HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-06, Page 11M THE' HURPK.EXPPSIT9R:'..E4F0nrei;..ONr!1Li..6 19724-1 I. Corning Events 11. Articles for Sale TROPICAL FISH 12. Wanted to Buy 19. Notices 19, Notices 20. Auction Sales 22, Legal NOtieeS and that ceplea of said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's °Vice, this 29th day of May , 1972. James 1-. McIntosh, Treasurer, 2249-6 24. cards,'f1J,anks McCLURE Reunion at Milburn Hall 3 3/4 miles north and 3 3/4 miles west of Seaforth, Sunday, July 9th.. Bring lunch,, for smorgasbord supper. 1-42-2 WANTED, furnit4e, books, china, glass and general house- hold effects, call 482-9138. 12-42k3 14. Property for Sale DIVORCE Do It yourself kit Box 35, Stratford .19-43x3 INVEST your money safely where .. it will earn the most. Centact Ted Savauge Investments. Registered Retirement and low cost Occidental Term Insurance. 527-1522. 19-43-tf I wish to thank all Wht?, sent me cards, tinwei's nnd treat-5• during TAY .stay iIi iinnPttal* -PPenia, theAlse, to. ell Whei visited. k, to the nurses,- '30-, Dr -•..114141: and R. Pr,, loarggh, EvorY-., thing was verYinualMPTeciated• Thank YOU, - 154°41 ,Anderson.' -431ti - - - The family ot the late Iaaoiel BUMS WOUld like to, thanktrlandS. and-neighboursiorflewersigiftsr Cards and bakieg sent at :the', time of Our bereavement. SPentni. • thanks to Fr. I.,a.ragh, cloOters, and nurses at the hospital,CleaTY funeral home and pallbearere.' All was deeply appreciated.. 24-43,1- We would like to say thank you to all who so kindly reImembered us on our 60th wedding anniVer; sary, the occasion made pOSsibte by our family. We extend very sincere thanks and appreciation for cards, gifts, flowers and other tributes. It will always, be remembered. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Manley. 24-43x1 • - - I wish to express my sincere thanks to my brothers and sis- ters and Dr. MelCim for getting me to Wingham Hospital and the special care given me by the nurses and ambulances in Sea-_, forth and Wingham. Also to Dr. Brady, Rev. Reuber, my family, and to those who sent letters, cards,' flowers and gifts and those who visited me while a patient and since coming home. All was deeply appreciated. - Hattie Johnston. 24-43x1 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, JULY 14TH at 7:30 p.m. for the Loyal Orange Lodge #774 Brussels at the Orange Hall, Thomas St. Brussels, 2 -blocks west at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce . • Offerings include hall -furri.7 ishingi, antique -cast iron box stove, cupboards, labIeS, 40 chairs, picture frames, hot plates, coal oil lamps, pedestals, two base drums, 2 large cherry arm chairs. BUDGIES, CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies. 'CANCELLATION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON . PAT'S PET SHOP Exeter• Phone 236-1951 350 Main Street Due to the entimely- death of Mr. Jack Fetcher, the driver education courses at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton and Seaforth District High School scheduled for July and August are CANCELLED. - 'It IS anticipated that courses 4„ will be re-offered in the fall. NEW six' room house on North Main Street in. Seaforth. Fin- ished basement, attachedgarage. 527-1201. 14-43x2 ELECTROLUX Canada Limited Sales and Service, authorized dealer - Alvin Riley, 153 Lighthouse St.; Goderich, Phone 524-6514. 19-43-tf , July 12, 19'72 at 2 P.M. there will be a tour of the 23. Bus. Directory • 0:A. WHITNEY FUNERAL ,Hom- Goderich St.-W., Seaforth ' AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Adjustable hospital beds for rent FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 23-43-ff 11-43-tf CEREAL AND WHITE BEAN.PLOTS at the farm of- Jack' Peck .14/4 miles west of Kippen., Speakers will be present frena agrieelteral- colleges commenting on • wheat and spring cereal varieties in seed_ treatments and white bean varieties, fertilization and weed control. . 1,43-1 ADDING machine tapes for most standard adding machines avail- able at The Huron Exposito,r, 527-0240, Seaforth.' 11-43xtf • — COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25 each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR .11-43xtf GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor, 527r 0240, Sea-forth. 11- 43xtf HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL COCHRANE Real Estate • Clinton, Ontario TERMS CASH' Director of Eduation • 19-43-1 We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better.' Fast, efficient service. All small farm. stock picked up free of charge as a service to tn. Call collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hikrs a day License No. 378-C-72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-43-tf AlbertStreet Clinton New 3 bedrbom home near Seaforth with• electric heat, at- tached garage, completely modern. 1/2 storey framehome on Rail- way Street with new gas furnaCe. Moderately priced. 2 storey brick home on Sperling Street with 3 bedrooms, electric heat and completely redecorated. JACKSON AND JACKSON Auctioneers • Listowel 20-43-2 2. Legal Notices NEW BINGO, Clinton LegionHall 8:30 p.m. July 6th, Admission $1.06, 15 regular games -$10.00 each, • Three Share-The-Wealth games. One jackpot game for $170.00 in 58 calls or less, or guaranteed $25 consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won. 1-43-1 TREE PLANTING ASSISTANCE The Ausable-Bayfield Conserva- tion Authority will assist water- shed landowners in planting trees (minimum 500; maximum 5,000) for a nominal fee of $5.00. Obtain application for seedling stock from Authority office or Ministry of Natural Resources offices (former Department of Lands and Forests). Order trees well in advance to ensure guaran- teed delivery for spring planting. For more information, contact: • , W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICMNSED EMBALMER - AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-43-tf STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and dupli- cate. The ' Huron Expositor, Seafortir. 11-43xtf TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH COUNTY OF HURON To Wit; - By virtue of a warrant issued by 'the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date. the 4th day of April, 1972 sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tucker- stnith will be held at the Huron Centennial School, Brucefield at the hour of 9:00 in the Evening on the • 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER,1972 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that Mlle list of lands for sale for arrears of -taxes was published, in The OntarieeGazette on the 29th day 'of April, 1972., GOLDEN Falcon, Citation, Flyte travel trailers; Baron tent trailers; Crestliner, Springbok, ChrySler boats & motors; Tents, Sleeping Bags; Trailer Parts, Hitches. Camp-Out, Sales, Ser- vice Rentals. Hwy. 8 West Stratford. 11 -43-1 EAVESTROUGHING - aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without "Obligation. R. E. Ruttan, Wing- ham, Phone 357-1077. 11-43,tf SILLS Families and Ddscendants Reunion, Sunday, July 16, 1972. Adolpherstown Prbvincial park. Basket picnic at 12 , noon. Sec- Treas. Mrs. G. Breaton, Corby- ville, Ont. .1-43-2 SEAFORTH' ELECTRONICS ZENITH & PHI LCO FOOD FOR THOUGHT Farmer e; receive about 0.00 for 75 pounds of potatoes. 75 pounds of salted potato chips retail for about $100.00. FARMERS! FIDDLER'S Jamboree; Mitchell Arena Sunday, July 16 at 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Dona- tions to the Retarded Children's Association'" will be gratefully accepted as admission. 1-43x2 ' Are you considering erecting 14-43-1 DEALER Service to all makes - T.V's. Radios,, Etc. 1'7 Sparling St. - Phone 527-1150 23-43-tf AUSABLE—BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Farm Buildings THIS YEAR HENSALL - Frame house with insul brick- siding on Mill St. East, .1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen and bath. Attached garage. House must be moved from present site. Priced right. Phone 482-7511 or 237-3431 or 237-3576. 14-43-tf Contact us - We offer' com- plete farm building service. STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and dupli- cate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-43xtf You are invited to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC SEAFORTH 'HOSPITAL . Box 459, Exeter Tel. 235-2610 „ 10-43-1 • We wish to thank our many rela- tives and friends who made our wedding anniversary such a memorable occasion. - Andy and • Verna McNichdl. ' 24-43-1' • PERCY WRIGHT - LICENSED AUCTIONEER Bull - Macaulay Lid. ,. Clinton - Seaforth - Hensall 19-43-tf 20. Auction Sales EAVESTROUGHING - aluminum or galvanized. Estimates without obligation. R. E. Ruttan, wing- harn, Phone 357-4077. 11-38-tf SUMMERTIME Lakefront cottage at Hayfield. Beautiful lot with plenty of trees. Completely renovated with new bithroom„,, wiring, and many, Many extras. Asking $18,000. WE S4LL AND' SERVICE ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. , §eaforth 527.1720 19-43-41 25. .In Memoriam Kippen, Ontario Telphone 262-5515, Hensall 23-43-ti THURSDAY, JULY 13 GILSON freezer 17 and 23. cu. ft. capacity at Frank Kling's Limited, Seaforth. 11-42-2 NIELAWC - In memory_ of Joseph Francis Melady who passed away July .4th, 1955. Sweet memories will linger forever • Time cannot' change them, it's true Years that may come cannot sever My loving remembrance of you'. - Sadly missed and everremem- bered by his wife,' Marie. • 25-43x1 1972 from 9:30 a.m. to•11:30 a.m. for 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 're 5.' Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for. ages 3 to 5 years 6. Vision • • . 1-43-1"'. 20. Auction Sales -NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient • ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. NORM WIHTING auctiorecop WOOD, FOR SALE Hardwood slabs delivered, six cords $24.00. Attractive two-unit , dwelling in Seaforth.'..A sound investment, a good buy,, and a pleasant place to live. Handy man special on EaSt Wil- Ham Street with town water, hydro, and a choice lot. Open for offers. WILLIAM it HART Seaforth Salesman Phone 527-0870 or 565-2855 CRAIG'S SAWMILL Auburn; Ontario. 526-7220. 11-41-10 I PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE , Phone Collect, 235-1964 EXETER • 23-43-tf WANTED DEAD or ALIVE Consignment Auction Sale of Household Furniture and Antiques on Saturday, July 8, 1,972 at 63 Main St., Exeter, ,Ontario 1 P.M. Sharp„ part time BOOKKEEPER wanted, approximately eight hours per week. 527-0526. 4-43-2 • ADAMS - In loving memory, of a deaa• , hushand and father, Donald R. Adamg, who passed away July 2, 1970. Nothing can take away The love our hearts hold dear Special memories linger every day ' Remembrance keeps him near. Deeply missed by wife Jean and daughter Dawn. 25-43x1 1946 Ford tractor for sale. Phone 527-9016. 11-43-2 • Dead and' disabled cows and , horses horses $10.00 each; $1.00 cwt.. 1, will 'be paid for animals from 500 lbs. to 1000 lbs. Calves and pigs pick-up free. Around • 'the clock pick-up service 7 days a week. Call collect 887-9334. Lie. #273-c-70 Auction ,S ale of Antiques and Primitives on Saturday, July 15, 1972 2 blocks south of Main corner.. Zurich, Ontario P.M.1 Sharp Mr. Peter Deichert, prop. SMALL Philco 'refrigerator, Frigidaire stove with timer, ideal for home or cottage, both in good working condition. Call 482-7606. 4'4 11-43-1 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD, West Lorne 14-43-1 Required now APPRENTICE or a MECHANI C Apply to Box '2086, Huron Expositor. 4-43-2 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOIYIE Phones: WHITE • window .blinds assorted sizes $5 complete, call 482-7606. ° 11-43-1 GOOD Barn 30 ft. by 72 ft. to be removed. Best offer. Apply to Box 2085, The Huron Expos- itor Seaforth, Ontario. 11-43x2 • 8874334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies Auctidn Sale of Household Furniture, Antiques and Tools ON Saturday, July 22, 1972 141 Gidley St. West, Exeter, Ont. I P.M. Sharp • Mrs. E. Cersen, Prop. Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-43-t! DOLMAGE - In loving memory of a dear father, Ronald Dolmage who passed, away July 9, 1967. we lost a dad 'with a heart of gold, Who was more to us than • wealth untold,' Without farewell he fell asleep With only memories for us to keep, We lost, but GO- has- gainedr, One of:Hie:156'st dadsthe world • contained. • • • . • - Lovingly . remembered.' by• his .! daughters, Debbie and Beth and • son Larry... • - '25-43-1 HELP wanted for haying. Simon De. Wit, H.R. 2, Dublin. phone 345-2604. 4-43-1 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST By Appointment Only Seaforth Office Wed.,Thurs.,Fri.,9 to 5:30p.rn. Thursday evenings Monday only - Clinton ()thee ' For Appointment Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 23-43-tf Auction Sale of Household Furnishings and Miscellaneous', Items on Wednesday, July 26, 1972 297 Pryde Boulevard, Exeter - 1.P.M. Sharp Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Mackie, Prqp. 19-43-tf 5. Bus. Opportunities Only one AVON TERRITORY available in this district. For details call tonight,'Mrs. Mill- . ion 1 451.-0541 '' '543-2 FOUR border collie pups to give away. Phone 345-2779. 11-43-1 , • \ NOTICE THINK SWIMMING In your own pond. this summer. Lots of trees enhance the set- ting. of this 5 acres near Sea- -forth.; 4 bedroom- -1_1/2 „storey brick horn; newly renovated. Asking price $25,000. Call today. We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for• pick-up at your farm phone by Saturday night. ONE pig trailer, closed in, 4 ft. by 4 ft. by 8 ft. Francis Hick- nell 345-2948. 11-43x1 ' Auction Sale of Household. Furniture, Antiques. . and Sealer Collection , on Saturday, July 29, 1972 In Exeter Legion Hail, wm. St., Exeter, Ont. DAVENPORT; suitable 'for rec-- reation room Or cottage. Phone 345,241'7. 11-43-1 Auctioneer REPRESENTATIVES WILLIAM J. DALE Phone: Clinton 482-9892 19-43-tf _ • BARRY - In loving memory of • a dear husband and father, James Barry who passed away four years ago July '3, 1968. Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of mind They are cherished in the 'hearts of those they leave behind. - • Sadly missed by wife Laura and family. 25-43x1 1 P.M. Sharp., This sale is the belongings, of Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner, Exeter and • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacNapghton, London. FARM AND FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE. Phone 347-2465 - M23o-n4k3t-otfn ise: eel. 481 481 ION VOA' RD LOBB TO give away, pups part collie and german shepherd, to a good., home. Russell Taylor 345-2058. 11-43-1. REQUIRED Home and Beauty Cate Products sell quality and make money various exclusive Perth •and Huron County territories al111- able.. No pyramid' Or party plan selling. Call today for details • Seaforth 527-0898. 5-43x1 HARD TO ' 'BEAT Full price only $11,000. Nice 2 bedroom white frame 1 1/2 storey home;, 'small barn; good garden; on a quiet street in Zurich. Immediate possession. .COOPED UP?' SEPTIC TAN-KS CLEANED i--, Modern equipment. we guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton, 482-3320. 19-43-tf WHITING AUCTION SERVICES EXETER, ONT. PHONE 235 - 1964 ' 20-43.4 PICK your own cherries at Murray Bros. orchard five miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge- road. Sweets readyJuly, 10, Mont,. morency July 12. 11 - 43x3 TENT trailer, sleeps six, used only 3 times. 527-1140 or 527- 1814. 11-43-2 PHONE: 482-9431 or 482-7898 23-43-tf NORM WHITING auctioneer EXPERIENCED - Try country living. Solid frame home having 4 bedrooms with closets; 2 car garage; tool shed; on 5 acres of land. Near Family Paradise. Price $12,000 with 1 CLINTON, ONT, AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS? Now you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For 'application and interview, write: Safety Department, Trans Canada Transport Training,. Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, Ontario or call:416-864- 9381, 5-43-3 • WATCH REPAllis FAST SERVICE Air work guaranteed , ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, Phone 527.1720 — Seaforth. .19-43-tf 26. Personal • Mr. and mrs. Anthony Phillips, Seaforth wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Catherine Mary to Mr. Adrain DeCoo, son o f Mrs. Anthony DeCoo,Seaforth,Ontario and the late Mr. Anthony DeCoo. The wedding will take place July 29, 1972 at 3:00 p.m. atSt.James Church; Seaforth. 26.-43x1 CHESTNUT mare for sale, 2 1/2 years old, broke to ride. Call 527-1515. 1143-1 $6,000 down. CONTACT CAROLYN THOMPSON R.R. 2, Seaforth 527-0238 14-43-1 CONSIGNMENT' AUCTION.. Of household furnishings, antiques and miscellaneous items on SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1972 , at 63 Main St. Exeter at 1 P.M. Sharp HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS - chesterfield and 2 chairs; spaqe saver; couch; chesterfield chair; hostess chairs; studio and chair; parlor platform rocker; large arm -Chair; 12 •"1 a-Indian rug; several '121W-rugs; electric stove; ,refrigerator; 2' washing machines;'sewing mach- ine; wooden table and 4 chairs; high chair; wooden died; dresser; hightjable; crib With ''' drewerS; bedroom chair; foam mattress; beds, springs and mattresses; 2 beds with built in storage drawers; desk; buffet; Wooden dining room table; 8 pee., dining room suite; KoWa Setr camera, like new; trunks; storage barrels; paint; Clinton- 2 1/2 hp gas-lawn mower; child's wodden table and chairs; push mower; roll of alurninum weather stripping; 5 ft. round ceiling store mirror; NCR till; 1911 Lanning and Stone vacuum cleaner (never been used); Hoover floor polisher; 6 pc; place setting of dishes; crutches; radio; pictures; basket chair covers; books and many other items. ANTIQUES •- bonnet chest; kitchen table; washstand; "IilbStop reckeri% buggy shafts; buggy tongue; -wooden pump head; barrel; 'InVaild'S chair; broad aite; 1100; glass salt and pepper; oil lamp base; coffee grinder; pineapple fruit bowl; grape goblet; Dicken's pitcher; blue milk glass tray; square milk glass dish with lid; Beaver sealer; etc. QUANTITY of good hay. John Segeren 482-9217. 11.42-3 24. Cards of Thanks Articles for sale: 1 large green corduroy jacket $10.06; 1 large wine coloured corduroy jacket $10.00; 1 large blue blazer - $10.00; 1 pair black oxford shoes, size 12; 7 belts of assorted colours. Phone 527- 0752 after six. 11-42-2 9. Poultry for Sale " LEGHORN pullets A.A. 26 strain 20 weeks old July 10,, 'phone • Roe Farms Limited. Atwood 356- 2211,1 9-43-1 VACUUM CLEANERS 15. Property for Rent NOW RENTING IN ADASTRAL PARK I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for cards and visits.. Special thanks to Drs. Sharpe and -014verrnurses and staff of ,_ St.. Joseph's. Hospital. James Carnochan. 24-43-1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street, R.R. 3y Listtlwel wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Julia• Elizabeth, Alice to William Gordon Mitchell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, , R.R. 3, Walton. The wedding will take place on Friday, August 11 at 7:30 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Listowel. 26-43-1 !Sales &. Service- • Clinton sformerly Clinton R.C.A.F,Ba e spacious 3 bedroom All Makes, KINIBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. GOOD firm potatoes. Alphonse Cronin, 345-2856. 11-42-2 -Albert and Eileen Cronin wish, to 'thank our relatives, neigh- bours, friends, who sent cards and our family for the Mass, gifts and dinner they had for us on our thrity-fifth wedding anniversary. 24-43x1 BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 19-43-tf TOWN HOUSES with frig., stove, water, hydro, heat, full basement. Parking. Play grounds, etc, for only $95.00 per month, For appointment phone 482-9742 if no answer 482-7725 or come and see us on the week end while we have open hotise. 15-41-4 12. Wanted to Buy McCORMICK - Deering No. '7 horse mower wanted. Phone 482- 7264. • 12-43-1 Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 9.43-tf If you are thinking of buying or selling ANTIQUES or USED _FURNITURE contact' NORM WHITING , Exeter, 235-1964. We buy household lots or single articles. 19-43-tf WE want your used chesterfield. Top trade-in allowance. Box Furniture, Seaforth. 12,43-2 MASSEY Harris cultivator horse drawn two or four horses. Allan Leis, Box 526,' Listowel, 29rz- 1149. 12-41x4 We would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all our patrons and friends Who patronized, us .,.. so much, during our three years operating Crossroad Restaurant at Walton. And a special thanks to the 47 families of Walton for the beautiful picture and plaques they presented to us on our departure. AllY,are welcome to visit us at 2,80 Lorne Ave., Apt. 6, Kitchener. - Ed and Vdra Fischer. 24-43x1 10. Used Cars for Sale 1968 6 Cylinder Ford Custom 2- door, low mileage, clean. 52'7- 1550, 527-0562 evenings. 10-43-tf TWO bedroom apartment. Heat, hydro,' frig. and stove supplied. 'Available July. ApplyJX,Crich. 15-41-3 USE EXPOSITOR WANT- ADS Phone 527.040 PRIVATE collector will buy old dolls, doll furniture and dishes, and other doll items. Write Box 2087, The Huron Expositor. 12-43-4 1972 Vega, 3 speed transmission, snow tires, 12,tibti metallic green, Phone 527-1642. 10-42x2 B4YFIELD cottage to mt. Con- tact Mrs. Harold MulaidY, Paill Bunyan Apt., Hayfield. Phone 565-2865. 15-43-1 TERMS - CASH NORM WHITING Auctioneer ' ' Exeter - Phone 235-1964 20-43-1 • •