HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1972-07-06, Page 4All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE SON seems- Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Oundas Or Bill Pinde.' 527-1382 — Bus. 527.1750 SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? One of our representatives will be at The Bedford Hdtel. Goderich Monday July 10th, 1972 If you require a term loan for a new or existing business, you are invited to dis- cuss your needs with him. An appoint- ment can be arranged by telephoning Mr. J. D. Brinklow Telephone: 524-7337 INDUSTRIAL ro DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCING FOR CANAQIAN BUSINESSES 197 York Street, London 12, Ontario I: a (WITH TRADE) • ^7, lP 4-,THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTIN4 ANT,, JULY b, 1972 Celebrate anniversary `'Seaforth played an active part in Brussels centennial parade on Saturday. The Seaforth 'District High School Band, sponsored by the -Brussels Post took part asdid the Seaforth Junior Band, playing as they rode along on a truck. A float entered by the Seaforth Lions -Club captured second prize in the class for best comic floats. News of CONSTANCE 0 • lb 441 girls present fashions Name Seaforth trustees to- H-P nursing school board phasis was placed on In Service education for Faculty. Faculty attended conferences and work- shops. Members of Faculty and Nursing Staff of the eight part- icipating hospitals-met at the Sch- ool for the Nursing Clinic Day. Five nursing films under the dir- ectiom of Mr. D. ,McKerlie of Central Secondary School inStrat- ford were produced in the school. Plans for University Credit:Cour- ses and a variety of Nursing Clinic 'days dealing with new nursing procedures have been made for presentation in the near future. In the past year, the Board of . Trustees welcomed Goderich Psy- chiatric Hospital and their rep- resentative to the Board, Mrs. R.A. Kreps. This hospital is one of the eight participating hospitals to be represented. The School of Nursing has been using their cl- inical facilities since April 1971 and is anticipating a long term relationship in the years ahead. Through the efforts of the Pub- lic Relation Chairmen Mrs. W. Carr, Stratford, 11 bursaries in the past year have been &Mated at a total of $1,060.00. , GueSt speaker Mr. Milton Orls of the College and University Affairs spoke of the Transition of Nursing Education moving from the health field to the field- of. gen- eral education. Mr: Oris made the point that in the transition, emphasis would be made on main:- taining the quality of Nursing Ed- ucation. He summarized the fac- tors that, influence the student nurs , today, are- Technique ch- anges, e l the change in Drug Therapy, how e impact of the "Pill'? has caused the pro.blem of se- curing sufficient hours to part- icipate in Obstetrics. The stud- ent is surrounded by complicated machinery' in Intensive care, which can appear frightening. Besides new techniques, learning to re- late to Doctor, nurse, advisory, administration and various spec- ialists, is part of their • study. At the present time Nursing grad- , uates are meeting the demand for nurses. Nominees to the Board of trus-. _Aesg. for 1972-73 are Mias. A.M. ClaypOle'inirilea.'llele-IrMicleof Exeter: Mrs. W. Carr, Mrs! G.O. Dickinson, Dr. A.R. Rowe, Rev. Jas. Ferguson, Mr. A. MacLeod, and Mr. R.J. Cameron all of Strat- ford. siii:b.G. McKenzie and Mr. R.• WilsOn of Seaforth: Mr. J.L. Carter and. Mrs. John King, St, Marys: Mr. L. Hall, Mri S..C. Mumberson; and Mr. P. Seller Listowel: Mr. H. Bosnell, Mr. (Continued on Page 6) , Alimmommor SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET FOR THE BARBEQUE Tender 4 RIB STEAK 9 Tasty Beef Patties 8-79. Lean Butt or 44 Shoulder CHOP b9g, Schneider's WIENERS 691 Tasty Bacon Pattiess-69c in a Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-160 An open house was held Sat- urday, July 1st, 19'72 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNichol on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anniversary. Many friends and relatives attended from New Liskard, Mid- land, London, Brantford, Atwood, Dunnville, Burnaby B.C., Sarnia, Mitchell, Goderich, Clinton, Wal- ton, Blyth, BrueselS, •Morikton, Kitchener and Toronto. The couple's family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McNichol,Clinten and Mr. and Mrs.Robert (Sharon) . Elliott, Kitchener, arranged the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. McNichol were guests at a dinner held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson and family, RR 3, Walton, the latter part .of Junes "Rim at Walton corrpespondent Mrs. Allan McCall The Walton W.I. met in the Walton Community Hall with the President Mrs. Gerald Watson presiding. Mrs. Neil McGavin was pianist. The platform was decorated with animals, well done re- presenting a night scene with stars and moons hanging from the ceiling. The 4 - H girls were guests and put on a fashion show, wear- ing their sleep wear they had made in their last project. Mrs. Joe Steffler read the minutes and 33 members answer- ed the Roll Call. on "Mending Hints". - It was agreed to have a car- nival on August 12th when there will be a fish pond, bingo, ball game, booth, fire works, priz- es for_ the best decorated bic- ycle, and a lucky draw on a chaise lounge. A display is to be entered at the Brussels Fall Fair with the committee Mrs. Jim Mc- Donald, Mrs. Nelson Reid, MrS. Allan McCall and-Mrs. Torren- ce Dundas in charge of antiques. A committee .volunteered to go to Clinton on Thursday to help with Senior Citizen week -at Huronview. Mrs. Ken McDonald reported on the progress of the float for the Centennial parade In Brussels. Discussion follow- ed on repairing the interiorof-the hall. The meeting was turned over to the conveners on Home Ec- onomics. and Health. Mrs. John Bos read two poems "Advice" and "Imitators". Mrs; George McCall read "What is Mother" and "Thank God for Dirty Dish- es". Mrs. Alvin Mebonald gave a report from the District Annual, which was held recently at Mc- Intosh Church. • There will be a meeting in July, with the conveners, Mrs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs. W..J. Leeming on Education and Cul- tural Activities. Lunch was served by the host- esses, Mrs.-Mervin Smith, Mrs. Leeming, Mrs. Harold Wilson, and Mrs. Murray Smith. School of Nursing'instead of tran- sporting students by bus to Con- estoga College. Forty-two students graduated in 1971. Fourteen of these grad- uates are working within partic- ipating hospitals in Perth and Huron Counties. The remainder have secured positions in other parts of Ontario. The total enrollmentts of May 31 is 123 students. It is expect- ed that 70 students will enroll in September of 1972. New fin- ancial guide lines concerning the Junior and Senior classes was re- ceived, All students will be re- quired to pay tuition fees of $250: The incoming Junior .class will be required to pay room and board at a cost of $310 per trimester for a total tuition and residence cost of $1,180 per year. All in- coming students will be required to live in' residence. Nursing students will also be responsible for their own. medical Insurance coverage. ' This change became effective April 1972, In the past year major ern. Correspondent Miss Mary McIlwain Mr. and Mn,S Ken Preszca- tor, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ander- son and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomp- son attended graduation cere- monies held on Thursday even- ing at Hullett Central public School when their daughter, grad- uated. Dianne Preszcator, San- dra Riley, Patsy Anderson and Joan Thompson were among a number of pupils graduating. Mr. Bill Dale was in Goder- ich on Thursday .when the Ex- wardens were guests of the County Council. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- ' tor entertained on Thursday ev- ening for the wedding party fol- lowing rehearsal at the Landes- bore United Church, prior to the wedding .on Friday evening of their daughter, Linda to Larry Dillon of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor, Dianne and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator attended the wedding and reception. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson , Jim, Sharon and Bob were Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hunter of Col- borne Township, Mr. Carl Mer- ner of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson of Ottawa who are remaining for this week for holidays. Mrs. Ken Reid and Jane of London visited over the week- end with Mrs. Luther Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der M'otan , Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the weekend with mrs. W.L. Whyte, Tom and Bill. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson and Joan spent the weekend at their Cottage at Birch Beach. Mrs. Thompson and Joan re- mained for a.few days. Mrs. Bob- Woods; Debbie and Michele of Gananoque are spend- ing this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr.•and Mrs. Jack Medd re- ceived word on Saturday evening from Jim, that he had reached Prince George, B.C. and he is planning 'on -remaining in B.C. where he has 'a job, working in the buth. Mrs. Ivy Gringier of rooting, England, (former Laws) iS spend- ing 10 days visiting with Mrs. "sid Laws and family and with her mother at Huronview. - Bob Thonipson is Spending . this week with his cousin, Bob Reynolds of Southfield, Michigan. Janet and Nancy Jo Reynolds of MiChigan are spending this week of holidaYs with thek cousin, Sharon Thompson. 'Mrs. H. Coritharth of Miss- issauga spent. the holiday week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Buch- anan and family. Rev. and Mrs. Derwyn Docken and Kristen are holidaying at their cottage, "Der Doc'n Inn". near Georgian Bay, s Miss Rosemary Ryan is hol- idaying this month at Winnipeg and the West Coast, alio visit- ing her brother Cyril Ryan in Calgary. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. John lirennan and family, Kitch- ener;_Mr. and Mrs. Ronald EMils and family of Whitby and Mrs. Jean Grey and friends of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maier and family of London visits ed at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs: Dave Watson .on the weekend. Mr. and" Mrs. Robert Lundy of Hamilton spent the holiday week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall, and attended the Centennial celebrations in Brussels on Saturday. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you' tried one? Dial 527-0240. Sterling 5000 Features: . FROST-FREE WITH CONSTANT COLD RESERVE . FULL LENGTH DELUXE HANDLES ADJUSTABLE CANTILEVER SHELVES . BUTTER CONDITIONER ADJUSTS TO A TEMPERATURES . MAGNETIC DOORS .' SEPARATE COLD CONTROLS . PORTABLE EGG BIN . NET CAPACITY. 14.6 CUBIC FEET . REFRIGERATOR CAPACITY 10.7 CUBIC FEET, • . FROZEN FOOD STORAGE 137 POUNDS The Board of Trustees of the ' Perth-Huron Regional School- of Nursing met for its annual meet- ing in Stratford, at which time a summary of the schoo's, develop- ment during the past year was heard and new goals were set for the year ahead. One of the major areas of interest was the proposal made by various bodies at the Provin- cial levelthat theRegional School of Nursing and Diploma School of 'Nursing be removed from the jurisdiction of the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, to the Comm- unity College and Universities. One of the recommendations set forth by the Board of Trustees was, the Perth-Huron Regional School of Nursing remain at its 4 present level of relationship with Conestoga,College, that of receiv- ing three courses for the Junior year and three courses being pur- chased for the Senior *Class. Due to the large restrictions in the 197,2 budget, plans,„ for 1972-73 school year, one less course will be purchased froth Conestoga GINGERICH'S LTD. TWO STORES SEAFORTH mmeetipi•Molnamalft, Invest Securely in a , GUARANTEED TRUST Certificate 4 and 5 Years Contact Job rdno SEAFORTH 00141400tinr. Victoria and Grey Trust Co. Sterling Trusts Guaranty Trusts Standard Trust SPECIAL only . Schneider's BOLOGNA RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY TUESDAY — FRIDAY PHONE BRUSSELS 887-6663 Other Days, Monkton 347-2241 Auto Insurance — Before you buy give us a trY. —SPECIAL FIVE-YEAR SELECT RATES— We can budget your premium for 12 months Investment Certificates Available Pay 8 14% for five years •