HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-06-03, Page 3I
The PrInrtet's Case,
_ rias third Aad freesia fingers.
'7,'he young lady wile, llabitullily uses
A Blessing to Every 11pUSe%Q
A TRAINING SCIIOOLAg1NA',9TlVPING STONIe another reed averoQs th'e hand
pOWek to )ler c1lHeks is in danger of
at any reputable dens; -store, lac, for
TO IIIGIIFat ANAiI.34!i1ra0R THINGS. and fa8telta it Ps before,. and so On, ;Intil
i avitij then{ blasted.
1 six or eight reeds have thus been used,
The oration of the day at the open Then re1alCve the whole from theOLLOWAY
(alai. NCltl,aa(�, a novelette, said r311
ilifi of the • Unlou (Printers' Homo at' hand, turn the ends of the last reed
uutllor to a friend. «lty da you Dell
letter while he is on the road ; wait
dolorado Springs, Odl. was delivered!
r I under thti other reedy, fastening thein
it ;t novelette I Because it isn't a iloyej'
Those reincdres have stood the tesvot ratty yours cxperlonce, and a10 pennounced till best Medic
by Senator r . 0. ,Gallinger, of New; at the IOOP , taused by the second reed,
Hampshire. He sgid,,iu art : I
p Tie the ends
Bad Drinking Water.—Travel.
Fatally use.
rXT_3::M �1_E T_,C_.
all the reeds together
The printer's tense is tale trait ing by ti narrow ribbon. grip first reed
e diflerf-rit,
greatullleyr�LCt! tatUlnpellE,'d
kinds tefe
Purifl the blood; correct all disorders of the LIVRR, STONACII, RIDNFYS AND LOir 41
Invaluable In all co:,trplarnts hlclileatal to fena, 8 of; all ages.
school of some of bllc hest thinkers of foams the 'back of the chair. Out oft'
rile Tile inquiry
water to
drink, as nothing is so likely to bring
r1' E' U =N'Z'M N2'
age, ran e of incited
q Y alae lota„'eilcls, stralglitPn out the cllalr•
by it is boundless lIt eml)I'aOHa all ails It i6 ClOtle,
Oil an attack of Diarrhea as change of
drinking water, PF1tRY DAVIS' PAfN-
18 the only reliable relnctly for bad legs, aort'.s, uleors, and old wounds, POR RRONC1111D
snbjrcts, It as fettered by no gastric- I
IiII I,I':9 is the only safe, quip:{, and
a I� A i[ti IT I4AS N0 1:(!a 111annlheturcd only nil 78, Yew ONfora. I,at(a GR3, Oxfot'd StTrOt,
y au Medicine venaora tllronr hout the worlti,
tions. The contest is still going on Advice to Bosses,
sure cute for Ditirrhea, Crratllps, alld
011olera Morbus, ''Valise
MR Purhasers should look to the Label off the Roses and Loots. If the add
between advocates ,of the, prescribed Don't .congratulate yourself when
Hud the of
I lint Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
f t d You hir�o at 'm f 1
every traveller should contain: a bottle
------- -- _
CCt116e o s U ,y • 4111 our ColleryeS and
a.. or OSS khan IL's IS
of the mixture, whioli he can procure
those who favor elective studies, but
at any reputable dens; -store, lac, for
there is no confcover3y over the cur-
Don't'get the idea that every eusto-'
a large bottle.
riculum of the ,printing office, Its
finer who makes a clairu for poor goods
Don't stab your man with a t earl
El"glish is the host. It must he cor-
is a swindler.
Doilt limit
letter while he is on the road ; wait
rect, it is al�vaysiinstructive. There
a salesman on expenses.
until he gets hotucd„ 'then put on the
is no flight of 4ancy, no discovery of
Don't forget there are others in our
;loves with him and have it, out. �U�+��
science, no speculation of philosophy,
line of business ,who are after the
tilllyshould tleoN}e never be friollten•
ale, lea for liberty, no prayer for
s ,P Y
ed at ohe appearmuce of a ghost I bI
Be -P
light, but finds ala the printing Dikes
Don't think you see the wlaole great
cause, if it is a ghost, its appearance REGULATE THE
its goal. The student at the erase
feeds bis imagiiiation, disci lines his.
o P
west ftuad.south • an the sass: in front
of you..
Ill]:nstn do the naGerre of thin;;s, be im-, STOMACH,
A ��' i i� j�g� Pio BOWELS,
lvif'f. Lg v R d0/
Iniac!, broadens his tlaoubllt and
Do'ult work a man twelve months in
.uat�orial. Aa
i - AND -
Johnny is jtRt'blglttID0 to iNall
strengthens his intellect. Th
s case has been., and still is, a step.
R vetYl
Don't give honey to forei,s,missions
gecgTaphy. To=says that ' the Poles
plug stone to potiition3 of honor and
Ott '4'u,tlelay, and cut down the salary o,f
live ,partly at one end of the globe and
partly at the Other. He knows that A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR
P <
trust. Front i't have serrata states-
men, Philosophers, writers, thinkers,
your �Gra,Velllun tlletl oil 1i20llda
Y" h y'
h.o�u"t tint on our bill hes s Pa.
1P y d Y
itis -se, because it is {narked oil tl'e, Indigestion, Biliousness, Headache, Constipation,
scholars, patriots ;land pbilanthrophty.
no monev to agents.
,male. I Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Troubles Dizziness Bad
A rvhoetl ale,• with Complexion, Dysentery, Offensive Breath,
It has maps itseilf •telt:in business af-
you target it.---1..'�ots and
Shoes Weekly.
r one Nye complain and all
ed his lamp, I ` disorders of the Stomach Liver Bowels.
'fairs, in statecraft lilts in diplomacy
I3 the flnest `Veit Finish known.The
�vhat oue of raid not burn_ , and ,
through its <r '•
rl c,dadinates, They have
'Zmc 35ye-Elections
tOl die of •14i6 ShOUn]a LNS, ++he l3 a ;:,ell Ll I Ripens Tabules contain nothing injuridus to the most delicate constitu.
tion. Pleasant to take, effectual. Give immediate relief. 'Sold b
,ane,-tion,of the. Emerald Isle with y
moved the world at home, all(] they
hxaie,paesed,by and we Dau now .con4ider
' I druggists. Atrial bottle sant by mail on receipt of xg cents. Address
astuniSlDnient eiZelaiLned • alld
,have not been wit4lout their influence
theIbestlproteotion against diseatae. there
railroad. The p'1•ta,n,hdlus, the Greeleys
is ulirealttibted reciprocity of sentiment
bet'ween,all people in Canada in iprououn-
what do you cvailt with two latnp,- 10 Spruce Street, New York City.
1 m
and rile Pluu,ls 11a've.atb.unded in the
ciug Bu�rdook Blood Bitters the weny'best
k" 'havelt t t] uttt oualt a
hist0l•y of Our countny. : Surpass them, 1
blood ,purifier, dyspepsia and dteadaehe
i-swedy„arid {general tonic reuovat~d•.til• t? ilVef
A sdhool-raolird iuspa+ctoruslie,l the
of you Call, ill , the•overflJw of vour I
cin” I"OfOr-O the public.
members Of a girls' aewlng clues 'the I RY � 0 0E
I dfl, �VllO
colleges. (men all of them,
:Bifo After Forty.
Olhe1' y;: CHL( tell the what
Q ..q
whose a1r,hltiotl wags rfirst fired at the
zr, hie best half of life is in €giant of
1 basting reit turkey mean, ? `There wits
,case as they set, iil,tly;pedhe thoughts ofthe
•lar.an,of :Forty, if he It, anyta!aiia);g of
I silence ifor a while, arid then a littile
ane he Convinced that
a at.s;n. ',Ilia work he will do %utl .),)a,
Signified tier{ site . 1V
e knewell,
�D try
done svi4di the hand of a master„ :arid
what is tit.$ said the inspector. Sewauag
Ram's Horns noasnons.
not off a'ra:tV:apprentice.
a the ;� lace whero the stuflin' goes In A
� �
,� n
b �Il�
eccentric genius who presides
The k'raiilled iutealect does mot see
wFs the reply.
(� �� � �
,over the destines of the Dam's 1-Inrn, a
men as walking trees, but sees ever •-
h, lit by nil a ailetiti eeKrntby
„ ,n price, 5e, stmt., puff
lnaittsn r6clipt
txtix or six 'for $a.s�
•weakly paper printed at {the home of
thin,, elea];rdy, and in measut:e.
Mile Head Surgeon.
ROUT. tf0wbod.
President Harrison, under tile, read of
tmaun•ed -temper does not I'cnsh ,at
Of the LVbou �?edteul Company i3 now at;
`Toronto, Oa+tada, and naay be consulted
I3 the flnest `Veit Finish known.The
4Some Rea4ons,' does :a little bit of
work dills a Mind hull at a Ila aback
either in person or by letter on all chron46
diseases to D'Ieu,
,paragraphing fl , Sq
whicli is , Dint ue to Y
- z
but advailees :with the calin ;and
peculiar roan. ,young.<,o•tcl, ;
or middle••4ged, who fill(] themselve uerv-
thA least :
Ordered p fee,af tCOnSCi0n3 power d,Frd
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broke• i
down from exee.6 or Overwork, resulting in
10ne reason wily every Christian is
deliberate 'determination.
many of the Sollowing symptoms: Aeutzul
snot aazilhonsiire„ is becauze'God can't
no rll,an !j,ruthe world so L]esv,.and
depression, ,jivemature old alie,loss Of vital•
ity, loss of ixternol,y, bad dreams, tlinluess
itr•ust-bt.0 with so much aw>nr13..
the future s. •fre811, as to him who b;a-s,
of sight, pttl aitatiou of the heart, emissions
,One .reason wily people sleep in
spN.,nt the early -years of his nlatillGodll
lack of euergy.,tpain in the kidneys, head -
acho, pimples{ onithe face or body, itching
!church lie because the prea•ciboir,hiniself
in striviue to ,unders6and the .deoper,
or peculiar se'naation about the scrotum, '
he; is tit(. b"st ill t
is not wid eawal:e.
problemd Gf sccience and life, and wit.
of th,e,organs,'dizzines3, specks bow :
11 the eyes, twitching{ of the inuscle,9,e,ye
.(ane reason wily some pe•o,pl•e,a,re not
hays ruade some •Leii,dway towards con]-
I ,lids, and elsewliere, bashfulness, deliosits
as wicked :as tither people, is t>�cause
rehen•din<, theLu,. To hi111 the Cott]-
p „
'of the urine, loes,of will power, tenderness �r �//AA g^! �Tt 1? t1�p
; ,ocf the scalp and Rphie, weak and flabby aJ . AAA CLINE �+°Y, `ij+11t1
they don't +!lave the sante op,por6uni-
monest things are trait-(., and wonderful';
i12iuscles, desire to•sieep,fallure to be Tested
both in themsWlvliras ras as arts of a
i by sleep, constipubiou, dullness of heurin<g,
Iloas of voice, desive.lor solitude,excitabilit,y
Onereason why some nl�;�la �ctan t
beautiful and intelligent whole.
• 'of temper, 3unkena {eyes surrouuderl with
have ,better vviives, is because th-ey;re
Such 1L {!illi,, aS aittlls:l]CS3 In life and'
I LEa4ULN IRCLF, oily llookingr skin, etc, are
all symptoms of nervoius debility that lead
�'� lil llalll,
poor ,husbanda.`
duty he cannot •understand, Xnow•
to dusanity and death mniess cured. The t
Daae reason why S(,me people b,alo'n
ledge is then opening aaut before him
sprdag or vital force hawiut,,F lost its tension
every function wanes in consequence.
Sole Agents for above
to ch,ulrch is release they lieu( n't beep
in wider expanses and iaaore comnimid-
1'1Lose who through .vlause committed ill
igu(lrauuce may be cured. '
put out yet.
atlg bei„its. The pleAsttre' of ,growing
Send our address for book ria :ill diseases
knowleedo and increasing (Power makes
peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed.,
reason Why 301111! tnell are
is because they lazy
every year of his life happier and more
Heart •disease, the 3ytript(n)i3 of which are
faint•spells, purple lips, nlurnb iess.pttlpita.
preacher -z are too
hopeful than the last.
tion, skin beats, hot flushes, rush of blood I
to be fltzklters And blacksmiths.blacksmiths.`-
t0 {110 hezLa, dull pain in rite heart with !
� Pbeats
One reasan wily wine women marry
What is Dandtuff?
strong. anti irrevolar, the
secondhetrtbeatquicker thau the fi_sl,pain
is because they havets't the courage to
A• disease of the scalp that causes falling
about the breast bone, etc, can positively
� I
work for ti Iivinz.
One reason wsome, Child rel] d'
of the hair, fading; of the hair, ill fact,
death of the hair. It irritates the scalp
and causes scales and ezeatic eruptions—
be cured. No cure, Ho pay. Send for
book. Address il4 l. V LUBON, 251ac(toil-
911 Ave, Toronto, Canada,
C3 I
Y lft produces baldness. Bear in mind that
young, is because they get everything Auti•Illandruff removes Dandruff with 8
they cry for. applicatious—stops falling and restores
fadiug hair to its original color. Sold by
One reason wiry so many people are all druggists at 76 cents per bottle,
in prison to -day is becausa they had The best method for handling bees
poor mothers and worse fathers. for all aatatour, is by proxy.
+ One reason why the sinner can't see HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. —Indigestion,
Clod is because he don't look the right HOLLOWAY'S
and Liver Complaints •—Per -
way. Instead of stordir]g up and sons suirering from any derangements
looping down, he shouldlinear down of the liver, stomach, of the organs of
area look tip. digestion should have recourse ,to
_ Holloway's Pills, its there is no medi-
no* to Malco a Itoed Chair. cine known that acts en these particu-
701% have all sewn those little green, lar complaints with such certain
success. Its peculiar porperties
reeds that grow rap in marshy places. I strengthen the stourach increase the
They are. hollow and are often called appetite and rouse the sluggish liver,
grasses. You can gather some of these For bowel complaints it is invaluable,
reeds grid make their into a little chair as it {removes every primary derange
ill the following manner : hent, thereby restoring the patient to
the soundest health and strength.
Plaec a reed in the left bfiud so that These preparations tnay be used ut all
it will cross the back of the hand at timers and in all climates • by persons,
the secdiid anti third fingers, and be a ected by billiousnesa, nausea, or
held in .place by the fore and the little disordered liver : for flatulency and
heartburn they etre specifics, Indeed
finyr s, Hold it fast by turning back, no ailment of the digestive organs cart
t i e
t ds of tile, brat teed, one going, 1 g $` long; easier their purifying and torreC
n the first and second, the other ' tive pourers,
i saw
wnt hrog wook
We wish to inform the public that we have the
WOO1011 ,\lips in A 1 running order, and will th
season erre special attention to
In all its branches, and will keep in stock .%
class of first-class foods, such as
S leetings,
Stocking Yarns.
&c., &c.,
(made n•onl pure wool mils) cheap for cash or ex
chanve for wool.
Customers from a distance can have their rolls.
home with them the same day.
B llighest market price in cnsl) for llerchant,.ole `
Wool. IN LIS & 00'Y.,
Dapital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000.
Prosident—JOHN S'rw+a'r.
Vice-President—A. G. RAMSAY.
feHx PHQC•i'nn, CHAS, GUaNSY, Giso RoACI1, A. T
woon, A. B. Ltx (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Banir--Ilours, to to 3 ; Saturdar•s, to.
Deposits of'.,l and upwards reoelveil and interest
Spocial Deposits alio received at current
rates of interest.
0Drafts on scat Ilritain and the united States
bonp•ht and sold
..i i li. WILLSON, A(aF-,T,
ibTLYER cF•DIC1uN, 8Obi,
,3 I Solicitors.
0 "G a c h a c h e
o foams the kid-
the scauengers
of the system,
fo nays are in
i trouble. Do4d's
Kidney Pills
"Delay is
dangerous, Neg-
troubles result
is per cent.
�•t disease is
oXst caused by
in Bad Blood,
Dyspeppsia, Liuer
Complaint, and
Q ..q
di, ordered kid
the dan-
*;y 'neys,
'y. "Miglitat
gerous of all,
�D try
Briqhts Disease,
to /cave a
healthy city
Diabetes and
Mode to
Loan on Nous.
tuithout soludr-
ate, as Doo(]
< the above ,
diseases cannot
•, when the
:i Iii dn•eys are
:o�lged, they are
exist where
Dodd's Kidner a
Pills are 'wed,''i
h, lit by nil a ailetiti eeKrntby
„ ,n price, 5e, stmt., puff
lnaittsn r6clipt
txtix or six 'for $a.s�
1Holtey advatiaed ah tfii tgaites at 0 per 6114,01 tit
privilege: of payltrff it the and of any year. Ndat
and weounts eotldot6d.
r`i 1)r. I., A1. Smith to Co. 'I•oronto. Sverre, g;
0(J b+wk ca11od Kidney Tblk.
ROUT. tf0wbod.
11iYtilei,•.'!tuN,wtlt,Ill+ooyt, tVfBltliilfty. �pE.
Lumber Of all binds,
First-class Shin -''es,
and Cedar posts.
tar lea d Orders a Specialty
WOOD delivered to ,ally; part .ot
Ar Or4ers bs'mall promptly Atobudod to.
�n>XMiat tat ia.