HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1892-05-27, Page 8I
"gh, iyj 802 HORSEMEN!
X01N]DOO. bonds of matrimony, V1411 Mr. I Deans, Produco Dealer. BARK WANTED...
a 1�06�e Firur I by
Hamilton, of Turnber 0 V1110011l;4•
V 2 25 to 5 The Great Ro4dater Stallion,
was misted by her eouslu,MiSs Jell"140 Fall heat, Ver bushel, 80 to
Huggau, of Niiqugllan), find the bride- Spring So to 92
Of Barley 80 to 40
oats, 27 to 28
gmeni by Ar. James 118adbIs011, 60 to 8 Bark. 0ARLISLE11i
yOU improving your home, Of The ktiot Was W 13 to 11.3 1 500� Cords Hemlock Ba
you, are. This is the proper Mortis. ��fttlY and Butter, tub 33 to 12
sl�,iol4ti�cally tied by tl)Q Rev W * 11 do Rolla, oto 9
Eggs, per, dozen
me When everybody 1 60 to 15 13026,
fox it. J�bo ti %vat'soll, don-regational illinister, wood per cord, at the.Nflllgbaya Tannery,
8 00 to 8 50 Wanted
lad plans for And additional ditab, N11inghain. After the friencts -of the (lay per toll, 16 to 20
rt and brightness in his domes- contracting parties had otrured their Potatoes, Will be at •
rqundings. yes, it is an excellent congratniations, all 814 down to a, $ 5.0o P E P1 C 0 RR
. improve, just now, it net YOU feel l.earty repast, where the inner mail KEEP COOL.
Ueqpiug with the pleasant season heart's content, - you would
'A'as satiollod to his 11 NONI, that the it Nveathmial coming Will be, paid on delivery.
M and' sunshine for particularly after which sorne hours of the evening do well to keep III inlod that I'ain prepared to supply
is bright011ilig UP otoll songs Slid you %vith too during theanunner pionths, at IONY
ban all'nature were spent in gelluille Be rates. Also, wood dellv(rcLltoaiivportottlie'tolvia- novating, atopies., WINGHAM,
h Jspate
given by some Of the Scotcshatet St., wIngluun. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can
gy home is a reproach. You will worthies present, foremost among deliver half in Summer and balance in WEDNESDAY NIGHT
whom Was Mr Walter Rutherford, of r, if desired, and Same price will be
bride, SON winter,
(lure it, your good taste revolts McI 'AN 0— of Each Week
id of now carpets and curtains Bluovale, grandfather of the 9 paid.
n brighten it Up, but you hesitate lie being a. genuto ithe bride ne old were Seotobillan.
he preseLlts timer- DEALERS IN WINCHAM TANNING GO- during the season. Parties having mares
you consider the cost,that is right, Tous, beautiful and useful. We join to breed should not book them before see.-
relloot your doubts on this point `villi the Wally friends of the young LUMber,, Wingbam, April 5th, 1892. jug this grand big horse,
lr give away to thorough satis- W
it you examine goods and prices couple in wikiling them every success Lath,
and that their sky slay always be as
MoIndoo's, clear as it was 'that beautiful May Shingles,
4 STORF, gaining evening wheu tliq Joined their for- WOOL 7\,TTANTrt
age more rapid than any other tilnes together, Wood, &C.
,becauso our well pleased cus-
s unbesitating?y recommend our
as the most satisfactory Place to Teeswater. A,Iarue stock of all above oil handand Having laid in a full stock of
dress goods and silks. fes.- -Reg" Stephens who is it the will be sold at close prices, A:11els, Blankets,
istinctive and praise runningSON. Mill
Canadian Batik of, Strath- MCLEAN
t our spring lines is the extensive spent Sut.duy at home. --Miss gs,, Yarns,, &C-9
-ft1V.L(1e_(.,1Qtbi12g now in ray, spent a Wingliam, May 12th, 1892.
of ready S�raclwn and Mrs McLean Tweeds, Sheets i
a few days with frietids in Brussels this to handle quantitY Of
-y all goods strictly for cash an
go quantities, enables us to, offer week.—Mr. Gallagher. clerk in Smith I am in a positign any
reftollable values. Xii goods marked & Gillies bank here, left this weck for Wool. t
iii,figure%lueney refunded atall Brussels to fill a similar "position. 1qW1:E;X&T e;r]r<:0X:VE:40
it goods are not as recommended Gilliesk Srbi�,h having opened a
office there— Mr. A. Herd leaves in we offar you.
week or two for tbe� Western State Having, cleared out a number of lines at a PRICE,
to seek his fortune. He aces t ES' KID SHOES. Wilat ego you think
mn= Buk: F Minnesotta. — Vvher specially 200 PAIRS LADIES' These (voods are all made on the
of a Lady's Dongrola Kid at $1,25,?
Falls, t 2 - to save
0 spend
the 24th was a probletit which 1110st approved lasts vad this sprina's goods. We guarantee
am agitated the• minds of the youths n these lines.
Some went fish.1141, you froin 75 cents to $1 pel- pair o "
m to take e have received a Repent Order of those
this place, DRESS GOODS.—W
Others went to witi"Ill
— ------------- the sports there.—Mrs Smith at two lines of double widtli suitings-15 pieces—all shades and the
FZID &-y, MAY 27, 1892. family have returned from Listowel,same pi -ice. 0
where she spent about two weeks Visit- F SALE, ort-
-It seems to be a I I - --..* / BLACK GOODS.—Ours are decidedl,� high class stuff—an ass
ins; her parents. colonies of well bred Italian
' L3
13 I
— '
Twelity-fiVe strong cololl! generally kept—and'within t7 price of all.
assort -
District Temp difficulty heie this seasoll to organize Bees, in fil'st-chiss movable frame ]lives and on new, Went not
lie regular meeting of the north a tenni of any description. Lack of straightloullte0alb. Allinust be sold this spring,
Of as I Irannot attend to them- 'Groceries, Beans, Honey, Farmers' Pork, &C,
on DistrictLodge, 1. 0. G. T,, enthusiasm and unity oil the part 0 W, J. Ror!" D. D. S.,
Philadelphia, Pa. Respectfully yours,
held in the Temperance Hall, the boys seems to be the cause.—Rev
Apply atAplary, Lot 10, 2nd Line, )ilorris.
th, oil Friday last. The atteild- Mr Liu ton,. formerly pastor of Zion 0_:M0_ :Ej-
a was the largest known for some Presbyterian church here, was married,
hundred delegates. I OF.SCOTT
a, nearly twoI on Tuesday to Hiss Jessie McGregor, I PR
preEellt- Verbal' reports fro"' He Vas an appointment at Peterboro I MUSICAL LEADER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DELIVERED FREE.
M - both in Staff FURNITURE.D
lious lodges represented slio%% ed for six niotiths, His many Teeswater gives Private Lessons inyocal Training, ttraBses, Chairs, Tables, &c.,
va Tonic -sol -Fa Notation. open for enaageluent4 Not only call you buy Parlor and Bedroom Suites, sideboards, Lounges, Ma free, anywhere
tht. most of them lind prospered friends extend their col and � Church meetings. Terms moderate. cheap. but when bought in quantities they will be delivered and set tip iit your ho,
for concerts or C
il)g Ulm terns. N'Vitighant and Cliu and wish hirci success in his law field Apply at URS. 11. MORROW'S, within 10 miles of wingloam-
ticular had made very 24 shriter st, Wingharn. PORTRAIT ENLARGEMENTS.
lodges in par be fortuer hay - of Libor. inion for doing Portrait Enlarge- advancement, t I have made arrangements with one of the best artists in tile, Don'
a two cut. (any size) in Air -Brush, India Ink ant, water Colors. Ilefo a g I ivii)g, your order to anyene for such
a membership of 208 in RoluN, P WORKS. at Illy store, Bee samillies and got prices for the very beat.
while Clinton lodge, TliompsoN—At Teeswater, on the 16th, ZETLAND PUMP -MING.
y organized' in Fr-brilary Misr,
has inst, the wife of Mr W RThompson,lum- I wish to intimate to the people of zatland and PICTURE FRA
There are 22 ling -country that I have cOullnenced the to order. Lots of Uoulding-sko choose from.. of go. bar merchant; a son. surroll"( all kinds Of All styles and sizes or'picture and Wreath Frames inade
Inallufacturo of
Iggs. in tile district ; and during the GRiFrETH -In Wroxeter, on May 76th, ,
arter two lead ceased, to exist and the wife of Mr J oh-ff, Griffeth; a son.
I WOODEN PUPS, UNDERT NG. prepared tell do as I hal-L,
e * The n May 11th, the I
ye organizqjd. CLEGG�-In Howick, o I I .them on the shortest notice. Notwithstandinv all the opposition in rhis line, I nm -still here in Whigham pre
to,lieW ones w 0 - and can sup �
is Claim; a son. Position tosupply iron and Force been doing for the past tell years.
urbership it, 1891 was 983, slid the wife of Mr Francis C�r 1R -A- 0 :M "Y-
mberellip now is 11901 W'tl% a Cash the
Lakelet, on the 16th inst, Putney W'l'atl'oo lede'a & p May 13, 1892. Undertaker and Furniture Dcaltnt.
he Wife of Mr. Cyrus Horton; a son. dad.to, Prices reasonable,
ill the treasury Of $38. RepairinN.-ttell
it, I Of Parkdale, Granit PATTFTzsox -In Hen Ball, oa the 17th JOHN . PETIT.01
'Mrs �3eott,- art Patterson; a '5th, lb9l
�%'perintendeut of Juvenile Templirs, just I the wife Of Mr Rob Zetland, May
'ihas prep ation of MARRIED. WINGHAM
ent, and ga�e an ilivar
AT11R ANr & C.O.,
,,Ie private work of- the order, also HAMILTON--RUTHERFORD—At tb a resi- JAS. N1
ving the Juvenile Templars' pledge donee of the bride's father, East Wawa -
several members. Several interest' nosh, on the 23rd inst, by the Rdv W H of and dealers in
'd. discussions on matters relating to Watson, Mr Hugh Hamilton, of Turn- 'Alanufacturers
ss were talion part berry, to Miss -Nellie Rutherford, of East
�mpprance progress Wawanosh. I I -GRAIN DRILLS and SEEDERS, ANSTONE BROS-9
'� by a number of the delegates, some WOODS—DuRmN—At the residence of PLOWS, MESSR8. V -1:.
f the addresses were left over for the 12th alt, by GANG PLOWS, Smyth, The officers the bride's parents, on WIND MILLS, of Kincardino have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, for . in I 6rly carried on by W
tune consideration. Rey J Carrie, of Dungannon, Mr John ROLLERS, one of their agents before
�Je$ F. Woods,of East Garafaxa,t ERB, &c., Parties requiring work in their line will do well by calling on tnern or seeing, lased. Wnwilluse novo
ill find our prices aro away down. Our r"Orkroanshipisunsurp.,
acted for the ensuing term are, Miss Rebecca mow
Jane Durnitif daughter of Edward Dur- CUTAV�AY and DR&DER core do%litur hope to secure a liberal share of the public patronage. bIr T
11 W. F. Brockenshire, Wing HARROWS. Eutrc,,,"`c`1,�,5;y You w will represent us on the road.
0. T best stock and by sq
am ; D. 0. T., R. Somers, Blyth ; D. nin, Esq, of West Wawaiaosh, Huro n SPADE AR Twatson. who has been running the business . ess for the P 1 114 year,
D, Satlitit land Wingliam, D. V. COun DIED.
I M General Foundry Work, Repairs, &c- Call an I see our stock and prices.VANST
Helena'; ONE BROS.
,, lilies Isalrttlittl`Vebb, ,St. lyth LPENNY—In Elms, on, May 16th,
Metcalf, B1 Ella Mabel Halpenny, aged 6years 1I Tire Platforms and Tire Upsettere for
J. T , F.
lLawrason, Loildesboro; day,. Biacksmitlis.
all, N.
gee -Trees., B, JAB -MURRAY & Co.
ollap, Rev., E. W. Hughes. Wing- 'mARI-ix—Oti Saturdsy,May 14tb,Judith
Clinton ; Wife of Mr Aaron Martin, HOwick, aged
D. M ;Miss A.. McIntosh, Con, 45 years and 5 months. LLINER
'n Howiok, on May 14th, 4.0 J6
D. G., Miss M. Washington, CLEGGI .9, aged A NOB SUIT
linton -, D. 8 VV. Wight'nan, Bel. Margaret, wife of Mr John Cler,
I%Iiss C. Moffatt, years.
rave , D. A. AouToN—In Lakelet, on the 16th inst, MISS - A. BOYD
, ,Delegate 10 Grand Lodge, A. Ella, wife of Mr Cyrus Horton, aged 27
Londeaboro, The next years, I mantbs and I day., and surrounding country that her
Mon the TAYLOR -111 Howick,' on the 15t1i, inst, Wishes to intimate to the ladies. of WillghmM find
ter Cli I S Taylor, took o
Meating, will be hold TH0S--,LE6jL1 w` h f SP1NG AND SUMMER MILLINERY has been received and opened up,
I Magdalene, wife of Mr Davic consistfitg of
�kridaY Of October,, eornmenenig
,second aged 38 years, 10 months, and 11 days. -
at were a number to all -and Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers,
i at 10. 30 a. in , Is it, a position to furnish such Pattern Hats
of delegates renlaillea for the laceting who give him a call.
NOTICE. Laces, Ribbons, Chiffon Laces, Gauzes, &c..
U the, 80nitl.11, when the hall was I The stou d contailig all the fashionable styles for this year.
,crowded to the doors find the meeting The Council Of the Corporation of the, County Of HL aving now on hand a very large k is well assorted an
In will;tNpct in the Court lienee, G646rich, on
;tt grand Success, Him a -
Tuesd y,'Jllyle 7th, 1892, at 3 O'clock 1. stock of W 0 -Y- C -r 0 0 3D S
iv "LANE
East WaWa110sh- Godorich, May 20t . h, 1802. Co. Clark, A large stock on hand, composed of
horse on Niondity, from iuflqlllatiOl"-- EKBROIDIMY SILKS, FILLOSPLS, WASHING
"Wrii ronwiel, is having it large addi LA IES.9 Suitable for all classes of people --over .1
tion, built to his already commodious -1 2oo pieces to choose from --the most fas-
tidious WhY SUIT themselves, and at MANTLE residence. --A Auld has returned froin SEND FOR prices that defy rapotition, LE DEPARTMENT.
— Messrs A and R and 1), varied 1WRIlitoba. Turn� The Mantle Department contains ad assortment of
'Misses 0 at)() A Johnston, of illustrated Catalogoe of Ladies'
borry,apent Sull(irly at 11irs flarrieon'g The stock comprises all kinds of goods MANTLE CLOTRS, SILKS, SA`I`INS, SXrIN' BROCADE%
usually carried in first-class merchant I 'ose from,
on the Qt1J conee9zion.— A number of, PLUSHES',VrMVET's, &c., to clir
d at Fothergi]Vs corner's Specialties tailoring 0stablisl 111011t, and Will Well
fipsies camped raptly a look throi)gh.
or a few days this week. ADDRV85 -MANTLE MAKING A SPECIALTY. Perfect Fit, Latest Styles.
One of th(iEe happy events it' real employed, and
give it Only first-class bonds St mein L)one to Order.
wough romance to coos worlt turned out On
Vd, with 0 transpired at tilt' yetlidellee off THE PARISIAN MEDICAL APPLIANCE short notice.
L-b,eautV', trails 8
qit 1Vt , An fhsPeet'On itlYROL
r. Robert 11titherf0d, R,&6t Whwa- 10Unp
I PAST�Rmbdf the place—ri irst door uokth of, J. it. miushava jewelry state,
000b, on �It)ndjy evening, May 23rd. i Remember th4 stand—OPPOsitO the emo
Wig shad, I TOROXTO, ONT. W tighaw. AW S
ost to Old Setting suit castQuoan's Hotel, i
the hills, his aldeat diLligliter" =01%. L1111LVw,.J. Wittiltait, A404 21, 1899.
was unite'a in Ora holy' otawkw oft W4 0,4"
1 •