HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-20, Page 12The' walls came tumbling down at. the former factory " building at the corner of Jarvis and Market Streets. The area is being cleared to provide a site, for a new 21 unit senior citizens housing project. All but the lower floor of the north west section of the building has been demolished by John McLlwain, who has the , contract for "the . work and work is moving ahead .quickly on the remainder. (Staff Photo) JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Wed.,Thurs.,Fri.,9 to 5:30p.m. Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 = 'or 482-7010 23-43-tf Auctioneer . FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R: G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 - MonktOn 23-43-ti RICHARD LOBE. EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER • ONION, ONT. PHONE: 482-9431 or 482-7898 23-43-ff 0 4 23. Bus. Directory G. A. WHITNEX . FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 23-43-tt W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario • LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-43-tf SEAFORTH - ELECTRONICS ZENITH & PHI LCO DEALER Service to all makes - T-V's. Radios, Etc. 17 Sperling St. - Phone 527-1150 23-43-tf R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527 -0885 23-43-tf noRm WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE; ANYWHERE we give complete sale service, PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER • 23-43-tf AUCTIONEERS = LIQUIDATERS Licensed and Bonded....Ontario Wide ONTARIO WIDE AUCTION SERVICE Estate and Househcild verbal appraisals Free for July ' PHONE COLLET 482-3120 23-45-1 Iliff 10 TD Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology A two-year college programme in SECRETARIAL SCIENCE will begin this September at the CLINTON CENTRE THE FIRST YEAR STUDIES INCLUDE: Secretarial Procedures Shorthand and Machine Transcription Typewriting - Psychology English Language and Literature., The following year, application of skills in specialized situations will be developed. INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING will take .place in a modern ENGINEERED CLASSROOM SETTING ,Admission Requirements: Ontario Grade 12 or be over 19 years of age and possess an apt- itude for secretarial science. TO: U. Ross Milton,- Administrator, 482-3458 Clinton Centre, Conestoga College . . ' Please - send me' application form arrange en appointment for an interview • ,Nam Tel. No. Address High Sihool attended years LSMFT 1968 COUGAR XR7 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, K42035 1068 MUSTANG 2-door hardtop, 289 V-8, K43440 1971 PINTO 2-door, 2000 c.c. engine, automatic, 6,000 actual one-owner miles, J98969 1966 RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 4-door, 6 automatic, like new condition, K73722 '2095 '1895 '2195 850 1966 CHEV IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8, 9095 automatic, chrome reverse wheels, 920637 1967 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE, V-8, 1495 automatic, power brakes, power steering, ''' H67346 1966 FALCON FUTURA SPORT COUPE • 995 289 V-8, automatic, K42193 1967 FORD XL. 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, buckets, K69360 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-door, V-8, automatic, 54,000 actual one-owner miles, K42008 1970 T-BIRD LANDEAU 2-door hardtop, completely equipped with • all the T-Bird extras, K39968 1968 FORD GALAX1E 500, 2-door hardtop, fastback, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl interior K48714 1967 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE V-8, aufomatic, power steering, power brakes. F1673.46 1969 CHRYSLER SEDAN V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, 680371.. 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. 5882N TRUCKS 1965 FORD F-1000 TRACTOR, fifth- wheel, saddle tanks, trailing axle, wet line. V59907 1967 FORD F250 PICKUP styleside, heavy duty suspension. V37913 1969 FORD F-100 STYLESIDE long wide box, 6 cylinder, heavy duty suspension 1967 FORD ECONOLINE SUPER VAN, 6 cylinder, standard, 377058 "1495 s 995 '3795 '1895 '1495 '2295 st195 '3095 1395 '1695 '1095 Remember -. It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 2354640 LONCION 2274191 Open Weekdays Until 9.00 Saturdays Until 6 .00 DeLuxe patio or garden swing with adjustable tops. This attractive swing guarantees summer pleasure. Special To Clear $169 Smiles . • • A real estate agent was show- ing an old farmhouse to a woman prosfiect who made a few sketches on a pad and admitted, could do a lot with that." But thetv'she added, wistfully, "On the other hand, I believe I said the same thing the first time I saw my husband." ,r4 ki7771.4 7,77. 1.7,--Itie HURON e*POSg0Fts at S AFORTR, ONT.,'.114LY 20, 1972 Here are some of the new and used swathers now available at VINCENT'S FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. T=671:1441? FARM EQUIPME LTD. Our Motto:- "AFTER WE SELL - ViS SERVICE" A R GALT -SEM'ORT14 Phono 527.012. 111111/1111, 1111NY ineil1111 ECONOMY PRICES INSURANCE Auto,. Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Li/silted Office in"Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 = Seaforth mi •. C • A somewhat pugnacious bus- iness executive had some pub- licity photos taken at a portrait studio. Forgetting that he was not dealing with a subordinate, he complained bitterly about the quality of the pictures and wound up his tirade with "...and further- more they don't do me justice." "Listen" said the photo-, grapher, d."you-don't need just- ice. Your need mercy." 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: - By virtue of a warrant issued oy the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 4th day of April, 1972 sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tucker- smith will be held at the e ,Huro Centennial School, Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 in the Evening on the 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER,1972 • unless the taxes and costs, are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sa,le for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 29th day of April, 1972, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 29th day of May , 1972. James I. McIntosh, Treasurer.' 22-38-13 7 ---- ---------------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE KRAEMER late of the Village of Formosa, Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the. above Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the under- ' signed Solicitors on or before the 10th day , of August, 1972, after which date the 'Estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have been received. • DATED 10th day of July, 1972. DeLuxe garden umbrella with heavy, valance fringe combined with table and table cover greatly enhances the look of patio or garden. Set includes umbella, table, table cover and four chairs. MisS Lynne Dodds has return- ed home after spending a weeks holidays with Miss Karen Mc- Gregor, Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. BillHowe, from the West have 'been calling on ofd neighbours and friends. They used to live on the farm of Har- old Storey. Mrs. William Dodds who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital has returned home and feeling much better. -Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Miss Olive Speare, Crom- . arty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family , re- cently. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolfcamp, Mit- chell, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cook, Clinton, Miss Kathy Scott, Sea-' forth, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Doug- herty, Janis, Doug and Lisa, Dungannon. Doug and Lisa re- mained for holidays with Vicky Harris who had returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolfcamp, Mitchell, Miss Kathy Harris, Goderich is vis- iting in the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee Jackie, Judy, and Roy of Lon- don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family. Roy remained for holidays. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeForest and. Lisa Ruth of Edinburgh, Tex- as are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. DeForpst are missionarys and are speak- ing and showing pictures of the school where they' are both em- ployed at different churches here. They will be speaking at Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth on July 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Ruinaldo Nei- nez, Elizabeth; Becky and Shei'tan and Susan of Phoenix, Arizona, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blancher(' and Mr. and Mrs. • Paul Neinez of Phoenix, Arizona have recently returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard: On Monday night a Missionary Shower was held at the home of Mrs. Meoonigle for Betty De Forest, a sister of Mrs. Gorden Blanchard Who serves in Edin- burg, Arizona. The ladies of the church presented Betty ,with a large quilt and a crib quilt and miscellaneous articles, A pot- luck programme Was presented by the ladies and lunch was ser- ved. 24. Cards of Thanks I would like 'to thank my, friends, relatives and neighbours for their visits, cards and, gifts while I was in Seaforth HoSpital and St. ..Jaseph's Hospital. Special thanks to the fitting room and pre-fit at. Genesco. Dr. Moyo and nurses at Seaforth Hospital, Dr. Down- ham, Dr. Hesston, staff and nurses at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. - Jim McGregor. ' 24-45x1 The family of the late Catherine Josephine Sloan wish to express sincere thanks and deep appreciation to friends, neigh- bours and relatives for flowers, food, mass cards also sympathy cards: Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and Clinic and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital, Fr. • Oostveen, Fr . Laragh and Monsign,or White. The R. S. Box 'funeral home, St. Colum- ban C.W.L. Special thanks to nurses Louise Sloan and Mary Catherine-.,...Lane also Mrs. Boshart. 24-45x1 I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and relatives for all their kindness shown me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community' Hospital. A special thanks to all the nursing staff and Dr. Malkus. - Mrs. Florence Dolmage. 24-45r1 SILLS - To Mr. and Mrs. James Sills, Seaforth, Ont., at Seaforth' ' Community Hospital, on July 15, 1972, a daughter. 27-45x2 WEITZEL - To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weitzel, Mitchell, Ont. Seaforth Community Hospital on :July 14, 1972, a daughter. 27-45x2 GLANVILLE - To Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Glanville. of. Winnipeg, Man. on July 8,1972, twin boys. 27-45x1 WHITTAKER - To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whittaker, Varna, at Clinton Publio Hospital, on Sunday, July 9,1972, a daughter, Donna Louise. 27-45x1 1. Coming Events PERTH County Pork Producers Barbecife and. Dance, August 30, ,1972, 5:00 to 8:00. Brodhagen Community Hall. Music by The Inlaws. Use Expositor -. Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 27. Births NOws of VAN REENEN - To Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Reenen, R.R.#1, Sea- forth, at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Friday, July 14, 1972, a daughter- Monica Anne. 27-45x1 Winthrop Used self propelled windrowers from • • • $695•00 ".......#460.44040411~444 044.44###.....014414404 Time to Trade is Now! here's why 1. NO INTEREST CHARGES TRACTOR (Used) 90 Days TRACTOR (New) Until March 1,1973 BALERS (New) Until Nov. 1, 1972 COMBINES ,(Nevi) Until. March 1, 1973 HARVESTERS (Haw) -- Until Jan. 1, 1973 INCENT Special To Clear' $189 (Not exactly as illustrated) SEE THESE MONEY SAVING SUMMER OPPORTUNI- , TIES AT OUR SEAFORTH STORE TODAY. GINGERICW$ SALES & SERVICE SEAFORTH 527-0290 • SIMMERS AND EDWARDS' 56 Ainslie Street GALT, Ontario. 22-44-3 23. Bus. Directory • PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ontario Telphorie 262-5515, Hensall 23-43-tf PATZ Farm Automation Stable Cleaners • _Silo Uriloaders Cattle Feeders Andrew Berg 1.1w3r. 8-1 mile East, CLINTON, PHONE 482-7282 STEELS - To Mr.. and Mrs. Correspondent Wayne Steels, Kitchener, Ont. Mrs. Robt. Hulley •Seaforth Community Hospital on tduly 1'7,1972, a son. 2'7-45x2 4.1 ifJ