HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-20, Page 5.. • Correspondent Mrs. Allan mccall Miss Ann Clark was hostess M to Karen Sadler of Etobicoke, as part of the provincial govern- ment's urban-rural exchange. Karen spent a week at the Clark farm. Karen is one of the many city students who will visit Huron during the exchange program this summer. It was the first ex- perience Karen had had with farming and- she liked it. Her favourite treat was horseback riding and she. and 14 year-old Anne Clark shared many good times during the 'week long stay. • Trousseau tea Oh Saturday afternoon and evening Mrs. Martin Baan held a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Nellie who will be a bride this month. Guests were received by Nellie and her mother. Mrs.Jan Van Vliet Sr. poured tea. June Williams& and Marian Zerstoep served the many neighbors and friends from Walton and sur- , rounding community. Brenda Bos was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. John Baan display- • ed the trousseau and gifts of the bride-elect. . , UCW The McKillop Unit of the Duff's United Church, U. C. W.. • met at F am ily Paradise Park on Wednesday afternoon, July 12, with the ladies entertaining the children for a picnic. Mrs. Glen McNichol was in charge of devotions opening the meeting with a reading, , f7he Children". Peggy Dennis led • in prayer. The offering• was —taken "•by Mrs. Merton• Haekwell and dedicated by Beth McNichol. Mrs. John Burch presided for business. Minutes were, read by Mrs. G. McNichol. Thank you cards were received from Darryl Smith and Mrs. Orvilla * McCutcheon. Mrs. M. Hackwell gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Nell McGavin was in charge of the races - resulting as follows: Boys under 6 years - Blain Hackwell, Jeffery .McGavin, Craig Hackwell. Girls 6 - 8 years. Cathy McGavin, Janette Rock, Elaine Dennis. Boys 6 - 8 years - Brian Mc- Gavin, Bob Leeming, Jeffery Hackwell. Girls 12 - 14 years - Peggy Dennis, Jane Leeniing, Janice • Petley, Beth McNichol. Ladies Kick the Slipper. Mrs. Wm. Roe. , Children dick the Slipper - Janice Petley. • , There was a candy scramble for the children followed by everyone enjoying, a picnic lunch. neighbors attended the reception- ,and , dance in the Walton Com- munity Hall on Friday night to honor Mr. and Mrs. GeralF1 Sm ith, (nee NatiCY Saunders)newlyweds. Prior to lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were called to the platform when an address was .read ,by Graeme Craig. Bruce McDonald 1,.maclethe presentation of a* gift of money. Ian Wilbee and his orchestra supplied the music for, the even- ing's dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Griffin and sons, Aaron and Brian of Sarnia visited one day last week at the home of Mr..atitl Mrs. Nel- son Reid. Visiting Mr. and Mrs.,Fred Dunk on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, Darlene and David of Car' u :ma, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk Jr. Russel and Wen- , • dy of Franklord. Mr. and. Mrs. William Th- amer, Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Volker Hertlein of London left , on Sunday for Germany. o A few of the,,, Walton ladles attended the'Kitcenware party at the home of Mrs. Wallace Bell • In Brussels, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Holmes of Fairbanks, Alaska, visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Dundas. During the evening Mr. Holmes' showed a film strip of Alaska and Mrs. Reception for newtyweds A large crowd of friends and HUBBS - BERGER • Lt. and Mrs. Phillip Hubbs shown following their wedd- ing in Mirimar Chapple, Air Base, San Diego, California on June 17, 1972. Mrs. Hubbs is the former Donna Berger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Berger of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbs are residing in San Diego, California. News of 1' uronview Miss Cecil, Hall arranged' and lecl. the Christian Worn.- ens Club song service son Sunday evening assisted by seven young people from the Exeter area, There were . special Musical numbers by the Haywpod Bros. and Mary Ellen Gingerich with Katherine Hall In charge of the de- votional period; Folks, a group of young people from Goderich who have been engaged by the Opportunity for youth program visited Huronview on Monday afternoon and presented two skits and some musical numbers. Owing to the weather conditions the Family Night Band Concert was cancelled last week'. • Twenty four tables of bingo were played on Friday afternodn with fifteen prize winners in, the twenty games. BUCHANAN woos BUTTER DRY ICK CLEANERS, PHONE 547.6904 PATTERNS (Under new ownership, W. Hackbart) OPENING SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ALL SUMMER STOCK REDUCED 20% BROKEN SIZES and LINES 50% OFF -- Special Rack of Dresses for Clearing — SALE STARTS 'FRIDAY, JULY 21 Open Tuesday to Saturday 'til 6 p.m. Friday 'tit 9:00 p.m. Shop early for best selections RONNEWERO, 1 AGENC, WORMY' --- V PHONE BRIMS0LS S874664 44 Other Days, Mom,347.2241 Auto Insurance 1349re 'yotil3uir us a try, • —SPECIAL FIVE-YEAR SELECT RATES-r;. We can budget your premium for 1:2 inontbti Investment Certificates Avoidable Pay 8 1 /4 % for five years HAVE YOU CHECKED OUR SPECIAL 1 RACKS PRICE AND DISPLAYS for SPECIAL VALUES crone's ROOKS AND STATIONERY STORE The Friendly Store In Seaforth - "the friendly town:. EAFORTH UPERIOR TORE News of Sitlffe 4.H exchange stucl!nts visit Staffa area families Correspondent; . Mrs. GecrgeVivian, Mrs. Mrs. John TeMpleman Ruby Reed and Mrs. Alvin tar- Two 4 - II exchange students hour were hostesses for the cit..: from Pennsylvania visited in this izenship andWorld Affairs meet- area this past week, Miss Van- ing of the women's Institute held essa Zinn, Dover, visited with in the Staffa hall recently, the Templeman girls and Miss Seventeen members answered Christy Shermeyer, Dover, vis- the roll call with a current event ited with the Jeffery girls. from to-days' paper. During Misses Mary Jane Temple- business members decided to man, Debbie Wallace and Dona sponsor their child for another - Waddel, are among the 4 - H year but not to set up a display members attending a 3 day con- at Mitchell Fair this year. ference at the University of Wat- Progress reports were giv- erloo this week. en, by the bus trip committee Gordon Miller and Jim Scott and the hard table committee. are attending the United Church Mrs. Ross McPhail introduced camp at Bimini this week and the guest • speaker. - WS. Ann Teresa' Miller is assisting with Burchill, Dublin who gave 'an the cooking. interesting report of her duties Members and friends o f the as clerk of Illbbert Township. She was thanked I:63, Mrs. Charles Douglas. The motto - Our heritage of freedom like a jewel is ours to guard was prepared by Mrs. Ross McPhail and given by Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Six young ladies, Karen Mil- ler, Betty Ann Miller, Nancy Scott, Janice Vivian,Barbara 1.• Meikle and Jill Harburn enter- -tamed everyonawith several, step dancing numbers. Mrs. Ed Chappel gave• a re- port on the district annual. mr..g4 Carter Kerslake introduced a new item on the program by reading the first chapter of “Quite Time" ,a book on the Mary Stewart Collect. • Mrs. Ross McPhail conducted a identification con- test on provincial flowers and buildings. CONSTANCE (01.0704 t XPOOrrofc, SEA!ORTH!r ONY0 ;114Y it It72-4. THE DIFFERENCE . • • 5% Calculated on Minimum Monthly Balances WITH CHEOUING, PRIVILEGES Your Savings Are Guaranteed By Ontario "THE PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY" THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE R. S. MacDonald, Manager Seaforth, Ontario — 527-0210 HONOURABLE ALLAN GROSSMAN • ....... • MINISTER 'OF REVENUE Hibbert Community Young Peo- ples enjoyed a beach• party and barbecueke Sunday evening at the la Misses. Edna and Janet Miller, London visited on the weekend with their parents M. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. Mrs. Alvin Cole and Jean, Mrs. John Templeman, and girls, Mrs. Leslie Miller. and girls, Mrs. Dale Martyn and Wanda .attended a surprise shower Sun- day afternoon at the Orange hall Mitchell for Miss Joan Annis bride elect of this week. Miss Jean Cole has accepted, a position with Victoria and Grey Stratford and began work Monday. Miss Geraldine Templeman has accepted a position with the Credit Bureau of Stratford and began work Monday., Correspondent," Miss Mary McIlwain Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jewitt of Spirit River, Sask. are spend- ing some time visiting with Mrs. Ella Jewitt and family and Mrs: Elma Jewitt and family of Clin- ton. Mrs. Jack Crazier, Brian, Paul, Kevin and Lori of Huron Ridge, Kincardine, spent..Thurs- day with her ments, Mr. and- Mrs. George McIlwain and family. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby retur- ned homeon Tuesday after ppenct- ing the past. two weeks . , with Mrs. Russell Fleming, while Mr. Fleming was a patient in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan,Paul, Mark, Margie of Oakvile spent the week end with Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom and Bill. Kim and Shelley Riehl of Huron Park spent a few days holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven and Sharon visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.John Bos and family of Mitchell, also with Mr. H. Bos and Sister Sophia who are visiting from Holland. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Ilwain visited on Friday with her father, Mr. Walter Kings- well of Huronview on the occas- ion of his 14th birthday. John and Elizabeth Lawson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Helen and Lynda -at their cottage at Lions Head,--returning on Sunday to ' attend the Lawson picnic at Ben- home, after their holidays. M. and mrs. Theron tie es of Winthrop, Mr. Gordon Betties of B.C. visited with Mr . and Mrs.George McIlwain and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of Clinton were Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby, Jeff Whyte of dshawa is spending this weeks holidays with his grandmother, Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown of Pontiac , Michigan, Mrs. Gladys Wallis of Clinton visited on Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs.,N, Reg. Lawson, John and Eliza- beth. .° Mrs. Ron Goodfellow and Kristin of - Georgetown are spending this week• with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thomp- son of Ottawa have moved and are now living at Vanastra, the former forces base. Mr. and Mrs. John Wannmes visited on Sunday with relatives in Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan spent the week end 'visiting in Toronto. hillier. Mr. and Mrs. Reg.Law- son also attended the picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dale of Clinton, Mrs. Nancy Riley of Kippen visited on Sunday in the area with 14r. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mrs. Irene Grimoldby and with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. ' Mrs. Bob Reynolds of South- field, Michigan spent the week end with the John Thompson family. Nancy Jo and Janet Reynolds returned home to Mich- igan and Bob Thompson returned 4chnelder't RED HOT WIENERS Scimelderas FRIED CHICKEN LEGS schneweet BOLOGNA RINGS • McGAVIN FARM. EQUIPMENT "Serving the District Since 1936" 527-0245 — 'WALTON lb. 69 lb 990 lb. 69i SPECIALS - FOR- THURSDAY — FRIDAY SATURDAY . OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS • Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 24-oz.,530 Raid - House & Garden SPRAY Top Choice CHEESE BURGERS 11-oz. 1.09 40-oz. 1.08 .Wonder Soft BATHROOM TISSUE 3 for 1.00 Weston CHELSEA BUNS Reg. 53c 490 Chiquitta BANANAS 2 lbs. 250 Sunkist Valencia ORANGES .. doz. 59 Ontario No. 1 HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 390 and EQUIPMENT USED TRACTORS Number of USED MOWERS including 3-PT. and TRAIL TYPE 4•, New Holland 130 bushel Spreader ' New Idea 165 bushel Flail Spreader 624 International H International Loader 465 Nuffield 342 Nuffield 65' and 35 Massey Qf the bride, R.R.#4, Seaforth was the attendant wearing an A- line mauve satin dress with mauve lace sleeves. She car-' , ried a nosegay of mauve daisies with 'a spray of baby's breath. Glen Sturgeon of Bayfield was the groomsman. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents at R.R.#4, Seaforth. For the wedding trip to the United States and Niagara Falls the bride travelled in a laminated blue pant suit with white acces- sories and a yellow rosteorsage. The ',couple will reside at R.R.#3, Kippen. •• Guests' were' present from Bayfield, Staffa, Kitchener, Windsor, Leamington, Kippen, Exeter, Seafol*th and Clinton. SEAFORTH F Having purchased the Seaforth Freeze King from Fred Riley, we look forward to the con- tinued co-operation of his many patrons and to meeting the people of the community. RON RILEY We are open each day except Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to midriff.; Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.- Conic in to our location on Highway 8 at the West End of Seaforth and get acquainted ..,ivrtroi••••0 t News of W,Iten 4 44 Area Weddings 4 Urban arural exchange visitor - LOSTELL WALLACE. Dundas showed her slides. taken on their visit there. Mrs. Maud Leeming and Mr. and Mrs. Win. John Leeming also visited at the same home that evening - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Machan, Karen and Kim of Sarnia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Karen and Kim remained for a few days holidays. Members of the Bruitelei- HorticultUral Society met ter their July meeting on Monday afternoon- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk, when plans were made for the Flower show and Turkey supper,. set for Aug- ust 26th to be held at the Ang- lican church in Brussels. Comm- ittees were .chosen representing Brussels, EthetandWalion. Mrs. Doug Hemingway won the dpor prize. Conveners for the meeting Were Mrs. Harry McCutclieon and Miss Mae Skelton.' Brian Smith of Listowel contributed two accordian numbers. Lunch was served -by -Mrs. Nelson. Reid, Mrs. Emtherson Mitchell, Mrs. Jack Kelly, Mrs. Allan McCall and the hostess. Mrs. George -Dunda-a of Tor- onto is at present a patient in the Seaforth Community Hospi- tal, after suffering a slight heart attack Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ryan spent a few days this past week at Lurgan Beach with Mr.-and Mrs. Joe Hoggart at their cot- tage, also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rowland of Kincardine. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether spent , the week end at Boiler. *Beach visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Gail. Mrs. Roy Bennett had'the mis- fbrtune to fall and break her leg when visiting in Ottawa with her son Fred and his family. Mrs. Bennett is in an Ottawa Hospital. Her many friends wish her a good recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle, Mary and a girl friend' were camping for a few days at Fort Franks. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ben- niger of. Welland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan on Wednesday. Mrs. Charles McCutcheon has returned borne from Seaforth Hospital, where she., was apatieht folloWing surgery. We hope she is progressing nicely. • Mr. and Mrs. Dereck Lowder and family of Calgary, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Wat webster,.Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs.. Mack Webster of Varna were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and John on Thursday. Mr. and .Mrs. dlenn Haase of S ault Ste. Marie spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray and Siisan. and Mrs. Earl , Nott of Clinton also, visited at the same home on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sinith and family are holidaying in the United States. Mr. Norman Williamson re- turned home from the Seaforth Hospital last week. Mrs. Wil- liamson's mother, Mrs. Watson of Moosejaw, Ss.sk. has been 'visiting at the Williamson home in the 'village. • • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk spent last Thesday visiting relatives in Torpnto. Misses Penny Greig 'and Janet Allen returned home With -them for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore, Peter, Bruce and Steven of Brampton sperit the week end at the- lietne "and-Mr's:'' Gordon McGavin, and attended the Mcdavin reunion on Sunday at Family Paradise Park. Many children from the Walton area are attending the swimming lessons at the Seaforth swimming pool. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Bender at Lurgan Beach. Mrs. Lyla Finlayson, Detroit, formerly Lyla McCloud of Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Jini Emery and daughters, Shirley and Shelley of Detroit, spent the week end with Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Steyen and Johnlitietber spent the week ,end visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Watson Webster in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Ronald visited Sunday with William Boyd, Randy, Patti and Rick! at their Point Clark cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. George Flewitt of Tuckersmith visited last week at the home of Mrs. .Walter Broadfoot. 0 tic 4 • Egmondville United Church was the setting for the marriage of Carol •Anne Wallace and Charles Lloyd George Lostell on June 24, 1972 at 3 o'clock. Rey. T. E. Hancock performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Douglas Wallace of R.R.#4, Seaforth . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lostell, Kippen are the parents of the groom. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a two-piece coat-dress ensemble. The coat was of white floral lace appli- ques over a white satin sleeve- less A-line dress. She carried yellow roses on a white' Bible with white satin streamers and white daisies. Heather Joyce Wallace, sister