HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-06, Page 7Neas of the Seaforth Chili ALL ROADS LEAD TO SEAFORTH USED SWATHERS • I.H.C. No. 175 Ssaiather Hay Machine - $2695 I.H.C. No. 210, 12 ft. Grain Swather $3100 I.H.C. No. 175, 12 ft. Grain Swather $1595 I.H.C. No. 175, 10 ft. Grain Swather ( Like new) $2750 I .H,C, No. 201, 10 ft. Grain Swather $175Q Versatile 12 ft, Grain Swather $ 995 USED COMBINES NO 203 Combine $4200 1.H.C. No. 105 Combine • -to $5200 Mass4,Perguson No. 410 Combine $6800 Massey Ferguson No. 510 Combine with grain, and 6 row corn head $12,900 I.H.C. No. 227 Corn Head $1295 I,H,C. No. 227 Corn Head $1595 USED MICELLANEOUS Gehl P.T,O, Trailer I-6mmermill Wetmore No. 385 Grinder Blower ViNcENT FARM EQUIPMENT iip. 6u; Motto: "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVICE" Ayr — Phone 632.7446 Galt — Phone 621-7800 SEAFO.RTH PHONE 527-0120 $ 450 $1350 Popuar, Square or Round Neck TANK TOPS-FOR MEN 6 colors—Ozes small to XL. Just ArriVed, Blue Denim. PoPular with both boys and girls New Zipper Fly Styles — Sizes 28 to 36 VACATIMUALUED USED CARS 1970 Marquis, 2-dr.,. HT., 8, PS., PB., R. , 1970 1/ 2-Ton Chevrolet, , 23,000' .miles 1970.Chev., 8, Sedan 1970 Chev., 6,,, AT., Sedan 1969 Fairlane 500, 2-dr.,' HT., 8, AT. .1$9 Bukk, 2-dr.„ HT., 8, AT., PS., .P11. 1968 Plymouth Fury, 2-dr., HT., 8, auto. 0, 1968 .Pontiac' Sedan, 8-cyl.,.aUto • 1968 Rambler Sedan, 8, auto. 1967 Olds., Sedan, 8, Auto., PS., PB. 1967 Biscayne, 4-dr. Sedan, 8-cyl., auto. . Aloe, 527-1750 • SEAPORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. Ii 'HURON OfPo5IT9k:SEAPPRTH, ONT,, Tur f first in Industrial League Y!f,1ir P fall _ot.ttie. Main.stregters aa the in the later innings but it was _ s. MeC ins took advantage of sev- too late as thertrn ae•was• already' Mechanics gnine in the late game. hil .meet the winles Le.- i eral e tors and playing mistakes out of reach. Jim Sills led the ion to, ope 3.48-3 lead. There was , Firemen at the plate with . a 5 little doubt from this point On as for 6 evening while Garry Eisler the Mainstreeters failed to pro- led the loosers with a 2 for 3 duce the spark that had previous- effort. ly lifted them to victory. . The late contest saw plenty Eric Chuter pitched a'12 hit of action as a real slug fest ball game in earning his 2nd occur ed when the Teachers out- victory against three defeats. lasted the Texaco Duffer-s. to gain Jack Price was the losing a 25 .- 21 victory. The book- . pitcher suffering his first loss worms opened fast. on a grand against-4 wins. Bill Muir led slam home run by Bill Weber to the 22 hit attack for the Mechan- open' up an eight run lead in the' ics in going 5 for 6 for the even- first frame. ing. . ' The Duffers tried gamely to The final count saw,the Motor--- fight back hut failed to overcome • men come out on the fop end of a the large margin. The big blow 20-8 margin. The loss gave the that salted the game away for Turf Club sole possession of 1st • the Teachers came in the sixth place as they continued to re- main the only unbeaten squad as „they edged the Village by a 15-11 ' count in the late game played at the Rec Grounds. , The industrial League actiop beatejk. Rick Woods suffered' the - ` Mechanics 2 3 ' last Monday sight saw all eight loss for the Village leaving hiin Texaco 2 3 teams in action as the new lights with a-2 - 4 record. at the Optimist Ree. Grounds Action at the Lions Park saw Village 2 4 permitted two double headers.. the Firemen have little difficulty Le ion. 0 4 The biggest upset of the even- in whipping the hapless' Legion Next weeks action will again ing came in the _early game play- by a 24 •-• 6 count. The Fire-, ed at the. Rec. Grounds when the men- opened with a 7 run first see all eight teams la action as the lights at the Optimist Park are now in use. The early game at the Liolis Park will see Tex- aco challenge the .undeafed Turf Club while the late encounter will pit the Mainstreet squad against the Village, _ The Optimist Park will see the Teachers and Firemen, meet in the first encounter while the inning and had very little pro- blem from that point as again the inexperience showed as the Leg- ion continued to make several costly errors allowing the Fire- Motormen fought back and opened men to score almost at will. a 3-1 lead after two complete Over confidence and the arrival innings. The third and fourth of two or three more experienced innings proved to be the down- players allowed-the Legion to score previously undefeated Mainstreet squad were wholloped by the Mechanics.. The Mainstreet team opened a 1-0 first inning lead but the inning when Garry Montgomery connected for a grand slam home run • helping -the Teachers to a seven run sixth inning. The Duffers 'hit for 13 runs in the last two innings to narrow the gap but couldn't overcome -the big deficit as they suffered_their third defeat. Bill Weber was the winning hurler evening his record at 3 - 3 while Norm ' Irwin's 'record now moves to 1 and 3. 0 4 0 Q 1 5 0 4 4, V ' Al French started the game for the Brewers and pitched five • and a third innings before being relleired by Doug Leonhardt. - Rick and Doug Leonhardt both hit home:runs for the Brewers. The _Brewers still lead the league by two points. The Brewers would like to see a good following in St. Marys on Friday, July 14, to see the South Perth. Fastball all-star gaibe betweenkthe Astand Bsdiv- isions. Some Brewers are on the team. • • Yr Upcoming games Thursday, Ally 6, Tavistock Juniors at Brodhagen.• Sunday, July 9, Brodhagen at Kirkton •at 8:30. Thursday, July 13, Fullar- ton at Brodhagen. ri II July 8 vlioys vs Stella July 9 Chiselhurst vs Crofn- arty July 15 -Cromarty vs staffs. July 16 Chiselhurst. vs Roys July, 22 Chiselhurst vs Staffa July 23 Roys vs Croniarty July' 30 Staffa vs Roys 2:3Q Cromarty " vs Chisel- burst • 9 p, m„ Aug:'5- All-Star Aug "6 'Staffs. vs Groin arty Ang 7 Roys vs Chiselhurst All games are on Cromarty diamond. to Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 Brewers defeat Avonton 10-6 The Seaforth men held their first Mena! pair s tournament on Monday evening, July 3rd at 7:30 p.m. There were five greens in play and taking the lead was a Goderich rink with Arnold Fisher skip and Fred Richardson lead: They finished with 3 w. and 16 agg. 34. Second place went 4o Ed. Andrews and Neil Bell with 3 w. and Sagg. 34. Third place was Fred Tilly and Edgar Allen with2 w. and 14 agg. 26, Tuesday morning at 10:00 am the ladles' first round ofProvin- cial doubles was held on the Sea- forth Greens. The Seaforth entry of Janet Ford and Brenda Finlay- Bunkers defeat tzt His stlers The Bunk ers won over the Hustlers With ,a score 18-5 last Wednesday .at the High school ball field. '"This was the first game which was rained out...Tues-t day night' saw all the ladies out in fine form and ready for action. At the Rec the Bunkers defeated the, Bunglers 39-11. At the L ion's Park the early game saw the Boo Boos defeat the Fumblers 30-23. The late game contributed a number of errors and, caused the Hustlers to lose out to the Bubblers with a wild score of-- 37-14. son won both games and will now go on to the second round to be played in Woodstock at a later date. Tuesday evening agoad turn- out was on hand for our Jitney bowling. winners were ladles 1st, Betty Tilley 2w and 18. 2nd, Din- ah Sills, 2w and 12. Men,•,-lst, Jack Sinclair, 2w and 13. 2nd, Art Finlayson, 2w arid 12. The ladies will be bowling Wednesday afternoon for the Mc- Lean trophy and also onWednes•L' day afternoon, July 12th, are holding a Ladies' Trebles Tourn- ament in Seaforth commencing at 1:30 p.m. Our own local bowlers have been busy attending out of town tournaments also. In the Victoria and Grey Trust at Goderich on Saturday , July 1st., Art and Mary Finlayson won second prize with 3w and 21 agg 44. In mixed trebles at St. Marys Sunday, July 2nd., a rink skipped by - Art Finlayson with Brenda vice and Mark Gilliland lead tookjdirst prize. Alga a rink siripped by Walter Westbrook with Dianne Gilliland and Eric Mat- zold were among the •prize winn- ers. Several of our men plan to at- tend the 'mens' tournament in Clinton -on W(Rinesday afternoon, ,luly 6th. Others hope to attend Mitchell's M and M. on Saturday, The Horsemen had to play a strong game as the surprising Village squad continued to fight back throughout the encounter. The Turf opened with three runs in the first inni ng and quickly op-' tined an eight run margin after two innings, but then had to fight to hang on as a determined Village team continued to narrow the mar- gin. Jack, Mcllwain picked up his fifth win and with a tie leaves him as the only pitcher yet to be defeated a South game at Juveniles defeat Clinton The Dublin Girls‘were defeated by Clinton June 28 in Clinton. ' This was the sixth game play- ed: They have now won 4 and lost 2. • The next game for the girls will be against Brodhagen at 8 P.M. Friday July 7 in Dublin folloWed by a game in Tavistock on Sunday afternoon July 9. News of MEN'S SIZE 30 to 38 SPECIALLY PRICED SWIM TRUNKS Fortrel do.uble-knit swim shorts for men: in paisleys, stripes and checks in ail colors--sharp styled boxer length — laced firqnt. Sizes 30 to 38 SPECIALLY PRICED AT SPORT COAT ge0OP REGULAR $55.00 to $69.00 I FORTREL DOUBLE'- KNIT 24 only, plain shade and novel weave, double-king sport jackets that- were sold at $5580 tO $60.50 to he cleared out before the neW fall styles Sonie tails and shoots. 5. TO CLEAR AT 120 only DeLuxe quality *Opt shirts, perm. press that cam tickets from M.00 to g2.00. We made a" big saving ittiZ wofre'Vassing it on to you. Sizes S to XL while they last.. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor 4 Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth- 527-0240. ' July 8th and also Stratford's Victoria and Grey Trust mixed trebles on Sunday, July 9th. This tournament had to be postponed earlier due to the weather. The next big mens' pairs tournament in Seaforth will be the Westinghouse Trophy on July 19,th at 1:30 p.m. so all the men bowlers keep this date in mind. Brodhagen Brewers and we hope to fill the greens. Avonton CB's 10-6 in Prizes are well worth competing Perth Fastball league for at this tournament. Avonton on June 27th. ••4414`••••••••••••••••••••••••••*~~••••• *Oho to adM41',4eiA". WIRDLY EVER WORTHWHILE eh- ."*.44".11 • Top of the head guestimates are a chancy way to buy, sell, or even pay for advertising. Once ..71-o- a blue moon guesswork nets lucky, but that's not good eribugh for a message aimed at building sales. We have the 'advertiser-controlled Audit Bureau of Circula- tions check our circulation regularly so that you may know exactly the'size of our audience, where our readers live, and a lot more. EffectiVb advertising investments are based on facts—about your products or services, and about the audience you,are trying tO reach. You can be ABC-sure of our readers. the baron Orpositor Ho The Audit Bureau of Circulations is a self-regulatory associa- ° tion of over 4,000 advertisers, advertising agencies, and pub- z, Ushers, and is recognized as a bureau of standards for the 0 print media industry. Dublin Midgets win four Dublin Midgets on Monday de- feated Brodhagen 14 - 9.' The girls were losing 9 - 8 up until the seventh inning when they came back , with five runs to win the game. • The girls had previously play- ed Brodhagen also winning by a score of 12 - 10. Other games the, girls have played resulted in the following scores; Harriston at Dublin - Dublin wins 10 - 6 Dublin at Harriston - Dublin wins 10-7 Dublin at Tavistock Tavistock wins 14-7 WINCHELSEA Correspondent Mrs: Wm. Walters Mr. Laurie Dayman of KIP- pen returned to his honie on Thurs- day after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walters and Danny. Mrs. Bob Patterson, Leslie and Linda of Lucan visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne. — Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bern, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton attended the Alexander and Hern Wedding and reception on-Saturday at Till sonburg. • Mrs. Harry Ford of Woodham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. John and Bill Bern of Exeter visited on Sunday with Kev- in and Greg Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner• • of Sebring-0.11e visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elson ' Lynn and 'family. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Taylor', -6TCrediton visited-over the week- end with Mrs. Bill. Taylor and Family. -. INSURANCE Auto, Pire, Life 'Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block, Main Street Phone 52.1610 .----- Seaforth Team standings to date 4 . L T p Turf club 5 0 1 11 Mainstreet 4 1 0 8 Teachers ' 3 3 0 6 Firemen 3 3 0 SOUTH HIBBERT ME'N'S LEAGUE . , ,