HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-27, Page 9• I I 0 ff..AV„ you- 0043001 00$ SPECIAL !** AND,„ LISP SPECIAL, .VAILU; • Larvae ROOKS AND Sl'Al'IONERY STORE The Friendly. tore in Seaforth — "the friendly town" WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: DIAL 887-6641 son. 1 During ti e supper hour lucky attendance rizeli were won, by Ann Lawson and Clara , Everyone enjoyed esslorges- bord supper after which the pres- ident Lorne Lawson conducted the business. The president welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Doug Clark and son from London to thee picnic for the first time. He also read some historic events concerning the Lawson ancestors. The picnic will 'be held at Benmiller again in 1973 on the second Sunday of July. Officers for 1973- 1974 are as follows: President - Sid Lawson, Sec. Treas. - Mrs. Paul Moss, Lunch Committee - Mr. and Mrs. pad Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phri-. miner, Sports Committee- Mr. and Mrs. David -Medd, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. By John. D. Baker -• Public Relations Officer Branch 156 TILE. JET AGE Most of us- think of the jet. aircraft as being.' strictly poSt • war, but it is interesting to note that work on the firSt operational jet plane began in 1938. The Germans were trying to develop a jet fighter plane, and if they had succeeded by 1939 or' 40 it could have changed the course of the air war tre- mendously in their favour, but because the German air staff thought that the war would only last a year,. it was given low ' priority. However the Messer- ' scbmitt 262 was the 'first op- erational jet plane and was finally b completed, and did see service in 1944. Out of the 1,400 built only 200 saw action, the ME 262 had a top speed of .540 m.p.h. and was especially deadly when _.,..firtne racket mis.siles. The British were second to develop a jet fighter, the Gloster ▪ Meteor, work started 'in 1940, but the first service models were I) WE SELL ONLY CANADA'S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF! vac par th.69c vacipt 59c 2'p. vac ar 1.09 _ - COIE MANS FULLY C001,TD FOOTBALL STYLE SMOKED HAM "lb. 85c Hall F ASCINATION, ASSORTED FLAVOURS, ICE • CREAM vs gal. ant 79c pkg• 1 7 09$. of I 99c ORANGE SILVERDALE FROZEN CONC,ENT7201:E. 29c JUICE tin Banquet Frozen Chocolate, Coconut, Banana Strawberry I CREAM PIES or LT- ,,„, 1, 4 "in ‘67 .pies 11 illy's/ 1, 1 RION'S FROZEN , 1 'COFFEE RICH _ _____ - , . der 2 16 5c1 , 1 TURKEY N GRAVY SALISBURY STEAK OR SLICED SHOPSY'S FROZEN ROAST BEEF N GRAVY ,iii amw I i. CHICKEN N GRAVY DINNER +Y 5 oz. pkg..1 C I ' GOLO REEF FANCY SLICES OR HALVE S PEACHES 4 99( SHIRRIFF 5 ASSORTED VARIETIES JELLY POWDERS ca. pi, pkg. PEEK FriEAN ASSORTED CREME BISCUITS 8 41, pkg. 25c roONATIoN ASSORTED VARIETIES ELISH 4 "I:, 99c Schedule • wAt-Seafort 4.guttClasses Lions Pool Lawson-Clark re mpn THE HPRON ANT.; JULY 'J 197;7-4 The LawSen-glark Rei14/94 was held at Benmiller Provin- cial Park on Sunday July 16th, with over eighty.,persons in att- endance.„ During the afternoon, Jack and Doreen Medd and Chuck and Donna Tilston conducted the sports and races. Races : Pre school - Brent Fowler, Brad Fowler, Girls'679 Susan Jamieson, Doris Lawson, Boys 6-9 Leslie Lawson, Bob Jamieson, Girls • 10-12 Kerri Medd, Karen Hannah. Couples Peanut Relay - David Medd and Angela Flynn, Ralph Glew and Helen Lawson. Lady with most buttons on dress, Mrs. Win. Pinning. Man with most pennies in pocket David Livingston. Oldest. person present -, Mrs. Min Riddell: Youngest person present - Kim Medd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Medd. Gifts were also presented to babies, born during the year- Paul Glew son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clew and David Lawson son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Law- Augest swimming classes at the Seaforth Lions Pool will commence Tuesday, August 1st. Swimining instructors for this session will be Angela. Dev- N eaux, Jane Sills, Brenda Dietz, Nary Ball, Jean Devereaux, and Leanne Melanson. 9:35 - 10:10 Instruptor - Brenda Dietz Jim Lavelvt$, David Ellis, Carol Anne Staffen, Randy W1,1son, Dave Staffen, Colin young, Connie Willis, Lorn e Bakker JUNIORS - Instructor, Brenda Dietz: Calvin Z wean, Dianne Wil- son David Underwood, Stephen Sallows, Karen Laverty, Dianne Gridzak, Sandra Steffen, Susan McAllister, Debbie Gridzak PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Jane Sills: Stephanie Carter, Darlene Baker, Leo Teeter°, Michelle Braecher, John Staffen, Jaimie Workman, Jeffrey Ware- ing, John Vqn Euw. - JUNIORS - Instructor - Mary Ball: Colleen Ryan, Kevin young, Rosaline McFarlane, Robert Wil- son, Denise Albert, Mary Anne Nolan, Stephen Underwood, Peter Underwood, David Townsend PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Jean Devereaux: John Klaver, Peter Klaver, Darrel Heynan, Paul Reynan, Kltti Krauskopf, Tony Nielson, Eddy Nielsen, Ch- eryl Morey, Dennis Nielson, Terry Morey, Johnny Neilson. PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or - Leanne Melanson: Todd Morey, Estella Wilson, Gerard Ryan, Robbie Von Euw, Susan Boylee, Alan Wocks, Stephen McKellar, Lori Strong, baxlene Moore 10:45 - 11:20 BEGINNERS Instructor -. Brenda Dietz: Paul Van Bergen, Peter Van Bergen,. David Alexander, John Braeker, Robert McFarlane, Roy Brown, Richard Johns PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or - Jane Sills: Pamela'Bettles, Sandra Hunt, Alan blocks, Willie DeJong, Gordon De Jong, Kevin Coleman, Paul Henderson PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or - Mary Ball: Stephen Van Doornik, Barry Moore, Jerry Wright, Tracy Wright, Pauline Murray, Kathy Pryce, Joanne blocks, Teresa Ferris, Wayne Wilson, Stephen Henderson PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, J can Devereaux: Joanne Cart- er, Jeffrey Sallows, Ross McIn- tosh, Faye Carnochan, Joey Dor- ssers, Lisa Johns, Kristie Van den Neuker, Kara Van den Neu- ker, Jeffrey McKellar, Martin Bedard PRE-BEGINNERS Instruct- dr, Leanne Melanson: Carol Mc- Intosh, Pam carnochan, Marion Hunt, David Murray, Gord Murray, Charles Nyland, Joanne Johnston, Stephen Jansen, Jeff Bedard, Susan Dorssers. 11:20 - 12;00 SENIORS 'Instructor - Angela Devereaux: Dianne J ansen, Deta Bakker, Glen Stewart, Janet Bolton, Richard Stewart, Dawn Wood, John Bakker, BEGINNERS - Instructor, Brenda Dietz; Aloysuis McQuaid, Mary-Jo Looby, Louise Looby, Mary , Lynn • Glew, ,Ursula Mc- Farlane, Jane Ellis, Loretta Z waan JUNIORS - Instructor - Jane Sills: Paul McQuaid, Jerome Cronin, steven Johns, David Gid- zak, Margo Kale, Paul Ellis, Bradley SallowS, Joanne Rimm- er, Cynthia'Stewart, Mark Under-.. wood.- -PI:RE-:BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Mary Ball: Maureen Del- aney, Jim Delaney, Brian Moore, Sandra Campbell, Nancy Dietz, _,Anne Cronin, Maureen Hutch- inson, Joanne Van Deornik, • • PRE-BEGINNERS Instruct- or, Jean Devereaux; 'Jayne Del- aney, Lucille Delaney,--Dwight Mennell, Murray John McGregor, Steven McGregor, Michael Bed- ard, Mary Hendricks, Henry Hen- dricks, Jack Hendricks,' Bill Swinkles • PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Leanne tVielanson, Michael McGregor, Mark McGregor, Julie Knetsch, Sharon Wilson, Anne Marie McQuaid, Robert Glew,Tracy Lynn Bradshaw, Stephn Henderson 0 INTERMEDIATES Rose Marie Kelly, Joy Fisch- er, Frank Vincent, Peter Mart- oene, Charles Stewart, arena Huiley, Lori Savauge, PasifSte- wart. JUNIORS - Instructor , Jane Sills: Karen Laverty, Gary Smith, Jane Morton, Janine Melanson, Ronnie Dale, Valerie Patterson, • I, Lynda Vincent; Gaye. Fischer BEGINNERS. - Instructor, Mary Ball: Mark Fischer, David Rimmer, Jane Van de Ban, Tena Bakker, Patricia rummer, Todd Doig. PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Jean Devereaux: Janet Kerr, *Karen McNairn, Richard Have- man, Johnny Czerwinsid, Bruce Morton, Dan Munroe, Clarence Van de Ban, Barry Vincent, Jan- ice Underwood, Sandra Ftegele. PRE-BEGINNERS - Instruct- or, Leanne Melanson: Mary Jane Tompson, Jo-ann Czerwinski, • • John Coleman, Larry _Tes.tero, Leonard Teatero, Katherine Von Zuw, Patricia Haveman, Donald. Bennewies, Leo Van de Ban.' 10:10 - 10:45 ' INTERMEDIATES Instructor - Angela Devereaux BLACK CHERRIES RED CHERRIES Now Available in the Pail (by order only) at SEAFORTH 16A I STAFFA Correspondent Mrs. John Templeman Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole, Jean and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family, wer e guests at the' Annis . - Brodhagen wedding, Friday even- ing in St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Finlay- son, left last week on a motor trip to the western provinceS. Miss Darlene Templeman, Waterloo University spent the, weekend with her family. Mrs: 'MaryMiller, Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and girls. At time of writting Mrs. News E` News . and Views 4, • Suppled Serviced by ...M., Loeb Ltd. d.„ I' CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK BLADE BONE OUT BLADE OR SHORT not. delivered to the R.A.F.' until 1944. This was. just 'in time to go into action againstthe German V-1 Rocket missiles. Thirteen of these flying bomb were destroyed byGloster Meteo pilots, two of them byCanadians. The first' of these jets 'to operate outside of England arrived in Holland in April 1945 too late to challenge the German ME 262* jet fighters to a duel. The Meteor's top speed at 30,000 feet was 493 m.p.h. PAST EVENTS Bingo last Friday night att- racted seventy-eight players and prizes to the value of $325,00 e- WerWon. • COMING EVENTS Thursday July 27th there will be an Executive meeting starting at 8.00 P.M. Friday July 28th Bingo as usual: at the Legion Hall. Jessie Hamilton, is' a patient at Stratford General Hospital. TOP VALLI FROZEN CONaNTRATE:.WHITE OR PINK ------- --- 'e 4 12 ca. fib ric tins • 0 7___ LEMONADE .1 CHEF-e.0Y-AR-bEE FROZEN 1 CHEESE PIZ ZA .. „.,. 11,1°',.. 75c SAUSAGE PIZZA____::. 113.1: 5c' CHEF -BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN CHUN KING FROZEN SHRIMP • '1 5___________— _ CHICKEN OR %Wc EGOVL1 CHuN KING FROZEN CHICKEN SOUR SPARERIB A ML ______ OND, " SHRIMP DIHHER$ . _______F_____—pirg: 79c ........or RIB ROAST A lb. Nei 11•• 41.1. IMO MN •M •••••• CUT FROM THE I BEEF CHUCK BEEF 1. BLADE STEAKS ' (FOR, YOUR BBQ) I AUSTRALIAN —FROZEN LEG LAMB STEAKS 16.1 FRESH OR 1 FROZEN I KNIFE CUT CHICKEN 1 LEGS ft: : CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK ; BONELESS i I - CROSS RIB ROAST a a a a a a Crith's Bakery and Lunches ....52770340 Seaforth 4. eV 411. ION NM lb ••••1 ..... as. .oe la•N -.Mew 0101."' PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA DAVERN SLICED SIDE BACON d5, pat TOP VALU SLICED KAM BOW CUT FROM THE CHUCK BEEF OUTSPAN 16.89c SHOULDER STEAKS KITCHENER PACKERS-BY. THE PIECE- _ —BOLOGNA . _ . CUT FROM THE'SHOULDER BONE IN BUTT PORK CHOPS 16.69c PRIMROSE FROZEN VEAL OR BEEF STEAKETTES 4L 65` -SIDTBACOISI BONELESS OCEAN PERCH FILLETS MARY MILES WIENERS Ti)P VALU' WIENERS Ib29 • SPECIAL SALE Oft GSW Air Conditioner Size 88's Dozen Clans gather DOLE OR CHIQUITA GOLDEN 13c YELLOW BANANAS lb. CAN. NO. I ONI s. at Scottish Festival r BONUS DISCOUNTS SNOWHITE CAULIFLOWER each 38" U 5 NO 1 CRUNCHY FRESH Green Sweet PEPPERS 2/29' ONTARIO GROWN SPARKLING fieS, BUNCH RADISHES 2/25' HOT WEATHER TREAT tASTY,TANGY ".` ""'"'" • 2 5.,,49` CRISP. - HEAD LETTUCE .6,19' s NO, 1 CAL Flavourful , RED GRAPES U S RIO 1 Taste Tempting NECTARINES 5/49' U S NO, 1 CRISP TENDER CELLO CARROTS y9ea „39' HAPPY VALE SUB-STANDARD WHOLE KERNEL CORN HOLIDAY LUNCHEON MEAT 12 t71. N00 IA 49c 120[. 1 .4c tin The Campbells are coming... and so are the MacDonalds, Mac- Millans, MacPer sons, Mac- Gregors and all their Highland cousins 'from all over Canada and the United States for the first annual Scottish , World Fetival • to be held at the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition, Toronto, Can- ada, AuguSt 1'7 - 20th. It will be the greatest Ceilidh ever held in North America. ' Ceilidh is Gaelic for party --- and that's just what it will be, .in Toronto, Canada, as the Scots .-take over the 359-acre Canadian, National Exhibition for an Inter- national Gathering of the clans. The Duke of Argyll, Chief of Clan Campbell, heads the parade of Scottish Chiefs coming to Tor- onto for the Festival. Also com- ing are: the RI. Hort. Lord Mac- • donald, Chief of the Clan Donald: General Sir Gordon MacMillan of MacMillan, Chief of the Clan MacMillan; William Macpherson of Cluny, Chief of the Clan Mac- pherson, and Lt. Col. Sir Gregor MacGregor of MacGregor of the Scots Guards, Chief of ClanMac- • Gregor. • The four days in August, the 17th to 20th, will feature a Scott- ish Military Tato(); 'Scottish dis- plays, a Scottish variety show and the military band of the famed - 'Scots Guards'-- plus over 2,000 . pipers and 500 Highland Danced at from Canada, the United Staters, Scotland and New Zealand. FAIRLADY COLOURED MARGARINE TOP VALU HAMBURG OR HOT DOG BUNS Lemon Juice 000r w.r aiiiimm•matnivi _ 1••••••11 efinaldildi MIN01.11,1 Wahnimt 10.1.1.• FROZEN FOOD SALE Nodef 250 WINDOW AIR CONDMONER $169. iiastalled This model is designed specifically for rooms up to 250 sq. ft., such as a bedroom provides perfect sleeping conditions during the hottest weather. Comes equipped with the following features: • Single speed cooling • Washable air filter • Strong steel construction • No drip dehuMidification Is Easy installation kit Compare at $189 LIBBY S FANCY DEEP BUTTERED GREEN PEAS OR PEAS & CARROTS 11 oz. n Lin TOP VALU CHOICE WHOLE. WHITE POTATOES 19c 19 Of. tin 17 19 tn. tin I 4C 28 oar n . 29 PURITAN ASSORTED VARIETIES' BRIGHT 'S CHOICE PURE APPLE JUICE LAKESIDE CHOICE TOMATOES .810 CHEERIOS BICK'S SWEET MIXED OR ASSORTED DILL PICKLES TIDE POWDERED DETERGENT 24 or, A 9, fin •IIP STEWS 4 AUNT JEMINIA•FROZEN REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK oi. 029,1 pkg. 1611 10 or, 0%9 Pkg. to 48 ;10t., 75, WAFFLES • I RUPERT FROZEN GOLDEN 116. 75c pkg. .04,•••• A.0"1/0/11101.01011.4•1*.0 MOM WON. - lama BATTERED PERCH KING SIZE 1 5 sox Try out a Room Air Conditioner FREE HOME TRIAL Ie Seaforth IGA is open all day Wanesday and Friday night 'till 9pm Two Locations SEAFOETH ZURICH AsipfAlt