Furd,i Hi to lie under-
taken over a ten - year period .is announced by Bowick
Lions Club, ' The ten - year plan will begin immediately
and a central swimming pool to serve the villages and
the surrounding' areas is to be built in Gorrie. the centre
of the area served. Cost of the proposed pool is about
$30,000 including landscapingi,dreSsing rooms and access-
• The Exeter Times - Advocate reports that a car
stolen Friday morning was found about an hour later
the Ausable River in Exeter's Riverview Park.
TEae dynamiting 'of a silo on the property of Gib Dow
damaged several homes a ,few'hundred Yards away last
Monday. The silo itself was left standing. --- Exeter
je\k'eller Jack Smith has rented his store to Simpson's
according to an announcement this ,A eek Cl111(1110,
`hiS watch repair and engraving business from his res-
idence. Simpson's already had rented their existing store
from Mr. Smith who built the building' housing the two
businesses 22 years ago when lie moved here.
Coderich Signal-Star reports that this year's
Summerfest, tu' be held July.. 27, 28 and 29 •Nill be one
filled' with the excitement of a carnival. There will be
entertainment galore, art exhibits from all over, south-
western' Ontario, .1 midway. showers, of flowers and food
stops a plenty The Art Clut.,whichlias been sponsoring .
the event for eleven years now, will he showing exhibits
of paintings from Sarnia, London, Wit,dsor anrithe Toronto
area. Craft displays in pottery, sculpture and ceramics
will be there. --- For the Prst time c,oderieh repre-
sented in the annual Mact.maw race on Lake Huron as
"The Butterfly'' owned by, Bruce Sully, took part in the
300 mile competition. Word ..vas received Just bekire
press time that ''The Butterfly" was the last boat to
finish under sail in the rare, al. I hi' ;PA arded the
unofficial "Pickle Boat" for ;t s efforts:. ,• The crew,
included Bruce Sully, 13ruce McDonald, Jack Needham,
John Hughes, all of Goderich, Dit,1(1 Clark of Gorrio and
•Jim Flowers of Woodstock. •
23. Bus. Directory 25. In Memoriam
° 26. Personal
Men's &
Portland and Masonary
While the Supply Is Good
Check Us- For
Phone 527-0770' Seaforth
RACHO - In loving memory of
Mary Agnas Racho who passed
away July 30,1971. -
At night the silent stars look
On a grave not far from here
Where sleeps the one we can't
• forget
And always loved so dear.
The dearest Mother tiffs world'
A cheery smile and heart of
To those who knew her, all
will know
How much. we- -lost
ago. -
Sadly missed and always re-
membered hti her family. •
ane year ,
Cadet 75 foryear
zone manager for A draw for a tool set and boxior-.
those attending the Seaforth Seminar was won by Emmerson
Coleman, H.R. 3, Seaforth, while a similar prize at the Ayr-
Gait Seminar went to Don Eby of Ayr. All tickets entered for
the draws at the two ,Seirnin,ars sponsored by Vincents will
now be sent to London, where, on November 1st, a draw for,
the .rent free use for' one year of an International 966 tractor Will be made.
The management And staff of the three Vincent bran'ehes
extend their thanks to all those who attended the seminars and
made them such a success. adv.
Value $7.95
GROUP of MEN'S SHIRTS up to $7.00
Value — $2 .95
A group of regular pants and jeans
OYS' sizes 8-1 8 $1.95
MEN'S sizes 30-34 .$2 .95
Winner of I.H.C.
A Combine Seminar sponsored by Vincent Farm Equipment,
Seaforth on July 10th attracted 125 interested area farmers. 'A
similar, event sponsored by Vincent's Ayr and Gait branches
on July 13th had an attendance of 150: Staff members from
Vincents arid International Harvester conducted the informative
program after which refreshments were served.
A highlight of the final evening was a draw for a rent free
use of a 7 1/2 horsepOwer Cadet 75 tractor and mower for one
year. Above, Warren Vincent (centre) of the Ayr branch,
presents the keys to the happy winner, Don Wooleott of R.R..1,
Bright (left). Looking on is Larry Jenkerson (right) district
The 104-year-old Halifax
Public Gardens of Nova Scotia
are located right in the heart
of the bustling port of Halifax
-- 'yet there is such an uncanny
hush along its tree-lined walks
that you can hear 'a pin drop.
. The 16-3/4-acre oasis of sil-
ince is a genuine Victorian period
piece which has miraculouily
survived Into the 20th century
with all the trimmings of the
' The quaint, ginger-breadish
bandstand was built in honour
of Queen Victoria's" Golden Jub-
ilee back In lain. The massive-
ly handsome wrought-iron
entrance gates which were im-
ported from Scotland in 1890
for a mere $600 could not be
obtained anywhere todayfor ten
times that amount.
Each gate is adorned with the
News of
• Mrs. Ken McKellar
in place of their regular July
meeting, the Marian Ritchie
Evening Auxiliary, met on the
lawn at the KilbarchauRest Home
in Sea-forth, and presented a pro-
gram for the patients there. Mrs.
Sam McCurdy presided for the
worship service which opened
with the Doxology. Mrs. Larry
Gardiner read the scripture from
Isaiah 55, and the meditation
and prayer were given by Mrs.
McCurdy. Mrs. T. L. Scott
accompanied herself on the auto-
harp and sang solos including,
There's a Bluebird on my Win=
kiowsill and AmazingGrace. Mrs.
Lorne Elliott gave two readings,
Give me a Friend and The Whole
of Life. Mrs. Gordon Laing
entertained with accordian music
playing favourite hymns and
polkas. A very humorous read-
hie, A Monkey's Viewpoint was
en by Mrs. Glen Elliott, Miss
Mabel Turnbull expressed the
thanks .or the residents of the
Borne and lunch was served.
On Monday afternoon, the
home economist, Miss Hen-
derson, was in the area inspect-
ing th'e gardens of the 4 -
club members.
Several families from this
community attended the Allen-
McLachlan-Hoggarth fatnily re-
union at Lions Park Seaforth on
Sunday afternoon:
Mr, an d Mrs. Otto Walker
and Mr. and Mrs.Darrell parker
of Staffa spent a week visiting:
...with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker
and family of Dowling, Ontario.
• Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex Ramsey
visited on Monday evening with
their son and daughter-iii-law
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey
and family at Molesworth.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Gardiner, Lisa and,Steven
were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bears
and Brian, St. Marys, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Gardiner,' Brenda
Ronald and Robbie.
Restore capital
of wpoden
s hip
Novia Scotia
. The oldest settlement inCan-
ada, at Annapolis Royal, Nova
Scotia, •has., been partially re-
stored at the O'Dell Inn Mus-
eum In the .style of the 1850s.
One room h ouses."TheDays
of sail" collection. This is a
display of pictures, records,
mementoes, models, and tools
of the ship-building trade from
1840 to the end of World War
1. The first ships build in
North America were launched
nearby in 1606. .
The Schoolmaster's House,
dating from 1790, contains a coll-
ection of education aids "from
These two buildings are the
first phase of a restoration of
St. George Street,, the home of
Canada's wooden shipbtfilding
empire. It was the third largest
in the world at the time.
By Appointment Only
Seaforth Office
Tues., Wed., Thurs.,
9 to '5:30
Thursday evenings
Monday only - Clinton Office
For Appointment
Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010
24. Cards of Thanks
I ;wish to thank my friends and
neighbours for gifts, cards
and visits while I was a patient
in Sea-forth CoMmunity Hospital.
Special 'thanks to Rev. Hancock,
Dr. Malkus ancf nurses for their
kindness. - Marie Dalrymple.
The family of the late Mrs.
Helen Nigh would like to thank
their friends, neighbours and re-
latives for the flowers, mass
cards, donations to the Heart
Fund and cards and letters of
sympathy. during their recent be-
reavement. Special ,thankS
to Dr. Malkus, nurses at the hos-
pital, Box Funeral Home, Father
Laragh and the • C. \ V.1„, and to
those who sent , baking to the
house. It was all very much
appreciated, 24-46x1
My sincere thanks to all for
visits, flowers, gifts and cards
which I received while in wing-
ham Hospital and 'on returning
home. Special thanks to the ,
nursing staff, Dr. Wilkins, Dr.
Ping and Rev. S. McDonald. All
was greatly appreciated. - Jean
Leiner. 24-46x1
I would like tei thank all those
who remembered me with cards,
gifts and visits while I was a
patient in Clinton Public Hospital
and since coming home. Thanks
to Dr. Addison, Dr. Walde n and
the nursing staf of the hospital.
Special thanks to the men who
came and helped put my hay in
and to those who were so kind
in. many other' ways. Arnold
Keys. 24-46-1
I would like to thank everyone
who visited me, sent treats and
cards while I was a patient in
Seaforth dommunity Hospital.
Special thanks to the nurses and
Dr. Malkus,;* - Joanne Carter
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Jaques
(nee Marie Hodgert) wish to thank
all who attended their receptidn
and dance, also for the gifts
as they were very much apprec-
iated, 24-46x1
r would like to thank Dr.BradY
and the 'nurses at the hospital,
all our friends and, relatives
for visits cards and gifts and a ••1. very special thank you since
coming home. - Mrs. Bruce
Armstrong. 24-46-1
Remember! It takes but .a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in pocket.
To advertise, just Dial Seaforth
Mr. anci Mrs. W. J. Leeming,
R.R. 4, Walton wish to announce
the forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Mary Elizabeth to
David Carl Brady, son of Dr.
and Mrs. P. L. Brady, Seaforth.
The wedding will take place
Saturday, August 26 at 4 p.m.
In Duff's United Church, Walton.
26 -46x I
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.Glanville,
Mitchell, Ontario wish to
announce the engagement of their
youngest daughter,LeonalViaxine,
to Donald Eric Biffonnette, son
of Mrs. Christina (Betty) Bit-
fonnette of Mitchell.. The
wedding will take place,Saturday
August 26, 19/2 at 7 P.M. in
Knox Presbyterian Church,
Mitchell. 26:46x1
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott,
27 John. Street, Seaforth, wish
to" announce the forthcoming .17
marriage of their daughter, Karen
Anne to Mr. Brian Kenneth
MacDonald, Son of Mr. and Mrs.
His smiling way and pleasant Kenneth MacDonald, R.R. 1,
face . 13lyth. The wedding will take
Are a pleasure to recall, place August 19,. 1972 at '7:00
He had a kindly word for each p.m. at First Presbyterian
And died suddenly beloved'o ‘:y Church, Seaforth. 26-46x1
all, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Small,
230 Davidson Ave. North,
Listowel are pleased to
announce the , forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, •
Eileen Lynda marguerite to
Mr. John Thomas Brown, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown
of Dublin. The wedding will
take place Firday, July 28th
at seven thirty o'clock in ,
North Mornington Presbyterian
27, Births
STEELS - To ',Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Steels, Kitchener, Ont.
at ,Seaforth Community Hospital
on July 17,1972, a son. 27-45x2
WEITZEL - To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Weitzel, Mitchell, Ont.
at Seaforth Community Hospital
on July 14, 1972', a daughter.
With - Doug. and Linda Hyde,
O wen, Sound,' are happy to
announce the arrival of their
son, Jeffery Douglas, on July
15th at Wingham District Hos-
pital. First grandchild for Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Lowe,Brussels
and another ,grandichild for stn.
and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen.
at Seaforth Community Hospital
on July 21, 1972, a daughter.
HABKIRK - Brian and Dianne
(nee Papple) are pleased to
announce the birth of, their son,
Jamie Robert Scott, on July 22,
1972 at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Londort,--Ontario. 27-46-1
Phone 527-0240
1100•2 11(2(1,1111e in‘ itations with
writrIcte confident:e from our
elevate ,,i.lcchon...ehich
iinnouncernenk and oil th-e
wrrect wt ctiding acces,..orics,
Our wedding gift to \ tin„, •
Kccp,,,ikc copy (,)1'wiir In\ itiition
priice ,,,,Lfd in Iniuriyio, gold
Come in and receirt; your fret , Bridal Gift Regiver
I . . Hear a pint drop in Brio park
Life — Health- and 'Accident — .•
RegiStered Retirement Pensions
D'e'dTagble-,-.1 RW§134-6 Fe-cf
Retirement Annuities
Sun Life Assurance Company • '
of ;Canada
TELEPHONE 527.0410
O'BRIEN - In loving memory
of my dear husband, Charles
Alexander O'Brien, who passed
away one year ago July 22nd,
The joys we shared together
And the memories I hbld dear
The home and happiness you
gave me
Will keep you always near.
No other one in all this world
Did I ever find so true
You gave me loving kindness
Asking nothing in return. •
It broke. my heart to lose you
But you did not go alone,
For part of me went with you
The day God called you home,
So I laid my heart beside you
And silently walked away.
- Sadly missed and always re-
membered by wife Elizabeth.
O'BRIEN - In loving memory of
a dear Father, Grandfather and
Great-Grandfather Chart-es'
Alexander O'Brien, who -passed
away one year ago July 22nd,
BUTTERS - In loving memory of
a dear- wife, Elizabeth, . who
assed away two years ago to-day
uly 27th, 1970.
My heart aches with sadness,
And secret tears still flow,
What it meant 'to lose you
No one will ever kilaw.
When I'm sad and lonely,
And everything goes wrong,
I seem to hear you whisper,
"Cheer up and carry on."
Each time I see your picture
You . seem to smile and' say,
"Don't cry, I. am only sleep-
We'll meet again some day."
Ever remembered by her hug'- SILLS - To Mr, and yrs. James and, Thos. Butters. 25-46x1
• Sills, Seaforth, Ont,, at Seaforth
Community, Hospital, on July 15, ACHO - In loving memory of 1972, a daughter. • '217-45x2 dear Sister Mary who passed
Way July 30,1971.
Dear Sister you are not for-
Though on earth you are no
more •
Still in memory you are with
As you always were before
Sadly missed by Sisters Eliza-
th, Margaret, Brother Bill.
Wonderful memories woven in
This is a picture we tenderly
Deep In our hearts a memory
is kept,
To, love, to cherish, to never
Some day we hope to meet
him '
. Some day we know not when,
To clasp his hand in the better Church. 26-46-1
. Never to part again. HUTTON - JACKSON
- Always remembered and sadly Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M.
missed by daughter Margaret and Jackson, of R.R,#2, Kippen are
son-in-law Joe and families. pleased to announce the forth-
25-46x1 coming marriage of their•young-
est daughter, Loii-Ethel, to Mr.
Douglas Neville Hutton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan 14. Hutton* PS
London, Ontario. • The wedding
will take place at 6 P.M. on
Saturday, August 26, 1972 .
at Egmondville United Church,
Egmondville, Ontario.
STOCKWELL - To Mr. and Mrs.
Laurie Stockwell of Windsor at
Hotel Dieu , Windsor on July
17, 1972 , a daughter, Sharon • ' -panion, Laurina. 27-46x1 1- As ~I walk-tiiroughll€c alone.
- Sadly missed and MaGRAE - To Mr. and MiS. .loved by your husband Jim. Michael MacRae,,Dublin,Ontario
RACHO - In loving memory of
a deeply missed wife who sleeps
one year, July 30,1971.
Molly you are not forgotten,
Though you 'are not here,
. Still in my memory you are
with me,
As you alwayS were before,
I have lost my soul's corn-
drole old city crest, consisting
of two oldtithe sailors sporting
straw boaters, and carrying the,
evocative motto "E Mari
Mercer" ("Wealth From The
Other bits of Hallgonlan Vic-
toriana: Canada's first skating
rink, built In 1859; the digni-
fied descendants of a swan cou-
ple presented to the Gardens by
the late King George V of Eng-
land; the Soldiers' Monument and
Fountain commemoratingCanad-
tans who served to the South
African. Campaign of 1899-1902;
the statues of'Ceres, goddess of
agriculture, Diana at her bath,
and Flora, goddess of flowers,
which date back to 1,88.7.
An Expositor Classified ,.d11
pay you dividends. Have you
tried one" Dial 52'7-0240.
.11# Aneon )cpositror