HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-27, Page 1111t:,HP,Rom,giv6sn'ok SEAF0011, COT:, 4 141,)" 27, 1972 4 20. Auction es 22. Liial Ma 20. Auction Sales 15. Property fiii—Rent 19. Notfces 12. Wanted to Buy PRIVATE collector will buy old dolls, dell furniture and dishes, and other doll items. Write Box 2087,.The Huron Expositor. 12-43-4 6. Teachers Wanted ability to work with Trainable Retarded children. Written applications indicating experience and telephone number should be addressed to the Principal. Interviews will be arranged with selected applic- ants. 1.-Coming Events PERTH County Pork Producers Barbecue and Dance, August 30, 1972, 5;00 to 8:00. Brodhagen it Community Hail. Music by ,The Inlaws. 1-46x1 • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, Antiques, House- hold effects, etc., -thet eePtPe 'Of the geld mayrbllad at my Office. Treeforar's offioo, tkda:',29t1x day of May. ',WM.' • • . James. MerAtosh, Treasurer. a -1843 ,AUCTION ' Persons wishing to • denate articles for sale at NOrthelde Church Auction, on August 30th, at 6:45 p.m., eontadt e Mr.D04 McKercher, 52.744437 or Mrs. Elva Ellis, 527-0125 on-or before August 5th. Pick up available. 'HOLIDAY HOME for retired peqpie. Private rooms, kept clean, spacious sit- ting rooms, three meals a day served in main dining room. Summer rates $ 5.00 a day. Winter rates $6.00 a day. Mr. & Mrs. Ceriel VanDamme, . 108 °alert° Street, Clinton, Ontario. . • 15:45-2 FARMERS! Are you considering. erecting Farm Buildings THIS YEAR Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. SATURDAY, AUG. 5TH WANTED, furniture, books, china, glass and general household effects, call 482-9138. 12-46-ff - - -- SENIOR citizens of Seaforth are taking a bus trip to Stratford, August 3rd . Meet bus at Victoria Park at 10 A.M. For further in.: formation call 527-0924 or 527- 1043. 1-45-2 SPECIAL MOTOR COACH TOURS SUNDAY, AUGUST 2Qth, 1972 C.N.E. ticket includes.reserved seat to Scottish-World Festival Tattoo and admission to grounds - $13.00 - SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1972 C.N.E. ticket includes admis- sion to grounds and return 'transportation - $9.50. ,WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th,1972 C.N.E. ticket includes reserved seat to Merle Haggard Show afid admission to grounds $13.00. SEPTEMBER 1st to 4th, 1972 OCTOBER 6th to 9th, 1972 Nashville, Tenn. - Grand Ole Opry -'From $61.00 per person OCTOBER 14th, 1972 21 days to California - visiting Salt Lake City, Reno, San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Much, Much, More - From $380.00 per per- son. SEPTEMBER 18th, 1972 5 day Agawa Canyon and North Country Tour - featuring Sud- bury, Elliott Lake,Mackinac Island, Frankenmut, 1 day trip aboard the Algoma Central Rail- ' way train to Agawa Canyon - From $95.00 per person. BOTICE TO-CRED at 1:00 P.M. For the Henry Diegel, Sr. Estate in the Village of Brod- hagen. ' . ° Full list will alapear, next week, R ,,G .. GETHKE Auctioneer 20-46-1 D,. J. Ceeltrane, Director of Education. IN TIM .$7!*•Tts-PP:1,";- • - • NELLIF Kf24010ft:' late of the Village -r,ot 0,mo:0,f Ontario, Widow. • All persons having deli's against the above -Eetate-• are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed signed Selicitors on or oefOre the 10th day of August, 1972, after which date the Eatate's assets, will be distribeted.haY/ng regard only to claims :that heve been received. I_ • DATED 10th day of- July, 1972; • , • SIMMERS AND EDWARDS 56 Ainslie Street, GALT, Ontario, 22-44-3 -% AUCTION of Antique and used furnishings, etc, at Northside United Church, Seaforthon August 30th at 6:45 .1),M,VV-45-2, 21. Tenders Wanted A herd of Holstein cows con- sisting of approximately 25 head, grade or registered, also some quota included. Michael 'Gulut- zen, R.R.#2, Brussels. Phone 887-6968. 12-45x2 Chairman R. M. Elliott, Ball - Macaulay Ltd. TWO bedroom apartment. Heat, hydro, frig. and stove supplied. Available July, Apply J. C. Crich. 15-44-ti 6.46-2 8. Farm 'Stock for Sale ONE hundred chunks, castrated, Garry Van Loon, R.R.#4, Sea- forth, Phone 527-1259. 8-46-1 TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT TENDER FOR. - Hen,sall 19-43-ff 14. Property for Sale ATTRACTIVE red brick and angel stone 2 bedroom house on outskirts of Hensall. .Built two years ago, the house is on a large lot and can accommodate, an addition if added •space is required. ' Full basement ideal for rec room. Ample storage area. Carpet and fireplace in living room. Box 2091, Huron Expositor. 14-45-4 ------------ , - HENSALL - Frame house with insul brick siding on Mill St. East, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen and bath. Attached garage. House must be moved from present site: Priced right. Phone 482-7511 or 237-3431 or 237-3576. 14-43-tf Clinton - Seafor.th ONE corner lot on Main St. South. Ideal for display purposes. Jim Sills, 527-1248. 15-45x2 HOUSE on North Main. Street, new gas furnace, 3 pc. bath.- Apply tp 527-07Q2. 16-46-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE_ Of Furniture, Appliances, House- hold Effects, garden tools, etc., St. George Street in . the Town• of Mitchell, WEDNESDAY AUG. 2 at 7:00 P.M. Consisting of: Matching Love Seat and chair in beige brocade; Duncan Fyfe coffee table; 9 x 12. rug with runner; Philco portable 21" T.V.; Leonard 24" electric stove; Wes- tinghouse refrigerator; Sim- plicity dryer; Simplicity super twin washer; radio; small applia- nces; , 2 Windsor chairs (ladles & gents); quilt, box;,. portable typewriter; single bed; lamps; vacuum cleaner. card table; camp cot; lawn furniture including an iron table & chairs; lineqs, dishes and glassware; garden and hand tools. ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, authorized dealer „ Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich, Phone 524-6514. 19-43-tf DIRT FILL Sealed and Marked "Tenders" will be received by the under- signed ' until 5 p.m., Tuesday. 9. Poultry for Sale 400 Yearling laying hens, 523- 4368 after, 6 P.M, 9-6 AUGUST 1sT, 1972 LEGHORN pullets ready to lay A. A. 26 strain. Phone Roe Farms Ltd., Atwood, 3.56-2211.. 9-46-1 SIX room apartment, separate bath, water supplied, heated. Available August 1st. Phone 527- 0313. 15-46x1 If you are thinking of buying or selling ANTI'QUES or USED FURNITURE contact NORM WHITING Exeter, 235-1964. Wareticl buyes household lots 19 -43 -if single To deliver approximately 4000 cubic yards dirt" fill to be de- livered to Boundary betweenlint- bert , and Fullerton Townshipi, Con. 1 and 2, Contractor to tender to supply or not supply fill, and MUST state both prices, and supply four or more trucks at all times. A certified cheque .for ten per cent to accompany each tender, all work to, be completed by end of September, 1972. The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. Charles Friend, Clerk, Dublin. 21-45-2 23. Bus. Directory KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 TRAILER for . rent, at Family Paradise for the last two weeks of August. Phone 527-0800. 15:46-1 PERCY WRIGHT- .. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario' Telphone 262-5515, Hensaft 23-43-ff -19. Notices Box 169 9-43-1.1 WE SELL AND SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Seaforth 527-1720 19-43-tf 10. lised Cars for Sale 1968 6 cylinder Ford Custom 2- door, low mileage, clean. 527- 1550, 527-0552 evenings. • 10-43-tf PATZ Farm Automation Stable Cleaners Silo Unloaders Cattle Feeders Andrew Berg Hwy, 8-1 toile East CLINTON, PHONE 482-7282 SUMMER SPECIAL CHECK OVER TIME t TOWNSHIP OF IfIBBERT TENDER FOR GRAVEL Sealed Sealed And Marked "Tenders" will be received, by the under- signed . until 5 p.m., Tuesday, NOTE: This is an excellent offering with everything being in A-.1 condition. Front-End Alignment ONLY $9,95 On most makes of care (Parts & Installation Extra) 11. Articles for Sale ADDING machine tapes for most standard' adding machines avail- able at The Huron Expositor; 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-43xtf GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 519 527-0050 MR,. PIXIT'. Modern conveniences needed in this 3 bedroom brick home en 5 acres of land near a highway. Steel garage. Asking • price $8,000 with $1,000 down., TERMS: Cash No Reserve Not responsible for accidents on day..of sale. CLAUDE HORNE Proprietor R. G. GETHKE Auctioneer. 20-46-2 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up at your farm phone by Saturday night. , W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night- and Day Calls - 527-0510 23,43-ff AUGUST 1sT, 1972 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE F, W. Tilley, Seaforth, Ont. COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25e each; THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-43xtf GESTETNER ink available at The Huron. Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. • .11-43xtf To deliver approximately 9000 Cubic yards pit run gravel, not to exceed 5 inches, and 4500 cubic yards of dirt fill should- ering, to be delivered to Con. 4 and 5, lots 1 to 6; supply four or more • trucks all times. Con- tractor to tender to supply-or not supply gravel.and fill, and MUST state both prices • A certified cheque for ten per cent to accompany -each tender, all work to be completed by end of September 1972. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Charles Friend, C erk, 21-45-2 ELEGANCE. Of the 19th Century - bay win- dows - stained glass - Beautiful drapes, 4 bedrooni, 1 1/2 bath .2 storey red brick home. 2 car .garage. Asking price. $24,000. SEAFORTH ELECTRONICS Z• EN I TH & PH I LCO WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-43-ff 1-45-5 19-46-2 20. Auction Sales 20. Auction Sales SEAFORTH Non-Nibblers please note your meeting of August '7, 1972 is cancelled due to the holiday week end. ° 1-46-2 SEPTIC -TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. • we guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton, 482-3320. 19-43-tf PEACEFUL PRIVACY STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and dupli- cate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-43xtf 1/2 mile to your closest neighbour. Distinctively moder- nized 4 bedroom home with built- in appliances on well landscaped 5 acre property. Full price $25,000. ' Contact CAROLYN THOMPSON R.R. 2, Seaforth 527-0238 14-46-1 CANADIAN Foresters are spon- sering a sight seeing bus to Niagara Falls on Tuesday, August 8, everyone tweicome. Contact Mrs. Nelson McClurg, 527-0768 or Mrs. Leslie Dolmage, 527- %85. 1-46-1 DEALER Service to all makes - TN's. Radios, Etc. 17 Sperling St. - Phone 527-1150 23-43-ff BRUCEFIELD MACHINERY :AUCTION On SATURDAY, AUGUST 5,1972 At Haugh Equipment, 1 mile east of Brucefield on Huron County Rd. No. 3. • Turn your idle equipment into cash Consignments accepted until August 3 We are equipped to load and unload all equipment Pickup and delivery service 'may be arranged. For consignments Phone 527-0138 or 482-3120 TROPICAL FISH ' BUDGIES, CANARIES. WANTED DEAD or ALIVE A complete line of pet supplies. 5. Bus. Opportunities EARN THE DOLLARS you need to fill that .obudget - gap". the . Avon way. Many, Avon Repre- sentatives earn an estimated $40 weekly, selling Avon products in their spare time near home. Can you qualify? Find out by writing MRS:. M:` MILLSON, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32, Ontario. 5-45-2 Bulk stipulated' sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon E.D.T., Tuesday, August 29,1972 for the construct- ion of a MAINTENANCE BUILDING in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Snider, Huget & March, 37 Allen Street, West, Waterloo, Ontario. Plans and specifications are available from the above. The lowest or any tender shall. not necessarily be-accepted. 'MarleteR. Shiell Secretary-Treasurer Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority RICHARD 1.0811 PAT'S PET SHOP Dead and) disabled cows and horses $10.00 each. -$1.00 cwt. will be,, paid for animals from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. Calve,s and pigs pick-up free. Around the clock pick-up service 7 days a week. Call collect 887-9334. ' Lic. #2'73-c-70 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 \ 11-43-ff, , EXPERIENCED AUCTIOdNEER APPRAISER F,R E E L I-SIING S! It costs nothing to list your property with us and we do _ all the advertising. WILLIAM M. HART Salesman Seaforth Phone 527e0870- representing Allen Haugh - 'Sales Manager WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood slabs delivered, six cords $24.00. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-9431 or • 482-7898 23-43-tf NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Pr-timpt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale serytee';'-7 PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucefield - 482-3120 20-46-1 041114114, 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food- Supplies 6. Teachers Wanted THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CRAIG'S SAWMILL • Auburn, Ontario. 526-7220.' .11_41_10 NORM WHITING a?ICOdId66A • • - aluminum GEORGE R. JUFNST01. requires , for September 1, 1972 TEACHERS FOR SCHOOLS FOR RETARDED,CHILDREN ' (Mornings only) at Golden Circle Sohool, EAVESTROUGHING or galvanized. Estimates without oblig4.tion. R. E. Ruttan, wing- ham, Phone 357-1077. 11-43-If wroxeter, Ontario.21-46-1 REAL ESTATE LIMITED TOWNSHIP OF GREY TENDERS FOR TRUCK SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked will be received by the undersigned until 5;90 . p.m., Tuesday,, WATCH REPAIRS - FA.T SERVICE . All work guaranteed ANS.TETT JEWELLERS. LTD. Phone 527-17210,— Seaforth. 19-43-tf West Lorne 14-46-1 Auction Sale • Of Household Furniture, Antiques and Sealer. Collection - on Saturday July 29,1972 in Exeter Legion Hall, Wrn. St,,Exeter, Ont. • • , 1 P.M. Sharp This sale is the belongings of Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacNaughton, „London. MIXED' grain, peas , barley and oats,. (40 ton). Michael Guldtzen, R.R.#2, Brussels, Phone 887- 6968.. 11-45x2 A-6 Case combine with Wiscon- sin -Motor $75.00. Apply to ''llugsell Miller, Stale, Phone 345-2027. 11-45-3 Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER 23-43-ff AUGUST 8TH, 1972 W I N'G HAM Ontario ° 'Principal; Mrs.Florence Reavie, wingham, Ontario at ' Queen Elizabeth School, GODERICH' ▪ Principal: Mrs. Joan M. Graham, 15 Caledonia Terrace, Goderich, Ontario These positions involve the ability to work. with Trainable Retarded children. Written ap- plications stating qualifications, experience and telephone number should be 'addressed to the Prin- cipal. Applicants should hold a basic Ontario teaching cer- tificate. Preference will be given to those who hold a certificate in Teaching Trainable Retarded Children or in Special Education. Interview's with Selected applicants w tl l ^be arranged by the Principal. TEACHERS' AIDES (Mornings Only) Real Estate for the supply: of a 3/4 ton Pick-Up Truck. Specifications and Tender Forms may be obtained from the undersigned or at the Toewnship Office, Ethel, Ontario. All bidders must use Township Tender. Form. Allowance /or trade-In on a 1967 Ford 3 /4 ton truck. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Phones: 82 Albert Street , Clinton . New 43 bedroom home near Sea-forth with electric heat, attached garage completely modern. VACUUM CLEANERS WHITING AUCTION SERVICES EXETER, ONT, PHONE 235-1964 20-46-1 ONE Case A 6.Combine P.T.O. in good , condition. PhOne 482-7423. 11-46x1 Day 527-0680 g- Night 527-0885 ' 23-43-V COCKSHUTT self propelled swather for sale, 12 ft. cut, good condition. Manuel Beuerman, Brodhagen, Phone 345-2857. 11-46x2 Sales & Sevice 1 1/2 storey frame holne on Rail- way Street with new gas furnace. Moderately priced. G. A. WHITNEY . , FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Sea-forth • .23-43-tf All Makes alleseasezell ,ROSS ENGEL BOB PECK VARNA '2625748 19-43-tf 2 storey brick home on Snarling Street with 3 bedrooms, electric heat arid completely redecorated. PONY and saddle in good con- dition also aBeattyliquid manure spreader. 345-2368. 11-46xI Road Supt., 13.13,#3, Brussels, pntario. 21-46-2 22. Legal .Notices TREASURER'S- SALE -OF LAND FOR TAXES ESTATE AUCTION SA-LE Antiques, household furniture .and appliances at 43 Chalk - 3/4 acre lot in Eginondville. Completely drained. Street, Seaforth, across from the High School, on ONE 14 ft. banked shuffleboard, 5 x ,9 pool table, one electric cash register (single total) and a display shelf unit, Phone 527- 1101. 11-46-1 DEERBORN combine, 6 ft. head with pick U. Water cooled engine. In excellent conditiin. $200. Phone 345-12409. 11-46x1 1 SATURDAY, JULY 29TH HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL WANTED TO LIST Modest datage in Sea-forth with basement for cash client. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Beware of the chap who reminds you that you 'can't' take It with you. He'll try to take it with him. 14-46-1 at 1:15 P.M, 'FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES - Round oak dining room table, buffet and 6 matching chairs; walnut library table; chesterfield and 2 matching chairs; press back rocker; 8 matching press back chairs; Victrola; small round oak table; Philco 19" TV; 2 rockers; Maple drop leaf table; day couch; 2 hall racks; tredle sewing machine; dresser and matching washstand; 2 iron beds; brass bed; dresser; washstand; wicker rocker fold away cot; odd tables and chairs ; trunks; 'pi" ic 36" picture' and frame; many more pictures and frames; lamps; hooked rugs; 6' x 9' rug; quilts; many more items. GLASS & CHINA - Nippon; Canadian glass; dishes and, ornaments. APPLIANCES - Sunshine 24" electric range; GE,refriger- ator; Inglis wringer washer. Auctidneer Clinton, Ontario We' are now paying $5.00- $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a servic.e to you. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours License No. 3'78-C-72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-43-tf TOWNSHIP QF TUCKERSMITH • COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: - By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 4th day of April, 1972 sale oflanes in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tu,cker- smith will be held at the Huron Centennial. School, Brucefield at the hour of 9;00 in the Evening on the -FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 - Monkton 23-43-41 300 amp Lincoln portable welder o n trailer rebuilt 21/2 years ago. Excellent condition. 527-0114. 11-46x2 Golden Circle School, W INGHAM, 'Ontario •••••••• TO give away - year old dog to a good home, preferibly on farm, good with children. Phone 527-1587. 11-46-2 Additional Classified • on page 12 Queen Elizabeth School, GODERI 'CH 'Heron Hbpe School, HURON PARK Principal: Mrs. Eleanor Sdott, Bost 118, Huron Park, Ont. 49 ACRES With large L barn, silo, hydro, 36 acres of rich leVel workable land in hay and' pasture. 12 acres bilsh, 7 miles from Seaforth In McKillop. a day All furniture is in excellent condition -- Plan to attend • TERMS - Cash Na Reserve ONE self pig feeder, one 14 ft. truck rack plywood bottom, 6 ft. sides. Bill Millson, 527- 1167,, . 11-46x1 660 Case combine c/w cab corn head; 84 in. Incas pick up, pick up reel, bin and elevator extension. Phone 262-5809. 11-46-1 5TH DAY OF , SEPTEMBER,1972 Proprietor - Estate of the Late Sarah E.Mclver RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers and Liquidators Brucefield 482-3129 INVEST your money safely where it will earn the most.. Contact Ted Savauge 1,einvestments. Registered Retirement and low cost Occidental Term Insurance. 527-1522. 19-43-If unless the tars and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale -for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 29th day of April, 1072, .. CALL JOE O'REILLY 845-2465 14-46-1 20-46-1 These positions involve the