HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-06, Page 6Edward i'ohn'RuMble and Lawrence Murdoch Rumble,suns of Mrs. Audrey Rumble and the late Mr. D. G. Rumle of Toronto and 183 Essex-St. Goderich, graduated from Unlveisity of Toronto and York University respectively.. Edward graduated as Doctor of Medicine on June ith and is presently interning at the Wellesley Hospital in Toronto.'.Lawrenoe received his B.A. in English on June 2 and will enter Osgoode Hall Law School in September. Name Seaforth trustees HURON ESPOSr.T011, SEAFORTH, ONO.* J1.11.4 1972 ANNUAL AG-Of 4SUMMER FESTIVAL" SATURDAY, JULY 8th - AT SEAFORTH -- In arena Desiardine's Orchestra -- DANCING 9 -- REFRESHMENTS — Tickets $3 per couple Available from members or call Ken Coleman 527:X398-or.Art. Balton 527-0455 BRODUAGEN and DISTRICT CHAMBER of COMMERCE ANNUAL .CHICKEN BAR QUE and DANCE — Supper 5-8:30 p.m. — --ENTERTAINMENT and BALL GAME .— ments.- WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 Des. jardinesi Orchestra AdmisSion to Dance $1.00 — Refresh TICKETS -a— ADULTS $2.00 Children under 12, $1.00 Dance to SEAFORTH ARENA TUESDAY, JULY 11th-41:30 p.m. WRESTLING ERIC THE RED VIC ROSSATTANI N4ORLDS FATEST 0 TAG TEAM BOUT 0 THIS r *ELI L.0 CI III . 11 MIOGETS IN ACTION I Lady Wrestlers Sexy Exciting CARMON YS MONGE RACHEL DUBOIS • • THE BEAST rliTLE BEAR BRUCE SWAYZE YS RON DONER IA NA RINGSIDE $2.S0 GE NER 41. 411%41.ssIG's $2.110 4:1111,1117 EN DEN 12 51.00 ioi,d:1•2 • 011111.1111.1a I f wal 9 • WINNER OF 5 INCLUDING BEST MOUE ACADEMY AWARDS BEM OITCITOR iiiii'—.1111111TUJIIIO: SARI GODERICH, ONT. WITHOUT 524-7811 A STITCH 'FRENCH CONNECTIO GENE HACKMAN FERNANDO REY ROY SekkiDER TONt1.0 BIANCO MARCEL BOZZUFfi N Zurich Centennici BAND ATTOI Zurich Community Park Saturclay, July 8 PARADE AT 7 D.M. to ZURICH PARK -- featuring — The Midlanders Drum &. eilgie Corps Goderich Laketown Band Clinton. Legion Pipe Band Zurich Centennial Band . Forest Excelsior. Band London Ladies Pipe Band • Durham Girls Drum & Bugle Corp Mcister of Ceremonies —Jim Swan —CKNX Admission - Adults $1.50, Children Free If CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT and TAVERN • • •• • . . • . • • This Week nightly entertainment:— • • JULIE LYNN • : -. . Next week's entertaiiVtIent 0 • .• • ' ORIENTAL EXPRESS .• Starting July 10th • I I I Country; and Western Entertainment' SATURDAY the Red Knight Room Elain,*GOrd and Don Fisher With. Audrey Kerr at the Piano — Also in the Ladies' and Escorts' oom — FRIDAY and SATURDAY RUSS and DOROTHY Tasty chicken Wings for, snacks AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH . • Bayfield Road in Goderich — Phone 524-7711 • • • COME IlOME RODDY McDOWALL' DONALD CRISP OAMEMAYWHITTY.EDMUND GWEUI RIM BRUCE An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you triad one? Dial 627-0240. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seat orth FRIDAY, JULY 7 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.0.0 , THREE . $25,00 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — TWO DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25e or 7' for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work-- Auspices Seaforth BranCh 156, Royal Canadian Legion NEW LEAF COMEDY Welter Maithau - Blaine May Color • Cartoon N • • I ol N A A A d. "ONP r•v*•. N N N I A P I N • WED. - THURS. - FRI. July 12-13-14 DOUBLE FEATURE — GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT r BLACK BEAUTY Mark Lester — Welter Skink Color The classic children's navel WILLIE WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Gm, Wilder,— Jack Albertson Color Cartoon FREE POPCORN FOR THE CHILDREN BEFORE 10 P.M. Thursdayi July 13 SAT. - SUN. - MON. - TUES. July 15-16-17-18 — DOUBLE' FEATURE CLOVE STORY {ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Ali McGraw — Ryan O'Neil Color A---IGUNFIORT- --- (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Kirk Douglas Johnny Cash- Color Cartoon- GRA ND On the- occasion of the . official opening of the newly installed lights at OPTIMIST SPONSORED RECREATION PARK SATURDAY, JULY 15, at 8:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy the fun as the intermediate -"C" Hockey team challen- ges the Optimist Club to a . $100 BALL, GAME Parade, to the Recreation Park along - Main Street leaves at 8 p.m. .teeseeoeoessrem***~#440••••#4440#44.•4444.4".".....~#14044940•44.0 WOMEN IN CAGES JEAlrEli GAII•JUGI IMO COUINS• AAA* AAA • ...TA RE EPT1014 D DANCE for Maria Hodgert and .1143n Jaquee ' (Bridal couple) - SAT.,. JULY 15th 9:00 p:m. Seaforth Legion Hall MUSIC BY THE COUNTRY RAMBLERS Everyone Welcome WM= .. MEMO VIIM RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith FRI, JULY 14th Walton Community Hall • Ladies please bring lunch QUEENS SEAFORTH ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK The Nite - KAPS Also Play Country and Western SATURDAY MATINEE 1111011111111111110111111M1111 THIS WEEK AT THE ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE. . MAINsTREET-- In. the CroVirn Room Dining room open on Sundays from 12 noon. - 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m, in the evening. III1111111111111111111111111111111 Mrs. Earle Bell and Mrs. Robert Lake of Toronto are here spending the summer at their home on Goderich Street, West. Mrs,John King of Deloraine, Manitoa, Mrs. Lorne Couling of Winnipeg, and Mrs. James Dillabough of Deloraine returned home, after spending two weeks at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin in.Seaforth, They took in the Brussels re- union, having been formerly acq- uainted with many people of the Brussels community. Miss Belle Campbell of Sea- forth and Mrs. Sadie Simpson of Hensall were.in Waterloo attend- ing the annual- meeting of the Ont- ario Historical Society. .....aeo••••••••••••-•••••••••olsoomosiorso•n. NY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RO 4 • Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, Ricky and Stephen, Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe, W. William St Rev. J. Ure. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart visited MisS• Hazel Adm. sett of "Albright Gardens" Beamsville also Mr5,HallOaCase- more of Hamilton. mr. and Mrs. Allan Justason, Barbara and Sandra, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Roe on Saturday. Both families • attended the Wallace Picnic at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millers' Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mri. Clair Haney,. California are visiting their many relatives and ,friends in' this vie,. inity. IR "Local Briefs Mr. and Mss. Alex Piggot of Mississauga were weekend gueSts of Mrs. W. C. Bennett. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Arm- strong and pebblettf St. Cathar- ines were .guests of Mrs. Harold Jackson over the holiday. Miss Da wna Reynolds and Miss Angela Devereaux have returned from a holiday in Europe. • Mrs. Harvey Burrows and members of her family of St. Catharines called on friends In town on Thursday. Mr. Neville McMillan and - sons Christopher and Jamie of C °Ringwood were weekend guests of Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Rev. J. Ure $tewart and Mrs. Stewart 'attended. the funeral on Friday of the late Wm. Stevens in: Miss Joyce Roe, Kitchener, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Roe on Monday. Mr., and Mrs. Fred Parsons of London were week-end guests of Rev. J. Ure Stewart and Mrs. Stewart. , 100 percent success in the R.N. examinations: • E. A. Elliott and Dr. watts.of God- erich: Mr. O.L. Engeistad, Mr. Robt. Campbell of Clinton and Mrs. R.A. Kreps of Goderich. In his report the Chairman of the 'Board of Directors Dr. A.R. Rowe, stated that while the concept of 'the two year nursing course is so new, there are as yet no proven methods to use in its planning, the Board it sat- isfied that the faculty of this school can turn out nurses in two years CLINTON ONTARIO equal to any school in Ontario Smiles My tests show your thyroid to be perfectly normal," said the doctor to his overweight patient: "What you suffer from is an over- active fork." (Continued from Page 4) with WED. -THURS.- FRI.-SAT. July 5-6-7-8 DOUBLE FEATURE — SUMMER OF '42 .- (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT),....... Jennifer O'Neill Gary Grimes Colour BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE . BONNIE AND CLYDE Family Paradise Camping and Snowmobile Club F.4.44.44F-Ist*************** r ELM HAVEN Irc "MOTOR HOTEL 1 . NOW PLAYING * .1141GFI. TIDE" 4( "4( featuring, - 4( *it SONIA 7.1( 4( COMING NEXT. WEEK .* . *HAWTHORNE . * * with 44 PAT CARROLL MATINEE SATURDA;AFTERNOON 4-6 p.m. , j, Nt. MN( litlit 11( 31(..11E li )II. It liAlg. lit Ig• ili 1 *****iriftwwwwwwwwwir WW** SATURDAY, JULY 8th — Country Cavaliers Sunday Afternoon — Seaforth Henderson Family with N_elsoxv-Howe - "--- RAIN OR SHINE — DANCING FAMILY PARADISE Fay Dunnaway Warren Beatty, (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • July 9-10-11 — DOUBLE FEATURE - WATERLOO Orson Welles — Red Stager Chnstopher Plummer The story of one of histctry's most significant bottles. Color