HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-27, Page 6itikw OMARSHARIF ; BURT LANCASTER ROBERT RYAN LEE J. COBB in A MICHAEL WINNER LAWMAN' COLOR by Deluxe' Adult Ente,tainment COLOR , CARTOON w.r.26 m.27 Fr1.213 One Showing 8 P.M. 41;tili AC•1,../C.t RIS1 ,'JOE" IS INDEED THAT RARE MOVIE "11 THAT YOU SIMPLY NAVE TO SEEI" -ludith Grist, TODAY SHO • gaskiotirivageir,. •••44g.war4.4,144.,• • PARK GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 sw;.30 m..31 • _,.._. 1 am a Woman - Part 3 THE DAUGHTER A(••,.'•••CP PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH On instruction from the Municipal •Council, I hereby proclaim Monday, August 7, 1972 CIVIC HOLIDAY IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH and respectfully request the citizens and bus- inessmen to observe the occasion. F. C. J. Sills Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" ALBERT R. BROCCOLI and HARRY SALTZMAN PleAht Sean Coninery asarne Bond 0074r n IAN FLEMINGS "Diamonds Are Rwever" Forever Forever Adun Erati•fraiminew **************** SOUTH HIBBERT ATHLETIC ASSOC.. ANNUAL BARBECUE Monday, Augyst 7 • —front 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m, — CROMARTY COMMUNITY PARK Tickets: Adults $2.00 — Children 12 & under $t25 Price admits to park & barbecue Pre-Schoolers Free BASEBALL ALL DAY MEN'S LEAGUE ALLeSTAR GAME Correspondent "Mrs. Joyce Pepper Rensall Women's Institute • were hosts to the July birthday party held at Huronview Wed- nesday afternoon with Mrs.Jam es McAllister acting as chairman. A ballet dance by Landa Vis- scher and a piano duet by Landa and her brother, Bart, was much enjoye,d. Sam Rannie led every- one in a sing-song and sang two solos with Greta Lam mie accom- panying on the piano. Frank Forrest played selections on the violin and was accompanyed by Mary Broadfoat on the piano. He later Was joined, by a resi- dent of the home, Norman Spier also playing the violin, in a number of duets. Beryl Elgie Show Starts At Dusk 0) *WEAN isitEATRt rhU.27 Fr1,28 51;t.29 AMY ENTERTAINMENT sui.30 Mon-31 lull THREESOME .8, Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast ? agrApAre,BRIVE.IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GOQERICH AT-CONCESSION RI 4 • PHONE 5241981 Wed. 2_ Thurs. 3 Fri. 4 Sat. 5 .watt ,s WILD* COUNTRY otstio PINOCCHIO 6(()TEL seaFOB1 WED. - THUR. - FRI. - SAT. SUN. - MON. TUES. July 26th to August 1st- WED. - THURS. - FRI. — August 2-34 picCAIlat hiNDA onNiAin MRS•M ER AOM os wAwleN BEATTY JULIE CHRISTIE ANC • SUTHERLAND %lute' Pig NPRoN EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., All Y 27, 1972 Tr- Daily Vacation Bible School SEAFORTH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH July 31st to August 4th 9:30 to 11:30 a.m: Bible Stories Crafts Songs Games " Missionary Stories For rides call 527-1485 Ph 527-0240: Expositor Action. Ads 4 days of pageantry you'll never forget! The Scottish World Festival Aug 17-20 at the ONE !S i,.kir tOP ,r 7ci• Dir!cy, S Staging the ,, 3., .1.1 -, •I , 11 1 ,n ors u•oors drummers H •1•" r l. I i •••1 I No-li• Amer •i,•an history r p. it t; ( i,jr+ !iine ,round ire world r•firi , n/ Ow: 17 - Parade of Massed Bands through Toronto Nip, ;, t,i, ' • • ' 8 Trooping of the Colours. fie Trir.,rilto Scottish Regiment at • 19 & sir-The Inter-Continental Pipe Band and Drum Major Championships ' 's' '1,rne neld outside the l) K ) when 600 nt 'Iconand s ;rent and drummers Will compete with Minrivniai Ironi North Amenr.a and, countrie5, such i3S ^3PW /eland and Austratia Aug 19 & ?0 ,The Inter-Continental Highland Dancing Championships fon+ r 700 international dancers in 11 classes of c.orniyitil • •', Aug 17 through 20 -A Giant Military Tattoo every evening at the ONE Grandstanril t)ring ng ex.!) fantastic day to a fitting climax Taking the salute will he Thur Aug 1.7-His Grace the Duke of Argyii Clan Campbell Chief Fri Aug. 18-General Sir Gordon H A MacMillan KCB. KCVO, • Clan MacMillan Chief Sal Aug 19-William MacPhersoft of Cluny Clan MacPherson Chief Sun Aug 20-7,R1 Hon . Lord Macdonald Clan Macdonald Chief Also, free on the Bandshell the world-famous Band of the Scots Guards acid a Scottish Variety Show. Just one more attraction of the world's larget annual exhibition, visited by over 3 million people every year Here's exciterrient. entertainment and fun fbr the whole family Start planning now to be a part of the Scottish World Festival. • Where else can you see and do.so much in one place for so little...including free admission to Ontario Place! Canadian National Exhibition Aug 16-Sept 4 Torontp•Open Sundays Adrnissioh to Orouncis Adults $1 50, Students $1.00, Children 50 Mrs. Walter Erinett, who has been visiting with her mother Mrs. J. M. Eckert and relations, has returned to her home in Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer, Seaforth, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kipfer, Mitchell, Ont., spent the week end at Leabobs Motel, Port Elgin, Ont. Master • Lloyd Eisler, Chatham, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eisler, Seaforth. Lloyd is at CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIbAY, JULY 28 8:15 p m. IS Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfafe- Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156,' Royal Canadian Legion Chatham Community Centre for 8 weeks, skating, under the dir- ection of professionals Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott of Chicago, Ill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron of Sarnia visited their relatives in this vicinity over the week end. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright of Sarnia spent the week end here. Mrs. Milton Stewart is a pat- ient in Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Denny of-Moorefield spent Tuesday with Mrs. Evelyn Shera, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyndall are spending a holiday In Sud, bury with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tyndall of Sudbury spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyn- dall. Mr. Wm. Kelley has returned from London where he underwent surgery on his eye. Mrs, Powell of Seattle, Wash- ington is a guest of the Misses Olive and Florence Laidlawl on Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston of Egmondville were Mr. and MrS. Fred Alm and Mrs. Lorraine Weir of • • • • • • • • ra• • • • • • • • • Detroit this past week. Masters David and Darren Elliott of Kitchener are visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mr ;and Mrs. Andrew McNichol while their parents are holidaying in the British Isles. Joan Orr, of Toronto, an Urban Rural Exchange student, was a guest at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Len O'Rourke, R.R.s4, Seaforth and their daughter Patti. Patti in turn will go to Joan's home in Toronto in August. Egmondville Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vezina, Christine and Jeffery, of Kap- uskasing and Diane Berclette of Cochrane ,were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGeoch of Egmondville. Smiles s. "Hpw do you let your daughter's boy friend know it's time to go home?" one father 'asked another. "Easy,4 ' answered the first. "I usually, walk through the room with a box of cereal." Presented .gifts to 30 residents of the. home who were celebrat- ing birthdays in July, after which cupcakes and lemonade were served. Albert Klungel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klungel returned on Friday from a three weeks vacation to Holland where he visited relatives. " At the morning service of Worship in Hensall United Church Sunday morning, Laura Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howie Wright received the rites of baptism. Mrs.Robert Hoffman of Dashwood was the guest soloist and Rev. Don Beck chose for his. sermon topic "You are the Lift". Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock, Jeffery and Karen, arrived re- cently from Hong Kong to spend a months holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and'Mrs. Russel Brock, dther relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brock, Bruce and Beth, Stayner, also visited the Brocks for a ;ew days before leaving for Scotland and England. Mr. Brock will 0000 J.W. Veriner dies A well known Hensall area man, James W. Vernier.; passed away at the Queensway Nursing Honne, on Wednesday, Jidy 19, 1972•in his erg year. Surviving are one brother, Lloyd of Hensall and several nieces and nephews. A sister, Mrs. William (Florence) Kyle predeceased_hlm in 1971. The body rested at the Bon- thron Funeral Chapel, Hensall, where service was held on Saturday, July 22, 1972 with Rev. Don Beck officiating; Interment was made in McTaggarts ,Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Eric Mansfield, Jim Bozzato, Tom Kyle, Al Kyle, Jahn Skea and Garnet Allen. MITCHELL FRIDAY and SATURDAY • .. B.C. THREE In the Crown Rooni:„ Dining room open on Sundays be teaching in Falmouth, Eng- land next year on a teacher ex- change basis. • Rey. •and Mrs. W.J,Etogers ,,arid Brenda; of Bramalee, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mit- chell last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gittus and sons returned to their home in Rochester, Minnesota, after visiting with the formers par- entt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Git- tus. First Churih WMS Meets 1.0cAL, BRIEFS • .4 WI entertains at Huronview V 1- The GALLEY is now open Entertainment for the next two weeks is Mitch and -Hodd 7CANDLELiGli • RESTAURANT and TAVERN • • • • • Country and Western Entertainment SATURDAY n the Red Knight Room Elgin, Gord and Don Fisher With Audrey Kerr at the Piano — Also in the Ladies' and Escorts' Room — FRIDAY and SATURDAY RUSS and DOROTHY Tasty' chicken Wings for snacks — AMPLE FREE PARKING — COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT: From JULY 24th to AUGUST 5th Bayfteld &tad in*Goderich -- Phone 524-7711 0000•000 • o ••••••••• ****************;****, SANTG-HT--:—THE-TRTTR-TONES--- - Sunday Afternoon— THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL RHYTHM BAND — Sunday entertainment rain or shine — DANCING FAMILY PARADISE CHARLIE ECKSTEIN Family Paradise Camping and Snowmobile Club JOE NAMATH THE LAST Cavn6.3 Pcmei .csents A Pouts 1.14 IQ 1604, "gtel:°' BROWNIE'S CLINTON. _ ONTARIO N D A lake where y ou can 't drown THIS, WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL If you're a non-swimmer and get your holiday kicks diving into a warm •lake, only to bounce right back up like a cork, then1 little Manitou• Lake in Saskatch- ewan, is the place to go this summer: with water eveh saltier than the Dead Sea, you ca n float on the surface without sinking, reading a magazine or smoking a. pipe -- -or just day-dreaming. - Little Manitob is located half- way between Regina and Prince Albert. While no claim is made for the therapeutic powers of Man- itou waters, they are believed to possess fast healing proper- ties for cuts, abraSionS, and acne. The area around the lake is well equipped with hotels, motels,. a dance-hall, a riding stable,an outdoor theatre, and golf. links. froni,12 noon- 2 p.m. and ..S p.m. ----E'vereek--rnare-'and-more to 8 p.m. in the evening. people discover what mighty jobs ii are• accomplished by low cost tafitor Want Ads. Dial 527- Coming Next Week 11 en The W. M.S. of First Pres- byterian Church met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 0 Hank Van Rooijen. The President, Mrs. Jack Thompson, opened the meeting with the Call to Worship followed by a short prayer. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse and the offering was dedi- cated by Mrs. James F. Scott. Mrs. Jas. Keys opened the program with a short reading. Mrs. Sam McClure read -the Scripture taken from Matthew 20, verses 1 to 16 followed with prayer by Miss • Jennie Hogg. Mrs.• Francis Coleman sang a solo. Mrs. Jas. Keyes read a story out of the Study Book "What to Believe". Mrs.Harold Agar followed with' a closing prayer. It was decided to hold the September meeting ^a.,oveek earlier to avoid confliction with the' Seaforth Fall Fair. Mrs. Thompson expressed her thanks to the hostess for her hospitality. . ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL -1( NOW PLAYING HAWTHORNE ' DUCK SOUP -4( SIX-PIECE BAND MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON 4-6 p.m.